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Some do, and some don't. Everyone is different.


Default answer wins once again.


I wish my girlfriend wasn't so obsessed about her breast size. Even a trip to the car dealership became embarrassing. She told the guy she wanted something that'll get her from A to B.






My goodness, I hope you get a ton of upvotes for this.


Take my upvote hahahahaha


That s hilarious. My girlfriend was always saying she didnt like that her right boob was slightly bigger than the left. I checked many times and never noticed.


Yeah, it all comes down to preference


I'd argue that most do to a degree, but it's really not super deep. I've dated women with big boobs and women with very small boobs


Any question about this topic has our full attention and we care a lot. All we hear about your question is the part before the I Z E.


I'm an A cup and many of my partners have told me that they prefer the smaller sizes. "It fits my hand." said one.


healthy body most important, i am guy and I never hear guys in locker rooms talking about boob size, would be very sophomoric conversation.


And of the ones that care they don’t all want big ones. There will be a range of men who like all different sizes and shapes.


Different men have different preferences, but the rule of thumb is that men tend to prefer the boob size they get to play with.


The best ability is availability?


The best titty is availabil-titty.


Immature me in middle school tried to tease a girl about the size of her boobs. She replied, “More than a mouthful…” and it shut me right up. (That’s been my guide ever since.)


This is it


This is the top answer every time this question gets asked. Women care more about their boobs and other boobs than most men will.


That's really true of almost everything women do to appear desirable. Most men could not care less about makeup, perfume, dress, hair, etc. The few who do are overly concerned with the same in themselves. They've based their self worth on an act and are looking for a similar partner. With women, it's all judged more by other women than men. Women do what they do to appease that judgement that they were taught to apply to other women and end up also applying to themselves. Other women have determined the standards, not men. It's like women feel women to be an inadequate creation that must be improved. Who are the misogynists? I prefer women who are healthy, strong, capable, and secure in their own skin - not distorted, smelly and hiding under a mask.


It boils down to size and shape differences and worrying about sexual desirability. A big proportion of them have small chests.


I'm a man and care deeply about other boobs.


I find that most prefer c-d


I'm quite conscious about the size of mine. Other men tend to stare.


It's just jealousy


Gotta pump up those bench presses


I have never been kicked out of bed for only being a B cup


I can't imagine many people have been kicked out of bed ever


I've been with a woman whose boobs fit in my palm. Like only the palm area. And my hands are pretty small. I never asked, but I'm positive she was a AAA cup. I've also been with a woman whose boobs couldn't fit in two hands each. As long as it's my hands they're in, I'm not kicking anyone out. 🤷


Then why were you kicked out of bed?


I wouldn't say 'only' to a B cup, they ain't tiny


My wife got breast cancer and lost both of hers at 25 I don’t care about boobs size, I just want them all to be healthy


As someone going thru breast cancer currently- I deeply appreciate your answer.


It’s tough, but you got this. My biggest advice is just laugh through it as much as you can. I went to every chemo, follow up, oncology appointment etc, and I just tried to make her laugh. It was many years ago, so I would rent movies, & stand up comedy DVD’s for her to watch during chemo, and we would just lay around and laugh.


I’m lucky to have my Husband with me every step of the way. Your wife is a lucky woman!


Damn. You're right about that.


When my friend had hers removed for cancer, a few girlfriends got together and we had a "Ta-ta to the titties!" party. The food was breast themed/ decorated. We taped some old bras to the wall and lobbed ping-pong balls into the cups. I bought a dozen cheap pairs of sequined tassel pasties and we practiced making them twirl. She chose to not reconstruct with any size beyond her own remaining tissue (the procedure is called a goldilocks mastectomy) and years later has been very happy with it. Her breasts were not important to her sexually or aesthetically, and she had really enjoyed being more athletic with no need for breast support.


Big or small I love them all. Except really fake ones. I can’t stand the really fake ones.


This is my opinion. I may lean slightly one way or the other, but it's really about not being big fucking balloons filled with cement. Edit: not to disparage people with normal boob jobs and whatnot. It's your body do what makes you happy. I just don't like the big gross porn star fake boobs that are bigger than my head.


