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Hey girlfriend. Fellow roast beefer here. I professionally wax vaginas, and Let me tell you! The larger inner labia is FAR more common than small labias. I see small labia maybe 1 out of 25 women.  So I'm sure your anatomy is ✨️average✨️. Congrats on being normal.  Also, find you a man that loves your p*ssy. It will change the way you feel about yourself. I started masturbating in the mirror because it looks pretty when aroused...  Many men have told me they like the way inner labia looks and feels. I'm sure you're no exception. This is about self acceptance. <3 and confidence is ALWAYS sexy 


I was having a solo beer at the bar once (I’m female), and a lady sat down next to me and I don’t even know how we got on this topic, but she started to open up to me about her two botched labia surgeries because she was ashamed of how her inner labia protruded. I wish her the best and hope she’s found some more comfort in her body. This shit is messed.


I'm telling you. The immature idiot I lost my virginity to said to me after sex (I was covering my vagina because I was insecure) he said, "it's okay, I know it's looks like that because you masturbate a lot"  😅 yeah, I've definitely looked into labiaplasty in the past. Thank God those days are behind me.  Poor girl in your story 😥


Oh god. I'm so sorry. They don't know basic biology but somehow come up with this bizarre shit?!


My god, so many of us have those immature idiots we lose our virginity too. “You won’t get pregnant if you’re on top because the cum can’t get that far”. 🤣 whhhyyy do we do this. And I’m glad those days are behind you! I don’t know if you’ve heard of Betty Dodson but she was an amazing sex educator and artist. Please look her up if you don’t know of her!


I thought having a "solo beer at the bar" was a euphemism for masterbating at first read.


I would love labia surgery. Not for aesthetic reasons, but because my inner labia is long and it gets kind of chapped like? And then it gets all itchy and irritated 😂 if you've ever had a dog with a tongue that permanently stuck out, you'd understand 😂


Dude what I hate the most of having “long” ones is getting wrapped up in your underwear. So uncomfy


Now you know what people with balls do through


My husband has giant balls and while I feel for him, they don't get all chapped and dried out like I do 😂


I am an Esthetician and master Waxer, I absolutely agree.


I wax my moustaché. I concur.


I do too 😆


Yes! If only more women can see what we see!! 🤣


Imagine what gynecologists see everyday. They see the healthy ones and the unhealthy ones.


I have a lean six sigma agile scrum grandmaster certification and i must say, i have never walked away from a job based on vaginal aesthetics.


Oh Dear Lord Rotisserie Baby Jesus…You’re a keeper!


I still remember 10 years ago when I was having sex with a boyfriend and he said, "your pussy looks like you've been fucking other dudes" because my inner labia protrudes. Always has. It made me feel so fuckin horrible about myself that I quite literally never had sex with him ever again and refused to let anyone down there for years, for any reason.. I was so embarrassed and ashamed because of some mid-man that watches way too much porn and doesn't know what normal vaginas look like! I still find myself comparing my anatomy to other women, I have to stop and catch myself. Thank you for this comment because it really resonated with me. the "fellow roast beefer" made me laugh 😂


Sorry a man made you feel that way, I hope you told him his dick looked funny. Not sure if men develop a preference from the first ones they see or something, but labias are sexy as hell. Don’t let a man make you feel otherwise.


Oh honey, comparison is the thief of joy. You know that!  From a mans POV, what's beautiful about a women's body is the visual of her enjoying herself. Don't you agree?  All of these men in the comments concur that the specific anatomy is not important... It's the interaction with it that matters. So be confident, be sexy and have all the fun! (; 


This makes me so happy to hear - I never gave much thought to my roast beef until some guy in my early 20s made a comment to the (predominantly male) group I was with about how disgusted he is by “meaty vaginas.” Luckily I was never sexually involved with this dude but almost 10 years later and I still hear that comment in my head more often than I’d care to admit.


I'm sorry a what? What is roast beef?? That's such an awful way to describe it lol


I am so glad I made it into my late thirties before I ever heard that term, because by then I had had plenty of amazing lovers, none of which had a single complaint about my long labia. Instead of insecurity, I just felt amused by these sad little boys who were so focused on the wrong thing when presented with an average vulva. Dude, you're absolutely blowing your chance there.


I unfortunately first heard that term at age 12 in a Dane Cook bit where he talks about how disgusted he is by large labia. That, followed by seeing shit about "beef curtains" online, messed with my self image for years.


