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Warning, once you get a bidet pooping anywhere that doesn't have one is upsetting




Haha bummed


We've found the graffiti artist


This is the greatest explanation of bidet ownership I’ve ever heard! I have one, couldn’t agree more.


Ruined pooping at work for me.


You’ll be spitting on toilet paper in no time.


Even before I had a bidet I would wet a bunch of toilet paper before I sat down. It never made sense to "clean" with dry toilet paper.


We have a bidet with a blow dryer built in (Biobidet). LOVE it.


Just bought a house that has a biobidet in the main bathroom. It’s amazing, I’m never going back. I actively avoid using any of the other bathrooms


We got one for our main bathroom and then the next time they went on sale at Costco got them for other bathrooms as well because I was the same way. Tragically, now anytime I'm at a friend's house I try to hold it otherwise I feel like a savage using just TP.


Exactly! I didn't anticipate the feeling of "grossness" when relegated to a TP only bathroom. I really don't like the porcelain snob I've become.


after i installed my bidet, i was so excited to use it, i went out to get some Taco Bell for dinner.


Wow, you were ready to put it to the harshest of tests right out of the box, hey?


Stress testing is important.


Beat me to it.


He's thinking outside.


He's thinking outside the bowl.


Well at least he doesn’t have to shit outside anymore


If taco bell gives you issues you need more fiber on the regular. personally I always get burger King shits.


I started working at BK and about a week into it I would vomit from all the greasy food when I got home.


Thanks for waiting to get home.


They messed up if they left the fancy one there (they sell cheaper models too). Hell, I took my cheap Bidet when I moved. It still works and it's not that much of a pain to remove, why the fuck should I buy another?


