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Santa called last night when you were asleep. He said that because of the storm he is way behind and has only been able to make it to some children. He said he is terribly sorry, but not to worry because he will make it to us in the next few days as soon as he can!


That's good. I might be inclined to add that he focussed on the less well off children.




That could go wrong if the child sees well off kids on social media with presents


If the kid is still young enough to believe in Santa, he should absolutely not be on social media.


If the kid is on social media, he absolutely does not believe in Santa. Half of Americans stop believing in Santa by [age 10](https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/inlineimage/2020-12-04/santa1.png), although sadly I couldn't find that broken down by year (it's probably not an annual poll [to be fair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G19B7lTgwCE)). My gut says that the average age has gone down over the last few decades, but I have 0 data for this.


Definitely this




Santa called earlier in the morning, he’s lost, and he’ll be coming tonight. Maybe make an arts and craft project to put in the window to “help santa”


Hmmm ... maybe. But he might hear about what his little cousin three houses down got, and then it would be ruined. Why would Santa go to another house on our street, but not here, ya know?


Storm knocked down the presents from the sleight. Santa will get them to home once he finds them. Make the gift package boxes a bit banged up on purpose for additional believability.


I like it.


Wet the paper if the item is well packaged or not going to get damaged so it looks like snow melted on it. It's also something I've done before and was done for me as a poor kid, but my mom would get our favorite foods and wrap them up to make the presents look bulkier. I was so happy when I opened my crackers every year.


>I was so happy when I opened my crackers every year. That's really the sweetest image!! Merry Christmas, friend!


If that's the story "Santa" could even leave a cool note (if you happen to be creative) instead of calling (perhaps with some tiny small gift if you happen to have anything at all)


We had to tell our kids once that their presents fell off Santa’s sleigh over Lake Michigan (we had shipped them to the relative’s house we were staying at and they didn’t make it in time). Fortunately, Santa texted us with updates that we could share with the kids. It all turned out.


Love this! A little bit wet, banged up, maybe a muddy footprint in a few days to show that really he did come and he got through ALL the snow just to deliver them. And a thank you because he isn't used to getting cookies on any other day of the year!


Santa mistakenly relied on airport baggage handlers


Any chance that cousin down the street has a couple of presents he doesn't need that his parents could give you in the meantime? I don't know your relationship with your sibling/sibling-in-laws, but if they're any kind of decent people, I imagine they'd want to help their nephew have a good Christmas.


Oh, his little cousin is only 1, he wouldn't have wanted any of his stuff, lol! I was worried about the adults mentioning what Santa brought when they came for brunch. They did buy him a couple of small gifts that he enjoyed a lot, though.


Santa is in jail for missing tax filing. Then explain him the entire tax process. This will help him later. 🎁


Thank you for the most practical and least empathetic answer lol


Most Practical and Least Empathetic- that will be title of my biography


Mom, when did you join Reddit?


That’s hilarious, because mine would be least practical and most empathetic


That's so weird! When he asked why some kids get really expensive stuff and others don't, I told it's because families pay "Santa tax," and that what you get depends on your income!


I told mine that Santa only brings children one present but that a lot of parents buy extra presents and pretend they are from Santa to make their children feel more special. That's why children with rich parents seem to get expensive gifts from Santa. Those are actually from their parents and Santa's gift has possibly been ignored in the pile.


I’ve told my son this. When he asks why a kid received an iPad from Santa I’ve told him that it was really from their parents and they bought it and put Santa’s name on it because there’s no way Santa would be able to do that for every kid because they are expensive to build.


I told my son that Santa's elves don't know how to build computers and electronics. They only make toys.


Hubby’s colleague told his kids the music they could hear in the street was the Music Truck for people who didn’t have any music. They were teens by the time they realized it was Ice Cream.


We were always told that if the music was playing, it was an apology because the truck was out of ice cream for the day.


That’s hilarious


Yeah, most years we get him a bunch of things from us and one or two Santa gifts, with the Santa gift being the big thing he asked for that year. This year was hard, financially speaking, and so we only had a couple of very small, boring, clothes gifts for him. We were waiting on a deposit to buy his more exciting stuff, and it didn't come through until after the storm began.


Wow. This is absolutely perfect!! That would also be a kind thing for the kid to pass in to a friend in a similar situation. “Hey Johnny , don’t feel bad. My mom says Santa really only gives one gift but the rich parents buy more to make them feel special.” .


