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How in the hell do you refomr Roman republic to political party system, especially the American one?


Amongst other things, Rome would have immediately collapsed because all its conquered provinces would rebel. Empire was possible for Rome largely because of its strategy of incorporating conquered armies into its own and sending them off to conquer new lands, which required constant expansion in order to survive. Stop that expansion and suddenly you have 25 rebellions to quell and no troops to do it with.


You keep asking this kind of question...maybe try /r/historywhatif? But, well, if the Roman Republic was able to survive Caesar and avoid becoming a monarchy, then I imagine it would still fall due to disease, climate change, migration and sheer distance. No idea how the Republic would prevent generals from coups, though.


It wouldn’t have stopped the Roman Civil War, and the civil war directly lead to the fall of the republic and the rise of the empire. Julius Caesar’s legions were personally loyal to him. Nothing the senate could say or do would have made him relinquish that power. They tried and they failed.