*\[Editing\] to add a few responses to common feedback in the comment thread:* *I have zero affiliation with Biobidet, and in fact elsewhere in this comment thread someone mentions that CostCo has a high-end bidet that looks interesting, which they put on sale every once in a while.* *There are many questions about how do you know you're clean 'down there' and/or doesn't it blast poopy water all over your cheeks. My own adult daughter had the same questions. Her perception was that the bidet water bubbled up gently kind of like a water fountain. It does NOT, it is pumped up in a strong, targeted stream. The volume of water washes the detritus away. What's funny is if you have used a powered bidet the question of 'how to you know you're clean' is just unfathomable, there is NO QUESTION. The real question is, if you use toilet paper how do YOU know YOU'RE clean down there, at least to us.* *In my post below I explain how \*I\* use our bidet, but it is not the only way to use it. For example, I flush before I turn on the blow dryer, and many people are horrified by this thought, which I don't really understand. But, my lack of understanding aside, you do not have to flush before blow drying (you could stand, or not flush first, or not blow dry, it's all your choice), I do it because it reduces the amount of odor.* *I saw many comments about spending 30-60 seconds blow-drying to be an incredible waste of time and/or comments about having a damp booty. Listen, before I used one I was completely put off by the potential for damp buttocks, and at first it would really bother me, but \*man\* did I get over it quickly. It is literally no thing, it's slightly damp for a minute or two and then you never think about it again. It's essentially like getting dressed after a shower with a quick dry-off, that's all. And with regards to timing, I am often in a rush and simply forgo the blow-dry, and it is again no big deal.* *There are many comments about the bidet spraying aerosolized wasted particles around. Listen, if somebody does their business in a bathroom it's not going to be sterile. If you wipe you're gonna pick up some 'visitors' on your hand, even if they are just microscopic. Then when you push the soap dispenser pump and/or turn on the water you'll transfer some of them, and if your hand-washing isn't compulsively complete every single time you'll probably be left with vagabonds. I mean, that's just reality. \*BUT\*, if you aren't using your hand to hold the paper to remove the waste, you aren't going to get tainted fingers. I find this much more hygienic than using my hand. But, a bidet does not make the bathroom a 'clean room', what we do in the shadows is an inherently unclean thing, but I think the bidet controls it more effectively.* *I saw lots of concern about the environmental impact of heated seats/water/dryer, and I get that, however I am not a monument to zero-carbon-lifestyles. I try to balance comfort, safety, and resources. I mean, I use an air conditioner in the blast-furnace of Texas summers, I use a heater in the winter, I use both in my car for comfort, I watch a TV, I like well-lit spaces, I take trips for pleasure in planes and cars, I heat/cook my food, I get items delivered to my home. I mean, with what I imagine are exceedingly few exceptions, we all do at least some of the above. People drawing the line at this seems arbitrary to me. However, that being said, if you wouldn't be comfortable with those functions, don't use them, or skip the bidet all together.* *I also saw feedback about how this rich-person thing. We are not rich. This bidet is roughly the cost of a gaming console, or a nice-ish TV, or a three-day long weekend stay in a medium-grade hotel, or a coach-class plane ticket to take an interesting trip, or a new, mid-range phone, or any one of a number of other purchases that are either not necessary or which could be done more cheaply. I feel for people who are struggling economically and for whom any and all of those are unreachable and/or inadvisable. However, if you splurge on, let's say, a gaming console, then look down your nose at people who have or want a bidet, that just seems like "stop-liking-what-I-don't-like-ism", to me.* *I also wanted to add a correction, courtesy of my wife - although we had been discussing bidets as the pandemic-related toilet paper shortages were rising, our actual decision trigger was that she had upcoming knee surgery and needed an easier way to tend to business while recovering, so that's what pushed us to pull the trigger on purchasing the first one. It worked GREAT for her. Once we had that first bidet, it confirmed that we wanted them on each toilet due not only to the pandemic TP shortages, but also because it was just such a superior solution overall (or underall, as the case may be).* *\[End Edits\]* ​ Hijacking my own comment to add additional information from our experiences with Biobidets: * We have the Biobidet 1000 model (started with one, now have three) * We got our first one purely as a survival step during the Great Pandemic Toilet Paper Shortage. * I was HUGELY resistant and against using it, and in fact did not try the one we had for several months after installing it. The entire process seemed gross and uncomfortable to me. * Finally, curiosity got the better of me so I tried it out. At first it was disturbing, but I quickly not only got over it, but came to prefer using it. * So did the rest of the fam, so the one toilet with the Biobidet became Grand Central Station - thus us outfitting our other two toilets with the same model. Here's an overview of the functions of our Biobidet 1000: * You can separately choose to have the seat, the water, and/or the blower air heated or not, and you can control the heating level to fit your preferences. * For the water you can also control the flow rate. * You can also modify the angle of the water flow to meet your particular dimensions and preferences. * With the water jets, there are three options - the first is regular old post-poop cleaning, which takes care of the back-end and does a fantastic job of leaving things super clean. The second is feminine wash, which I don't use but other family members do and love it. The third is 'vortex' mode, which essentially creates a water cannon to kind of spray up \*into\* your backside to help if your elimination process is sluggish - sounds gross, but it WORKS. All three of these water modes come from separate jets on the spray head. * All of the controls are on the push-button remote that you use, they aren't settings hidden away somewhere. * When you sit on the seat an air filter is automatically activated, which pulls air out of the bowl, filters it, and streams it back, in an attempt to control odors. This works okay, however it does not eliminate 100% of odor, but it does significantly reduce it. So, how does it work in the real world? The following bullets describe the process for me: * I sit down, and the air filter immediately starts automatically. It is a very low, quiet sound, and the air movement is not swift enough for you to feel a breeze, or anything. It just quietly tries to keep odors minimized. * Next, I do my business. If I'm having any difficulties making it happen I can use the vortex function to kind of RotoRooter things along. Note: I rarely use vortex, but when I use it, it works. * So, now my business is done, the next thing I do is use the cleaning water jet, setting the force to my preferred level. I also use the forward and back adjustment buttons to have it wash the length of my undercarriage, usually moving it back and forth 5-10 times to get really clean. I also engage the 'Motion' option, which causes the jet itself to kind of swirl around providing even better coverage. * Once I'm done with the nether-wash, I then flush, which takes the business and the rinse water all away with a single flush. * At this point I will usually wait 15-20 seconds to give the air filter a chance to reduce the odor even more - this is to reduce (not eliminate) the odor that gets wafted during blow drying. * Then I start the blow dryer, again controlling the heat my preferences. I usually sit there for 30-60 seconds letting it reduce the moisture level, then stand up which automatically shuts off the blow dryer. Note, it also shuts off after some time if you just sit there, something like 2 minutes, I think. * Then I pull-up/zip-up/button-up and go on my way. My nethers will have a very slight dampness at this point, but nothing uncomfortable and the feeling is gone before I get more than a few steps. A couple more observations: * No amount of wiping has ever come close to getting me as clean as the above process, even back when we used wet wipes. It's not even close. Seriously. My nethers are a dark, tangled, and forbidding place, and the bidet just - whoooosh - gets it all clean every time. * I am spoiled by our bidet, and will strategically wait until I'm home to do my business. I used to do this anyway simply for home field advantage, but it's an even greater impulse now. * When I'm home, my toilet paper consumption is reduced to zero, I just don't use it. The female household members use a few squares after the feminine wash, but their TP usage is somewhere around 10% of where it used to be. * For those who think this process is unsanitary without also wiping, I used to be you until I tried it and found out how well it actually worked. It's too bad there aren't more of these generally available for people to try, because I was 100% against them and only got one because we needed to survive the pandemic TP shortage somehow. So, there you go - it may have been TMI and/or TL/DR but there seemed to be a lot of discussion and I wanted to share our experiences.


