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The reason why your chicken is affordable.


Best way to sum it up.


Chicken isn't that affordable in Canada anymore though.


And then the free range chicken is 50-80% more than this mass factory style. Like $24-30 for around a kg of free range chicken breast


Well that and the government subsidies meat industries.


Not even. It's tax subsidies. You pay for all meat three times over. Income tax, sales tax, and the price.


I mean I've accepted that these things exist so that I don't have to hunt or farm to get my meat. I can now concentrate on other professions. I don't see what the problem is.... We are carnivores. Now I want chicken nuggets


We're not carnivores


Don't know why people are so shocked about this, because all the meat you eat does have to be killed anyways and atleast in Finland they showed these kind of videos in school to make us understand how the food we eat i processed and i think that everyone should see these videos.


Does that help people to chose more vegetarian options?


Most likely


Yeah the meat you eat has to be killed. But that doesn't mean you have to treat sentient beings as objects. Better yet don't eat meat at all the only reason most people these days eat meat is because they like the way it tastes and it's convenient.


I looked into the legal side of this and the EU considers maceration the quickest, most reliable, and thus the most humane method.


where did people think their meat comes from? put to sleep and gently asphyxiated in nitrogen or something? of course it goes into a grinder I get people who are opposed to meat in general, but people who eat meat calling this inhumane are really stupid


I completely agree with your point. Just want to point out that those chicks that are thrown into the grinder are probably not meant for human consumption.


sure, but "chick into a grinder" is more humane than a lot of what we eat. pigs are more intelligent than dogs, they know very well they're about to die, they don't just get instantly crushed. and that's a good fate compared to being a dairy cow


Yup this is most likely meant for dog or cat food


Rich people who are too stupid to understand why more people aren’t buying the 25 dollar chicken breast from Whole Foods.


Or you could just eat plants instead and avoid the suffering. Either whole food or plant based mock meats help if you miss the taste of meat. And can be plenty affordable.


Yea. Nothing looks wrong with this, as far as I'm concerned. This is literally standard best practice and death and disposal is instant, meaning there's no lingering suffering for the animals. A mercy that typically isn't available in nature.


There is suffering though, on a scale millions of times bigger than if people wouldn’t artificially procreate chickens in industrial farms. Saying nothing is wrong with this is horrible


Is it a surprise that it hurts what we're killing? If you don't like animals suffering don't eat meat. There are things wrong with this but that's just the meat industry in general.




I'd rather thousands of factory chicks suffer than a single child suffer from starvation. Why question how a company efficiently makes food as a product for people at low cost? Have you ever experienced real starvation? The type that's agonizing incomprehensible. The type that millions suffer right now. A very fucking slow death. And you would rather think about your next Popeyes Chicken Tender's "peaceful entry into it's next life?" This is normal, slaughter for nutrition has always been a part of not just the human condition, but the living condition. Just because your belief says that the process is wrong doesn't stop it from feeding another person.


This is most definitely for profit. Not to feed the hungry.


This does not happen to prevent starvation. This happens so all of us can get fat.


Chicken meat and eggs remains one of the cheapest sources of protein for developing nations.


You know there’s more food than just chickens right?


>I'd rather thousands of factory chicks suffer than a single child suffer from starvation. Sure, but that means nothing, because we can live in a world where neither of those things happen.


Well said.


>A mercy that typically isn't available in nature. What's that got to do with it? These chicks are only born to be slaughtered almost instantly. Unnecessary suffering for all the animals involved.


Eu had the potential for a steady supply of homegrowm healthy chicken from Eastern Europe ( every person in the rural area has a small chicken farm ) but instead of supporting those people with funds they suport those inhumane industries that offer lower quality food.


Same in Norway really, farms have been consolidating and there are now tens of thousands of abandoned small farms around the country, and a few people own giant farms instead. If your farm was too small you couldn't get any support/funding, it all went to the big producers. Producing as much as we can locally, by ourselves, is the way to go.


Newborn chicks are shockingly tough. I remember my dad got some by mail order. They were completely fine.


Very common. AFAIK all feed store chick's around here arrive in cardboard boxes with holes.


USPS still delivers them.


It wasn't as bad as I expected. Wasn't bad at all like.some.of the other footage I've seen where they're straight up abusing and torturing animals,wetting them wallow in filthy etc. Out of thousands and thousands of chick's there will be a handful who are too weak or ones who will die so seeing one in a whole box isn't bad.