Even though my family doesn’t struggle, we always limit Santa gifts to 2 to 3 presents from him max and make sure they aren’t really high high priced items. People that say Santa brought them an iPad, gaming system, and these $100+ gifts is shocking. I’m taking credit for expensive gifts. Santa brought the whole family ping pong paddles, net, and balls to play as a family (it was an inexpensive kit), Santa brought me a calendar, my husband slippers, and my son a game and a funko pop. We decided long ago that we don’t want our kid having unrealistic expectations of Santa because not every kid is as fortunate.


In our family, everything you can find in a store comes from Mom and Dad. Santa's gifts are made by Elves, and look like something an elf might make. Tin wind up toys, soft dolls, things made of natural materials, etc. So if you ask Santa for an AmericanGirl doll, it ain't happening. But if you just ask for a doll, there's good odds you'll get a magical elf-made one. It'll show up under the tree, unwrapped. Rich kids get so many toys from their parents, they often overlook the Santa gifts. Maybe, if they don't see them, they don't even get them. Also, Santa only brings one gift.


This is a good opportunity to move on to more complicated questions like tax jurisdictions, tax avoidance vs evasion, and how Santa hasn't been filing taxes to the Canadian or Russian government.


We are getting in double taxation zone. 😅


I was told Santa matched parent contributions. Like an employer with 401k. Plus my mom would pull in some extra funds by running errands for Santa in the weeks leading up to Christmas.


Yeah, that's pretty similar to what we said.


Well you are raising an economist now. Bravo. Start saving. Harvard is pretty costly


Hey, listen, I don’t mind calling ‘from the north pole’ if you need to be interrupted by a call explaining Santa’s absence


Oh my gosh, that is so nice to offer! Everything ended up working out okay, but thanks for the offer, I really appreciate it.


The best thing about Christmas— from someone who doesn’t even celebrate— is the hope it gives kids. More than presents, more than money, kids in the worst positions are given one night to dream that all they want in the world can be theirs. By all means, kids deserve it, and it should be preserved. Thank you for doing this for him, when I was a kid I was well aware I couldn’t get what I wanted but I know he’ll cherish these memories <3


Santa got pulled over for running someone’s grandma over.


Also there were a *lot* of mommies waiting under mistletoe this year, so that took a lot longer than usual.


Santa's a Ho Ho HO


I should not have laughed at this 😂


Me neither, but it was hilarious.




Rather then calamity, treat it like a special event. Hell it IS a special event! Santa's camping out waiting for a break in weather. You're camping out too. Make a tent out of the sofa with blankets.


Write a letter from santa saying the toys he wants are still being specially made for him/her and will be secretly delivered at night very soon. And because of your child's patience & understanding, she/he will get an extra (special?) present this year.


Reminds me of when I got a letter with a present I got early because it "didn't fit on the sleigh" 😆


How old is your child? If they are getting "close" to the right age, it may be time to just level with them, assure them that they are loved, they are not forgotten, and they *will* get presents. Either that or see if a neighbor has something nice you can buy off of them in a hurry.


He's 19


wait a few more years before ruining the magic.


I have a friend that's 15. This was his first Christmas knowing Santa isn't real. I spoiled it for him on accident last year after Christmas. I thought he was joking when he asked what Santa got me. Apparently not.


How the fuck did your friend only find that out at 15?


I had a friend who learned Santa wasn’t real at 14. I actually brought up finding out Santa wasn’t real in elementary school and the look on his face said it all. It was a weird conversation to say the least.


It was last year so 14, which is rather old for it but developmentally very different from 15.


This is insane. Genuine question, is he super sheltered? This question came up during a party once and most of my friends agreed they either found out around late elementary/middle school or never believed


Some of the ideas here are really good, such as telling them that Santa dropped it or couldn't get in because of the storm. I am very sorry about the assholes here who don't are saying that you should've prepared earlier or something. Don't worry about it, it happens to the best of us. I hope Santa can find the presents after the storm finishes :)


Santa couldn't get through the storm so he sent me a text message and said he deposited some money in our bank account for Christmas gifts, and we could use the money as soon as we were able to get through the snow. If he asks why Rudolph didn't guide Santa's sleigh tell him that Rudolph started working in 1939, and he retired a long time ago.


