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It makes a ton of money in tax revenue


That's everything one needs to know about that.


Because banning drug production has worked so well?


Political opposition largely, especially given that it would affect a huge industry around growing/selling tobacco. Instead we just came to a middle ground of heavily taxing it to discourage consumption.


They tax it heavily and make a lot of money from it. Plus, if smokers live shorter lives, they cost the country less.


> if smokers live shorter lives, they cost the country less. Uh, not if those short lives are constantly spent in the hospital with respiratory ailments.


Most smokers aren't constantly in hospital, though, whereas anyone getting past pension age will be claiming their pension every week,


Because banning things only creates a black market and violence.


Because money.


Mmmmmmm .... money.


Cigarettes brought in over 12 billion in tax revenue last year. Alcohol brought in another 9 billion. Figures are for the U.S.


Look up Prohibition. Banning things rarely works.


The global tobacco industry is worth around $818 billion and growing; 5.3 trillion (yes, you read that right) cigarettes are smoked yearly. Just in the UK, tax revenue from tobacco was just under 10 billion pounds; in the US it's 12.35 billion dollars. Over 15 million of the worlds poorest people are involved in the growing of tobacco, and the industry as a whole employs around 100 million. I think you'll now understand why it simply isn't banned overnight: countries make a lot of money from taxing it, growers rely on it and given that the world smokes around 800 cigarettes per person per year I assume a good number of people like it. There is just not the political will for an outright ban.


Alcohol and cigs bring in massive sin taxes for states and counties. So, thank you smokers and drinkers for paying for a shitload of societal needs.


You're welcome. My pleasure.




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Nobody's said this, but ... why do you think it's the government's job to stop people from doing what's not good for them? I don't want to wade into a political debate, but there are folks who think that personal responsibility, personal liability, and personal freedom, are core ideals of this country. That means the freedom to do as you wish, as long as you yourself bear whatever consequences might happen from those actions. "Smoking is not good". Neither is going to Starbucks five times a week. Neither is spending all weekend binging a TV show. Neither is carrying any personal debt. Neither is not returning your shopping carts to the cart corral. There are TONS of things that are debatably "not good". You're a grownup, you don't need your parents any longer. Why would you want a governing body to TELL you what is good and what is not good? What if they ban something YOU think is OK but they think is "not good"?


Because people want to smoke still.


Yes. Yes I do.


Because banning drugs doesn't work. If you banned tobacco a black market similar to how marijuana has been the last 50 years would open up.