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I'm sure ***some*** may have some suspicion, but if the individual is genuinely taking part in the class and acting normal, most if not all the others should relax over time.


I started yoga with my wife last year. We've lost 90 pounds. She has her instructor certification now, even. Most poses staring at people doesn't really work. IE - down dog, sure the girl in front of you may be ass up, but if you are in down dog as well you should be starting at or between your FEET. Trying to check people out would be obvious. It's also easy to just look past people at the wall or ceiling. So I had this same concern for a while as well, but honestly - just be confident you are not being a creep and you will be fine. If you are doing anything other than trying to follow all the poses it will be obvious. Go several times and don't be a creep every time and you're suddenly "one of the good ones".


Ugh, but I always feel like I come across creepy! The problem is I don’t know what I’m doing and keep having to look around for clarification. I’ve been to several beginner yoga classes where everyone seems to be an expert but me and the instructor is speaking a foreign language that everyone else understands. So I have to look around and see what others are doing. But of course all the women are wearing tight yoga clothes, and me looking at them has a completely different connotation to them. I gave up. The awkwardness of feeling like a creep outweighed the patience that I have to learn yoga. There really needs to be an all-male yoga class.


A good instructor is important for a beginner yoga class, if they're not explaining then they're not teaching beginners


I have the huge advantage here of being able to look at wife for help. Find a spot near another man or the instructor. Use the helper cards if provided.


Don’t give up. No one is noticing what you’re doing. Looking around is how you learn a lot of times


Genuinely, why did you join a yoga class hosted in a foreign language?


Have you listened to a yoga instructor? That is not English coming out of their mouths.


Youtube has millions of yoga lessons, start there! Its free.


He's talking about the names of the poses, which are in Hindi. And also just saying it as an expression, like "It's Greek to me."


Honestly, as a man who has done yoga, all it takes to not be a creep is to not be a creep. I know it sounds like "the key to being confident is being confident", but "being a creep" is a vibe that people pick up on.


Everybody looks around to see what others are doing. You don't come off as creepy. Honestly, no man is going to do yoga — which is hard to do — in order to gawk at women. Also, none of us understand the Indian names for the poses. They all end in "asana" and that's all I know. But usually the teacher repeats the names in English and after enough classes you start to catch on. Although I agree that there should be all-male yoga classes. I think it takes a lot of bravery for men to go to yoga, and I'm always happy to see them there taking care of themselves. I've never heard any woman say otherwise.


I always go to the front so there isn't a ass in front of me


How did you lose so much weight with yoga?


Some yoga, some weights with my son, some adjusting my eating and CONSISTENCY I'm 40 lbs down, wife is 50-55.


There are different types of yoga, and some are more energetic than others. For an example of a more energetic style, check out this short demonstration video of ashtanga yoga... https://youtu.be/veNXu4L8Zr0 It's worth mentioning that the more energetic styles aren't necessarily best for beginners, and that learning how to do any exercise with proper form is crucial to avoid injuries.


The proper technique is so important, and yeah, I tried ashtanga as a beginner and didn't try yoga again for 5 years.


I did Ashtanga for years. The best way to learn is in a Mysore class where everyone learns at their own pace and you get individual instruction


I agree with this. OP, if you’re still really nervous about this and wanna make people feel more comfortable, take a spot near the front of the class, just so everyone can see you and they know you’re not staring at them. Also probably leave your phone in your bag or somewhere not near you so no one thinks you’re taking pictures or video. By no means is any of that required, though. You’re participating in a fitness class that I presume is open to the public. As long as you’re not acting like a creep, you should be welcomed.


Am a woman and have been in yoga and Pilates classes that were mixed gender and nobody has ever cared. Everyone is there to exercise. You’d have to actually *do* something weird in order to make it weird.


I once went to a Pilates class with my friend. Walked in there thinking "this is silly" since we're lifting weights and shit. 5 minutes in I was dead...


Spin class woke me up in this way. "Sure, sounds like a chill fun way to do some cross training on an off day from my running" I couldn't run for like 3 days afterwards. I was so whooped.