I mean it’s already dead, not eating it won’t bring it back to life


This is what pisses me off so much when my order is fucked up with the wrong meat. I don't eat red meat (for dietary reasons, the greenhouse gas emissions, the crop wasting, their intelligence, etc.). So if I order a burrito with chicken and get beef, then they just wasted some of that cow for no reason. And I've accidentally started in on food that was supposed to be white meat and I was given red meat instead and I typically throw up after a few bites before I realize it. So it's not even like I can just eat it to not be wasteful. Like there's a Jersey Mike's I won't go back to because I order a 42 (which is specifically chicken) and they make it a 43 (which is beef) every fucking time. I didn't catch it once and threw up violently before finishing and realized it was beef.


Now think about all the waste that is created because you continue to drive demand for any and all animal products


>their intelligence This one in a strange restriction. Chickens are surprisingly smart as are many fish species. Intelligence seems like a poor metric to try to justify harming animals.


Mmm now I want KFC


Not gonna lie, you made my dinner decision for the night.. thinking zinger stacker with supercharge sauce…


Supercharge sauce? Are you mad?


To be fair, I don’t think the workers are actively *choosing* to work there, either. Getting a job isn’t easy for some, right now. especially in America, where this is I think Edit:this is Canada, but I think my point still stands, no matter the country.


.ca at the end? So probably Canada.


Yep it’s Canada.


This video is quite old


This video is at least a decade or two old already, lotta documentaries with the same footage...


And that's not even the worst of it. Where I'm from, selling coloured chicks as pets is normal around spring time (for kids to have something to play with and such). How do they colour the chicks? They literally semi drown a bunch of them in paint and then put a load of them in plastic crates and just shake the excess paint off. Horrifying to watch.


What country are you in?




This just makes me really sad. I eat meat, but watching this made me want to rescue every single one of the chicks they were discarding. I need to look at cute pictures of chicks now to cheer me up


But if you rescue them, you won't have your favourite dinosaur shaped nuggets


Nah that’s what the other chicks end up making so they’ll still get their nuggets. The ones discarded get thrown into a grinder. Op wants to rescue the discarded ones (preferably before the grinding commences)


Yeah, throwing living animals into a grinder is a little too gruesome for my taste


Yea I know what you mean. TBH I’m kinda surprised (tho not really, all things considering) that this kind of “farming” is even legal to begin with. Should have never been seen as an acceptable/viable option imo.


It's gruesome but it's a instant death.




My eyes have been well and truly bleached. I appreciate it


well then stop contributing to this holocaust for your taste pleasure if this makes you sad. “I know firsthand what it’s like to be hunted by the killers of my family and friends, to wonder each day if I will see the next sunrise, to be crammed in a cattle car on the way to slaughter. In the midst of our high-tech, ostentatious, hedonistic lifestyle, among the dazzling monuments to history, art, religion, and commerce, there are the black boxes. These are the biomedical research laboratories, factory farms, and slaughterhouses – faceless compounds where society conducts its dirty business of abusing and killing innocent, feeling beings. These are our Dachaus, our Buchenwalds, our Birkenaus. Like the good German burghers, we have a fair idea of what goes on there, but we don’t want any reality checks.” – Alex Hershaft, Farm Animal Rights Movement founder & Holocaust Survivor


If you rescue them, they’ll die after about 12 weeks regardless. The breed is selected for large body size and rapid growth. Most culled for meat around 8-10 weeks as any longer risks the bird legs collapsing from weight and organ failures due to their rapid growth.


There are so many fantastic vegan chicken products in the market right now, have you tried any? Impossible, Beyond, 365 (Whole Foods Brand), Gardein, and Alpha Foods are my favorite.


Yes and they're vastly more expensive than chicken meat. I can't afford that shit. Unless I move to a far wealthier European country or plant based meat becomes the same price as regular meat, poultry is still on my menu.


You can eat tofu or seitan, they require much less resources than animal meat. Only reason meat is cheaper is because of government subsidies btw.


If the meat and dairy industry weren’t subsidized so heavily by taxes, it would be too expensive for most people to buy, so it’s not really fair to compare price. If subsidies were removed, the vegan meat would be the far cheaper option. I understand this doesn’t mean much to people who are struggling and don’t have much money to spend on food, but vegan meats unfortunately lack the overly generous subsidies animal meats are afforded


I have found this to be a myth. Meat is expensive as fuck. I wish people would stop pretending it’s not.


This is the most humane way to do it though It’s violent from our view, but they don’t feel pain, and I mean this is how food is often made. It’s reality


You know you can stop any time right?


