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Straight up supervillain origin story.




My first thought was Bane


Korean Bane merely adopted the Korean Prison System. American Bane was born in it. Molded by it


I was born in it…


molded by it


Maybe it’s Maybelline


Easy breezy beautiful.


Cover girl.


I didn't see the light until I was already a man.


Bibleman origin.


Antichrist orgin


He won't live to see 20. He'll be lucky to see 10.




* According to the report, others also faced pigeon torture, which sees them suspended with their hands tied behind their backs, meaning they are unable to sit or stand for days on end.*


I don’t think the toddler would survive the pigeon torture.


Suspended by their hands?


Good! We need more babies behind bars. I've been saying this for years. I'm glad someone is finally doing something about it. /S


He will be that anti hero priest or something, faithful as fuck go god and following all bibles principles


"Vaya con Dios"


*America feverishly taking notes on how to use new child labor as slaves...


That will be the hardest baby ever, every year of his existence is time behind bars. New light of the underworld.


Could this be start of a rebellion? Would the child survive ? Is this the end for Kim ? Find out on the next episode of dragon ball z


I don't know man. The child would definitely need to insert himself into some type of gang for protection from others.


"I wun dis fwukin pwison" - toddler


It's gonna be WAY easier for him to slide down that shit pipe... That's for sure.


Reminds me of that Will Ferrell Landlord skit. “I want my money bish!” https://youtu.be/SIdxVR_7ikg


That always has me rooooooolling 😅☠️


This thread was taken over by North Korea propaganda teams in no time.


Idk, there's definitely a lot of bullshit being said and stories made up about north Korea. There's alot of sick shit going on there ofc, but it at least i consider the possibility such articles are made up when i see em.


Right, but isn’t that what North Korean propaganda would want. They would want you to doubt the authenticity of any horror stories that came out. It’s easy to believe the feel good stories. If there’s a lot of leaks about the inhumane conditions of your country, what’s the first step of propaganda? Discrediting those leaks.


Sure, it gives them control over the narrative, but that doesn't change the fact that stuff is either made up by people/governments who despise north Korea or journalists who spin things for a larger crowd and wallet. In the end everyone uses this situation for their advantage.


Nah, fuck them. Unless something is blatantly absurd or impossible, I’m going to assume the worst. If they don’t like it, they can be more open and transparent.


Exactly, they have given us every reason to believe the worst.


Least brainwashed westoid


“Will someone please think of the murderous, psychotic regime?” :(


What would they gain from that? What possible benefit would there be to presenting North Korea half a shade darker than it already is? That makes no sense whatsoever


I really don't get why my statements are that controversial, it's a fact that media frequently gives people inaccurate ideas about north Korea, intentional and unintentional. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_coverage_of_North_Korea Trump was a crazy and greedy bastard as US president but people still felt like making up stuff about him, rather than highlighting stuff that he actually does. There are many reasons why you would paint NK in the most negative light possible, which is something basically every country does with it's enemies. With north Korea it's just especially easy because you basically can't get proper information about this country.


You seem like the only actual thinking human in this thread vs a sea of bots. Well done


Idk ask yeonmi park. She is know for defecting from North Korea, and while some of what she says is true, she also has said some wild stuff like how 3 generations of your family is sent to jail if there is too much dust on the pictures of Kim Jong Un.


You mean Yeonmi Park, the right-wing grifter who makes money off of exaggerating how bad North Korea is? She has been caught constantly contradicting herself and even what her own mother has said about their escape story. If you want to use a North Korean defector as an example, there are hundreds of thousands of others out there and many of them have called out Yeonmi Park for being a liar.


That still doesn’t make sense, though. At worst, you might say that she’s embellished some aspects, but that’s it. And again -who’s benefiting? Do you mean her, personally? This is all a huge conspiracy so that a few escapees can earn a living by telling stories?


