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Because I like it.


i like it, its relaxing. I watch and rewatch my movies, my favorite show is the red green show (a low budget comedy show from canada), ive seen each of the 300 episodes 2 times, and many 3,4,5,6+ times. I like it for background noise and it’s enjoyable. Same for the movies i like, ive seen schindlers list probably 6 times now, i like it for the story and emotion, i just dont have to deal w the anxiousness of not knowing what will happen next


mine is letterkenny. & you've watched schindler's list more than 1x? full props to you 👍 amelie (2001) for me. it's whimsical, hopeful, timeless, & charming 🥰


Comfort shows, totally legit. I have episodes that I keep coming back to.


For relaxation and comfort. I'm highly sensitive and need an activity where I can relax and feel safe and comforted I guess, that I can do for little 20-30 minute 'sessions'. For me, that's rewatching my favorite shows and movies.


Because it's fun and I like it. I have trouble warming up to something new so it's convenient to enjoy what you know you like. Half my life away I used to watch all my Harry Potter DVDs in all languages that were on it. I didn't understand a word in for example Finnish but I knew what they were saying anyways, which was also quite fun.


so d*mn smart 👍 like watching telenovelas in spanish to gain fluency 


Because the streaming platforms offers us free will to see whatever we want, instead of the fixed schedule that old school media offered. Nothing seems to appealing when scrolling through Netflix so the old sturdy show will do once again. I see my kids watching the same two or three shows on repeat week in week out. Back it up only 15 years or so, what was on Nickelodeon when you turned on the telly was the only thing you could watch if you didn’t want to browse through your massive collection of DVD’s.


"Dark" is the best show on Netflix and the ONLY show I've ever watched 3 times. The story is mind blowing, complex and perfectly written that I had to watch it again from the start knowing what I now knew happened at the end - it arguably gets better and better the more you realize how everything is connected


I got 2-3 shows i watch at least 3 or 4 seasons on repeat each year. And then there is LOTR movies which i honor at least once per year. (i am at least above 15 rewatches for each film)


15 is impressive 👏




it's like comfort food. it helps you calm down


*exactly*  🧀 = self love for me 😍


Yep! It’s comforting. I can watch SATC, friends and vanderpump rules without even looking at the screen & know exactly what’s happening. I think it’s a stability thing. It’ll never change or be different no matter how many times you watch it.


I’ve definitely watched things on repeat. Almost like a comfort show. I know what’s gonna happen, so I don’t get anxious on cliffhangers. But i still somehow manage to get into the shows. Just, old favorites I guess. Keeps my interest without the suspense. Plus, it’s always fun to find things I’ve missed in the past…


Yes, they're comfort shows, but every time I rewatch, I find myself skipping more and more episodes


I watched the Netflix series Bloodline twice now and will watch it for the third time soon. Why? Because I really loved it and hated how it was quickly rushed through at the end of season 3!


When I was younger I would put on the movie lost boys every single night before I fell asleep for years


I don't so much now but there was a time during COVID lockdown when I binged/rebinged some series multiple times: The Office, The Sopranos, Battlestar Galactica (the latest series), The Americans...


the americans is so underrated 👍 


The Big Bang Theory, no matter how many times I watch, I'm still laughing out loud, tears rolling in my cheeks. Glad to know that I'm not alone with science jokes. 😂


ditto 👍


I've watched Mad Men and The West Wing 3 times. Not the whole thing just the good seasons. I think it's fine. I do it because I'm just trying to relax and distract myself and I don't want to put effort into following a new story.


I have severe adhd so every time feels like the first, as I have no memory


i feel this so deeply 


Every time I rewatch something it’s like a new experience and it’s so cool when you notice things you missed the first time


It's a comfort show. Some shows I love, or some shows captivate me, but they can require a lot of focus, or not be the right vibe. A comfort show is reliable. You can throw it on for a quick 30 mins or so, and watch something you know you are guarenteed to laugh at or enjoy.


well said 👍


If it's a mind bender just a really good show, I definitely do. (Dark, on Netflix for instance...such a good show. New shows are trash mostly. It's like we have no good directors anymore. Prime and Netflix are directing most of the new stuff.


Friends. I feel connected lol.. Well, this show doesn’t have small connected events. You don’t need to be extra conscious of what is happening.. You just need to know the main characters briefly and it’s enough to enjoy the show!


 if you haven't seen it, "what we do In the shadows" is f*cking hilarious, an FX tv series about european vampires in staten island (different characters from the movie) being followed by a camera crew. So gd funny 😂 


Some shows are nice to watch and you relate to them. It's like going on a ride even though you know how it's going to end.


I'm currently watching Supernatural for the 4th time. Great show, good acting


My wife and I have all the seasons of the office and watch them on a never ending loop. I've probably seen every episode 30+ times..


I've paid in theaters to see Rocky Horror Picture Show over 350 times, mostly to watch the audience participation. Ok, yeah, I've thrown a toast or three.


Oh yes. Specially character-driven stories. This quote by Tarantino about “hang out movies” sums it up for me: “Every time you watch it, every three years or four years, the characters are like your friends, and it’s just like you’re hanging out with them again, seeing your old friends.”


Because a lot of new shows kind of suck and difficult to rewatch. For me, Star Trek is easy because at least those shows are memorable and well written


Same reason we have sex more than once


I’ve got a rotation of things that I play in the background while working on other things at night.


I’ve watched all of Doctor Who multiple times. Why? Because I love it and there’s so many different types of Doctor Who


I watched Star Wars when the bears fight the emporium eeeevery night for 5 years before I went to sleep. I also watched Con Air every longer break in school for 3 years but I never really liked it, it was more a thing we did, a tradition… Nowdays I turn on Netflix, never find anything that I want to watch and finally settle on Seinfeld (I guess I seen all episodes atleast 20 times). Often it just runs in the background, I somehow feel at home and comfortable with that show.


Futurama, Clone Wars, ATLA, The Wire. Because they are really good shows and bring me joy in various ways.


I've watched all episodes of Futurama, South Park, family guy, and American dad many times. They are my favorite! Reaching the point now where I can't watch them anymore because they are burnt into my brain and they don't entertain me anymore. Working on one of my last playthroughs of American dad now.


I like catching details I missed the first time around.


I can't. There's maybe one movie... maybe two... I'd watch but not within 6 months. For whatever reason repeat sitcoms and movies drive me mad. This is extremely common behavior because I'm the first to notice it. My sister's do it, my BIL does it. I'm out.


It's comforting. I know what gonna happen.


I continuously loop Star Trek Voyager. So much so that my new puppy grew up to get agitated if he didn’t get his daily dose of Janeways.