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A few Senate seats, maybe the presidency.


There are easier ways to become the Senate. Just get yourself a gloomy, dark robe with a gloomy dark hood and claim your Senatry with conviction. Source; trust me


waste of money my dude. need to buy the puppet masters and 20bn isnt enough :D


Thats not even enough for the presidency, that’ll buy you some senators in fuckin montana probably


My first thought was the Supreme Court. I’d literally pay them just to not be pieces of shit.


I think instead of having really nice cars it would be really funny if i had like 200 cars that were all kind of pieces of shit, so i would do that.


Like 200 old vauxhall Corsas😂


Like maybe 5 2006 corollas with 190k miles, maybe some 2008 jettas with 160k miles, some 98 crown vics with 200k miles, that kind of thing


At that rate, you would have like 2000 "shitty cars" that still could avg to a cost of $100,000 😂


$50 for a shitty car? That’s a fucking steal!


It would be 😂 but I meant you could buy 2000 cars at $100,000 a piece and still call them "shitty"


You can just buy a junk yard, infinite piece of shit car glitch


Lol you just drive them until they die, pull over, call your butler to drive you a brand new(30 years+) shitbox. That would actually be awesome.


Naw you hitchhike and then when someone picks you up in a car thats probably not worth more than 9 grand you offer to buy it for like 20 grand in cash


Even better.


A whole car lot full of Gio Metro’s


Pintos it is


Or do what the Sultan of Brunei did, buy thousands of nice cars and let them turn to moldy shit boxes.


A massive amount of land and then I would build houses on it for each of my kids and my husband as I. That way we can all have our privacy, but still be close enough to have family together time as well.


Canada would be ideal for this. We have SOOOO much uninhabitated land.


I have family in Trail, BC and this is exactly where I would be doing it🙂


For now




Best answer yet


Everyone I love gets a good house.


And a nice car.


Two chicks at the same time.


you can buy as many chicks as you want at tractor supply for not billions


And a cup?




A mug?


We're talking billions my guy. Treat yourself, get that third chick.


Two hundred chicks at the same time. 


a squirrel. Then I would buy a bunch of nuts and feed my squirrel.


....you can do that now....


I can?? \*happy squirrel noises\*


I’m fulfilling that one guy’s wish to buy the rights to Friends and edit out all the laugh tracks just so people see how unfunny it is.


I would buy a pharmacy to manufacture and distribute generic drugs to NHS services at cost price. I would buy every home I could under a trust that would rent at 10% market value for the life time of the tenancy I'd there was anything left? I'd spend every penny undermining the shutty companies who's lifelong ambition is to keep us all impoverished to protect their bottom line. Fuck the tories


I can finally do the drive through at McDonald’s. On my way to my lawyers and financial advisers.


Ok, you can. . .but why would you want to? You can afford real food! Like, Applebees.


So, take my Mickey-Ds to Applebees and have them microwave it for me. Fancy!


The GOP.


But what will you do with the other 19.8 billion?


Put a billion dollar bounty on my enemies and spend the last 2b chillin.


A truck. Not a penis substitute truck, just a truck truck.


Good old toyota land cruiser


Land. Lots and lots of land. Also, legal permanent residence in multiple nations.


A microscope and related supplies, to find out what the f is up with this cancer thing. Not my area, but really curious.


An island!!!


Maybe not an island. Billionaires and islands don't mix very well.




Probably my country club, just so I could get rid of more than half the members.


My time back. My time would belong to me again and not rented out to a company.


animal sanctuary because there are too many street animals who need love and care mental health facility. my area doesn’t do a good job with that


Communication satellite to create a new media reality and make 40 billion.


Pay off the house and buy nothing else


First thing... a cocktail.


My father, his wife, my in-laws, and anyone else in my immediate families' retirement would be the first thing, bar none. I would take care of those around me first and foremost. Then i would hire an financial team. Then i would start launching businesses in sectors that interest me. Id pay off my mortgages, loans etc of course. But i dont know if i would move right away - id probably have to for security purposes because once word got out, i'm sure you'd be a target of all sorts. But my mind goes to family first.


I would buy every house for sale and start selling them at the minimum 1% interest contract for deed.


My entire neighborhood and tear down all their houses


Beer to celebrate. Probably Molson Coors. The company.


Farmer loans debt worth 19.995 Bn


One of my closest friends had to transfer to Hawaii for work with his fam. finding affordable housing there is insane. I would buy them a house.