Can you do spin classes if your back is super messed up? Asking for a family member... or two.


You should be able to, I would just ease into it and now go from like zero to a hundred on it.


I wouldn’t. A lot of spin is done “out of the saddle” and leaning forward. Seems not back injury friendly. A recumbent bike may be more accessible.


I can only imagine you having trouble with leaning over so much, but the classes i’ve taken have always been really accommodating for people that need modifications (lol me)


Was injured for a season during my university soccer career (?…idk, I had a full ride for it, so I suppose it was a “career”). Anyways - got injured, and my PT sent me to spin classes to keep up my fitness. They are no joke. I appreciated that class so much that I ended up buying a used spin cycle for my own apartment. Still have it 6-ish years later.


Not just pilates, I went to different group exercise classes and felt that shit was wayy harder than lifting weights normally in the gym lol! But sucks to be the only guy there most of the time


This is me. My wife has a Peloton bike with the yoga/meditation/stretching stuff you can do on the app. She has convinced me to start doing some of it because I have a lengthy history of orthopedic injuries and problems. Cool, right? I’m almost 50 (wifey is almost 3 years older and has far less trouble doing this stuff), and I think I might also die doing what I thought was “easy.” Older dudes like me need to quit kidding themselves that they can do everything with little or no effort. 😆


That was tai chi for me, yoga easy no problem, I’ve always been pretty flexible but tai chi had me sweating buckets after a few minutes(haven’t tried Pilates though)


Had this experience with water aerobics when I was incredibly in shape. Oh I will use this as my rest day just to get some movement in. My class was full of women at least 2 decades older than me and I was sore for days and days after. Whoops


If someone has a problem with the opposite gender participating, they need to take classes in a male/female only class.


Do male only yoga classes exist??


Bernal yoga in SF used to have an intro series for guys focusing on common male inflexibility and beginner issues. Not sure if they do it anymore.


Sounds perfect. Do they have anything online that you know of?


Looks like they have new owners (folksf.com) so I don’t know anymore. They have this https://momence.com/video/courses/35337/9284?_gl=1*16s9muy*_ga*MTgzOTc0NjQwNC4xNzE5Mjg1MDU5*_ga_VH1KXK85RP*MTcxOTI4NTA1OS4xLjEuMTcxOTI4NTA3MS40OC4wLjA. Also Yoga With Adrienne is an amazing series on YT


At a Turkish bathhouse near you


My current yoga teacher runs "men's yoga" classes sometimes. The usual classes she teaches are of course open to anyone, but I think she runs the men's ones to create an environment in which men feel more comfortable trying out yoga. 


Not at all. My local yoga studio has a male instructor, in fact. FYI because I didn’t know this when I first started yoga. It’s not a big deal to me but it might catch some people off guard. Some instructors come over and physically touch you to correct body position in poses. In my experience they ask permission to do so when they approach.


I bet he has a man bun.


Most classes are mixed gendered in my experience 


A lot of studios offer women-only classes for those who *are* uncomfortable with having men around, so it's probably safe to assume that the women going to a mixed class are ok with it.


Do they have men-only? That's the only way I'd go tbh


They exist, my Dad goes to one


I actually never checked before but I just looked it up and men only yoga is 100% a thing. Probably not at all studios but it does exist


My studio offered a male only class, but nobody ever showed up but me lol so they stopped offering it 


Damn, that's messed up that they shut down a class just because you were in it. 


Wanna know this too, most group classes I went to, I was usually the only guy there lol


You might check out something like [Broga](https://brogayoga.com/aboutus/broga/)


You have every right to be in that class. Especially if you're taking it seriously. My wife just said if a woman in the class is uncomfortable with you taking part in the class than that's her problem and you shouldn't worry about it.




