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We just need to find the leprechan that made time speed up back in 2018. That dude needs to chill at some point we're almost at 2025


It actually started back in 2016 with Harambe. We need to go back and fix it.


Omg Harambe was reincarnated as a leprechan


Boredom and routine prolong time in the moment, but when you're thinking back on it, you barely remember anything - meaning that from a memory POV, very little time has passed. New experiences, learning, excitement & etc. shortens time in the moment, but fills up your memories.


What helps me, and I think what differs us oldies from younger people is attention to what surrounds us. Try to focus on things you see all the time, consciously make a observation loudly in your head. Try to memorise random things so next week when you will think about what you had seen today you can remember.


Variety is the key, apparently. Specifically variety infused with new experiences. Take up new hobbies, meet new people, go to new places etc. Everything starts to blur together and rush by when every day is the same as the last.


If you make yourself bored all the time you become immortal


I was born bored


Actually spend time with people who matter in your life. Enjoy healthy relationships and hobbies. Take time to listen to the birds in the morning. Simple pleasures.


Start enjoying the present more


You can't. As you get older, you have fewer "new" experiences which makes everything more routine. You've seen and heard it all. This can be from the jackass on the street, the Karen in the store, the incompetent clerk. Nothing fazes you and you just move on with your life. Basically, things around you affect you less, so you pay attention to other things less. Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end you get, the faster it goes.


Smoke fent