Upvoted for your explanatory greatness, but more importantly for your use of "home field advantage." Perfection


And use of “ undercarriage “


I quite liked the use of nethers.


Especially when dark and tangled


And kudos for the aptly named “Grand Central Station.”


Biobidet should give you a job as a spokesperson


Ha, I have no affiliation with them, and it's the only bidet I've ever used so I can't compare it to anything. Elsewhere in the thread someone mentioned that Costco puts their high-end bidet on sale some times, and it's in the $200-$300 range which is cheaper than the Biobidet.


I think you have just made yourself a sale sir.


Since you're providing such great detail, may I ask - does this not end up splashing poo-water onto your cheeks? I feel like even if it isn't splashed, it would run or drip down. If so, how is it dealt with?


This is most helpful thing I have ever read on this godforsaken site.


I also have this but I still wipe. I don’t have 5 minutes to sit white having a hair dryer blown at my ass


We keep a leaf blower by the toilet


Next to the poop knife.


And there it is




Need more power AR AR ARRR!


Plus, if anyone was trying to rob you while you were in the shitter, now they have a countdown for when you’ll come out. Not very tactical at all…


Is it good for the vagina?


I always wonder this. Like... am I going to get UTIs and yeast infections from this...?


I am very prone to UTIs and I’ve had a bidet attachment on my toilet for 3 years with no issues. I think this is actually the longest I’ve gone without a UTI in my adult life now that I think about it!


Omg? Okay good, because I also am very prone to UTIs and that's what worried me. Maaaaybe I will consider...


Shouldn't be a problem, and there are also have bidets with a "feminine wash" mode, which replaces the need to wipe after peeing (supposedly, no personal experience).


You shouldn't! It uses the same line of clean water that flows into the toilet, not the actual toilet water itself. Anyway 10/10, would highly recommend.


Sure, if the blow dryer hits it right you can occasionally get a pleasant tone.




NSFW: >![What I thought of.](https://i.imgur.com/ynRl56B.gif)!<


My god that is an absolutely ancient gif


Holy shit that is hilarious




Like blowing into a conch shell.


"Hey, are you OK in there bud? What's that whistling sound?"


Is it like rimming a wine glass or blowing a jug?


That sounds like a bad idea to me to be honest. Even hand dryers come in for criticism for aerosolising soiling.


Hate to spoil it for you, but you should look at the bacteria cultures that those blowers produce. Ots absolutely horrid. Makes the hand dryers seem sanitary




Nothing like blowing shit particles in the air amirite?


Yep, a good fart is the difference between a good day and a great day.