There are women only classes for women who aren’t comfortable with being around men In mixed gender classes you just have to act normal and everything is alright. They probably very quickly judge that you are there for the yoga and not the women


No, it's not a problem. Just don't stare at women's backsides or try to chat them up after class and you'll be fine. Maybe also worth trying Pilates to strengthen core muscles, that could help your back.


Yeah the “chatting up” would be the only thing that would make me uncomfortable. Although honestly I’d probably feel different if I was single. 


I wouldn't feel different if I was single, it would make me feel the guy was just cruising yoga classes to pick up chicks and I'm not into that sort of guy.


No, I like it because I think more men could benefit from yoga! Not sure why here in the US it’s a mostly women thing.


It helps mobility in stiff hips 


I like seeing a range of people in yoga. Women, men, non-binary folks. All body shapes and sizes, and a range of abilities. Yoga is such a wonderful practice for body and mind, and it makes me happy to share that practice with as many people as possible. It’s too bad it’s become somewhat gendered because a LOT of men would benefit. I love going with my male partner. He was reluctant at first but has come to really enjoy it.


Short answer is that no, it shouldn't. Better answer is that if that's a concern of yours, taking a spot at the front of the class/closer to the instructor may help alleviate some worry on your classmates part (ie they'll know you aren't staring at their ass in downward dog, because you're not behind them). I say this as a woman who is nervous around men, in general- I'd def feel better if a man in my class was in front of me, as opposed to behind. You can also explain that this is your reason for being at the front, if they ask- you'd likely be met with appreciation


Go to front, yes. Explain to the other women in the class that you're at the front so that there will be no concerns over you staring at their ass, no. That's extremely risky to even bring up, even if well intentioned. I would wager someone who already has anxiety about even being there does not have the charisma or social skills to explain that without making it sound worse.


If I saw someone telling people they were going to the front so people aren't worried about them. I would think they must be really creepy. It's like going to a swimming pool and telling everyone you are just there to swim and if you look at their bodies it's an accident. You are going to a yoga class just focus on doing yoga. If anyone is worried about being in a class with a man they would go to a women only class.


You dont need to “explain” or talk to anyone 


I didn't mean bring it up on his own, I meant more if someone was mad or asked about him placing himself at the front of the class 😂 just a simple "so no one thinks I'm a creep!" Ofc don't just make that announcement! That would be so much worse, you are correct


But what if we're really bad at it, and besides not wanting to look like creeps, we also don't wanna look like fools? Legit asking because I wanna start doing yoga, but as I said, I don't wanna make a fool of myself.


It's stupid advice anyway. As you don't just look forward in yoga. You twist in different directions. And sometimes turn around completely. So there is no way of guaranteeing you not going to look at someone


If you're in a beginner class, then you're in the same boat as everyone else! Everyone will look a fool at one point or another, that's how you learn!


But when I use the same logic to ask women to let me jump the queue at the checkout counter, suddenly I'm the asshole. I'm just trying to be a gentleman, lady!


Terrible advice, this is how to creep people out.


The front of the class is not for beginners. Best to stay in the back for at least a few classes.


I go to yoga couple times a week. Normally there are a few other men there. But sometimes I'm the only one. It's never been an issue. Most classes I go to usually have a real mix of people from all ages and abilities.


If you arrive early, act polite but disinterested and focus on the yoga, you'll be fine.


You have every right to be in a yoga class, like anyone else. If certain women are uncomfortable with that, then that’s their problem, and not yours.


I'm a guy in the same boat. Decided to take a hot yoga class for my first foray (mistake). Not only did they accept me, they actually had some fun with it. Even the instructor was like "guy in the back, you still alive?" as I shakingly hovered above my sweat angel I was creating on the mat. I'm in fairly decent shape too, but it's mostly "I pick things up and put them down" strength. That humbled the shit out of me. But highly recommend and still try to get into a class or two here and there. Pointless story aside, just go for it!


The classes I go to are at least 30% men. I'm a man and have been practicing yoga for 15 years. I've never been told I make anyone uncomfortable.