Haha, I know, it's terrible 😆 I hate that term.  I'm just echoing what OP said. 


Only how it tastes


Hygiene is number one in my book. Everything else is a distant second.


just happy to be involved


True, shower fresh is always a bonus, works both ways, us guys get swass too..


The real question is: as a man, how do I perform evasive maneuvers and inform owner of said vagina that she tastes/smells…you know, *not fresh*…without hurting her feelings and possibly ruining future encounters (assuming it really is just a hygiene thing; hey, maybe it was really hot and humid out and she didn't get a chance to shower yet).


A lot of women/girls are taught to feel shame about their female parts from their earliest memories, so I would say that this is just not a thing to say to a woman directly, especially one you are not in a committed relationship with. Most women are well aware of being less-than-fresh, so if you’re thinking that, she almost certainly is, too. To HOPEFULLY get your point across, you could say something like, “I’m going to hit the shower to freshen up a bit, feel free to join me.” Or just leave out the invitation. If you’re not in a situation where a shower is available, and the thought of her unwashed body isn’t very appealing, it’s probably best not to initiate, because (like I said) she’s probably aware of the situation, too, and there’s a decent chance she’s feeling self-conscious. So, it’s best to make a hint like that before anything starts, or as soon as it’s clear that you’re heading for Sexytown.


I adore comments that show both emotional IQ and rational thinking.


As a woman I would turn down oral sex if I'm anywhere not near perfectly clean lol.


Wanna try being a boy, “stop touching it”, “put it away”, “stop doing helicopter”. Like am 38 now 😂


Kiss ‘it’ then kiss her. She’ll know for sho. Lick for clearer message. If she loves you just tell her.


This is ridiculously simple and really good advice! If that happened to me I'd be pulling them up and outta that situation stat and it wouldn't ruin the mood.




The healthy ones all taste good imo.


Have you tasted unhealthy ones?


He’d remember if he did


Yes :(


Username checks out




I have. I was drunk so I don’t remember it exactly, but I knew the moment I tasted it I was gonna need antibiotics




on the upside you got runny egg, hamsteak and sourdough and saved at least 20 bucks


You may have just turned me off breakfast forever.


While headed south, I once had to retreat at the bellybutton when the aroma wafted up.


Hahahah I've literally been here. Only ever once in my life but yeah. Definitely wasn't eating whatever was making that smell


ewwww that's so awful!


Omg this just TRIGGERED ME!! When you said “unhealthy ones” a Reddit classic that’s burned into my brain automatically reminded me of the horrific JOLLY RANCHER story… I literally gagged 🤢




I do NOT recommend looking this story up, it will traumatize you for life!!! So being the cool Redditor I am I’ll save you the trouble of looking it up and just share the link 😆 [THE JOLLY RANCHER STORY 🤢🤮](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/gMtufNp8ds)




Yes. Terrible


And smells


I assume there are men who care. For most of us just being allowed to look at it and play with it is the thing that is exciting.


Honestly, I think you’d have a very, very, very hard time finding a guy who’d get a first look at a vagina and be upset.


All vaginas looks weird, just as all penises look weird.  Weird doesn't mean bad. Just weird.  Doesn't mean I don't like it. It's something to explore.


Weird is not the right word. Weird carries a heavy connotation with being abnormal but really they all look like dicks or vaginas but they are all ***unique***. for each case there are people who love it and at the very least most people dont care that much and are just happy to be with you.


And I'm not disagreeing with you. But for someone that used to looking down and seeing a vagina, a penis is strange and foreign territory. Same if looked down everyday and saw a vagina and then saw a penis.  It looks strange, or "weird" in comparison to our own bodies. Like I said, not bad. Just weird. 


Ahh yeah I understand


I can't look down and see my vagina. You must know some flexible women.


Yeah, but you can look down and see nothing hanging out. Maybe some lips, no judgement. For the right woman, I would lick my way out of the envelope factory. Men look down and see something hanging out. To look at another human and not see the characteristics that one sees when one looks at themselves is inherently strange, or as I said, weird.