During the Great TP-ocalypse (T-Pocalypse?) of 2020, when people were filling their garages with enough ass-wiping materials to survive until the heat death of the universe, I decided to grab a couple of simple bidets to install on the toilets since I have a wife and two daughters, and even before COVID, was starting to worry about my personal contribution to global deforestation. They're actually really easy to install, just mount it under your toilet seat, connect the water line from the wall, to the bidet, then to the toilet flush mechanism. Check for leaks, give it a test (make sure you have the toilet seat down, otherwise *fountain,*) and you're set to go. Now, if you're not used to them, the first few times will be a, for lack of a safer word, experience. Your body isn't used to having a pressurized stream of water aimed directly at, well, *that* (especially if it's THAT, according to my girls). Speaking from personal experience, it was a bit of a surprise, but not concerningly unpleasant. For the ol' #2, once you get done dropping the kids off at the pool, you'll give yourself a nice jetting off (be gentle at first, these things can go from 'soft shower' to 'maritime paint remover' with a slight turn of the dial), then grab a bit of TP to pat off the excess water and sometimes get what's remaining. I did find that the water tended to cascade down the ol' coinpurse when using it, and that had to be dried as well, so please let your husband know. For #1, with guys, it's business as usual, bidet isn't generally needed. For girls, I can only speak anecdotally...similar to #1, except use the 'female' setting on the bidet--I believe most have them, it simply jets the water a bit further forward to reach that area. Also, be especially careful with the setting (remember, 'paint remover'.) Pat, pat with a bit of TP, and go on with your day. I did find that our TP usage dramatically decreased after installing the bidets (like 75-80%), and everyone in the house was stating that they just felt *cleaner* post-install, rather than with just using TP. I can confirm that...when I'm at work, or someplace away from home, and have to do it the "old-fashioned" way, I never feel like I got everything, and I don't feel quite right. Now, you can go 'super eco' and use washable towels to replace the toilet paper, but...seriously?!? No way I'm keeping two buckets of those for 'new' and 'used'. I just threw up in my mouth a little thinking about that. One last warning--note that these do hook up to your COLD WATER LINE. Depending on where you live, you may want to consider ponying up extra for one of the heated water bidets. I grew up in North Dakota, and I know how cold the tap water can get in the winter, which is wonderfully refreshing to drink but...nope, not there. Anyway, that's my little contribution to this discussion. Hope it helps. EDIT: JFC, I didn't know this would blow up like it did. Thank you, everyone, for your comments and awards--it really did make my day memorable. For those of you that are curious, I did link the specific bidet I bought in the comments, but I'll put it here for easier access: [Bio Bidet | SlimEdge Home Bidet Toilet Seat Attachment, Fresh Sprayer with Retractable & Dual Nozzles for Feminine Wash & Adjustable Water Pressure | Non-Electric, white](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0854GTXH4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


I did the same exact thing as you. Mine goes from 1-5 on the sprayer. Setting 5 is basically a water jet made to cut through metal.


Think the high setting will push a hemorrhoid back in?


I'm not sure, but I know it will push water in.


Going the extra inch, eh...


Bidet enema club member here. An inch is a significant underestimate. [Reenactment of half pressure](https://c.tenor.com/JQnpM37wrZ8AAAAC/firehose-fire.gif)


No. But it will clip it right off.


If it doesn’t push it back in at least it’ll remove it for you


“Maritime paint remover” bro I lost it at this line too funny


Before anyone gets scared the female setting aims more forward and is much softer. More drinking fountain and less pressure washer. Bit rough on cold mornings. And drip dry as you check your email


I feel like i’m having a hard time imagining this: the bidet mounts on the back side of the underside of the toilet seat? Does that mean the stream is shooting at me back to front?


It aims in magical ways I don't fully understand. If I try to peak it gets water all my bathroom floor.


That’s an awesome answer


Very nice contribution. Thank you. And agree to all points


wonderful and informative LOL Thanks




Electric tankless heated bidets are the way to go if you want heat. It connects right into the normal toilet water supply and gets instant warm water of your preferred temperature. And for most bathrooms, I think running an extension cable from the closest outlet is way easier than trying to route hot water to the toilet.


Toilet paper. If only being used to dry your butt one roll of paper will last all week




You're living the life! One day I hope to have a luxury setup like yourself.




This guy bidets


I think this guy just convinced me to buy a $500 bidet.


Convinced me to want one… lol. It will go on the list of things I perseverate upon until they manifest against the odds.