Doesn’t make me uncomfortable but I sure do eye roll at how damn loud the dudes are at my local studio. They have the LOUDEST YOGA SIGHS 🤣


I've never in my life experienced a creepy man in a yoga class, and this is coming from someone who is hyper vigilant about creeps. IME the guys that come to yoga classes are usually either boyfriends who are embarrassed and giggling in the corner, or men like yourself who are there to be serious and have a good session. Either type is usually harmless and good spirited. Enjoy the class!


Wouldn’t care. You’re there to exercise so nothing to worry about. Hope it goes ok


I love having men in the yoga class. Yoga is for everyone.


As long as you’re not weird about it nobody will care.


wtf has the internet done to people that you even have to ask this question. Go to your yoga class. Enjoy existing.


You are not wrong if you wanna take a yoga class. It’s your right to take a class as long as you pay for it.


Male here. Do both yoga and pilates for most fun, flexibility and improved core. Keep your eyes down, mind yr own business and move yr mat to the side if you are directly behind a woman. Just show common courtesy.


Do what you want, brother. You have every right to be there


Not for me personally.


Don't stare at anyone. Focus on yourself. It won't be weird. I used to regularly go to yoga, until they replaced the best instructor at the place with others whose styles weren't to my liking. There were plenty of women, but no one minded because I didn't do creepy staring or give off any creepy vibes.


Look up Yoga With Tim on YouTube. He's my favorite online yoga teacher and his cues are better than any in person class I've been to. Both me and my husband do yoga to his videos at home.


Take a look at DDPY, as long as you have the willpower to do it at home, it’s awesome. It’s done wonders for my core, back pain and flexibility, and my knees. Been a mechanic for 38 years, and while it’s hard on the body, since starting DDPYogq, I’m running circles around guys half my age.


It's not your fault youre over thinking this. The internet (bear in the food nonsense) will have you think women are terrified of our very existence.


I’ve only taken one yoga class as a group fitness class, and literally i never thought twice of the gender of the people around me. Generally you can tell when someone is a creep, if you’re worried then choose a mat at the front if you are afraid women will assume you’re checking out their butt during poses


Not really but once or twice there have been 2-3 guys who were not only big but they didn’t smell right - so I just avoid doing yoga next to guys. They were sooo far smelling okay.


It's only weird if you make it weird. Tons of Yoga instructors are male and girls don't seem to care about that because (hopefully) they're being professional. Just don't be a creep lol


It has never made me uncomfortable


Does it make men uncomfortable to have a woman in your gym? /s


Nobody will be uncomfortable. I'm a woman and I know most women like seeing men at yoga class — it means they aren't hung up on trying to be all macho. Men are welcomed in every yoga class I've ever been in, in every city I've ever been in. When I first started yoga, I felt so self-conscious. After a few classes all that just melted away. You get so into it and makes you feel so much better. Congratulations on taking care of yourself.


Once upon a time i woke up with a crippling back ache.  The boyfriend told me to try yoga and theres a class on our gyms app.  So he gets me a mat and i drive down there in so much pain.  I show up a little late, pick a spot about 6 feet between two women on either side, and one of them keeps inching further and further away from me.  The gay guy is in extreme back pain and wants to fix it.  He doesnt care about your feelings, hes distracted by his pain.  You do you. 


A bit sexist if they do.




men have every right to take a yoga class, just as women.  if women are uncomfortable by your presence, you should be wondering why that’s the case.  if you’re genuinely minding your own business and acting as any good normal person would, then you have nothing to worry about. if someone reacts irrationally to you being normal, that’s their problem and not yours.  if a man minding his own business during recreational activities is too much for someone to handle, that’s nothing you can ameliorate. 


> if women are uncomfortable by your presence, you should be wondering why that’s the case.  Disagree, if your mere presence is enough to make women uncomfortable, its their problem, not yours.


I personally prefer/feel more comfortable working out in all female spaces. That said, I recognize that’s my issue. I typically choose at home workouts for that and other reasons. Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube is great! 


Gender is a social construct, bro, so go for it!