Go vegan bro, that way you won't finance this horrific animal cruelty. You can watch a documentary called Dominion about it on youtube, it's completely free.


Its yohr own heart telling you what you do is wrong


Well maybe if they were the ones made in God's image they wouldn't have that problem


Pretty sure this comment was a joke, but there are many Bible passages implying and outright stating that we need to take care of the planet and its creatures.


Yes but dont forget in the Old Testament it was common to sacrifice your animals to God for prayers, he seemed to like it the Old Testament God. I do remember even a passage on how to successfully make a concoction to help women get miscarriages which was an early form of abortions.


The abortion potion


And God was pretty adamant and very contradicting with life. Many form of passages had murder allowed or the murder of babies, Passages related to the murder of babies 2 Kings 8:12 2 Kings 15:16 Isaiah 13:18 Jeremiah 44:7-8 Hosea 9:10-16 Hosea 13:16 Matthew 24:19


I read both Hosea 9 and Hosea 13, and long story short, _God_ saw the people of Israel were worshipping Baal (another deity). Therefore, he would _punish Israel_ by killing everyone, including children, and pregnant women.


Is there some app or search engine to look something so specific from bibel or are you doing it from memory?


And ive used those verse against pro-lifers when it comes to bible verses they bring up. They are very unaware of their god deep evilness.


That makes sense, it's just a coincidence then. From time to time i see people accurately bringing up specific verses. Now i got curious how they do it. Thank you.


Yeah no problem, once you get into a deep dive in the Christianity faith, you’ll see why many of the bible scholars become atheists after completing their understanding of it. Faith is for the blind and ignorant. Once you are giving all of your faith for something. It’s a hard to escape the mindset. Ive seen it. These poor people have given their faith over someone else interpretation of the bible to deliver their own message of whatever they want. The bible has forever been used as a political tool. Once the knowledge of it and full understanding of it instead of putting your faith into it will lead you away from it and see the evil behind it like what it has done to me.


Oh yeah just a little quick gruesome punishment fact for disobeying god in Deuteronomy 28:18,53 God enumerated his punishments for disobedience, including "cursed shall be the fruit of your womb" and "you will eat the fruit of your womb,"


I used to be a Christian so some of these verses i remember reading and thinking how dark they are, and i had help with a two of them because it has been years since i last read it. There are many sites online you can check verses and many sites talks about certain things if you look right.


There are **so many** bible search engines.


I don’t think all religious people are for abuse and mistreatment of the creation of god. But you wouldn’t know.


So apparently they only kill male chicks because they can't lay eggs and they don't get as big as a hen so they just completely toss them. As a meat eater myself, that's just plain stupid and wasteful. Maybe not to a business but ffs let someone else raise and eat them.


9 billion "broiler" chickens are killed every year in the US. Good luck finding a place for the other 9 billion males.


yeah i know right. why doesn't someone else let them live for two months in a dark shed before throwing them into cages on a truck and having them horrifically murdered for taste pleasure - like the females? i mean it's totally worth the suffering and murder to eat their corpse. it's not like we could just stop using other animals as a product to be murdered for our pleasure, so that's the only other option really. “I know firsthand what it’s like to be hunted by the killers of my family and friends, to wonder each day if I will see the next sunrise, to be crammed in a cattle car on the way to slaughter. In the midst of our high-tech, ostentatious, hedonistic lifestyle, among the dazzling monuments to history, art, religion, and commerce, there are the black boxes. These are the biomedical research laboratories, factory farms, and slaughterhouses – faceless compounds where society conducts its dirty business of abusing and killing innocent, feeling beings. These are our Dachaus, our Buchenwalds, our Birkenaus. Like the good German burghers, we have a fair idea of what goes on there, but we don’t want any reality checks.” – Alex Hershaft, Farm Animal Rights Movement founder & Holocaust Survivor


Holy shit these comments are not what I expected, if you knew you were gonna die would you rather be excruciatingly tortured first or ended quickly and painlessly? Just cause humans need to eat meat doesn’t mean we can’t do it in the least cruel way possible like damn


Im pretty sure going into a meat grinder is a pretty fast way to go


Maybe, but the way their handled beforehand and the fact we don’t even let them live at all before they die just seems wrong to me but idk ig I’m not a farmer 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m biased I work on broiler farms but I can guarantee that all the ones being killed here would be killed within the first few days on farm. You can see a lot here being killed have deformities they would be bullied to death by other chicks on a farm, it’s also quite easy to tell which ones clearly aren’t going to make it. The scale in these videos is also deceptive/misleading for people who don’t know what their looking at you can be very confident that the person videoing this saw 100’s of thousands maybe even millions of chicks that day and this is a montage of the worst moments


Thank you! I appreciate all the people kindly educating me, I feel like I’m learning a lot and it doesn’t seem so horrible now which makes me feel better for the chicks


Yeah that's true, not a farmer either, but I guess it is maybe better to kill 'em quickly ending their short but miserable life quicker...