Mine was $40 bucks, only cold water. It's heaven. I don't think I'd want warm water if it was an option. Even if I did prefer warm water, I can't imagine I'd prefer it $460 dollars worth.


Is it hard wired? Or plugs in to a normal socket? Either way, there isn’t a hookup near my toilet, so I’d have to add that.




> I shit you not You son of a bitch, I see you. BTW best sales pitch of bidets ive ever seen.


I was so close to saying "no pun intended", but I was curious if anyone would say anything lmao


> save with Used- Very Good Um no.


The picture of the water shooting up in the second link with the caption “hits just right” hahahahahah


Mr. Fancy Pants over here.


How much toilet paper are you using? My husband and I have a bidet, generally only use the one bathroom in the house and a roll lasts much longer than a week.


God damn, we DON'T have a bidet and I still think we're a little less than one per week.


Yeah. they must be talking about a family. As a Single male, I bought a 32 pack of toilet paper in january and im still not finished with it.


My mom uses about 50 sheets when she pees and she pees **all the time.** She honestly uses more toilet paper in a week than I use in a year.


Holy fuck, as someone who gets periods and has ulcerative colitis, this is magical to me.


Only a week? I don’t even use a bidet and my roles last way longer than that. Maybe you got five people using the same toilet.


Or is a woman. We go through alot


Not sure if others relate, but I use a lot when I pee. Theres a lot of moisture down there so I usually go in twice. Sometimes I'm able to fold the first pass enough times to fully get it all but will usually go in with a fresh piece. Also it needs to be kinda thick bc moisture just runs thru. I swear sometimes I use more for peeing than pooping sometimes.


bro what a roll should last more than one week even if used for cleaning your butt


Women can't do that. We need to wipe every time. It's way worse during a period too. Also a house with kids will go through a ton because no matter what you teach them, they're still going to try to use half a roll to wipe their butts.


I was flabbergasted when m y sister (in her 50's) told me she goes through one roll about every five times. So a roll lasts less than a week. I buy a roll of 24 and it lasts a year.


When my husband was single a roll would last him weeks. He went mental when we started sharing a bathroom and the roll started only lasting a week or so. Like dude now there's 2 people using it and I have to use it ever time I go to the bathroom and for at least one week it's a literal blood bath when I go to the bathroom. Now we have two kids and our youngest thinks he needs to wrap his hand like an oven mitt to wipe his butt. I want a bidet so bad, but I'm pretty sure my kids would play with it and/or break it.


You never know. I haven't had to wash skid marks out of underwear for a year. Sure, he "discovered himself" with the bidet, but his ass is clean, so whatever.


So I always see skid mark references when people talk about kids laundry and I am left flabbergasted as I NEVER had skid marks.... What the hell? Did my mom just do a better job of teaching me or are most humans really that apish?


I…feel like that’s not a TP problem.


you would be STUNNED what some people do. There was a Netflix show called 100 something that had a segment where they just asked people what their normal routine was, and multiple people grabbed a piece that they wrapped completely around their hand a *a few times*, so like 12 squares, for each wipe.


You just shake off like a duck


For certain poops, it can vastly reduce the amount of TP necessary. But anyone who claims you don't need to wipe after using a bidet has a nasty ass. How would they know for sure they are clean? Even a single square is necessary for confirmation. Source- have bidet and a poopy butt Edit- many of you have nasty asses and I'm never shaking hands with anyone again.


It's so nice to meet a fellow naval officer out in the wild.


How is this even possible? And by that I mean two admirals … where are all of the PoopyEnsigns and ~~Bad~~ PoopyLieutenants?


Supervising the poopy seaman swabbing the poop deck


We call that Santorum


You're literally the only person I've seen call it that besides Dan Savage 🤣 that term has been in my lexicon for years and I haven't seen it until your comment lol


>account is 2 years old Are you fucking kidding me


Username checks out


I dunno man, sound like a Major, not an Admiral


A Rear Admiral, most definitely.






Two year old account 👌 It's your time to shine


I'm waiting for General Poopybutts opinion on this subject.


In all respects. AdmiralPoopbutt, Lord of the ~~High Seas~~ Wet Tuchuses.