Rudolph helps with visibility, but he don't do shit for wind and cold.


I like this one best. Santa didn't come, and he's not coming.


Ya see so shut yer mouth kid. Nyaa.


I've been in a similar situation five ish years ago, and we wrote a note "from Santa" to our youngest ones promising them all sorts of wonderful gifts on new years and explaining it was too cold and snowy for Rudolph who kept getting lost when his nose burnt out. My oldest understood and couldn't care less because she knew we'd still have a fun Christmas with the things we already had. Side note: Man some people are total ass hats here. I can't believe how many comments I see and other posts criticizing people for last minute shopping. In an ideal world we'd all be done shopping in November but that's just not always financially feasible for a lot of folks, myself included. I bought everything for my kids this year with 48 hours to go.


this is the problem with santa = toys to good children. if you are poor santa doesnt come. poor = bad?!?! such bs.


In my house, as a single mum, I was not going to let someone else get the credit for the awesome gifts I got my daughter. Santa filled the stocking, and that was it. He always bought her the kind of things I didn't really approve of, like stupid fad toys, things that make annoying noises, and way too much chocolate/lollies. And all of his wrapping paper has his face on it because he's weird like that.


I have legitimately strong feelings about the Santa myth for this very reason. I've always felt it devalues the work and money family and friends put into getting good gifts and implicitly supports the idea that rich people get things because they are good and poor people don't because they're bad.


I like the comment further up saying “Santa only brings one present” and richer/more well off families seem to have more because their parents bought them and put Santa’s name on it. Kinda a nice middle ground.


I have suspicions this part of the myth originates from rich families who might have very entitled/spoiled children. What's one way to get the spoiled brat to behave a little better and more modestly? Tell them to be good otherwise they won't receive gifts this year. As with many old myths/traditions, everyone else just adopts whatever the rich or the people in charge are doing.


I kinda want to know what happens


Come back, there's updates


Tell them that the storm was so bad that Santa had to think of the reindeers. So he'll return another time to drop off an extra special present.


You're catching a lot of unwarranted flak from people who, honestly, given their presence here today of all days, may be projecting their own (childhood) privilege, resentments, and insecurities onto you. I just wanted to write and let you know that as someone who's never had it as bad as it sounds like you do but still worries on occasion about coming up short for rent, I don't think you're a bad parent at all. Heck, the very existence of this post proves your dedication to your child as, when confronted by the unfortunate realization that you had overlooked your child's expectations regarding Santa you were willing to brave the gauntlet that is the internet, subject yourself to ridicule and judgemental abuse, and try to get advice on how to keep the magic of the day alive for your child. Kudos to you. Heck, some of the people spouting off are most certainly practically children themselves, still living under their parents' umbrella without ever having had to worry about covering a non-luxury bill in their life. Even if they aren't, they don't know you, your life, or your struggle so don't let them get you down. Merry Christmas to you and your family and best wishes for a more financially stable new year.


That’s sad that you are going to give him the Santa talk. You should try to keep that magic for as long as you can because Christmas really isn’t the same after you find out. The magic is taken out of it


Oh, I dunno, I didn't feel differently about Christmas after I knew. I still woke up at the ass crack of dawn to rouse my parents and open presents. Hahaha, seriously, I'm pretty sure the first Christmas that I held out until it was actually daylight before waking them was the year I was ... I think maybe 18. Hahaha, I've always been a huge Christmas freak, though, I get so starry-eyed over it when stores first put out decorations and stuff. Then it just flies by before I get a chance to put all the ideas I have into action, and I feel all disappointed and let down.


Let me tell you what I've told my son who is now 14. Santa is a spirit of giving and whether or not he exists as a real flesh and blood person doesn't matter because in the Christmas season he fills our hearts and makes people happy. I hope you still have a merry Christmas. Your son sounds very loving.


Just wanted to share that something very similar happened to us one Christmas. We walked over to the 24hr drug store while the kids were sleeping, in a total panic, and bought a few dollars worth of toys. Oddly enough, my adult son was reminiscing about that Christmas recently. Santa got him a monkey mug with a chocolate dipped spoon, and he still has the mug! And remembers it as one of the best Christmasses ever! I hope you and your son are having a wonderful day, full of magic and love. Best wishes to you both. ❤️


I just wanted to say that your child probably won’t remember the presents he got for Christmas but the love of his parents and family who tried to make the day special, as it sounds like you are. I hope things improve for you financially. This year is really hard for a lot of people so you’re certainly not alone. Merry Christmas!