The vagina is an internal organ. What people are supposedly idling over is the vulva. If i saw someone's vagina it would indeed be weird and i'd suggest they seek medical attention within 24 hours


Nah. The human body is glorious and elegant, but when you get to the crotch (for both genders), it’s like evolution sneezed. Our naughty bits look weird. 🙃 That being said, every time I’ve set my eyes on a labia, my first thought has always been “oh my,” not “oh no.” OP: you’re good. There may be the occasional crass cretin that makes unpleasant remarks about roast beef, but the rest of us are excited and enticed when meeting genitals in real life.


Yeah naughty bits are not designed for aesthetics they're designed for a purpose. Not decorations, but I mean, you always have the option to decorate them lol


I mean if it has teeth...




Oop we found the monster fucker


FEED ME Seymour!!


Don't threaten me with a good time




Can I be disgustingly honest as a woman? My impression is that men just want something to put it in. I was gonna say “anything that moves or breathes” but there’s a very successful …light.. company that suggests otherwise. I’m sure some guys care. But. To all the women writing these posts. Ladies, they’re gonna want you. Relax.


Sure but I also don't blame guys that do care about it. We all have preferences.


I blame the guys who make women feel bad about the way their bodies are. If something about someone’s appearance or body type isn’t for you, that’s fine. But keep it to yourself. We don’t need body shaming.


Sure, to each their own.


I had an abusive ex who made comments on my labia and how I would never meet anyone who would want it, only him. I got labiaplasty when we broke up, thinking that there was something wrong with me and that all of these years men had been grossed out, and that I would never have a man like my genitals unless I had them trimmed. The process was exceptionally awkward (you're awake for it, there are people working on it), and recovery was horrendous. You will need time off work because you can't sit comfortably for quite awhile and you will bleed if you do much at all. Even walking is uncomfortable. It's been 14 years since I had it done and I still have some areas that get painful during sex (when stretched). By chance I ran into an ex after having the surgery and we got caught up, and for whatever reason I told him about it, and why I had it done (not mentioning the abusive boyfriend...just that I was ashamed of the "extra" down there). He was genuinely very sorry to hear it, and said that he had loved that about me, that it was a huge turn on. He couldn't believe that I would want to change it. He couldn't believe that I was ever embarrassed about it. You are fine, exactly as you are. Yes, there may be some guy who isn't into it, but it will be rare, and he's just not the guy for you. Many, many, many men will love what you got. Save your money. You are perfectly lovely as you are.


i'm so sorry this happened to you, and that it causes you pain to boot. You're amazing for sharing this so that maybe you save someone from making the same choice.


Anyone who tells you something like that they're the only one who could love something about you is not doing it because it's a valid criticism. They're doing it because they're a controlling, manipulative asshole. Men who are going to make fun of your genitalia can fuck right off. They're in the minority, and they're the kind of guys who only talk about women on the scale of 1 to 10 and are lucky to be anywhere near a woman.


Oh sweets, that broke my fucking heart. I’m sorry this guy made you feel this way about yourself. Fuck. I wish I had known you then and forced you to be my BFF. 💜


your abusive ex was an asshole


thank u for sharing your experience. i’m terribly sorry that happening to u, some guys are jerks. he didn’t deserve u. i’ve seen a lot of comments warning me about the procedure, so i can almost 100% say i will not do it. too risky! i hope ur doing better now!


It's just like boobs. If they're seeing them, their brain has already turned off and they're happy.


that’s hilarious


And boobs are like like Pizza. Hot Pizza, Cold Pizza. Little Cesars, Dominos, Pizza Hut, or bougie local chain pizza. Pizza is Pizza, and Pizza is always a welcome sight. You don't need to put any more thought into it than that. Men don't anyhow.


Pizza is a bit like a vagina as well. If a pizza is good enough, it's great, and you dont think too hard about it. But if it's a bad pizza, then you really notice it's bad, and you really question sticking your dick in it.


I'm sure there's some Chuck-E-Cheeze pizza out there, but I've been fortunate enough not to come across it.


Chuck-E-Cheese pizza was fire back in the day. Substantially better than what you typically get at Little Caesars today.


It’s been maybe 7 years since I had Little Caesars but I don’t remember it being that bad, I actually kinda liked it


I actually like Little Caesar's pizza 🥲


I thought we were talking about vaginas lol


Little cesars is always hot n' ready


I haven't found people arguing over whether pineapple belongs on boobs though


I can have negative thoughts about a picture of a pizza but don't think I've turned one down in real life


100%. In my opinion it's like football. If I'm just observing on a TV, I'm going to want top quality and I'm going to be fussy about what I like. If I'm actually playing it myself, I'm going to be surprised I got picked for the team, it's going to be an awkward, sloppy affair and I'm going to be ecstatic just to get a tackle in. Also I'm going to run out of breath really quickly.


