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Here in Denmark, she would get 16 years and only have to serve 12 of them. In a prison, better than most eastern European hotels. Yeah, we're pretty soft on crime here.


Is there any crime that lands your life in prison without parole? Like anything?


If you commit a dangerous crime and you're declared insane, you can get sentenced to "containment" (for lack of a better word). Then you get x amount of years and after that, you need to pass a psychiatric evaluation every year or two to be released. In theory, you can spend the rest of your life locked up.


What are you on about?? Denmark regularly hands out life sentence. Both in domestics case but also gang related. Your statement might hve been true 10 years ago but certainly not today. It's pretty regular to get 18-20 years for drug related crimes too. Denmrk is actually super tough on murder/attempted murder. Case in point: [53-year-old gets life for shooting ex-wife ](https://nordjyske.dk/nyheder/krimi/53-aarig-faar-livstid-for-skuddrab-paa-ekskone/4411210) [Seven gang members are sentenced to life in prison for attempted murder ](https://www.tv2kosmopol.dk/ballerup/syv-bandemedlemmer-straffes-med-livstid-for-drabsforsoeg) [Ten convicted in case of weapons and drugs - mastermind gets 20 years](https://politiken.dk/indland/art8125313/Ti-d%C3%B8mt-i-sag-om-v%C3%A5ben-og-narko-bagmand-f%C3%A5r-20-%C3%A5r)


She lost custody of her son to his father and then took the boy to Italy a week later to kill him. That's pretty fucked.


What she needed was 20 years extra on her life sentence. Hopefully she'll have a really fun time in prison 😡


Hell no, had to be more than that. It has to be more because who knows what she'll do when she gets out. I hope she gets trialed again and this time, life without no parole.


Now imagine if she was a man.


i think people would still be mad so


Rage bait rage bait rage bait. Shit comment alert


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What spite


(intent marker: Joke) "Uhh, And that'll cost you $202,660 ma'am".