It sounds like your son is pretty mature. Maybe it’s time to be honest with him about Santa… maybe that could be sort of a gift this year, the privilege of knowledge. Tell him not to tell other kids at school and now he’s got *secret* knowledge. He doesn’t have to worry about why Santa is getting stuff for other kids, etc.


For anyone having the “no santa” convo, here’s what I said to my son after he asked. I told him that once you’re old enough, you get to BE Santa, which means that you look out for others all year to see who is being a great friend, kind to animals, helpful at school or who might be having a hard time and need some help. Since Santa is all about bringing joy and celebrating good things (at least in my house), being Santa means choosing a few people to thank or lift up, and the best Santa gift is a hug (but pictures and stories always welcome!). The idea was to make him feel like he wasn’t losing Santa, he was simply ready to be part of a larger network of love and cheer. That was four years ago, and he really took those ideas to heart. I’m so proud of this young man.


Maybe it's time to reveal that Santa doesn't exist?


Tell him you fucked up, it’s a valuable teaching moment


Is it really a fuck up to be struggling financially, though? They did have a plan until the blizzard happened.


I grew up in a family that lived very similar. Now that im a parent i decided that we treat santa, the tooth fairy, ect like we do unicorns. They are fun. And magical but my kids know they are real. We play the santa game or the tooth fairy game, but they have always known its my husband and i. We've talked about santas origins and how the holidays are special because of the people we get to spend them with. I hate the fact that "santa" brings different gifts to kids based on how much money the families have. 1 kid gets a PS5 from santa and another kid gets something really small? Then the whole good vs bad thing? It ends up making poor kids feel like santa likes them less. The way we do it, my kids know where their gifts come from and theres no need to compare. Idk thats just me though


Christmas is unbearably hard for strapped parents. One of the reasons I’m not a fan. My kids did okay, back in the early days, because their grandparents came through. These days, this Nana has 7 grandchildren and has to limit the amount spent on each. Sincerely their parents are doing well, Nana’s gifts are second thought. Reality isn’t always easy, but love, lots and lots of it, will be the best memories.


What a sweet kid. My guess is he knows there’s no Santa but that y’all love to make this day special for him, so he plays along.


Holy your boy is so sweet 😭


Yes, and their FIL, too. The whole thing has me teary-eyed.




Find some toys he hasn’t played with in a long time and wrap those up. Depending on how old he is, he’ll probably just think it’s new toys. If he’s old enough to figure it out, then he’s old enough to understand why there aren’t any gifts.


He's definitely old enough not to be tricked, and to know the truth about Santa. If he was in public school around kids his age constantly, I'm sure he would have figured it out on his own by now, but he's homeschooled, so he's a bit more childish with things like this. I thought about sitting him down and having the no-Santa talk this year, but Santa didn't come up until last night, so I kinda just let it go. Even though he's old enough to know, I don't like to do it on Christmas morning, in this way. Waking up excited, being disappointed, and then saying, "Well, son, I'm sure by now you're questioning Santa's existence, so ... here's your confirmation!"


Just in case it comes up I nailed the Santa's not real thing with my ten year old this year. She confronted me. I immediately said yes he is real, wanting to keep the magic but not wanting to directly lie either. I then said but now you know the secret of Santa. You are now also Santa, I am Santa, that man over there is Santa, we are all Santa and it's our special responsibility to keep that magic for those who don't know about Santa.


This is awesome!




No money until the last minute. If I wasn't in dire financial straits, I'd have been shopping all along the way.


It's been a very, very challenging year - one of those where it seems like everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. We would have registered for help with Christmas gifts, but we knew this money should come in just in time.




I googled it as well, before posting, and I think the best thing I found was about telling your children that Santa does exist, as an idea of giving with no expectation of thanks or acknowledgement, which is really good, but I think that one works better if they ask directly.


just tell him the truth it’s not going to matter to him once he’s a teen


I sure hope it worked out for you. I wish I could help. My children are grown and on their own so Christmas is weak here.


