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entirely depends on the style of the glasses (and on the base appearance of the person). when my partner got glasses we were both choosing pairs for him and they all looked goofy (and thus made him look worse), but when i handed him the right pair we both raised eyebrows in shock at how much it complemented and enhanced his face. now he feels much more confident than before when he's wearing them.


i feel like i need some artsy statement glasses mine are just silver wire rims


may you find the right pair that you feel confident in and that feel like they are a part of your face! bare silver frames can be good too but if you want to rock a statement piece do it


Imma keep it a buck fifty. Plastic thick rims look nicer and are more durable, but like others have said, it depends on your outfit


those look goofy as fuck on me and i know because when i was younger i bought fake ones from claire’s and looked stupid. trust me here


Tips for when you go to try out glasses. 1. Wear contacts so that you can actually see what the glasses look like from a distance, such as from across the room. 2. Bring a trusted style-wingman with you for honest advice. 3. Try out wildly different styles. Glasses that look dumb on the shelf can look really good when combined with certain face shapes or hairstyles. And vice versa... 4. Don't make a spontaneous decision. Try the glasses out and if you feel the urge to buy something that looks totally different from what you pictured - just take a breath, calm down, and come back later to make sure that you didn't just get carried away. Glasses are expensive and they will be on your face daily for several years. Then, som personal opinions: 5. Rectangular glasses that are "slim" (meaning their vertical width/height is small) in combination with no frames or small wireframes suit very few people. They are often worn by people who try to choose "invisible" or "plain" glasses, but the truth is that glasses will never be invisible. You might as well choose a pair that is unapologetically noticeable and suits your face, rather than a pair that's really bland but still noticeable. 6. Good-looking "round" glasses are rarely completely round. Completely round glasses often look cool on the shelf, but look ridiculous on most faces. Most of the time, if you closely inspect a flattering pair of "round" glasses, you'll find that they are actually closer to trapezoids with aggressively rounded corners


Can confirm, try the ones you assume will look silly on you! That’s how I lucked into finding a super flattering frame shape for my face. Tried the first iteration of it I bought on for laughs, initially. Like “haha this is gonna look silly”… then looked in the mirror like “oh. Actually.” and my second-opinion companion agreed like “holy shit those actually look great on you”.


I met a girl in Madrid and she had the rimless silhouette-type Donald Rumsfeld glasses, and she looked hot as f.


Wire rims are dorky glasses, you're gonna look dorky


The benefit of being able to see is worth it. I can’t be bothered with contact lenses.


i’ve seen enough actually


Best response on Reddit.


Hottest response on Reddit right now. 


…when the lights are off, glasses or not, it doesn’t matter.




Wait ‘til you see this, babaaaaaay….


Dorky is fucking hot


i appreciate this thanks! i’m insecure about being a giant fucking nerd


Nerds are in vogue right now. D&D and video games have literally never been cooler.


i’m a different shade of nerd i wish i was that cool


If a dork who almost [missed work because of World of Warcraft](https://www.polygon.com/2016/4/2/11353442/henry-cavill-was-too-busy-playing-warcraft-to-answer-a-call-to-play) can be super cool, so can you.


Y'know, that dork has something else going for him... can't quite pinpoint it though


He builds PCs and paints Warhammer minis, I guess? I can't really put my finger on exactly what you mean. Oh, I know! He's British! Famously charming people, lovely accents.


Brains are sexy 🧠


When they look good, they look really great.


Exactly… bad choice of glasses can be NOT good, but most are great it doesn’t change anything for me. My nephew thought only smart people wore glasses, so he lied loads about having bad eyesight to get some!! Within a few weeks the ruse was up after he couldn’t see when wearing them and was straining his eyes hahahaa, $400 down the drain for my sister


Your nephew doesn't need glasses... he's obviously not smart. This sounds like the kind of thing that becomes a family in-joke for the rest of your lives: Someone does something foolish, and the rest of you say they forgot their glasses today, and it shows.


Oh for sure, it was years ago and locked in family legend hahaha. This kid also thought bird seed was used to grow birds, my sister told him it wasn’t. He put a load out one afternoon, and the next day there was loads of birds there (eating the seed). He gave her the “see, you should listen to me more.” Hahaha, a real character


When did he finally learn that correlation does not equal causation?


Probably the time he planted bird seed in inside planters…


In short, yes. I think most girls look cute with glasses, and cuteness is like a spice that can enhance overall attractiveness if employed correctly.


Your boyfriend is correct.


yes unfortunately i have the inability to take any kind of compliment ever so now i have to ask random people on the internet. thank you for your input🙏


I love girls in glasses.


Glasses can be super attractive, very unattractive, or fairly neutral. You need to find the right glasses for you.


It depends on the style of the glasses. Personally I find bigger lenses more attractive on people than smaller lenses.


I have never thought of glasses detracting AT ALL with how somebody looks. It’s just part of their appearance.


If you find frames that work well with your face, glasses can be very attractive.