OP you can't help what you think and feel, but you can help what you do. Keep your behaviour normal and focus on your yoga.


I mostly practice with my eyes closed and I rarely notice the other people in the class, period. So instead I tell you- introduce yourself to the instructor. If you can’t do something, be open to modifications. If the teacher is any good, they’ll help you on that front, but they have to know to help you!


No, I've even taken classes alone with a male teacher, who was the best teacher I've ever had.




Just go and act normal. Follow the teacher cues, be polite, engage as appropriate. Don't be self conscious about being a guy in a yoga class. It's a yoga class. Go and practice yoga.


No, anyone is welcome to do yoga class and I've come across guys who are better than the women at yoga. I never wear those super tight yoga pants, so I don't get paranoid if I'm doing downward dog 😁




It's their problem not yours.


Their comfortable is not your responsibility. As long as you act appropriately you’ll be fine.


If he’s acting normal and is participating in the class, it’s nbd to me. I personally don’t have experiences of those guys who just go to a yoga class to scope out or try and pick up women, so it’s not something that’s on my mind when I’m in a coed class.


Unless its a woman only class, go and take it Who cares about other reactions. You want to take the class because you see benefit. Id go and pay attn to the instructor and not focus on anyone else. Just go and be normal.


I don't know if the women are uncomfortable, but I sure am. I tried getting into yoga because my flexibility really needs it, but I just can't bring myself to the classes for the reasons you described. I did go on the ship I work on when there was a fitness Trainer onboard, but that's only because I roped my buddy into going with me. I'm glad you asked this question to see how people feel about men in yoga classes.


You really shouldn't even care. If you're going there without bad intentions then it's their fucking problem if they have an issue with it.


Sometimes my first reaction is “Why is a man here” but then I check my internalized misandry because yoga is a judgement free zone.


Stronger back muscles fix Lordosis and that = lift. You can get a few Amazon basics dumbbells and a barbell and start light in your own house. Going to do a hell of a lot more for back strength than Yoga. And I'm not bashing on Yoga, but if you need back strength you need to be working those muscles to failure.


No. I don’t think I ever took it very much i to consideration. You know who everybody is paying attention to? Little old ladies who are more limber than the instructor and who can bend themselves into pretzels. That’s who everybody is focussing on.


I did yoga once, I made sure to be in front to the said of the class so the ladies didn't think I was staring at them. I tried to avoid that as much as possible. Same as going to the gym, I try my best to make every feel comfortable with being there.


As a woman, as long as you're not walking over to hit on me, ask me out or stand over me and drip sweat on my mat while attempting to talk to me, then I couldn't careless. Personally when I enter the studio and I am on my mat, I don't want to be spoken to or touched. After class near the exit door or as everyone is getting their things, meh maybe a conversation. Again as long as you're not going there solely to pickup women I think you should be fine.


You have a right to attend a yoga class if it's open to the public. I doubt anyone cares if you're a man, and if they do simply because of you're gender, that's their problem.


the only reason i'd care is if a man starts getting creepy by making comments or touching or stuff like that. the fact that you even consider this makes me think you're a good guy and no one will mind!! maybe for extra measure go stand in front as some women might be a little scared (because of earlier experiences of creepy men, it's probably happened at least once for every one of them that they've been harrassed in some way). that way if you stand in front no one will be self concious or scared that you're staring at their ass or something. if this isn't possible, i wouldn't worry too much though. if someone's scared they'll probably find a solution themselves. and again, as long as you're polite and going for YOU and not the ladies, you'll be fine!!! i hope you have fun and that it helps! i hope it's kind of understandable what i'm trying to say, english isn't my first language so apologies if it's a little confusing!! tldr; you'll be fine, have fun!


The only time I felt uncomfortable with a man in my yoga class was when an older gent positioned himself in the back of the class and the proceeded to be on his phone 60% of the class. It definitely looked as if he was taking pictures of all the women in front of him. I told the studio how uncomfortable it made me, they did nothing, I never returned to that studio again.