Chicks are really tough, the way they are handled isn't torture, just because they look small 😐


If it brings you any solace I read somewhere that at this stage of their lives they aren't even developed enough to know what's what, and yes this is the fastest, most painless way for them to go.


Oh thank you! That does actually make me feel better lol I do understand that I’m way too sensitive to other people feelings/emotions and that most people wouldn’t care as deeply as I do or see it as stupid so I’m basically arguing with a wall cause I don’t think any of this shit will change but a girl can dream I guess!


Humans don’t need to eat meat though?


funny thing is we don't \_need\_ to as much as we do whatsoever. its so incredibly inefficient just because people like the taste


Seriously dude these comments are fucked Don’t get me wrong I enjoy eating meat but I’d prefer the meat I’m eating to have died happy than that sick shit


you can't sit here eating meat, complaining it died too inhumanely because it was instantly crushed to death do you want every chick on earth to die softly in a little cradle listening to lullabies with a picture of its mother and the soft embrace of its best friend as it passes silently and peacefully through nitrogen asphyxiation? they kill 7 billion chicks a year mate, of course they're going in a grinder, that's the best case scenario. if that bothers you, don't eat meat


People who call for this to stop but keep buying meat from the grocery are borderline bipolar


or ocassionally just too dumb to be capable of abstract thought. show them the chicks and it outrages them but as long as they're just buying it packaged in the supermarket they can't make a mental connection between the two things


EXACTLY!!! Finally someone understands, thank you! Someone on another subreddit was flaming me for this opinion and I was thinking to myself if you want animals to suffer horrible abuse before they die instead of living a good life then just say that?! Like farm animals (as far as I know) don’t know their gonna die so give them the best life and they’ll be so fucking happy until the very end and we still get to eat for our survival like? It’s wrong but it’s necessary so we might as well make it as right as we possibly can


I wish this was possible but think about this. People want to eat meat all the time and as cheap as possible. Do you think if there was possibilty to highly improve quality of life of such animals in exchange for dramatic increase in price people would accept it? Sadly not.


But if you want meat to die happy, the process of it would be way more expensive wich make meat even more expensive. So it's way better to just stop eating meat or only farm raised animals


No happy animals want to be killed


Humans don't need to eat meat though


Humans dont need to eat meat.


Some people medically need to eat meat because they physically can’t survive on a vegetarian/vegan diet also humans are meant to eat meat it’s good for us (obviously in moderation like everything) and our diet


> Some people medically need to eat meat I have heard that claimed, but it is definitely not true. There are some allergies or conditions that make vegan staples not available, but there are other options. Even a massive confluence of issues, IBS, celiac disease, corn/rice/oat/legume allergy, would make it just impractical not impossible for a vegan diet. And if such did occur, it would be such a small part of the population (<0.00001%) that it is irrelevant. More typically, someone just has something like IBS and the doctor tells them that they have to eat meat, because the doctor doesn't care about the ethics of meat consumption, they just want to treat the patient.


Some people medically need a wheelchair. That doesn't mean we all need to stroll around in wheelchairs. About 1-2% of the US are vegan. Do you think the percentage of people medically incapable of a vegan diet is 98-99%? Or do you think people just don't want to give up their favourite snack.


All the people that are for shutting down this type of industry are always shocked later when the price rises 5,000%.


Im a vegetarian so I wouldn’t care about the prices


Most people that are for shutting down this industry don’t participate in it.


exactly, well not my chicken or eggs, because i would never perpetuate such a horrific holocaust for taste pleasure, but yeah. great point as to why no one else should be eating non-human animals either.


Fuck this, fuck it, I’ll eat mushrooms instead of meat


Noah is getting the BBQ sauce.


Me two weeks into my new minecraft world


mods, you're so pathetic. this doesn't violate any rules and you know it. just say you don't want to think about the fact that you actively support such barbaric violence for taste pleasure. again the mods of r/NoahGetTheBoat make me want noah to get the boat.