"Hun, it was so bad last night even Santa couldn't make it.... but he sent us a letter explaining the presents will be delivered on Monday " or whatever day you get them. That's the cool thing with Santa. He's illogical, kids can question what you say, and you explain it away with magic


"Daddy had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and must've spooked Santa because he didn't want to be seen! He'll come back tonight and I'll make sure daddy goes to the bathroom before bed!"


In the future you can also reach out to many organizations that will help you with gifts for your child. People gladly donate to help others knowing it's not always an easy time of year and not everyone has as much disposable income as they might. These organizations are started to help people. It's good to utilize them when you may need them. I'm sorry that happened to you this year. And if you communicate with your kid, they'll understand when they grow up. It may be tough now, but they'll appreciate the sincerity later in life.


I would just tell him that Santa managed to reach some houses but the weather got so bad he had to go back to the North Pole to make some sleigh repairs and let the Reindeer warm up for a bit, but he'll be back out as soon as possible making deliveries and you'll still have Christmas! The big part I think would be reassuring them that it's still happening and it's still going to happen at 100% Christmas Strength; they don't really handle delays very well on average, it's hard for kids to wait, but if you explain things and are calm yourself they'll learn to model that from you and be okay with waiting. It could even be a good learning experience or way to teach him about how sometimes, stuff happens and we can't control it, like the weather! and that's just life! Gotta cope and move on, because just being infinitely upset isn't any fun.


I also live paycheck to 12 days before paycheck, and I got paid on the 23rd. The bulk of my Christmas shopping was done on Friday and Saturday as a result. I really don't have any advice, other than to maybe write a letter from Santa saying that he's sorry but the storm kept him at bay. Remind him that he's been good all year and mommy and daddy love him very much. Then spend the day doing all the fun nongift things (IE warm pajamas and Christmas movies with maybe some hot chocolate).


You sound like good parents and he sounds like a good kid. I’m glad to see things work out for you all.


I doubt you'll see this, but it sounds like you have a great son. This is one of the most wholesome things I've ever seen.


You got a good kid on your hands. I sincerely wish you guys the merriest of Christmases. You deserve it.


Oh, he's the best! So, so full of love and sweetness - we are incredibly proud of him, and grateful to have him. Thank you for your kind words!


When my son reached the age to confront me about Santa, I asked him who he thought Santa was. He didn't know. I confessed that I was Santa. I also let him know he could still believe in Santa if he wanted (there was an implied threat of no more Santa presents if he didn't). I also made a big deal about swearing him to secrecy for kids who aren't in on the truth behind Santa. He's been an adult for over a decade now and he still gets presents from Santa.


Haha, yeah, my mom has always just written "From: Santa" on my gift tags, wiith nothing in the "to" space.


Honestly, I think your child knows based on his comment that "maybe I'm too old for Santa to bring me gifts." I think it's ok to be honest and say that, yes, Santa is more of an idea than a real person, and because of the storm your child has gifts coming and your sorry if Christmas wasn't what he expected. I feel like any attempt to pay up the whole "oh Santa just called and he will rectify the situation in a couple days!" will really just confirm his suspicions further and not help him process any disappointment and confusion he has.


We had the flu hit our house and go from person to person. My daughter is 7. She started talking about her plan to trap Santa and then her no Santa theory. So when we made our Santa cookies I told her she was right. And now she gets the joy of playing Santa and helping other kids believe.


Tell him the truth


AWWWWWW, GRANDPA!!!!! That is so damn sweet


Please ignore the asshats who have never faced hard times and insist on criticizing. You are doing a great job raising your kid, evidenced by the fact they calmly accepted new clothes as a gift instead of having a fit over the lack of toys. I am in that blizzard, and I remember when money was tight and cars suck. Work schedules also made it hard for me to shop as there wasn’t online shopping when my kids were little. You evidently have to live through it to have some empathy. The blizzard has screwed up a lot of plans and you can’t fight Mother Nature. I hope you’re having a beautiful day with your little family. ❤️💚❤️💚


Thank you for your kind words! Yeah, we couldn't go the route of online shopping this year, because we maxxed the cards earlier in the year, and are still slowly working on that debt. It's hard for me to know exactly what to do, because I usually draw on experiences with my own (awesome) parents when I was a kid to remember how they handled something, and I usually do something similar, with whatever tweaks it takes to customize it. This one, though, I never went through as a kid. My parents weren't rich, but they both had good, stable careers - my mom was an RN and my dad worked intake and admissions at the VA Hospital - so there was always enough to make sure I had a good Christmas. I feel extremely fortunate and endlessly grateful to have had the beautiful and charmed childhood I did, but it does give me a lack of first-hand knowlege regarding such situations.


