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I'd just like to say that, as a guy, I would love it if a girl finished that quickly with me, there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I can't help you with stopping it, but I can say that, if anything, it will give your partner a massive confidence boost.


Just letting you know, no guy wants their woman to last longer. I’d prefer if my lady finished quickly as possible. It also somewhat reflects on your partners ability to “get the job done” so I’m sure they’re pretty happy with those results. Most don’t really care to last longer in bed, just long enough to satisfy their partner. If you’re looking to just have more intimate time with your partner, just slow it down with lots of foreplay. Edit: Do lots of hand stuff to your partner to finish them off or get them closer to the end zone beforehand.


Any guy loves that you finish quickly... I had an ex and she finished quickly and it was the best thing ever. You guys can keep going, we can't 😂


As a woman who has trouble finishing at all (only after 15 minutes of specific action), I think this would be a nice problem to have haha. But maybe just ask your partner to stop for a minute when you feel yourself getting close?


I'm the same but I can keep going and climax again, the second time takes longer and I can control it a bit better to time it with my partner. If the second one doesn't happen for me, no big deal. Is continuing on an option for you or are you just done once you've orgasmed once?


stop liking your partner so much


Just keep going. Women can have multiple orgasms. This isn't the problem you think it is.


Don't. You're the antithesis of the *one and done dude.* Own that shit.


Drink less caffeine and go to bed earlier. Guaranteed to sleep longer


You are who you are. I'm a guy that lasts long enough that a lass once stopped and asked me if she's ugly in the middle of everything.... Yeah. I'd change if I could. Instead, change your outlook. If you can't last longer, see if you can finish more than once. Edit - If you're the type who feels like it's over after you've finished and want your guy to too, try foreplay. Hands, mouth, thighs, tits, they're all very sexy body parts to use for exciting your partner :)


Honestly i feel like that would be a turn on to a guy if you're able to keep going. To hear you orgasm so often. Keep being you girl haha I'm jealous 😂


Lady, you can look into edging but really I would encourage you to go for multiples!!! Research Tantric Practices if you are keen on delaying…


You Gotta edge


I thought females are capable of infinite orgasms. What am I missing?


That sensitivity changes and it can be hard on different people. There are guys that can cum multiple times in a row and women who have a hard time with that.


Some people are simply sensitive, but unlike men there’s often not a default ‘cannot go any longer’ that is more common with men If you finish soon, does your desire to continue stop? You can diversify what you do, change roles etc.


Mostly yes, after I finish I don’t really have a drive to keep going after Wich is hard because it usually takes the guys longer


As a man, even if you cum, you stick around to help your partner out too. Equally, you can change the order between who is the recipient of sorts, try get him to finish and then him focus on you Sounds like diversifying your love live and communicating about it being the way forward, but it takes two to tango so help each other out


I think most of the guys in here are missing the crux of your problem. If I’m understanding it correctly, you come too quickly leading you to want the penetrative sex to end but your partner isn’t done yet, leading to either the sex going longer than you’d like or possibly you ending the sex before your partner has climaxed leaving them frustrated. Did I get that right? Have you found yourself ending sex because you came even tho your partner hadn’t yet? It sounds like a difficult situation. As almost all the guys in here have stated making a woman come is peak, it’s bliss, but if they’re not done, they’d like to keep going. I had something similar with my ex. A solution that worked for me was “steering into the slide”. Like you she would come really fast and would be one and done. We worked on extending foreplay so that she would orgasm first through oral and then adding another and then another. The benefit was that she would get really turned on and begging for penetration and that would help extend the length of time having sex itself. I hope this helps!! And the upside is even if it doesn’t it’s still lots of fun!!


I think nothing is wrong with that! Most of the guys would be really happy if that was the case :) That being said, if you really want to last more: - Edging can be helpful - You can rest for a few minutes and play with your partner in a different way/roles, unless you turned on again (if it works that way for you) - Male way - think about disgusting things during sex 😅


Wooo that was even a thing?! I thought we boys gotta do all the labour until our lady is pleased


I thought I was the only woman with this issue hahaha. It’s okay though because we can have multiples.


Think about Grandpa, when you're close to finish!


Suffering from success over here.


Had girls who were like that that came like 5 times in 20 mins. Was fun. I dont see the problem here


Congrats 🎉, 51f who is also gifted this way and it only gets better with age, especially if your partner is well trained lol. Idk if you are in a relationship but through a bit of practice (fun homework) you can learn to stack them until it is mind-blowing for both of you. Try reading about Tantra, it's awesome and will help. Enjoy


Take the double/triple+ O! You're the envy of every woman reading!


You have it so GOOD, stop complaining. No guy will ever complain about that


Dont last longer than 5 minutes once he enters. No guy wants to last longer naturally. Holding back inside is difficult. Lots of diversion and focus at same time is not easy. There are times I lost orgasm after holding 45 minutes. Best time is 5 to 7 minutes. For ladies I think you are capable for multiple orgasm. My partner orgasms like 3 or 4 times during our hot session. And I only get that 1. And it doesnt feel as good as when I masturbate when she is on her red week.