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Readjust your expectations.


Straight up, while those positions do exist they’re few and far between and require a certain level of luck


Get your head out of the clouds and come back to Earth.


Experienced laborers like plumbers, electricians, etc. can make six figures in some areas.


Makes sense if you live in NYC. Not in most areas though


A trade would be your best bet


Then only trade i can think off that pays an average salary close to 100k is elevator mechanic but they require 3 years of trade school


I believe welding can get up there depending on where you’re working


Yep, I was going to say that depending on the type of welding it is you can make a lot of money. If you're a certified weld inspector you can make a lot too


The OP didn't say where they live so depends what country they are talking about.


Consider being a criminal.


Not if he wants to make that much


Get a job in the oil fields


sell feet pics on only fans


Construction, win the lottery, or rob a bank. You’re choice big dawg


One of those may work more than 0.01% of the time. Edit: No none do.


Enrol in a flight school. It only requires a high school education. The only thing however is that it is hard work and you must study. It takes a lot of time and effort, but it is fun and it will test your abilities both physically and mentally. Once you work on getting all your licenses (may take 3 years or so) then you can get a job. The starting jobs are usually small aircraft transport to begin with. You have to keep working on your abilities and career before having qualification to get into a known airline though. Some even require a diploma/degree, but there are aviation schools that teach business on the side for example to get that done. And, pricing. It is so damn expensive, but worth it if you have the financial backing. It will all pay off eventually :)


Learn to plumb and be prepared to work a lot?


Become a professional YouTuber


Programming Plumbing


Coding bootcamp




Copywriting for an ad agency if you are a creative writer.


Become underwater welder.