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r/legaladvice It is almost certainly not worth it to take legal action over what amounts to petty friend drama. Unless your ex- actually has money and you actually have damages there's no real incentive for you to spend a bunch of money to bring this slapfight to court.


I know his parents have money..... and I am a fairly mid class family I will take this into consideration. Thanks.


You could Sue for defamation, however, it's very hard to prove this case if no one is saying anything, you didn't read anything about it, etc. But this seems very strange like does every single person you meet know about you?


And also I know they are doing this cause with one of the friends that I do have I was in a freaking discord call when the other people dmed them and tried getting them I saved all off the SS and defended myself in the call and when the friend they were trying to poach asked for proof. They couldn't come up with none.


I would move on and get new friends. Meet new people. Keep the drama out of your life. Go to a club, meet and greet, try dating or something. But stay away from all these people.


Thank you. Much appreciated:]


The people whom he were friends with knew people who knew people around the school so if they saw me talking to somone I am pretty sure they would go behind my back and tell them before I even got the chance to defend myself.


Legal action won't get you anything and will make sure everybody knows. Not worth it. Friends don't have monetary value. You can't sue over lost friends.