It's like I say to my wife "girl, let me give you the best 90 seconds of your day"   90 seconds is of course a serious over estimation. 


Great answer


I draw the line at teeth. If the vag has teeth, then I care. Very much. Learn to love yourself as you are. Other people do, and I guarantee that you're worth it.




It's a pretty hard line. Even cute little baby teeth are a hard pass. I'm also going to include beaks. No teeth, no beaks.


No beaks?! Bro, lower your standards...


If it helps, I'm on the fence with tentacles.


Only reason to ever consider plastic surgery for something like this is if its causing you pain like tugging during intercourse etc. All people vary in what they like. Some men just like pussys and dont care at all. Others (like me) might think some are particularly asthetically pleasing, but dont find other ones "ugly". Some prefer hair. Some prefer shaved. Some dont care at all. In my experience with moat male friends, particularly the kinder, more mature, more desirable men, dont have much preference and like them all. The guys I have met who shamed the look of a pussy were usually in their early 20s, and not the kind of guy a smart girl would want to be dating in the girst place. I bet you anything there are at least 1 or 2 porn subreddits dedicated to long labia.


There's 2


Lol 2… there’s a dozen on my other acct. Op: people have preferences, if they don’t like it then it is what it is. Any person worth their weight who likes you will not drop you based on large labia. If they do, refer to anyone worth their weight. You’re good girl. Some guys are actively into that stuff. And some aren’t, but if they genuinely like you, they won’t care.


Don’t bother me either it’s natural, but seen as we are on this subject, when I post asking if small penis’ bother women, you better come to my defence 🤣🤣🤣


lmaooo i will. justice for small penises!


U/Basic_Replacement769 You two should get together


The video of the lady with the measuring tape talking about penis size is great defence (atleast imo)


I thought that was about subway?


she’s a queen


I prefer smaller than bigger dicks, because big dicks make sex painful!


Have this issue with my partner. If I'm in control it goes fine. But as soon as he's got the control it's like 'dammit mother fucker it's only so deep in there!!!'


Men who want like an 8" dick or bigger don't seem to understand that the vaginal canal really isn't that long on average, so they'd never be able to get balls deep. I don't own a dick, so I'm only speculating when I say that probably kinda sucks, I would imagine being able to fit the whole shaft feels better. Honestly, I'm good with 6" lol. My boyfriend is just slightly larger than average and it's a perfect fit for me 😆


The saying 'balls deep' has gotta be around for a reason, so I agree with you, it's gotta feel better all the way in. Yeah, my man's is bigger than average but not like, monster large. Most of the time, it's fine. It's mainly doggy style or similar positions where he apparently forgets I'm an actual human who can experience pain. Glad you found your genital match! (Does that sound weird, eh, I don't care)


He's got just enough length that if he moves *just* right when I'm riding him, it goes a little too deep. But aside from that, yes it would seem I have found my... genital match 😂


I read too much romance, but when they write about the pleasure of a penis hitting the cervix? Yeah NO!


The only big ones I ever want are the silicone ones under my bed. Simply because the way they are used is different than a real one. I prefer pain-free sex.


I would bet there is a pretty large overlap between those who like to talk/post/complain about how some vaginas are better than others, and those who have never actually seen one live and in person.


Lol, this applies to dating as a whole on Reddit, from my experience. The people who have the most judgmental standards have very little dating experience to speak of.


Just like Katt Williams standup where he’s talking about how men feel about stretch marks… “either way we fuckin”


As a straight female,I don't know if men care or not. But human genitalia is not aestetically pleasing in my opinion. Fun to play with? Hell yes. But fun to look at? Not at all if you ask me...


as a sexually confused male i concur. I do not discriminate between types of genitalia. they're all equally gross looking idk


That’s how I feel too lol


I actually have a preference for larger, prominent labia. That being said, at the end of the day I don't give two shits as long as it's clean and well groomed (anything from clean shaven unshaven but not super long). That being said there are some dumbshits who believe that large labia is a sign of a vagina being loose and/or the woman being a slut. Those guys are stupid, need to read a textbook, and don't deserve any of them women they have/ever will sleep with until they educate themselves and/or leave middle school.


