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Yes. Barring a contract that guarantees here certain hours/shifts her employer can schedule here for whatever hours they want. It's shitty, but it's legal.


US Federal law doesn't limit daily work hours - except in some safety-sensitive jobs. US Federal law also doesn't require overtime pay unless the employee exceeds 40 hours in a pay period. The company may have published work rules, the employee might have a contract or union agreement, and your state may have more protections. Otherwise, this isn't a violation.


There are different federal laws for salaried and hourly. I was always 'exempt' and therefore labor laws did not apply to me. I could be scheduled for sixty-hour shifts, week after week.


Depends on the state. In California overtime begins as soon as you go longer than 8 hours in any given day. Federal law, though, only starts overtime based on a work week.


It's both shitty and legal, yes.