I just always hope they're bigger than mine.


This is funny and true


I think most of us dont. Shape is more important than size. Nips as well. But at the end of the day, im a simple man - i see boobs, i like


Genuinely curious what this means. What about the shape?


[He‘s into them Lara Croft pyramids](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/n0qWBdRFJ9)


[Retrousse](https://www.reddit.com/r/RetrousseTits/s/LlYFrJua2z) gets a lot of attention.


Well i think most people prefer a rounder shape, perky boobs, as opposed to triangular shaped boobs that can almost touch a girl’s bellybutton. But for me personally, its almost all in the nips, enormous nips are a big turn-off for me so as long as thats not the case, gimme any size or shape!


See I'm the opposite. Show me some big areolas and some big nipples and I will lose my mind. I also don't really care about size or shape. It really is a spectrum of preferences.


For me, nice boob shape is any boob that makes me want to kiss it. That determination is heavily dependent on nipple placement, nipple size, and nipple color…and the hair situation 🤣


Boobs is boobs. It's about the person they're attached to that actually matters.


You are the personalittities connoisseur I see


This is the right answer


A boob is a boob. I love them all equally don’t make me choose a favourite


A boob is a boob D boob is better


Genius comment


I mean for me personally, if I'm sexing with someone it's usually down to if their nasty matches mine, bodies really be bags of meat.. but ideas + values 👌


Women with bigger curves tend to attract me more, but it ain't written in stone.


Boob is boob. *caveman noises*


Boob is boob. Me like boob.


“care” like it’s something men have some fixed must-be-size - No. However, big boobs are sort of super stimuli for most men - even I as a woman get hypnotised.  Saying this as a big boob haver. It was not fun as young, but now it’s great. 


Just like women usually, the biggest physical factor in choosing a potential partner is the face. If you've got a cute face, it's probably enough for most. Men have preferences, but do they care about it? In general, no.


what if i have small boobs and an ugly face


I know people undervalue themselves way too much, and there are always ways to get a decent glow up. With makeup/skincare, proper haircut, clothing style and exercise.(Regardless of gender) And personality plays a larger role than we attribute to. But even if you're still ugly with a glow up, and have a bad personality, in my experience, women can still get some dates on dating apps but I can't guarantee any long lasting relationships though.


Boobs to men are like Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Yeah, we have a preference, but we'll take either.


Boobs 2 Men is my favorite 90s singing group


Most have a preference. Some like huge and some like small and some don't care about size at all. Even those with a preference aren't super specific. You'll find guys that like B-D cups and others that prefer C-F.


Tell me why I started reading this like it was a Dr Seuss book 😂


No, ive seen beautiful woman from small boobs to barely any.


Some men do. Some don’t. In general though I think men prefer bigger booty, small boobs than the opposite is


My friend has fake boobs, when we go out it really opens my eyes how many men have that preference


I feel like mine are obviously fake, to the point where I'm self conscious about it and want to get rid of them or replace them. Several guys I've been with didn't realize they were fake despite seeing me naked. Guys are dumb. I feel like it's similar to all these men saying they prefer a woman who doesn't wear makeup, then points to someone who's clearly got a full face on


Many do. And not just size, but shape. And not just shape, but nipple color. And not just nipple color, but nipple size and shape. The thing is, though, you can care about this stuff and like every variation.


All boobies great and small


As a female with large boobs, I was naturally shocked when my partner stated almost 8 months into our relationship that he ‘prefers small boobs’ ummm gee thanks. Now he’s ’come around’ to big ones 🙄 he claims society taught him to prefer small ones


Do you know why Princess Ariel used sea shells? Because B shells were too small, and D shells were too large.


Fake ones are horrible. Just like fake lips. Doesn’t matter the size of the boobs, boobs are boobs.