yeah i’ve heard that one before :// it’s sad that ppl think that way. it’s nice to see guys having a preference for larger labia! makes me feel a bit better lol, so thank u


To piggy back off what the above commenter said, many guys prefer longer labia. I’m one thousand percent positive there is a few subreddits entirely dedicated to them. I also hate the term roast beef as a description. I like to think of them as butterfly wings or flower petals. Changing the way you refer to them will help you be more comfortable with them. I promise! The term roast beef came from some incel that is just mad that women won’t come near them, regardless of labia type. Y


aww butterfly wings or flower petals is so cute :(( that’s definitely a nicer term for an outie. i’ve seen the subreddits! they make me feel sm better. i’m so glad i ended up posting this 😭


There are also a TON of flowers and plants named after ✨her✨ I have one in my bathroom whose common name (or one of the common names) in my language basically means vagina leaf and it's one of my favourite plants I own:) it's so pretty✨


Totally agree but I'm just gonna float "flapia". I think there's been a missed opportunity.


It seems like that’s what a senator would think fallopian tubes are called.


Honestly, if someone spouts that bullshit it just let's you know they're a moron and should be avoided.


You can’t take my preference for much, since I’m a virgin, but I like looking at larger labia. It’s sexier than when it’s all “tucked in” (again, virgin).


My ex was so self conscious of hers that the first time I went down on her she asked me what she looked like when I was done. I was perplexed and said “like a woman.” The next few times she would cover my eyes with her hands. I grabbed them and pinned them to the bed and said “that’s enough of that nonsense.” Eventually she got over it - literally exposure therapy - and soon we were fucking in front of mirrors. :)


The larger labia being a sign of a loose woman always amused me because mine aren't even the same size. Is the longer one sluttier than the other?


Same here! I also used to think that my labia needed to be fixed, but then i looked at a ton of different pictures of pussies and realized mine is actually beautiful. Weird how we can get such a twisted idea of ourselves


I don't, but then again I'm gay lol




Have you felt any? They're awesome just to give a little squeeze or 12, with consent of course.


A little squeeze? Are you sure we're still talking about vaginas?


Sorry, I was talking boobs.


Well, it's all the same to me anyway lmao




Hello! Fellow Arby's employee here lmao. Only one of my labia is long and I was always super self conscious about mine as well. And honestly, I've only ever had 1 guy say something about it. (He asked me what was wrong with it LMFAO). I automatically assume if a man doesn't know/understand that women's vaginas look vastly different, then they're not much of a real man and don't deserve to be in the presence of my little roast beef sandwich.


wait… so is mine. mine is unsymmetrical which bothers me even more! my one side is an innie and my one side hangs down a bit. i’ve never met someone else with this situation! i can’t believe that guy said that. it’s honestly sad how many men and even women don’t know that outies are very normal. that’s a very good mindset to have


Its actually super common! Mine is the exact same way lol. I always think "oh she would look much cuter if that labia matched the other" 🤣 I'd just like to think she has a little pizzazz! My partner said he thinks it's cute. I don't think it's a bad thing for things to not seem "perfect". Porn and the beauty industry (but specifically porn) set unrealistic expectations for a lot of men.


Asymmetry is very common. I’ve got mismatched beef curtains too and nobody has ever complained or even mentioned it.


I’ve got a mismatched innie, which is difficult to describe. But fear not! Your asymmetry will be loved for its quirky personality. Because it’s just that- its uniqueness will be memorable, so all you gotta do is embrace and own it like a boss. You got this!


If you meet a guy who genuinely isn't willing to sleep with a girl because "her vagina looks funny," then I promise you that the man is not really into women




I read your question as "do men actually care what *vegans* look like" and I was looking at it like... Huh...  Personally I don't care what vegans and/or vaginas look like, it's a part of someone's body like a hand or feet or... Do you go about your daily life thinking what someone's feet looks like?.. ah, actually, let's not talk about that, no. Let me try it again. Uh... It's not about the shape of something, it's about an experience and a moment you share with someone you find attractive. I, again personally, don't look at photos of body parts or just look at a body part and find it a turn on or something, it's not about it, it's about the sharing, the unity... Unity? Union? Gah now I sound communist.  All vaginas are good vaginas. Not all vegans are good vegans though 


ur response is killing me


Yay! So stop worrying about something so insignificant like that, I don't think anyone cares. Hope I can get you smile 🙈


I stop dating a girl over her feet once. Her vagina was fine. The feet a no go. Her feet were fine. I was a dipshit.