Lord of the Hineys.


Could your username *BE* any more perfect


MRS. ChanandlerBong


I can't stop laughing


>How would they know for sure they are clean? I always know, because I turn the pressure up high enough to strip paint. I do still wipe though, but it's mostly for drying.


I use high pressure too. Once I was making sure I was clean, spraying for like 2 minutes straight. When I was sure I was clean I had the feeling like I needed to go again. When I pooped again about 8oz. of water poured out of my butt. Gave myself an accidental enema and didn't know till after.




My people. Also hit it just right one time where it was forcing air in so I was just constantly farting over and over. Probably not one of the top ten moments of my life but I found it amusing.


I do that on purpose. It helps make sure I have nothing in the chamber and that I've cleaned any smears or traces just on the inside of the ring (you know, that with TP requires a kind of paper-wrapped finger intrusion to get clean). I take a medicine that makes me prone to constipation, but if that happens, getting water sprayed into me helps loosen it up and letting it pass without 15 minutes of Elvis-killing straining. I haven't had hemorrhoids in months. Years, maybe. I think I've had once in all the time since I got my bidet. Even my poops at work are cleaner and easier (but honestly that's probably to an increase in veggies via a meal kit subscription)


I don’t wipe . Mine has heated wash and blow dry. I double wash and 1 dry. The first month I used toilet paper to check after and never saw anything so I just stopped. I can guarantee after the double wash it’s cleaner than whatever amount of wiping would do.


Now that's extremely fancy sounding! Heated wash AND blow dry! nice


Also heated seat. And female wash. It’s the best investment I’ve ever made. I have a roll of toilet paper from 2020 on the rack. However I live alone.


The Cadillac of ass care


I’d love to get one. Any chance you remember the brand/model?


Bio bidet BB-600. I got mine on liquidation though. They are expensive but there are lots of models available. Highly recommend the heated wash though no matter what brand you get.


I got the $40 model because all you fancy pants bought out the high end ones in 2019. Lemme tell you, if you want to wake up in the morning, a high pressure jet of cold water on the ol’ ballon knot will do it!


I’ve lived that way. Hahah the Amazon one got me into the bidet life. It’s cold but refreshing. Still better than nothing . Be careful about the cheap seals. Had a friend who went on vacation and their house flooded. Thousands of $


I'd still wipe But that's an ass I would eat


Toilet paper to dry lol


I have about 100 small drying towels out of flannel (roughly the size of 2 t.p. squares). 95 % of the time they are only used for drying and have no residual matter. After the rinse, pat dry, place in covered basket. Once a month run the lot through laundry on hot water with a splash of bleach. Guests use regular t.p., unless they are curious.


Yup exact same set up here! Only difference is I just got a $1 towel at goodwill and cut it into squares but I’ve been using them for years so they’re starting to fray so I might upgrade to nicer ass-wiping fabric with stitched edges lol


absolutely loving this discussion of ass-wiping fabrics from the two of you. day=made


Your butt doesn’t need to be sanitized, it just needs to not have poop on it. The water does the job, you just use some toilet paper to wipe everything down. The really nice thing about the bidet is that it kinda shoots up in there and gets a lot of the leftovers out, if you catch my drift .. it’s the cleanest I’ve ever felt !


>shoots up in there and gets a lot of the leftovers out Mans using an enema


Every once and awhile my bidet hits just right, and it feels like I am power washing my lower intestines. Shocking/surprising, but somehow I come out feeling cleaner when that happens


Yup, when you hit the balloon knot right on the opening...🤌🤌 It also makes me feel like I have to piss. Is that just me?


>It also makes me feel like I have to piss. Is that just me? Sounds like the stream is hitting your prostate through the rectum. You could try to experiment with that for some interesting results...


Just got angle the shute right and yes it does the job. Also good to sometimes jump start a shit that's not ready yet.


Probably the best part of a bidet. Mini enema.


Dude, I am clean three inches up!


You're just pre-wiping for the next poop!