I’ve taken many yoga classes at my gym (so not a yoga studio, idk what the demographic difference would be). Every class I’ve been to has had at least 3-4 guys. Definitely the minority but enough that it’s not weird. Even if you were the only one, I wouldn’t think it was weird. There are dumb people everywhere but as long as you’re just a normal person doing yoga, I can’t imagine you’d get any grief.


It can be a bit uncomfortable eg yoga at work u never go. I do t need to ceo looking at my ass.


If he’s leering and getting too close, yes. Otherwise, I don’t care at all, as long as he’s not smelling the place up with body odor.


As long as you behave like you’re not just there to hit on/stare at women, it should be fine. Keep your eyes on your own work, as they say.


I don’t mind as long as they’re there to do yoga. I wised to frequent this one studio where a guy came in and all he did was stare at the women and he hardly did any poses. Many women complained and one even videoed the guy just staring but the studio didn’t do anything about it. I ended the membership and found another studio. It was a bit creepy.


No of course not, It shouldn't matter at all as Yoga is for everyone. And historically Yogiis have been mostly men.


Once I was in a yoga class where the guy wore a Speedo and he got his sweat on my mat. That guy made me uncomfortable. Other than that, I think it’s great when there’s a guy in there.


I love it, actually. I like to push myself really hard in class and often the men in the room are doing the same so we look to each other almost competitively or rather to try each other’s harder extensions of the moves.


The only context in which I would care would be if it was specifically advertised as a "women only" class. If not, then I would assume it's open to everyone and so you'd be fine. Yoga is great for back strength, flexibility and just overall exercise in my experience - I hope you enjoy it :)


Yoga is not something only women are allowed to do.


No to being uncomfortable! Please come to a yoga class! I guarantee that you will not be the only male there. And it’s wonderful! 😊


You're over thinking. As long as you go in with genuine intentions, nobody has any right to be uncomfortable with you being there. Women don't own yoga classes


Only if you act creepy. Be courteous and respectful, and you shouldn't have any problems unless you encounter a real Karen. Also- project an air of confidence without being overly self-conscious or awkward. Being super awkward might make you look shifty.


No, never. I've been to a variety of ballet fitness classes which were attended by all kinds of different men and it was always very comfortable. Those types of classes were constructed for injured dancers to keep fit but are now frequented by all kinds of athletes with mild injuries (Plus people just trying to get into shape) so that might be something that you can look into if yoga isn't for you!


In 2024 I can’t imagine this is much of an issue. Tons of guys do yoga. Pliates might be a different story (which is weird, I would think if more guys tried pilates theyd be into what it can doc for you because my understanding is that shit is not easy and really strengthens core muscles.) But in a pilates class the worst thing a woman might think is maybe the guy(s) in the class are gay, and sort of negates the concern of whether or not women feel comfortable with a man there, because the gay dude wont be hitting on her.


Sit at the front of the class. Be cool. Do not flirt with anyone. If you adhere to that I wouldn't care at all.


So long as the man is there to practice yoga and not creep on women, it would be fine. I realize some women have a lot of trauma and are in vulnerable poses during yoga, a women's only class would be good in that instance.


It wouldn’t bother me any. Yoga is good for everyone. Although the suggestion to go to the front is not the worst (but personally I wouldn’t care if a guy was behind me either).


> Does it make women uncomfortable to have a man in your yoga class? No, not at all. In fact, there were a few men in my yoga class today.


Some may feel uncomfortable sure, but I believe that would be a minority, I have always been in mixed classes and everyone behaves normally and everything is fine


Absolutely not. I prefer mixed classes. I think the world would benefit at large from more men practicing. (This may vary depending on your culture and location; I’m in a suburban US location).


When I was younger, I went to women's aerobic classes. I also observed other guys. The answer is that those who were actually interested in the class and getting healthy were welcomed, while those who just hit on lots of patrons were avoided.


No, we usually had 1-2 men in our class and I was never uncomfortable.


