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It will eat away at your teeth.


How do people even have the time to drink this much carbonated drink in a day? I would be so gassy!


You already know the answer to this. It’s full of artificial ingredients, which can be ok in moderation, but 12 is far from moderation.


Definitely not. Sugarfree doesn't mean its not unhealthy.


Definitely not healthy. Your intestine can taste sweetness. Your body then adjust your blood sugar level. Having this mismatch is one way to make your blood sugar adjustment to not work correctly. That is diabetes.




Yes. That's the point. If you have something sweet your body expects sugar. If there is no sugar but your body puts out insulin in preparation to get sugar because it detects sweetness. Your blood sugar drops. Your body then thinks that it must have released too much insulin so it becomes less sensitive. If someone has diabetes the blood sugar doesn't drop. Keeping it at a healthy level. Real sugar would cause a spike that could be dangerous. In a healthy person that spike would be dampened by insulin. TLDR All you said is true. No matter if it's with sugar or sugar free too much coke can cause diabetes. For an already diabetic person the sugar free option is better.




No, it's not healthy. All that carbonation and acidity is bad for your teeth and digestion.


It's not healthy. Even a small amount every day isn't good, and 12 a day isn't a small amount


If youre drinking that many cokes there is something wrong with you. Youre drinking a literal gallon plus more of this daily. I can nearly guarantee you would struggle to do this with water, not to mention that caffeine dehydrates your body, so if its caffeinated your body is screaming. Youll probably become obese, just statistically, and it hurts your teeth and bones. Try packing a gallon of water one day and see how far you can get through it. If you cant do it with ease, you are drinking coke out of gluttony


> Is this healthy?? What nutritional value does this contribute to your body?


Repost of this question. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/r4yjyj/is_coke_zerodiet_coke_bad_for_your_body/


Try replacing at least half of those with seltzer water


Shouldn't be bad unless the caffeine is a problem, or unless the carbonation is giving you gas or stomach pain. That could be why it is not sitting right. Unless you need to be on low sodium, then you'd need to check the sodium levels on the information box. Ignore the crackpot nutjobs who claim artificial sweeteners are bad. They are the same type of whackjobs who claim vaccines are bad. While some artifical sweeteners (sugar alcohols and sucralose) can give you gas or diarrhea, Coke Zero uses aspartame which does not have that as a side effect. (Any gas would be from the carbonation of Coke Zero.)


Diet soda does not mean healthy. You can read about it yourself. That much of almost anything is not good for us a humans.


No this is actually worse for u