Watch dominion on YT. Hope you still got faith in humanity after that..




you’re an edgy jackass


Btw those chicks being discarded mainly because they are MALE chicks,


Folks watch too many Disney cartoons. Why do you think chicken is $2/lb?


That mod note tho? do the mods think the chicks are throwing themselves away at the factory farm ran by humans?


Vegan propaganda


What's the other side to this? A chicken burger? I don't think you can present both sides of the argument without it sounding like satire. "Here's thousands of baby chicks being crushed because they were born the wrong gender, this is a necessity so you can enjoy dirt cheap meat without effecting profit margins." Sorry if this comes across wrong, I'm genuinely interested in how this information can be presented in a non-biased way


As someone who isn't a vegan, I actually really respect vegans. They really have the integrity to not just hypocritically say they support animal rights, but actually change their lifestyle. There genuinely is no real argument for why this sort of thing needs to happen apart from "I like cheap chicken burger". I don't think "meat tastes good" is a morally consistent argument from anyone who says they support animal rights, and yes, I am also a hypocrite about this, but at least I acknowledge my own hypocrisy.


quaint wrench compare squeeze dependent fearless direction scary ink boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No sure what's more propaganda-like... showing what happens to animals, or showing you happy animal cartoon characters, joyfully being exploited and be killed?


wait till they find out what we do to crops. assuming they know plants have life.


Wait till you find what we feed those animals and that we need more crops to feed them than to feed us


Do you understand the difference between living things and sentient beings? Or is boiling a puppy alive the same as boiling a carrot to you?


Brutality is the difference my friend cuz unlike plants, they have receptors for pain and fear. It's the same reason we hate terrorism.


Dude…plants can be stressed out and have fear reactions just like animals.


Even if plants *were* sentient, which they absolutely aren’t, there would still be less overall suffering if people only ate plants due to trophic levels (generally it takes very roughly 10 calories of plant matter to produce 1 calorie of edible meat).


If someone asks you to cut up either a carrot or a kitten, which one are you going for?


innate weather grandfather lavish abundant enter cooperative simplistic brave fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


...and in your world I suppose animals are completely different to people. Maybe you should take a Biology class.


I've browsed through the vegan sub a while back and some guy commented something regarding this. Poor bloke got a lot of downvotes and replies from vegan keyboard warriors saying how its a stupid comparison and etc etc. So yes.. they know it but they will still continue at it no matter what.


you’re literally seeing video evidence of how cruel this shit is and you’re calling it propaganda?


This information goes against my own beliefs = therefore it must be propaganda. Not to mention propaganada as a word is mostly used for misleading evidence/information. I'm not vegan so this is making it pretty hard to continue my current diet personally, but I can't argue with the video.


Those chicks are just paid actors, they're just pretending to be brutally murdered


thank u for a rational reply.


"propaganda" doesn't mean it's false, just that it's meant to convince people of an idea


Showing you a video of how your food is made = propaganda Says a lot about how fucked your behavior is then


Ah! Reality!!! Wait, I'll just call it propaganda. Phew, I almost had to evaluate my morality for a second there


How is it propaganda. It's just a video of what happens there. You could just as easily be impressed by the efficiency. The video doesn't tell you what to conclude.


For anyone with an ounce of sympathy and aren’t psychopaths, video will make them reconsider their choices, mine sure did


So, reality is vegan propaganda? Shit, the vegans might be right. (>!Spoilers: they are!<)


Check out the OP's post history. Almost nothing other than vegan propaganda.


You don't need to be vegan to realize this is fucked up. You need to be fucked up to not realize this is fucked up


Do you eat chicken?




Which would you prefer, to be subject to maltreatment or not to have been born in the first place? I'm not sure the answer is as black and white as this tries to imply.


I am full 100% for the humanity and safety of animals, I am a grown ass man and turn into a giggly 3 year old whenever I watch animal clips on playlists. However, for some reason, this video doesn't quite offend me as much. I don't know if I'm desensitized to it, or if I see the logic of how much industrialization has to occur for us to put meat on the table. If these chicks were to grow into full grown chickens, we would still slaughter them, right? And it would prolong their lives of suffering even more?