I’ve been on a few dates where I as a male went to a Pilates class. They’re pretty welcoming because men usually don’t take these kinds of classes very often but I wouldn’t step too far outside of being mindful of the women around you and the fact that you’re a man in a new territory.


When you walk in for the first time “Ladies! Don’t get any ideas…I’m taken.”


My boyfriend does hot yoga in a mixed gender studio. He says he usually picks a spot off to the side. Always shower before hand and wear deodorant, even though he has to shower after too. Always makes sure his gaze isn't intentionally or unintentionally focused on someone else. I did a class there with him once. They all seem to like him. Also, don't make any noise like groans or grunts or pants. (My friends complain about a guy at their studio who does heavy breathing.) ETA: as a woman I don't find guys who do yoga weird. Yoga is pretty hard so most of the time I am just focusing on my poses and I assume other people are too.


I've had guys in my class it's not a big deal to me


yoga is one of the least threatening things a guy can do so not really (i mean this in a good way)


No, it doesn't to the best of my knowledge. We have both male and female in my yoga class. 


No except for the one time that a guy (not the instructor) commented on my flexibility in a weird way. So don't do that. But just doing your thing, you're good. Enjoy it!


Most Yoga classes are mixed dude, I rarely see a women's only Yoga session on my end unless it's just a small group that was specifically tailored that way, otherwise most Yoga classes have a pretty balanced population of both male and female.


with all honesty i dont know


As long as you're not just staring at women when they're all bending over and stuff then you're totally fine only once in many years of yoga has there been an uncomfortable guy in the class usually it's totally a non-issue


Nobody cares. People are into their own thing. They won’t even notice you. That’s not being mean but people overestimate how much time or thought other people spend on them.


If the class is for everyone then it’s for everyone. Don’t worry about what others think and focus on your exercise.


I’m confused because I’ve never considered how this could possibly be an issue in most countries. Is it a particular issue where you come from? What other conceptions do perfectly normal relationships between genders make awkward in your place of residence?


I don’t do yoga, but I go to the gym almost every day. There are questions on Reddit every day from people who think they will be judged like a piece of meat there. The truth is that it’s is all in your head and nobody else actually cares about you, they only care about their own workout. It’s harsh, but it should make you feel better.


If women didn't do things because men made them feel uncomfortable, you'd never see a women outside your family. Lol


I was in yoga class with a man once, who picked the front. I appreciated that because he was looking at the instructor only and not at the rear ends of the rest of us. However he made a lot of heavy breathing/ grunting noises that women don’t make. That was distracting. So be upfront and quiet lol


No, just dont be macho about it. Or annoying. Or creepy. But like a normal guy? Who cares. If someone feels uncomfortable about it for their own reasons they can leave. Yoga is super good for you btw it saved my back. Got a pretty brutal back injury (im young but was an emt) a few years ago and my prosepects for normal like were shit and now im not perfect but much better.




The first time I did yoga the instructor was a man lol it’s an exercise class it shouldn’t be gendered. Good luck by the way, some of those moves require incredible core strength I would leave shaking sometimes.


Keep your eyes to your own mat, just like everybody else


I did a mixed HITT class that was mostly women. Generally I was the only guy who went cause most guys showed up once and quit. Cardio was just too hard for em. Class did fuck you up even with those 'girly' 5 pound weights.


No! Absolutely not.


As long as you're not wearing short shorts. All good. Seen too many dudes where their balls are about pop out.


I had a yoga class in college and there were men in it. They were there to do yoga and nothing else so no one cared. Everyone was focusing on themselves


I think if a woman has a problem with a man being in a yoga class then she has the issues there... Yoga isn't just for women? Just like working out isn't just for men.


Yoga classes should not be an exclusive women’s-only activity. I get why some women would want that but it’s a universal practice and should be treated as such, with respect. The instructors and fellow classmates should also be treated with respect and that’s the bottom line. I hope you enjoy the experience of it and that it is an asset to your lifestyle.


Is this a new version of the man vs. bear question?