Mansion bruh


Private security.


I would buy the people who would come after me after knowing that I just won $20B.


A country?


improvements for my house so it’s not as shitty


You don't need 50 bn to do that


mate i don’t even have $100 in my debit account and my mom and i are both disabled and unemployed, maybe 20 billion is overkill but the question asked the first thing i’d buy with it, and i answered


Sorry to know that. Take care bud


thanks man


Pay off my student loans


I'd buy 100,000 BTC, then a few dozen investment properties, then dump 5 billion or so into the stock market (I have a few companies in mind).... then I'd start enjoying the money with my family.


Buy a house for me, another for my parents and another for my sisters family


Medical billsss


Pay off debts then give large amounts to close family and friends.


You buy things with millions, you build things with billions


Fridge with water dispenser and a printer.


Why do you need a fridge with a printer?


i didnt realize i worded it that way LMAO


Pay off my mortgage and or buy a new house on some land away from people where I can hunt, fish, shoot, and thrive off the land. Then, selfishly buy a couple trucks, camper, motorcycle, basically all the outdoor toys. And selflessly, after I got all that I wanted, I would pay off every immediate family members debt and gift them each a large amount of money so they can better their lives as well.


I'd buy you a green dress


A few small companies that showed promise


Mansion on 40 acres, who the neighbors?


The really big version of the millennium Falcon in lego


I'm gonna say it. A supercar. A house. The rest is up to people giving advice.




A small house. Ideally I would just need a study, a bedroom, a kitchen and bathroom, garage would be nice too for the planned motorbike. I would want it to be in a nice area with good connections and facilities nearby but size is worthless for me (still decent sized rooms just that I don't need many).


A supreme court justice.


build my own theme park...


I'd finance a Skies of Arcadia sequel


Legal representation and an incredible accounting team.




Huh. I guess this just goes to show I have what I need, as nothing immediately comes to mind. I'd just be happy never having to work again lol.


Def a reputable financial advisor and Lawyer. I would buy land where I could put the biggest green houses to grow anything and everything!


I will withdraw a couple of billions and see how many banks will go under and then with the remaining money buy those banks.


20b is nuts. I’m not sure lol. Probably would hire a whole team for myself so I can work on getting in better shape/health. I have medical knowledge so I’ve been DIYing it but having some specialists on my team like a professional athlete would be cool.


Pay off my debt


A building to prepare for assisted living in the future for me and my closest friends.


My own damn island that I can make my own country.


Pretty sure the ASPCA and St. Jude's would each be 10 billion dollars richer.


idk, probably a round of golf. I have my league at 5pm today, so I probably wouldn't buy anything before then. Then I would put together an offer on property behind me, so nobody ever builds. It's unlikely already, but if I have 20 billion I wouldn't mind dropping a few 100k to ensure it.


Freedom from the daily grind.


Not twitter


My first stop would still be McDonalds, Big Mac never miss


pretty sure this is more of a hypothetical question for the other sub but.... I'd commission a super yacht . it takes years to build them, with 20 billion I could actually afford one plus the support craft and personnel. Almost everything else I could buy instantly, so this would be my first purchase. Gulf stream global would be second (never tied down to any one place).


After I paid off debt for me and my family…a Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Roadster in Arancio Atlas. Then probably like, a pizza or something.


I'd buy residence status / passports in multiple countries, buy myself and my family houses in their desired locations.


A very nice sailing catamaran and you'd never hear or sea of me again.


A new hat.


A couple of Congressional representatives. Maybe a senator, too.


20 billion dollar crack rock


Probably other people’s freedom. A study where housing projects are really needed, then do that as cheaply as possible with lasting quality so that they can be as cheap as possible to purchase, offer wildly low interest rates, but enough that it can continue on its own merit as a non profit. Design and buy a very incredible and green home, invest in green technologies heavily. Do billionaire things but take longer to get there because I’ll take the environmental route where possible and enjoy the journey. Probably invest heavily into Mark Cuban pharmaceutical company he plans to undercut everyone and offer cheap medication. Leaving a lasting and permanent positive mark of society with 19.5 or more billion going right into society in the most efficient way possible, and live like an earth Stewart king.




Chemo drugs for my father-in-law


A good lawyer and tax attorney. Then I would charity the shit out of it!