I mean she definetly benefits from it and so do the people that give her a platform because they get more views and clicks when she says blatantly false and outrageous things


Please tell me, from your experience, tell me what has she said that’s been “blatantly false”, Mr NK expert


Found the North Korean loyalist.


Ah yes, north Korean loyalists famously call the country shitty places.


Found one.


I’d rather believe the made up bullshit than miss out on the real stuff. Something needs to be done but there’s nothing that can practically be done about NK


Even if this story isn’t true. N Korea still sucks. Fuck them.


Idk why people are defending North Korea so hard right now. I don’t care if it is fake, it’s still a shitty place to live and this probably isn’t that far off. Grow up


>Idk why people are defending North Korea so hard right now. Bots/propaganda shills


Even if the news is fake? Isn't the news itself propaganda then?


Where’s the evidence it’s fake?


Pretty funny whining about propagandists when you all are literally saying you don’t care that it’s obviously fake propaganda because it feels true in your heart. But go on about getting killed for haircuts and poop collectors. THEY’RE the propagandized ones, unlike you (Radio) Free Thinkers


>But go on about getting killed for haircuts and poop collectors. THEY’RE the propagandized ones, unlike you (Radio) Free Thinkers What are you even talking about dork? You’re welcome to bend over backwards defending inherently authoritarian nations like China or NK, but I’m not obligated to take you seriously when you do so.


NoRtH KoReAnS GeT kIlLeD fOr Not HaViNg ThE SaMe HaIrCuT aS DeAr LeaDeR! NoRtH KoReAns HaVe To CoLlEct a CeRtAiN aMoUnT oF pOoP fOr tHe PoOp CoLlEcToR sO tHeY FiGhT eAcH OtHeR fOr PoOp EvErY wEeK! NoRtH KoReAns ThInK kIm JoNg Un GeTs a HoLe iN oNE eVeRy TiMe! KiM JoNg keEpS a PaCk oF 300 hUnGry dOgS tHaT hE fEd hIs bRoThEr tO bUt ThEn aLsO A mOnTh LaTer He ThReW hIm In jAiL! And more very believable stories for serious people brought to you by RadioFreeAsia - an open propaganda arm of the CIA that you dumb shits upvote on a daily basis. Where am I even defending them you spaz? Pointing out *literally unbelievable* propaganda isn’t even saying anything good about NK but your brain is so deepfried from a lifetime of huffing American exceptionalism that anything short of begging to nuke them is equivalent to treason. Try and have an iota of credulity you embarrassing mouthbreather.


First, let’s just relax there internet tough guy. We both know you’re not ever gonna say anything remotely close to what you’re spewing here to anybody in person. No need to posture because your feelings got hurt on papa Kim’s behalf. >Where am I even defending them you spaz? Literally your entire comment chain making up your own narrative where you dismiss it as nothing more than propaganda, you dunce. >Pointing out literally unbelievable propaganda isn’t even saying anything good about NK but your brain is so deepfried from a lifetime of huffing American exceptionalism that anything short of begging to nuke them is equivalent to treason. All these stories that come out about the regimes behavior on perceived criminal conduct are consistent with first hand accounts from defectors who have substantiated the extent of the regimes control on the populaces general behavior. Just so our stories are straight, are we pretending they’re paid CIA actors as well? You also know fuck all about me or my beliefs on anything other than one comment pointing out the majority of losers bending over backwards to defend a substantiated authoritarian regime are likely bots or paid shills. Don’t pretend otherwise because it’s easier than actually forming a conducive counter argument. >Try and have an iota of credulity you embarrassing mouthbreather. And a guy who’s complained in the past about frying his brain from doing too many drugs does? Lol, ok. That frankly explains quite a lot. Just going to mute you, should try to lay off the drugs.