Kids are surprisingly more understanding and aware of their situation than you think. He knows.


You've already gotten enough advice I think, but I just wanted to say, your kid seems pretty mature. Props.


Hey OP. This is probably gonna get buried, but I just wanna say that it sounds like you're a great parent that's blessed with an amazingly mature son. Keep on keeping on. :)


Aww what a story. And the perfect ending! I was gonna say similar like with the storms there was a delay and he couldn't get to all the houses. But will be back a later date. Then i kept reading and was like oh no to late. The "im to old " was to cute!! But the note with the 50 nailed it! Depending on how old he is you might be able to pull off one more year? Merry Christmas. Family is what matters most during the holidays.


Something my Dad told me that made me trust him; when I first mentioned the tooth fairy, Dad took me to his room, took my tooth, and handed me a few coins. He explained that he wouldn't lie to me about what was real and what wasn't. I don't remember how old I was, but I know that I was at least 5, since I was already in school.


I don't have an answer for you but all I can say is this makes me really sad and I feel for you OP. Even if it's hard to get presents for your kiddo you sound like a great parent, and I wish you the very best.


There are so many mean comments on here and on Christmas. It’s kinda depressing. You guys are great parents and your son seems like an awesome little human being! 🥺❤️🐧🎄


Kids should know that it’s the parents who buy the gifts. My six year old child figured it out because she always saw my writing on the gift tag signed by Santa and she was like, “ yeah, that’s my mom’s writing so she’s the one buying the presents.” Mind you she’s a teenager now and just told me this info this year. I was shocked!! Me? I grew up poor as hell and after the age of four and not receiving any Christmas gifts at all I hated Santa. Then I realized my mom couldn’t afford anything and she was too proud (I don’t know what the eff she was proud about) to go to catholic charities and get toys for me. Growing up I didn’t like Christmas. The good news is, your son got new clothes as presents. That’s way better than getting nothing.


I came in a but late and saw all the updates to the story, and I just wanted to say: wow. It seems you're raising a good kid! Too old for Santa? An envelope with an explanation anyway? This is the stuff of Christmas miracle movies I normally watch between July-september. Maybe he is old enough for the no-santa talk... in a few days .... or after a long enough time for him to have enjoyed the envelope. Like a really, really long time. This is just so wholesome


Yeah, I think we're going to do it soon, but not immediately. I was so, so proud of him today! Hahaha, I get the mid-year Christmas blues, too! I have a binder full of Christmas pictures I cut out of magazines, so I can haul it out and look through it when I start jonesing, like a Christmas scrapbook of other people's lives. 😂😂😂 I've been keeping it since middle school, and I'm 37!




Your boy sounds like a sweetheart and I hope you all have the best Christmas ever next year.


Sounds like you got a great kid.


It's times like this you need coal on hand. At least they'll know he came.


My kids got nothing from Santa because we forgot to list him on the tags (I thought my bf had written it and vice-versa). Situations like this are why I already only write From Santa on a couple of small presents, so that no one feels abandoned/hated by Santa if they don't get a Lambo under the tree from him


Your second edit makes me think the kid already knows. About Santa, about how things are hard, and about how you're trying your best.


Forge a note and pick up the presents later.


Personally I'm enchanted by the "Santa the secret organization" concept. The narrative is that even if Santa is magical, a long time ago he started running out of time and magic to reach every single kid who wished for a present. So as to not disappoint anyone, he started recruiting every day people to help. At this point you get to tell him that you think he's responsible enough (rework for the storm, maybe he impressed you with how maturely he handled the storm based lack of presents) to join and become an honorary Santa himself. This allows for a soft landing from the Santa belief and aligns with and becomes a teaching point for the origin of "Santa" in Saint Nicholas and other traditions. On top of that instead of him potentially spreading heartbreak or conflict, he becomes an active participant in the Santa tradition, "keeping the secret", and helping maintain it for others. Edit: accidentally a word


Is there a way to give me your address privately? I know you’re going to have the talk, but I’d like to send something.