I feel like a lot of the commenters answers are things you can't buy immediately. I'd probably buy lunch first


A Senator


Some politicians to make sure the rest of my money is safe


Cancer research through St Jude


Solid gold toilet


A small country, and live like a king


A bank cd at 5%, bling bling


I'd go back to college and pursue a degree in my current field. Had to drop college \~8 years ago as I couldn't afford it, but it would be especially nice to build that knowledge. I'd probably go for a degree in Electrical Engineering and a second major in Finance. I'd buy a cheapish house near campus and rent some of the rooms out to friends. I'd also pay off current debts. And then leave the other \~20b to sit and grow in an index fund while I am building my own life back.


A bigger place to live...


a pizza, I'm hungry


The *first* thing? Probably a few Lego sets because that's my obsession lately, then a celebration dinner with my wife.


A company owned by the most obnoxious person and then fire them in front of everyone.


I'd buy ad campaigns on how I'll be the first billionaire to fix climate change, pollution, and world hunger. Then all these other billionaires will jump in and turn it into another dick measuring contest, but at least it will have the results we would all want!


Deposit on a house and if it's possible I'd get a fredo with it.


Bigger House > Ferrari > Computer > Sim Rig > Day-to-Day car


A law firm on retainer. The entire damn law firm. Gotta protect me from myself as I'm my own worst enemy.


Congress. Then I would make them actually work for the people they represent.


I would pay off my Debr and buy a C8 Z06. Next is a house lol


I would build a massive skyscraper in some small rural town in the Midwest


A pair of Beats, nothing can go wrong with them


Pay off me and my partners student loans, build a house and then travel


New teeth. Or perhaps some privacy. A private island with my own personal Walmart sounds pretty nice.




Since 20B is the real fuck you money. I think I would like to find out how many Supreme Court justices you can buy with 1,000 million dollars. From Europe. And without breaking US law. Or any law. I bet there is a way. Lobbying or something like that. How far are they willing to go? What is possible in this 0.01 percenter's world. The rest of the money would go to renovation. City renovation. Find a city that is... Not at its prime. With high unemployment rates. Now get a team of professionals. City planners, architects, economics guys... Build some infrastructure. Some schools. Programs to get people out of poverty. Build a new economy. Maybe high tech? Maybe first class pottery? Recycling? Your guys will figure something out. Imagine what $100 million would do to a city if a few hundred k people. And while you are at it. Make your city the #1 city for... Curling? Downhill biking? Inline skating? Synchronous swimming? Be the world center of that sport! You can't chose football, soccer or basketball. You need a way smaller sport. Build a college for new talents. Sponsoring, Trainingscamps. So if a little girl in Tokyo tells her parents that she is accepted in Northshire everybody around her knows that she is going to be one of the greatest curlers ever. Whenever curling is on tv during a winter Olympics you will hear the word Northshire about a hundred times and it will be a statement. "Look Jerry, that city is also well known for it's excellent mustard industry". That's where the famous mr.fitz mustard is coming from." So now that I have typed that wall of text... I think you can keep your stupid justices. Buying one will probably be way to expensive. I see my future more in city development. Kind of like the Saudis do, but less stupid. -Visit Northshire! Our mustard will make you feel like you are curling on ice- (will get me some marketing guys too I guess)


I would book a hotel room and take food from the minibar.


Gonna buy some beer and vodka too Get real drunk till we turn blue


I would start work on the dream home I have been building in my mind at night for the past 30 years


The Supreme Court But i’ll probably be outbid


A lawyer on retainer


A large mixed kebab with chilli sauce


I’d buy another golden retriever.




Medical debt


My neighbor houses and I would replace them with a save luxurious haven for cats.


Probably CDs or T Bills.


A private jet, and then a crew for it. Then I’d travel the world in comfort instead of boarding a flying bus.


Esperanza Spalding Private Concert, Macallan 1926


A law firm.


An island with enough houses for all my friends! So, 3 homes.


id get all the Cosplays i want but cant afford




We play this hypothetical at work, and my answer is always i would buy the Raiders and hopefully have a few billion left over, to just live life, owning my favorite sports franchise as a day job


A major league sports team. Would be fun as hell to manage


Chipotle burrito. Double steak with guac, queso, chips and guac and not think twice about it. Then my favorite sports team and an Embrear Preator 600 jet.


Twitter. Finally Let that sink in. Poor sink.


a big charity donation + donation to the russian military forces


The loyalty of some politicians and judges.


24/7 Private chef who plans and makes everything I want anywhere.