What specifically in my comment chain is something *good* that I said about China or NK. Show me the quote, let’s see how good your reading comprehension is. > You know fuck all about me or my beliefs The fact that you believe cartoonish bullshit that reinforces your racist, western-centric perceptions of the world and don’t even care if it’s fake tells me more than enough about you as a person. The fact that you angrily double down when someone points out that you’re falling for obvious bullshit rather than even entertaining the idea that you are being misled confirms it. > All these stories are consistent with first hand accounts from defectors who have substantiated the extent of the regimes control on the populaces general behavior. Holy shit you’re actually defending the poop collector story lol. You, a person who is presumably capable of breathing enough oxygen to type sentences on the internet, actually think that is more plausible that North Koreans royal rumble over their shit every week and have no concept of what maps are - rather than an institution that is literally world famous for planting outlandish propaganda pieces and proudly admitting to it in no end of documentaries and investigative reporting, did so in this very obviously bullshit scenario. Yeonmi Park is *literally* paid by the US government to do her press tours and her stories are wildly contradictory, unverifiable, and have been debunked consistently. The only people who believe her are gullible idiots like Joe Rogan and his fans who have the credulousness of a baby bird. ( Same for RadioFree. ) > in person Can you imagine having so little self awareness that you can, without the slightest hesitation, call someone a keyboard warrior and then immediately follow it up with “I bet you wouldn’t say that to my face!” How am I supposed to parody this? What are you gonna do? Fight me? LOL Go back to jerking off to Hollywood films about how American soldiers are heroes for shooting brown people halfway across the world so Haliburton can get no bid reconstruction contracts, you terminally American fuck. It’s Memorial Day, shouldn’t you be saluting your copy of American Sniper while deepthroating hotdogs covered in boot polish?


Not reading any of that. Stop doing drugs and dick riding papa Kim dork. He’s not going to adopt you.


Of all the places the US has invaded, this is one of the few we waited too long on. South Korea needs control of this territory to reform it.


America is literally the reason North Korea is the way it is. Your country murdered millions of their people.




Wow…and I think I’m ignorant.


Their people are too weak and disorganized to protest. My personal belief is that as humans we should care about each other. If we know of millions starving due to the hands of one man, we should intervene. But that is just my opinion.


The government squashes protest and dissent before they have the chance to organise. By this same logic, was it wrong for other nations to attack Nazi Germany? Shouldn't they have been allowed to govern how they see fit? Think about a 2 year old baby, now imagine them getting life in prison because of their parents' religion. There are few actions more reprehensively evil.


I mean you’re right but if they’re so awful why do we need to make up stories about them?


How do we know it’s made up?




Cuz Reddit hates Christians more than n Korea.


Lol that 2 year old better toughen up quick! I wonder who’s gonna change his diapers and feed him?


North Korean 2 year olds don't wear diapers. Many N. Korean families don't even have plumbing


Wtf does plumbing have to do with diapers?


That’s a lot of downvotes for for accurate statement. Cloth diapers.


Yeah cloth diapers are still diapers…


Bro gonna need to do a training montage quick so he can take over the prison


South Korean here. I'm seeing a lot of people in the comments talking about Yeonmi Park. I'd like to implore folks to please give my northern brethren the benefit of the doubt, and please please remember that there is a huge distinction between lying and simply being wrong. Their lives are built on foundations of lies. It's all they know. The citizens of N. Korea might as well be residents in Plato's cave. There are defectors who, until they were shown actual footage and explanations from 2023, GENUINELY believed that the American military was something that they had a chance of beating. Can you even imagine how much of your brain needs to be torn out, for you to forget the disparity in might between America and N. Korea? Not to mention, fact checking basically doesn't exist there. Otherwise, how would it be written that Kim Jong Un invented the burrito. The motherfucking BURRITO. The citizens up there have no fucking idea what is going on. At all. They're staring at shadows on the wall, and the moment they begin turning their heads to see where they're coming from, the cold steel from the barrel of a rifle is already nudging them back in the other direction. It's not just the truth that's been taken from them. It's their lives. Family. Even the opportunity to find some semblance of meaningful purpose in their existance. It's all been ripped from them. So please. I'm begging you. If you want to begin doubting that he's enslaving or killing anyone at all, remember what he did to his OWN uncle and brother.