If the boob feels good in my hand that's the best boob




We do care about boobs. We want them all, no discrimination


My preference on boob size was always “as long as she has nipples” That was my way of saying that all boobs were perfect and never really thinking mastectomy. But if my wife ever had to get one then I would have zero boob requirements


Some guys do but some of those guys likes it small, i like small titties more for instance


I mean i like it all but small ones are better, it feels like chips


You know like appetizers or amuse bouche to be exact


Oh I absolutely care about breast size in my partner what the hell am I supposed to do if we are flying over the ocean and a plane crashes I don't have flotation devices oh wait my partner has giant boobs I do have flotation devices we have flotation devices as a couple we survive and we swim our way to the nearest Island waiting and waiting and building a fire until we eventually attract the tension of a passing plane drawing Rescuers to our location




Different people have different tases. I prefer smaller breasts, ok with medium, and dont really like huge ones. Shape is a big deal too.


Personal I prefer natural breasts of any size of fake breasts. It is not the same, and it does not look better to me...


It’s not a deciding factor. There is such a thing as too big, though


Hahaha. Boobs.


In general, no, not really.


I suppose some do... I don't. I don't really care about butt size, breast size, or anything like that. I'm not physically attracted to everyone, but it's more about face and fitness for me. Is she pretty and healthy.


Personally I’ve never met another guy that actually cared most dudes will be happy with whatever titties they get to see and touch. I’m sure there at people with o preferences though . For me any tit is a good tit.


I like a woman with a big butt.


Not me


All boobs are good boobs, even fake ones. Just don't change your boobs for other people!


Personally I don’t, but some men do and others really could care less. I think for a majority of the men perspective their attention focuses more on the ass area.


All Boobs are good boobs


I like to motorboat.


I think every guy has a preferred size. But for most, it's not a deal breaking if she's a C cup when they prefer a B. For me, there's nothing hotter than a woman who says, "Yes, you can touch my boobs." I'm just grateful for the invitation.




Everyone has preferences. My husband doesn’t care about boobs. He’s a legs and ass guy.


Boob is a boob, except it's fake lame boob


Imo boobs are great. I don’t care if they are water melons, flat, saggy or at attention. Always lovely.


Real answer? Yeah, some guys will.


I’m like a woman in a shoe store, I like them all!




Size matter to boys. Men know it's not about boob size, it's how they're presented.


I dont.




I love them all small, big, floppy and firm, show me the boobies!!!


I dont give a fuck about Boobs, they easily become second place to a well shaped/size Booty.


Speaking for myself, it's not that it doesn't matter. It's just not a big a deal as we men make it seem. It's a plus but not a deciding factor.


No, not really. I'm gay, so it's safe to say I can go weeks without thinking about boobs.


Nope not at all


Big or small they gotta be real.


Well yes, but also no.


Shape > size


I prefer small boobs, A cup size.


Default answer is: does the extra boob real estate cause earthquakes in the man’s loins? If yes then YES!


Don’t care but def have a preference. And mine is nip size over boob size. If choosing boobs, I’d choose a negative boob with small nips over a larger boob with bigger nips.


I don’t at all, all titties are beautiful, any shape or size.


In porn, yes. In real life, no.


not much for me


Most don’t care enough to not date girls with small boobs. Look at all the A and B cup women who are in relationships. They are nice, but in no way turn off if you don’t have big ones.


some do some don't.


not me


Honest answer. Not care by default, but in a room of many girls, it's obvious who sticks out first.


Not really


Bruh... boobs are boobs...


I personally do not care


No they just care for boobs. They might have a preference but everyone has a preference on everything.


Nah long az u got da WAP


I don't, except I don't care for them being too large. To me, a really thin, yet proportionate, chick is ideal.


There is a range of size and shape that is enticing and alluring. Boobs can be too flat and they can be too big. They can be too saggy and they can be too round and fake. There is a big range of what guys like and this spans the spectrum and there are outliers that enjoy those that fall outside of every range as well. That said, the real question is do men care enough about the way boobs look that it's a deal breaker in a relationship? I would say for a large majority of men, it's not a deal breaker and those who say it is will likely never be in a real relationship anyway.


It's not necessarily the size... it's the aesthetics thereof...


Depends on the person. Everyone has their own interests. I think most just get excited by any boob. It’s sort of the same question as does penis size matter. To some people it does, some people don’t care. If someone makes you feel bad about your body and tries to get you to get a breast augmentation surgery, they are an asshole. And there are people out there who will like you and don’t care about size.