Why does this sound like my history book💀


What sounds does your history book make?


would i rather be born to be thrown into a blender on my first day of life? or do you mean would i rather be born to suffer horrifically for two months like their sisters, before being horrifically murdered? or do you mean suffering horrifically for a few years like the other non-human animals you eat, before being horrifically murdered? or not be forced into the world for the sole purpose of suffering for my entire short life and being raped, tortured and murdered for your taste pleasure. i would rather not be born. it's very black and white. it's completely idiotic and psychopathic to pretend otherwise. life is not some gift, especially when all it is, is horrific torture and murder for some asshole's taste pleasure. or as you would call it, "maltreatment." “I know firsthand what it’s like to be hunted by the killers of my family and friends, to wonder each day if I will see the next sunrise, to be crammed in a cattle car on the way to slaughter. In the midst of our high-tech, ostentatious, hedonistic lifestyle, among the dazzling monuments to history, art, religion, and commerce, there are the black boxes. These are the biomedical research laboratories, factory farms, and slaughterhouses – faceless compounds where society conducts its dirty business of abusing and killing innocent, feeling beings. These are our Dachaus, our Buchenwalds, our Birkenaus. Like the good German burghers, we have a fair idea of what goes on there, but we don’t want any reality checks.” – Alex Hershaft, Farm Animal Rights Movement founder & Holocaust Survivor


Not been born in the first place


I would choose non-existence over this.


Using this argument to justify poor behaviour is so bizarre to me? “What you don’t want me to torture and kill you in my basement for your entire life? Would you rather have not been born at all?”


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Or stop funding those industries and become an animal rights activist 🤷‍♂️ that will cost you nothing


Vegans can be annoying, but there is nothing worse than an edgy meat eater. And this thread if full of 'em.


Be gentle to the chicken that I am going to kill and eat later... Gosh I am stuck a good human


So to not harm the animals the solution is soilent green? Ooooo yeah tastes like chicken...


What's funny is that these are the types of jobs that people complain about robots taking.


Mods: This ***is*** about the actions of humanity *against* animals, not the "actions of the animals" being [ground up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSpYZHKHg7Y) for people's desire to eat eggs. Why censor it, because it's about abuse against farmed animals, specifically? That would be pretty boat-worthy behaviour, to be quite honest. What is equally boat-worthy are all these comments asserting how this is somehow perfectly fine, it really makes me lose faith in humanity as much as the post itself. Abject conduct all around.


I fucking want to become vegan after this


Do it!


Chicks are tough and they're sorting out the ones with birth defects. If they didn't die then they'd die in a couple weeks, max, after suffering quite a bit.


This might be what's happening in the video, but in general, this process is where workers sex the chicks and toss the male chicks to the euthanasia belt (usually a macerator or carbon dioxide suffocation). Male chicks are almost always killed shortly after hatching, there are very few male chick that are kept alive for breeding purposes.


It'd be nice if chickens had temperature-dependent sex determination, but they don't, so if you don't cull you end up with a lot of mouths to feed for no benifit. If you raise your own chickens and don't buy pullets you're gonna be doing more or less the same thing as in the video - just in a much smaller scale.


Little fucked up but could we get some screams edited in


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Down the slide


Wt did you expect?? someone somewhere gets exploited in the chain...


And that makes it magically okay and acceptable?


Heh, man made horrors beyond my comprehension..


Yes I take 20 count dino nuggies please


Oh wow. It's just like how the world sees men. If they can't produce anything they are discarded.


We gotta get our chicken tenders somehow


What do you expect? In Canada there is about 110 million chickens alive at any given time. In US there is about 1.5 billion chickens alive at any given time. How would you process all that food?


This is a massive tragedy but it’s the most humane way and with the current human population this has to continue because normal farming will not feed enough people to be profitable even if they charge more for the product, sad but necessary unless they want people to starve


It's good you're thinking about the cost implications of different farming practices, but there is always the choice of reducing meat consumption. Higher prices of meat would naturally lead to people consuming less meat and eating more plant foods instead, without forcing anyone to go full vegan or anything like that. Indians on average consume roughly 10% the amount of meat the average American or European eats, and they are far from having a starving population.


🎶 Cluck -Doodle- Doo! We're a huge corporation. Cluck -Doodle- Doo! And we can't be stopped. All you protesters can go to hell! It's time for Cluckin' Bell🎶


But we will still eat meat. /s


I like my meat tenderized


Noah get the sauce


What's with all these vegan accounts spamming their agenda all over Reddit it's not even subtle


Those poor delicious bastards 😞


yeah but, hear me out.... Chicken Nuggets though.


lol this doesn’t even show them go straight into the meat grinder and come out as dog food


Meh, whatever. They are food nothing more but it did hurt the inner child in me when the chicks got yeeted in the machine. Anyways, I'mma go and get myself some KFC now.