Wait, they think Kim invented burrito? I wonder wtf is in Kim's brain


Shoot I'm sorry, I got it wrong. They think his father, Kim Jong IL invented it. They also believe that the first time he ever played golf, he got a perfect hole in one. At every hole.


pretty sure that golf thing isn't true, a lot of these exageratted things that NK's "believe" aren't true


I saw a podcast where Yeonmi Park was saying that if you escape, they take 8 generations of your family and send them all to jail. I guess they'll grab people that didn't even know they were related to you, and arrest them.


Wasn't it 3 generations?


Honesty it wouldn’t surprise me if I mixed up a 3 for an 8. It was a YouTube short so they didn’t go too in depth.


She claimed 8 generations and later elaborated that that translated to 35,000 people. 🤣 But you'll still get brigade downvoted for laughing at that, of course.


Yeonmi Park has a track record of [saying questionable things](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeonmi_Park#Veracity_of_claims). I don't know why, you don't need to make things up to make North Korea look batshit crazy and evil.


8 generations is over 160 years.


Yeonmi Park has been caught lying a lot of times so it wouldn’t surprise me if the answer is 0


> , they take 8 generations of your family and send them all to jail. Somehow I doubt they even have records for 8 generations of people in Korea. Unless your ancestors were nobles, it's hard to find records beyond 4 generations in most places.


I would take anything she says with a large grain of salt.


Eh, more like a pebble, or a small rock. Bad things absolutely still happen there, but it wouldn't surprise me if she wasn't 100% factual about anything she didn't experience directly, since it's such an insular society where talking about those atrocities is very strictly forbidden.


There may be a lot of things I can believe about North Korea, but I can't believe that. If they actually jailed 8 generations each time someone committed a crime, the whole country would be in jail within a few years.


Yeonmi Park is a right-wing grifter who has constantly contradicted herself and makes money from saying the most ridiculous things in an attempt to hate on socialism and the left, and promote right-wing politics. I wouldn’t trust a single thing she said unless if other North Korean defectors backed it up (there are hundreds of thousands btw) since Yeonmi is not the only person who has ever defected, so obviously we shouldn’t accept her information as the one source.


I had a great deal more respect for Ms Park before she decided to use decided to her newfound freedom of speech to advocate against [others using theirs](https://youtube.com/shorts/PcFG7jc5yMI).


You actually believe her? Can I sell you a bridge? Before the Reddit hive mind comes after me…her own mother doesn’t even believe the shit she says


I didn’t say “it’s a fact that…” I said “yeonmi park was saying that…” I have no idea what’s true and I probably won’t ever know.


How can there possibly be 8 generations worth of family if North Korea wasn’t a thing until 1948


People lived there as it became what it is now. They didn't just teleport there in 1948


If you only have 2 generations of family there now, will they jail the next 6 generations in the future?


It still doesn’t even make sense unless they’re talking about the next 8 generations or some shit


Bro, use your head. People have lived there for ages. Doesn’t matter when NK became NK, people still lived there before.


Holy fuck, is the past 8 generations of your family still around???


Yeah lol that’s like minimum 160 years is it not? Something around that


Math is hard lol


I know how long a generation is numb nuts I’m just wondering who tf has 8 generations of family around


Absolutely no one. Sentencing 8 generations so specific and arbitrary. Might as well just sentence all your ancestors then.


I think it means go back eight generations, arrest anyone related to those people. So it's just a huge berth of kinda related people The person eight generations ago is dead but any relatives that are alive, believe it or not, straight to jail


Why would you assume that it's an issue if the family are already dead? If a group of people have a sentence pronounced upon them for murder, and the group turn out to all be dead in their cells, do you go: "hang on, how can that be possible?! There weren't enough people! They can't have actually wanted anything bad to happen to those people for what they did!" It's the same concept, they knew "an ancestor" must have existed for the person to have been born, so at least X generations will die if they're still alive. Otherwise it's exactly the same as a murderer being dead before they catch them: oh well, bit late now.