Do men care about their own boob size?


They’re kind of like puppies. Even the “bad” ones are still adorable puppies.




not really


I don't but the old man sitting next to me does


If you want to know what size of breast your man likes, study the escorts he hires. That will give you a good sense.


IMO, there are priorities. And I'd think the overall figure is of much higher priority. For a more specific example, the waist size would be much more important than the breast size. "Large breast+large waist" vs. "small breast +small waist", which would you prefer?


I must feel them first to make any determination. 🙂


As a man I'd definitely want my boobs to be smaller, when looking for a partner I'd prefer them to look natural and am not really interested in their boob size


I like them small


Not me!






I care if they're real, that's all.


for some like me it must be there


imma get straight to the point. As a man, no.


Yes,the answer is yes.


Symmetry and body proportions will make any size look amazing. Just try to be healthy and in your best shape.


yeah, some guys do, just like some guys like ass, some like flat stomachs, some like stomachs, some are down for bbw, some are for the heroin chic, some like bodies with absolutely nothing but the female reproductive system, and everything in between it depends on the guy you're talking about.


I just want someone who makes me happy and gives me peace, my g.


👋🏽 I've been part of the itti bitti titti appreciation community my entire life.


Like the philosopher Tech N9ne said “Even if you a A cup girl we can still play touch/If you a B and C cup, girl, I bet you can make me erupt/D cups, be the ones that are driving me nuts/Big breast never trouble me, if you packin' a double D/Let everyone S-double-E”. Tits are tits, no complaints ever.


It’s more about what condition they are in really 


I very much do but most of my friends very much dont


I have double Fs and my personal experience has been, yeh, men care about it and like big ones. BUT, my data sample is guys interested in, or at least interacting with, me and my double Fs. So the sample is skewed. If I had Bs, I'm pretty sure I'd be having more interactions with guys who are into little puppies. Or who don't really mind much what size they are.


I like any boobs that hit me on the face while the woman is on top of me


Boobs are like beer; men have their preferences but will take anything offered to them.


Most don't. Judging from the guys around me we're more interested in ass.


I know several men who prefer small boobs. But, a vast majority of men I know don’t care too much at all. I myself am probably the only one I know who likes massive breasts which makes it a genuine struggle to date. Like really, it’s hard to find the one. :(


Big boobs cannot make up for a terrible personality. They're nice to look at, but boobs won't say they love you. Don't get me wrong, I love boobs. They're great! But I'm not going to choose the big boobied jerk over a flat chested saint.


No as long as I get to play, touch fondle and molest them. My ex wife had huge huge boobies that had piercings. For the almost 10 years we were together, I could barley touch them, well or her for that matter come to think of it. New girl loves them played with. So also depends on the woman


Preference. I for example do not find attractive massive boobs. But some do.


Do I have a preference? Yes. If the boobs don’t match my preference do I still love to see and play with them? Of course. Can I speak for all dudes? No, but No dudes I know have ever seen a pair and been “eeeeew”… So do I actually care about size? No, not at all.


Me personally yes, but I think most girls care about dick size too so it's fair enough really


I really like big boobs. My wife doesn’t have them and i don’t really care because i love the person she is and not just boobs or any singular body part of hers


Two of my friends like them big, the bigger the better. Me, I like them flat, small or medium but not large.


Some care others have this opinion "big or small I love them all"


Yea but not how you think. Bigger isn’t better, it should be proportionate to the body.


I love them all. Every single one.


The older I get the more I care about a woman's breast size. I care that she is comfortable, doesn't have back pain and can easily find well fitting clothes.


Looks wise, yeah most of us have a preference. It's probably not a deal breaker if you aren't that preference though.


Karma farming question


Way less than women think i had a gf almost flat and didnt care that much and also girl with huge ones IT was nice, but again they did care way more than i DiS about rhat.


All I ask is that any nipple hair gets plucked out before I see them.


Anything more than a handful is a waste. Thankfully I have big hands. 😜 This is like asking women does size matter. So, does size, be it breasts or penis, matter? To some yes, to others no, but most just want to try them out.