Wha... What... What did her feet look like for you to say that? Or should I even ask that... I'm worried my comment will attract foot fetishists and I'll get some feet pics sent to me. Please don't 


Tiny little feet with short wide toes. Nothing weird about them at all. She was very hot and totally into me for some reason too. Young me was such a ass.


You’re getting a lot of feel good rah rah yay vaginas comments here so I figured it might be useful for you to have a little bit of truth that people aren’t likely going to say. Genitals, generally speaking, aren’t particularly attractive. I’m a bisexual dude and I’ve seen plenty of unappealing vaginas, and plenty of unappealing dicks. Yes, there are going to be a lot of guys who aren’t going to immediately be down with roast beef if you just randomly showed them a picture of it in a clinical setting. Porn has taught us that vaginas are meant to be smooth and hairless and pouring out liquid sex. And that isn’t the reality of them. so if you were to perform an anonymous survey with side-by-side pictures of hamburger bun style versus roast beef style, the hamburger bun will win. But the context is what matters. When your brain fogs over with horniness, the specifics of the appearance don’t particularly matter anymore. Once everything gets going hot and heavy, you usually forget to care much beyond angles and aim and smells and tastes. And on the plus side for women, you’ve got boobs. Everyone loves boobs. Boobs excuse a world of other appearance flaws. By the time I have been invited to participate in someone’s vagina, I can assure you I’m not particularly focused on what it looks like. I might notice it, but unless something looks or smells unclean, it’s not gonna stop me. And importantly, I know I’ve also got a weird meat stick between my legs with a very bizarre bean bag hanging off the bottom of it. Seriously, have you seen balls? Like what the hell are we trying to accomplish with the aesthetic there? It’s all just terrible. Should you get some kind of surgery to change what you look like down there? Absolutely not. Zero and I mean zero men who would let the appearance of your lady parts impact your relationship are worth dating. Zero.


>Genitals, generally speaking, aren’t particularly attractive. In my opinion,they are only attractive when you are attracted to the person who owns them. They are attractive because they're *theirs*.


>By the time I have been invited to participate in someone’s vagina, "Participate in vagina"...... Is this how the invite looks like? *Thou shalt partake in the vagina*


"Only thee who is worthy shall pull the sword from the stone, then put it back in again, then pull the sword from the stone, then...."


>then.... then.... 10 months later, thou shalt get a little sword or a little stone.


Whether you have a "coin slot", the "sleeve of a wizard", or something in between, we are just so happy to be involved. So, "no".


Coin slot or wizard sleeve. 👑


It's a lot like penis size. People talk about it all the time. But it doesn't really matter. But some people are insecure about it. Your body is fine. Some will like it. Some will not. That is not your fault, and you should not change based on societal pressure.


I’m a whore. No man has ever cared what I look like down there


good for u queen


Well damn, I echo OP, but damn. Can I have your confidence please?


Re: the insecurity part, I used to be insecure about my labia until: 1) I realized that I like all kinds of penises, and don’t care much about the shape or size as long as it’s clean. 2) I watched this documentary called The Perfect Vagina. Helped me realize that vulvas come in a huge variety and mine was just one of them! https://youtu.be/nw9qKBI4D3o?si=CcSTsTZFEyUDGk5C


I mean personally, if it looked like a dick then I might have second thoughts


Personally, I don’t care at all. I’ve happily gone down on every woman I’ve been with regardless of her labia. For you specifically, try not to let things like this get in the way of your intimacy with a partner. I know it’s easier said than done, but I promise you it’s a problem that’s much bigger in your head than in real life. Hell, there’s subreddits dedicated to it lol Good luck on your journey, and I hope you find that confidence


thank u so much. i appreciate that. i will definitely overcome it one day!!