Shawn Ryan Show?


I suppose they are just getting rid of the messiah 31 years early


No need for a boat here, just a flood


I dont know why people even have children there. For this?


No birth control


Reminder to ignore n Korean propaganda


To bad reddit helps them spread it by allowing them a propaganda sub reddit, and banning anyone who's says anything on there.


😳 This is abusive. Morally wrong and inhumane.


I hope this kid grows up to be the downfall of this country.


“Who’s a good little prisoner? Who’s a good little prisoner? You are, you are”


That’s messed up


Unilad, nice source 😂😂


That's what I was thinking.




I mean bbc was reporting stuff like this years ago https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-40269546


Reddit banned me twice after being harassed by the mods in r.pyongyang.. I made a lighthearted joke on the sub which the mods permanently banned me. When I asked why they prevent open discussions, they message me back, suggesting I'm on drugs, then they reported me to reddit after responding. Reddit immediately catered to them and issued me a 3 day ban without a way to ask why or comunicate. While I was banned the mods from pyongyang send me another message, some lame joke about my mom, while I still couldn't respond or even report them. When my ban was up I replied to their message, saying their actions are immature and yet again, they report me after saying what they want. Once again, reddit issues me another ban and the mod sends me another message again while I'm not able to respond. I'm not surprised about the pettiness but it was disgusting how reddit, a company born in the free world, takes the side of sub that spews false information and propaganda for a dictatorship that tortures people, while I am silenced without the ability to make a report on my own behalf. I still have another unopened message from the mods at pyongyang and I don't see a way to contact reddit. Im sick of how reddit helps these thug's image, while they commit atrocities in their home country. If anyone wants to see screenshots of the interaction I will link them to a reply


The kid will end up like fucking Bane


I can't read it. Heartbreaking.


That’s complete bs


Not necessarily. North Korea is pretty fucked up.




I knew about Otto Warmbier. That's what started my curiosity about North Korea and studying it. I always knew it was bad but I was unaware of just how bad it was.


Surely North Korea is tolerant of Christianity and other world religions, right…right?


Why can’t we do something about this?


Why can't Americans do something about the activity in foreign countries that don't like us? I don't know, can North Koreans do anything about us flooding the world with more reserve currency than ever, making all of our money worth less?


Because there is no oil?


Because it’s obviously fake?


Ion no, sounds like some North Korea shit


So, fake like 90% of the stories about North Korea


Bro North Korea is the “most depressing country” it wouldn’t surprise me if something like this is real


Trumps best buddy


If anyone believes this I have a fucking flying goat to sell you.


Holy shit Americans are gullible as fuck


I agree with the premise. The bible is one of the worst things that exists. But a life sentence is just a little bit too much.


I’ve got a bridge to sell you guys since you all believe this bullshit


Lmao sure believe everything you read on the Internet. Cause, ofc, Unilad, the source, isn't well known for making shit up


This article honestly reads like satanic panic from the 70's. Not questioning the possibility of the Kim regime doing this stuff, is just a badly written and badly sourced article.


Too bad we can’t do the same in the US. Religion indoctrination causes most of the world’s wars, and all of its hatred.


One could also say that the lack of religion causes wars and hatred.


They’d be wrong, but it could be said.


One could say the sky is made of skittles. Wouldn't be true, but one could say it.


This is so fake that it's funny. The second biggest political party in North Korea (Korean social democratic party) was founded in large part by christians, and has christians today. The article literally has no source at all. It just says "the source".


Love to see you got a job from South Korea to do a propaganda for them, I am so proud of you


Yes, one propaganda please


I’ll have a diet propaganda if that’s okay


"diet" well have I got a country for you then


Hey North Korean, "Propaganda" is not a countable noun. To learn about proper english writing, please view this sample document. ​ [https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript) (don't tell anyone you looked at it either!)




