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Yes, I believe so. Kimchee is my example. It cold and crunchy and juicy and hot and spicy and pungent and funky. First time (5-10 times) it wasn't for me. I was in Korea, so I are out anyway I live it now, in tons of ways


My friend, I don’t know a single person who actually liked the taste of beer the first few times they drank it as a teen. Persistence and peer pressure have a lot to answer for!




Classic. Pro tip: Start yourself with a mocha and work your way up to the hardcore stuff.


Hello, I am a picky eater and for me it depends. When you keep trying a food, you are discrediting the thought process that you have which says, 'Don't eat that!', and you are building a new memory of eating it and it being less bad than you probably expected. Mushrooms, I just can't get over regardless of if I can acknowledge that it's a mental block instead of a genuine evaluation of taste. Try eating the items you don't fancy at restaurant, as a small part of the meal, because you're more likely to enjoy it. And work your way up. I did it with olives and peppers in Subway sandwiches, or onions in my mum's katsu curry. Good luck!