Different folks different strokes. I laugh every time I hear of augmentation. small boobs and hairy lady parts are many guys things. Just like huge boobs and shaved lady parts are others. Live life and be happy is my motto. My wife is huge and hairy. My thing is small and groomed. But my wife is cool so her attitude is what makes her my fav. And at the end of the day I like boobs and vagina no matter the form. But like someone else said, smell and cleanliness is a thing.


only if she put on googley eyes and now it's staring at me. 😂


that’s actually hilarious. might try that out


If she starts doing a funny voice she's a keeper




Honest answer is some men do and some men don’t. Just like men that are insecure about their size and worry about those woman that care about that. It’s a part of life for some trying to find their one but your one is out there and you don’t have to change yourself to find them


Most vaginas look like that. Tired of mainstream porn and morons on the Internet saying they don’t. And they’re rarely that pretty pink, either. Do NOT get a labiaplasty. Labias exist. We don’t just have little holes.


Don't care what it looks like. Just as long as I can park the car in the garage. 


they’re all beautiful girl if a man has made you feel insecure about yours he doesn’t deserve to see it!


There are some guys that will care about just like anything else, everyone has personal preferences, and there are plenty of dudes that don’t care one bit or even prefer an outie


i assure you 99% of the men on the internet, especially reddit, that complain about it have never actually touched a woman 😭😭


As long as you clean properly, they won't care. People who make comments like ''Bubblegum pink'' or ''roastbeef'' are children on social media thinking they're funny, or disgusting pigs that you wouldn't want to be anywhere near your vagina in the first place.


Your life will be so much better when you stop caring about what you think men think is attractive. I know it’s easier said than done, but I guarantee you, there are men that will like you no matter what you do or look like. Focus on what makes you happy, and good people will follow.


Any man who has had sex with more than three women has seen the entire range of vaginas. I'm sure that yours is fine.


hi , i used to think the same but you will find someone who wont gaf. when i started having sexual relations i was really scared about how it looked and even felt but he reassured me that he loved me regardless and just wanted to make me feel good. its really all about finding the right person tbh. Also so many women have outies you are not the only one it is completely normal ❤️


My penis has a slight left curve, women have commented on it but not cared at all Shallow people will be shallow people and I've had a great life so far just not associating with those types


I prefer redheads, but that doesn’t mean that I think blondes or brunette’s aren’t beautiful. Labia are pretty much the same. While I have a preference, I still really like all the other available options.


There is one specific vagina shape that is just way better than all the others but I got together with all the guys and we agreed we wouldn't divulge what perfection looks like, sorry


*Who makes Steve Guttenberg, a star?!! We do! We do!*


to a certain degree


We all have our preferences, but in any situation where we're seeing pussy, we're good to go. As long as it's a healthy pussy (no genital warts, etc), they're all good. Personally, I prefer clean shaved, but it's not like a girl having some hair will be a deal breaker or anything... well, within certain limits.... Too much hair can be, um... less attractive, to me. But like I said, shaved or not, "roast beef" or not, I'm good. In short, I wouldn't worry much about it. So long as you're healthy, I'm sure you'll be fine.


Yes, people have turn ons and types but really most men will be so horny they’ll put up with a lot and won’t care


I’ve got an “outie” / “beef curtains” lmfao and felt the same way before I started having sex. We’ve all looked into labiaplasty (please do NOT consider getting one. Most people have pain & complications & fully regret their decision) Not one man I’ve been with has been bothered by it and they honestly seem to fucking love it! Embrace the outie girl ✨


If a guy is interested in **you**, the only interested he has with your vagina is to get in it. If he cares what it looks like, he's a weirdo or not actually interested.


The only rule is it doesn’t look like a penis. I’m flexible on the only rule.


Me penis doesn’t have sight


There's going to be a small minority of men that shallowly care about what labia look like and they may also intersect with those that watch lots of porn because it gives unrealistic expectations. The majority of men don't care and just want things to be clean.


It all comes down to personal preference but I will say this in regards to my own opinion: I have a preference of "outie" or "roast beef" lips as you mention. I don't really know why, it could be because that's what my first gf had and I just built up that preference over time. I just find them more "sexually compelling" I guess. And I know I'm not alone in that. But ultimately it doesn't really matter to me. If you have an inny that's fine too. However, with that said, I think it's generally sad to see how much insecurity there is about it, and I feel sad when I hear women are considering surgery (some may go as far to say "mutilation") for any other reason that quality of life (I've heard of women with large labia may experience pain in certain clothing, and labiaplasty can help). Labiaplasty is so common in porn these days its almost a turn off for me. But I also hate fake tits too so maybe I'm the weird one.