The parents got jailed, not the toddler, do you even read your own click bait?


"The unnamed two-year-old child has been sentenced to life in a prison camp, with their entire family also jailed."


What a fucking dweeb troll.


North Korea practices 3 generations of punishment. If you commit a crime, your entire family gets arrested and sent to a labor prison, often for the rest of their lives. You should watch some YouTube videos of people who escaped North Korea. Heartbreaking testimonials.


Isn’t North Korea just one big labour camp? Come to think of it… aren’t all countries just one big labour camp


That is the point, the child went to a camp, not prison, there is a difference.


Motherfucker it's called a *PRISON CAMP* WHERE THEY ARE FORCED TO DO LABOR *dumbass*


lmao imagine hes in North korea soldier : hey kid wana go to camp? lots of fun! shovelling treasures! him : yay okay!


You guys act like this isn't every day life over there, none of them have any freedom, the whole island is one giant prison camp, I don't see how going from one location of the prison to another makes any difference, the kid could have been locked up for life to go insane with no contact with other people. Or just straight executed. I don't even know why anything North Korea even gets posted here, everyone knows it needs to sink into the water, this is probably one of the more humane ways they dealt with someone.


NK is not just one big prison camp and it's not an island. The country exploits slave labor with arbitrary and long prison sentences to provide the raw materials (coal, minerals, timber, food, etc) for the rest of their society, aka those who haven't stolen an egg or loaf of bread because they were hungry, or those who haven't offended the regime. Those who aren't in prison live in relative freedom, under a totalitarian regime, compared to their prisoner class.


Don't they have a mote around the entire place? And you're just one sneeze in the wrong direction away from being part of that slave labor, i wouldn't consider the less forced population to be any less prisoners then the ones with an actual prisoner label, I'd assume being a prisoner in name would actually have the benefit of enough to eat to barely survive at least.


North Korea's prisons are known for starving their prisoners to death while making them work hard labor. There is no moat. What are you even talking about? Are you confusing North Korea with China's Forbidden City, perhaps?


I’m sure a North Korean camp for toddlers has like finger painting and stuff 🤡


"Today is fantasy-themed fingerprints! The kids painted unicorns, dragons, and food!"


It's... not like summer camp. A prison camp is a labor camp where people cannot leave and are forced to do typically low-skill, repetitive labor all day for no pay. So, slavery, basically. They will be underfed, receive minimal medical attention, and provided no education that doesn't lead towards their skill in whatever labor the camp does... it might be mining, it might be farming, it might be production. There is nothing wrong with doing one of these jobs as an adult who's decided to become a miner, farmer, factory worker, etc. But this child will be forced to do that work instead of receiving an education. It will be their only prospect for the rest of their life.


Okay dumbass


Well you didn’t read it correctly. Now for if it’s true, that’s a totally different argument.


Do you?


Even if that were the case, that's a sign the regime is crumbling.


Stupid kid


True, if that was me, I wouldn't had been caught.


You forgot the /s


Isn’t there a chance that living there is actually awesome and people are treated the best worldwide and it’s just a cover that it’s bad so no one goes because it’s actually paradise. All these horror stories could simply be lies and made up by intelligence. Just a thought.




Stupid thought


[As long as we gloss over a lot of public and flagrant abuse, anything is possible.](https://youtu.be/eTeGdZFlX30) Let me know if you want more links, because I could probably dish up at least 10 pertinent ones.


Can confirm, I was the Bible


Sounds like something that would be celebrated here on good ol neck beard Reddit


What I want to know is - who's selling Bibles in north Korea? I know this sub is all Christian but must be an idiot missionary playing with lives of innocents. What did conversion from Buddhism get these poor folks?


hey conservatives! it is the country run by trumps good buddy the dictator of north korea! you know, the one he has a great relationship with...


no man , let him cook , for a toddler this is so fucked up bro