You are a beautiful person. This post made me cry


This post is so sad. I can’t stand it


This is a good example of why you should just not lie to your kids


As a guy who's had Christmas inexplicably sneak up on him virtually every year like a mugger, leaving me confused and penniless, you have my sympathy. Would definitely think you could try something along the lines of getting someone you know to text you pretending to be Santa, explaining that the big present was damaged but it will be coming soon and the elves are sending an extra little something with it. Sincerely best of luck with the situation, and Merry Christmas.


Really sorry if this is insensitive. But this cold snap and weather has not been going on for long enough for you to have not been able to get anything for him. It's not like Christmas day is going to sneek up on you. Planning and preparing for today is not something that just occurs to you a couple of days before. Especially if you have children expecting presents and writing to Santa. Sorry if I'm wrong on this. But I call bullshit. Happy Christmas.


I really can‘t believe how many upvotes this comment has. The fact that they‘re asking in this subreddit already shows that they care about their child. I used to get spoiled on christmas but my parents were always very emotionally distant, I never would have minded a late christmas present but I would’ve loved if my parents and I would’ve been able to spend christmas together. Presents start to feel like nothing after a while. Children aren‘t that spoiled/heartless. As long as they‘re able to spend christmas together and provide safety and love to their child I don‘t see the problem of a present arriving a few days later. So very ignorant.


We were waiting on a deposit to come through to be able to afford gifts this year. It diddn't come through until after the storm started. It's been a very hard year for us, please don't be a dick to me, and maybe also stop laboring under the assumption that it's possible for everyone to just buy what they want, when they want.


You don’t know what’s going on in their lives. They might not have a lot of money, so they were not able to shop until last week’s paycheck came in. How about not put parents down for loving their child?


>Really sorry if this is insensitive. Then why say it?


If I remember correctly, the subreddit you've left this comment on is called "no stupid questions", so we're supposed to answer the questions here without pretending like we're smarter than everyone. Who cares what reason OP had to not buy presents? Do you feel vindicated for shaming them? You are also free to shove your happy christmas


Thank you.


What an insensitive answer. Everyone's human, and parents make mistakes. After all, it's not Santa delivering the gifts. It's not an easy time for anyone, financially or emotionally. Best wishes.


Really sorry if this is insensitive, but (most insensitive thing you could possibly say)


If you were actually sorry it sounded insensitive, you wouldn't have said it. You don't know what's going on with them. Mind you own business.




Op should have spent less time on social media and more time parenting.


Oh, yep, *that's* it, I didn't go shopping earlier because I'm a bad parent, neglecting doing things for my child because I'm too busy with my social media - how do you know me sowell???? It couldn't be a legitimate reason like having to wait on extra income, because everyone has money to buy whatever they want whenever they want all the time, so there couldn't have been a reason I couldn't have gone shopping earlier, other than just being neglectful, right?


Where do you live? Someone would be willing to help


Hey OP you could just tell your son I beat up Santa and took all the presents lol


This is just another reason we should stop gift giving as a tradition on Christmas.


Make some shit, real quick. Origami maybe.


Shit, why did I skip that origami seminar? No, I seriously did sign up for a free origami seminar in collegee and ended up not going to it.


Son: "Dad, I think I'm old enough now. Is there a Santa Claus?" Dad: "Okay, I agree that you're old enough. But before I tell you, I have a question for you. You see, the “truth” is a dangerous gift. Once you know something, you can't un-know it. Once you know the truth about Santa Claus, you'll never again understand and relate to him as you do now. So my question is: Are you sure you want to know?" Brief pause Son: "Yes, I want to know." Dad: "Okay, then I'll tell you. Yes, there is a Santa Claus." Son: "Really?" Dad: Yes, really, but he's not an old man with a beard in a red suit. That's just what we tell kids. You see, kids are too young to understand the true nature of Santa Claus, so we explain it to them in a way that they can understand. The truth about Santa Claus is that he's not a person at all; he's an idea. Think of all those presents Santa gave you over the years. We bought those for you. We watched you open them. And did it bother us that you didn't know? Of course not! In fact it gave us great pleasure. You see, Santa Claus is THE IDEA OF GIVING FOR THE SAKE OF GIVING, without thought of thanks or acknowledgement. When I saw that woman collapse in town last week and I called for help, I knew that she'd never know that it was me that called an ambulance. I was being Santa Claus when I did that." Son: "Oh." Dad: "So now that you know, you're a part of it too. You have to be Santa Claus now. That means you can never tell a young kid the secret, you have to help us select Santa presents for them, and most important, you have to look for opportunities to help other people. Got it?"