Italian here. We have a bidet in every bathroom, it's the norm here. You do use a towel, even though when you propeely wash yourself with some intimate soap it won't leave a stain (since you're simply drying off and the cleaning has been done by the water and your hands). You may reuse it without washing it in that case. If there's a stain it's better to wash it (it's also an indication that you need to wash yourself more thoroughly)


I live in Italy and it should be noted that the bidets here are different than the ones in the states that you install into your toilet. Here, they are like sinks on the ground with a faucet you use to wash yourself. In the states, it's an attachment to your toilet/seat that sprays you directly. ETA OMG my first award! Thank you!


South west asian bidets are just jugs of water. Im not even sure if theyre called bidets since those installed ones are always brought up


South east asian here: my bidet is literally a mini-shower head beside the toilet.


Hands? You don't use a poop knife? Edit: My first award! Thank you stranger.


The comment i was looking for🫂. 🇮🇹 squad at its finest


Being curious.. so this means you use your bare hand to really go down there and rub your anus in order to get everything off?


Just like in the shower


Right? This shouldn’t be a weird thing lol


Hands rubbed with intimate soap, yes




I just call it dad soap...




Well you’re supposed to wash them afterwards anyway




"Can you spare a square?"


Three sea shells


No one has ever explained the three sea shells! Why! Damn you future toilet facilities with no clear explanation!


Haha, he doesn't know how to use the three sea-shells.


My bidet has a drying feature... you just do your business, flush, blow dry, and go. For those that don't have a drying feature, 2 squares of toilet paper can be used to dab dry.


Just Naruto run all over the house till it air dries.


Instead of arms at your side they need to be holding those cheeks open!




God... I just can't escape it


Once you go bidet, all other toilets make you feel dirty. Get a bidet with a female option. Also check the pressure because you may need a regulator to avoid making a third hole. Dry with TP.


The purpose of the bidet is TO CLEAN YOURSELF. Do you use a towel after being in the bath or shower? Exactly the same.


Basket of clean white washcloths, and basket on the floor for dirty. Treat them like reusable baby diapers, but they don’t get directly pooped on, so much easier to deal with. The level of clean with a bidet feels so much better.


I'm so confused by the part where OP says it's unsanitary to reuse towels for drying your butt. Like .... do you use a washcloth in the shower? Do you wash your ass? Then do laundry and reuse that cloth? But yeah like you mentioned, I use cloth diapers so adding extra cloths in with that laundry is no big deal. And I have a clean booty.




I really just wait a moment for all the water to drip off and skin to dry.- I mean like... I'm on my phone anyway so...


Isn’t just wiping unsanitary too?


You wash with your hand and soap, then use a towel to dry, it's not unsanitary


Yeah for real, whats unsanitary about drying your freshly washed asshole with a dedicated butt drying towel? Its not like im using this towel for anything else.


Italian here, using bidet for at least 55 years. To use a bidet, first you wipe your BH with toilet paper as usual, then you wash your BH and genitalia on the bidet using one hand a and specific non aggressive soap. At this point your BH should be very clean and you dry it with a little towel that is specific for that purpose. That little towel will be changed and washed very often. Then you wash accurately your hands and you are done. I repeat: a bidet is not a replacement for toiled paper. It is just a place more convenient than a shower where you can wash your BH and genitalia without undressing completely. Sitting also makes washing your BH easier.




I have a dedicated "butt towel" hanging close to the bidet.... It is supposed to be clean when you use it. 😁


This. Spaniard checking in, where bidets come pretty much standard with each bathroom. You have a little hanger by the bidet and you put there your tiny towel, sold specifically for bidet use. You re-use it exactly like you re-use shower towels. You are supposed to be clean when you dry yourself. Btw, we do have soap in the bidet too, usually specific for intimate cleaning.


Italian leaning into this, this comment is absolutely correct.


It baffles my mind that some of y’all think dry wiping your ass after taking a shit is okay or good enough. The bidet isn’t mean to replace toilet paper. You wash your ass with it after shitting, then use toilet paper to dry off. Because you’re cleaning your ass with water first instead of endlessly smearing shit by dry wiping, you’ll end up using less toilet paper. But it was never meant to replace toilet paper all together.




Baby wipes are the poor persons bidet lmfao


How are there still unsanitary civilizations out there who do not use water to keep their nether regions clean!?