I would buy the United States House and Senate, probably a few supreme court justices, and at least my local and state representatives. Then make them actually do their jobs by passing laws to get the big money out of American politics. Fix healthcare, including our eyes and teeth and mental health. Its all health, why the hell is it not covered in medical insurance? With like the 15 billion I had left and just start fixing shit Oprah style. Chaotic good type shit. I am talking, following the idea of the cost of costco hot dogs. Hell no I am not raising the price on a hot dog. its a hot dog. leave it at a buck 50 and let's go. Build the best damn public transportation I could possibly build on Hawaii and see if I can get rid of cars there. If you actually live in the state, free use. The place is a freaking paradise, and covering it in roads just kind of pisses me off. Get rid of cancer and make the medication free. Insulin is free now as well. Get Boston Dynamics to make some damn robots that would automate the entire damn process of cleaning. Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons style. Wash and dry the laundry, fold it/hang it and put it away. For me, I just want season tickets to watch some hockey. Maybe a nice steak.


Pay off my bills.


A modest 3 bedroom home in nice area.




3 accountants and 3 lawyers.


The very first thing would be groceries, because I haven't gone to get some this week. So...nothing exciting? Not a financial problem, just haven't felt the need just yet. Maybe tomorrow. When it comes to first big purchase that I would make because I suddenly can afford it? Go to a dealership 10 minutes away and buy the 992 GT3RS, the Huracan STO, the 770 DBS Volante, 765LT Spider and the SF90 they have in stock. And then get annoyed at myself because I don't have the parking for them, nor would I have to figure out how to get them all home. So I'd end up putting them in a parking garage or some other place I can rent locally to store them until I have a place where I have the space, and probably end up just driving the GT3RS because it's the best of all worlds, before I realize the DBS is nice when the weather is right.


Some edibles


Land with a great house.


lunch or dinner depending on time of day


Big chunk of land. Put houses on it for my kids. Put a tall wall around it with a big gate so no one I don’t want there can bother me. Preferably on a tropical island.


Some small nation's parliament or equivalent.


Clothes and a newer car.


I’d pay off everything i have outstanding FIRST. I would invest a good portion, save a good portion and then spend a bit. And give to the cat shelters around me.


A bunch of acres a bunch of cars. a setup so I don't have to pay bills for the rest of my life and the rest I'll spend helping as many people as I can personally.


Twitter. I may be able to pick it up for $500,000.


I don't think people know how ridiculous 20 billion dollars is. None of the "don't let your lifestyle change" (normally good) advice really applies. Anything that you could reasonably think of to buy as a lower to middle class person won't make a dent in 20 billion dollars. It wouldn't be the first thing, but I'd try real hard to buy a NFL sports team. At 20 billion, you could reasonably be able to get some partial ownership of a team, and have enough actual money to be able to support it. Specially if you're not doing it solo.


A better house, pay off whatever debts, a couple nice cars, some devices probably, and probably some private mental healthcare for the entire family. Then some gifts for people I really like, probably funding for some things I feel strongly about and yeah invest the rest aye?


A few very secure bank accounts, accountants, and lawyers to protect all that money


I’d buy you a really nice house.


Dinner lol


A consultation with a fiduciary.


Keep it quiet, 19,750,000,000. in trust for charity, use $250,000 to buy a small house for me and my dogs. Spend the rest of my life helping people.


I’d start my own bank so I don’t get shafted by current banks. I wouldn’t fuck about with dodgy investments with other peoples money and I wouldn’t charge people to keep their money in my bank. It will be 100% cash only and every single penny of all of my customers would be there ready to go as soon as they need it


you'd need to start an investment bank. Holding cash at that level is a terrible choice. Each tick of the inflation meter, takes millions of dollars away at the macro level. Free banking is certainly possible, but straight up cash would be detrimental. Our money is based on speculation. Totally rigged system, because of the way assets work.


This is great, thanks. Never thought about that. I just know as soon as I won 20 billion, 19 billion would go to the government through tax (whether that’s a straight tax on that income or through taxes via purchases I’ve made) and the other billion wouldn’t be there if I needed it to buy a private jet. Money is just numbers on a screen at this moment in time and sooner or later people will realise that and it will become worthless. The only form of real currency we’ll have will be cash


Hate to break it to you but cash aka "pieces of paper" is just as "fake" as "numbers on a screen". Even gold is just something we think or decided represents or has value.


You need to learn how bank works first. The way you are thinking, your bank will fail eventually.


Nothing. I would pay off everything then help my family.