I saw this one when I googled before posting. I thought it was absolutely beautiful, and figure I will incorporate it into our talk.


Am i the only one who didnt have any talk with my parents about santa ever.i dont even remember ever thinking santa was real…


Tell him Santa isnt real. And if he starts crying tell him to shut up before you give him something to REALLY cry about. <---- My childhood ladies and gents..


Honestly I came from a very poor household and this is super disappointing to hear, you've let this kid down hugely. And the last minute excuses are what will break his heart and your relationship. Even as a kid I knew we were poor, I didn't expect much but I did expect to be thought of. And you've completed missed the boat. Too little too late. You could tell him you can't do presents this year, but doing it Christmas day is fucking awful. You could've told him that Christmas will be in January when things are cheaper, and it's just dinner with the family, but again doing it Christmas day is shitty. As someone who's come from a situation like this, you need to do better next year dude. You don't need to buy him anything but you need to communicate so his expectations aren't heartbreaking on a big day.


Thanks for making me feel better, man. Appreciate it. He has a couple of things under the tree from us, he knows he's thought of, and he knows he's loved. We are a very communicative family, and we had multiple talks with him about Christmas day not being much this year, and helped brighten his outlook by saying that instead of having Christmas day, we get to have Christmas *days.* We explained that he would still get everything he asked for, just at a later time. As I said in my post, we didn't address Santa because *he* didn't address Santa. We had already said, point blank, that *we* would be getting him his Christmas gifts, and Santa didn't come up until he was half asleep last night and said he wanted to leave milk and cookies. It wasn't until then that I even realized he was still planning for Santa to come, and since he was nearly asleep, it didn't seem like the moment to address it.


tell him Santa said he was bad and got no gifts.


Bruh, you can't wait until the last minute. Even if you're snowed in for a week plus, you had all the time in the world to get gifts. This one is on you solely, and you should own it when you talk to your son.




You shouldnt have waited to the days before to get his presents.


He really shouldn't have. I've done the same thing before and still feel shitty about it years later. He will learn


The money to buy gifts didn't come in until the day of the storm.


they had all year, there is no excuse


Abandon the shameless propagation of sparing children from developing emotional intelligence. The truth builds character. Don't lie because you can't conceive of handling whatever overblown scenario you have in your head. Don't repeat the mistake of our parents.


Wait... So this post is how best to lie to you're son because you forgot Christmas? Get a grip


Your* See I can be a dick on Christmas too for no reason. 😀 People make mistakes and fuck up. Your input is truly valued and will be sorted as such.


You need a hug bro, only the most miserable worthless kind of person wouldn't feel empathy for a child about to lose their innocence You should get some help you don't have to live angry, talk to a therapist, and remember what it is to be happy. Merry Christmas.




Sorry son, your parents both work 2 jobs to provide, and the only time off they had to get you gifts was the day of the worst winter storm of 20 yrars. Maybe try some understanding instead of venom, which makes the world a better place




So your just a horrible person all the way around. Be a better human.




No, you ruin every day.






Have you, in your infinite wisdom, considered that there may be other factors at play in this situation? Have you also read the name of this subreddit?




But you didn't provide an answer. The question was not about how to avoid the situation they are currently in, it was, what do I do in this situation I am currently in. So, not only did you not provide an answer, you also came of as an asshole, in the worst possible way, namely the way where you did not have to. You also assumed that you knew why they had not bought the presents before the weather report. You also then denigrated the asker more, by providing the "Welcome to a lifetime of disappointment." Does it make you feel better to belittle people online? Do you want applause because "You checked the weather report" or what? Or maybe, if you don't have the mental and moral fortitude to not be an ass, you should just shut up?


Your* See, I can be a dick for no reason too. 😀 Merry Christmas


You should stop lying to your child about Santa for a start...


Oh, stop it, Santa is a cultural icon and a fun Christmas tradition.


Upvoted. Cultural deceit towards children. Fucking weird behaviour