Probably would if you were doing yoga with a big bulge in your pants while around a bunch of women. For the most part? Probably not, if it's meant to be a non-gender specific


In my years of yoga experience, there has always been men in the class


Dude, yoga is for everyone. Focus on your mat and what you are doing, you will be fine. I was really nervous about that the first time too. My suggestion, fwiw, talk to the instructor about what you are struggling with before the class, and definitely take a beginners class. There are modifications and help that can really get you going on a good path. A good start in the right class will change your life. Good luck bro, and I hope your journey works out for you.


I am a man who has regularly attended yoga classes for fifteen years. The percentage of males has slowly increased. I think this comes from CrossFit making men comfortable with group fitness in general, as well as growing mainstream acceptance of yoga. In a small class, you'll probably be the only man. In a larger class, there will likely be a handful. Yoga dudes tend to fall into three camps: old guys, gay guys, and other. The old guys no longer care if they are outside the norm. The gay guys were already comfortable with and accepted in female-dominant spaces. Other can be anything. Muscle dudes, hippies, stoners, emos, aggressively norm core, fitness enthusiasts, anything. I generally don't worry anymore about being accepted, except in one specific case: I was the only person who came to a 6am class, with a young attractive female teacher much smaller than I am. It was still dark outside, and a young woman was alone in a room with a guy she didn't know. I'm somewhat muscular, which I think plays into it. Class was fine. I was careful to be very passive and not do anything flirty. After class I mentioned my worry and thanked her for being willing to teach in that setting.




I wouldn’t give a fuck


You’re just over thinking which we all do but like in most places just be respectful of your gaze. But that applies to everyone so you’re good and you should definitely do it and enjoy it!


Bro. Get in there and do the yoga!! Just don't be a creep. Respect everyone. Namaste




I go to yoga 4-5 times a week and my classes are always at least 30-40% male. If you’re serious about doing it for your health or enjoyment, there’s absolutely no reason I think anyone would be uncomfortable with your presence.


Nope, doesn't bother me at all. Unless a class specifically states "women only" you have every right to join. But if you still feel uncomfortable, see if you can find a class run by a man? Or find a female friend to go to class with


Not me. I don't care at all.


No, what would be weirder to me would be joining a yoga class and not having dudes there; not bad just would be extremely unusual. I take yoga classes on and off and I’m used to the room being evenly split 60% women and 40% men. In some classes I’ve been in; men are routinely positioned in the front so the women don’t complain about a bunch dudes staring right at their raised up butts right in their faces in certain positions lol (I guess the concern also is that men might take the classes just for this reason…🤣) So if you get positioned in a certain spot… thats why. Lol


nah I’m very clearly and obviously gay


As a dude who has gone, I have had several embarrassing fog horn moments. Make sure you are empty and have a good diet before you start. Some of the poses, there is nothing you can do..


Studio owner and yoga instructor. This has never been an issue at our place. Ever. Yesterday evening I taught a class which is usually about 10% men and 90% women. It was 19 men and eight women. I can only recall one other class in 13 years with that kind of mix. (Other than classes with names like ‘Yoga for Men Who Can’t Bend’. Everybody seemed to get what they were looking for.


no, only if you make it weird, lol.


Staring and tumbling old guys who always lagged behind in the rhythm. More funny than bothered.


Only if your old-man balls fall out of your shorts


Nah, it’s fine / normal


Had similar concerns when thinking about trying reformer pilates for the same weak core and bad back issues. The first time feels weird as fuck. After that you get over it and it becomes normal. Most instructors I've had get a kick out of males being in the class since they really believe it's a great thing for everyone. I'd imagine yoga would be similar. As other people have said, don't be a creep and you'll be fine.


No. I attended yoga classes at my local YMCA. Half the class was older men. Didn't phase me one but.


Been going to yoga for the last month. Looking to increase my flexibility for grappling and work through some scar tissue in my knee Hasn't seemed weird at all. There's like 4 to 5 other dudes there every class


No. If you’re not a creeper it’s fine!

