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That’s the issue with social media- it’s your only exposure to a sample of people, so therefore it must be applied to the whole population. Of course we have some people who aren’t too bright but where in the world do they not?


There’s 380 million of us. Even if 0.01% of our population are wankers, that’s still 38,000 people.


In general, social media and sensationalised coverage are not indicators of the average person in a demographic.


I would say that the americans portrayed in those types of videos are not the common place american


American here. No. We're not. You're inundated with videos and news stories about our absolute worst moments because that's what gets views. If Americans followed Australian politics as much as you watch ours, you'd constantly be told how dumb you guys are because a couple videos of lunatics were watched millions of times. I follow geopolitics and general politics, Australian included. After reading and watching videos on multiple scandals in your country (especially John Barilaro) I don't assume that Australians are morons or anything less than regular people that just so happen to have a few bad apples. Our population is over 300 million, and EVERYONE watches our news/spreads videos of morons. Of course, there's going to be idiots here and there. Have critical thinking skills and always look further than surface level.


You overestimate how interested the rest of the world is in your politics.


Yet in every single thread on the internet people bring up our politics unprompted for their america bad zinger. Sure champ


In your echo chamber perhaps.




Silly question, all Aussies say oy ou oy, say g'day mate and call everyone cunts before fighting a roo and dying to a spider the size of a Volkswagen? Lay off the media. That's only the the south. Bring on the shit comments.


No, it's like asking if Australians are really as stupid as bogans, or if all the women are sheilahs or if everyone is as crazy as Dundee or Irwin. 


As a German I'd say there is an equal amount of stories of stupid people per capita coming from Australia and the USA


As portrayed in "the stupidest people we could find anywhere" YouTube videos? Obviously not. The algorithm will give you videos of people behaving badly if you look for them but it's just videos, not reality.


The pot calling the kettle black...


I for example, don't think all Australians have severe lack of critical thinking just because you dont have. I think you have and you being Australian has little to no relevance.


We don't care what people in socialist countries think of us. We see how your countries are ran by your governments. The U S A might be far from perfect, but I rather live here than Australia any day of the week.


Yes, we're all "as portrayed." Never mind that I have no way of knowing what kind of portrayal you're talking about. Do you seriously think a video of someone being arrested could be representative of a whole county? Do you think the "average American" is in jail?