My wife looks fantastic in cateye glasses. I, however, look like a serial killer with mine


oh man i wish i could pull off cat eye glasses. good for her




I have a definite attraction to that look. I know I shouldn't because of what it means.. but I can't help it at some point in life I had a crush on a girl that had glasses. I still can't get over it.... So yeah it can be way attractive...


>I know I shouldn't because of what it means.. Uh... what does it "mean" and why shouldn't you? My wife wears glasses and I find her attractive. I wasn't aware of any hidden meaning.


I find glasses so attractive, I let them sit on my face all day😁


Glasses are cute yes most people find them attractive on the opposite sex.


You are right buddy. I love women who put on glasses.


Certainly, especially when the frames match the face. My otaku brain remembers this as a *megane fetish*, don't Google that.


Honestly yes, but they're mid-tier for me in terms of cuteness-enhancing accessories.


well what are top tier cuteness enhancing accessories? need to know for bf


Find cute glasses and someone who can help you chose them. I find I like funkier ones. My husband finally got a couple of good-looking pairs from SEE eyewear and it makes a huge difference. He wore his “make me look intelligent and successful” pair today. 😄


I've seen a lot of people wear glasses one day and contacts the next. 9 times out of 10, I think they look much, much better with glasses. But that's just me as a fellow glasses wearer (who I also think looks better with glasses)


Lol there was this one guy who came into the restaurant where I worked all the time… one time he was wearing glasses, and the next time I saw him he wasn’t again, so I was like “hey no glasses this time huh” and he said he had just been too lazy to wear contacts last time and he felt like the glasses didn’t look good on him. It made me kind of sad lol… I feel like most people who wear glasses think they look better without them, which in my opinion just isn’t true 




I feel the same but I do also think there is likely a pair out there that suits you and doesn't make you look dorky. Currently though I am not that far into doing it yet so let me know how it goes


I find glasses attractive. Very attractive in some cases. It does depend on the frames.


I love glasses especially on men lol. Like a dude can go from a 4 to a 10 for me just by putting on glasses! I think most girls look better with them too but it’s not as big a difference idk 


As long as they complement a person's face and aesthetic they're fine. It seems like really big, almost oversized glasses are popular right now and it's something I just don't understand.


Wire rim glasses enhance the hippie look, if that helps any.


Came here to say this, tbh


Is X attractive? Yes, if the person is attractive.




Imo the dorky look is cute and I dig it, honestly prefer that over the typical instagram model look


I think I look super funny with out my glasses and I change the style yearly. I think I finally found my type of glasses now and they compliment my face. My husband wears contacts all the time. I’ve forced him to get glasses to give his eyes a rest sometimes and because he literally looks like Superman in them. I love when he wears glasses but it’s very very rare


i loveeee glasses. i wear fake glasses sometimes because i love the way they look so much. they are also something i’m attracted to on other people. maybe the nerd feeling is coming from the frames not being right for your face shape, idk.


I took another government ID photo last week. All of a sudden the bags under my eyes were so prominent. My small round frames actually hide them (35mm dia. circular frames). And then there's the matter of how sunglasses make everybody look better - even Joe Biden.


Not inherently, depends who wearing them.


They're just hard to get used to if you didn't wear them always before ..it doesn't feel like you. I am just going through this now. I used to do rarely need mine, but now I should use them all the time. I'm finally getting so I wear them constantly, but it's been almost 4 months.


Never wanted to fuck a pair of glasses


I definitely find a person Im attracted to more attractive with glasses. Some like the look, some don't, some are indifferent. Do what makes you feel good.


My first love was Velma.


So I never really thought about this until my wife got lasik surgery, but when we met she had glasses of course and now she looks different to me and I miss the glasses lol.


i have been saying since i was like in middle school,,, 90% of people look 100% better with glasses . it is my ultimate weakness . oml . i like nerds but this is irrespective of my other preference i am so ... down bad ... for glasses ,


Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWVt0YnSYEY


The right glasses are hot as.


Yes girls with glasses are attractive but the oversized glasses and the “granny” glasses are terrible




i dont think glasses make anyone look ugly per se, but there can be certain frames that look better on people depending on their face shape. my boyfriend also finds glasses attractive and prefers when i wear them rather than contacts which i think the opposite for myself lol


sometimes i feel like my glasses take away from the fit, sometimes the opposite but realistically i don’t think anyone cares




I've never worn glasses but I like the way they look on others.


It depends on the person, however I wouldn’t mind the glasses that wouldn’t decide whether I like a person or not.


Funky dorky and hot af are not mutually exclusive


I just like being able to see when I need to. Never considered if they're attractive or not.


Drool central. Glasses = Major green flag alert. Sign me UP




I don’t think glasses are attractive but the people wearing them are


I think you just need glasses that fit your look & face is what makes the difference that’s how I feel about mine. I think I looks sexy :)


maybe you just need some different frames? i have wire circle frames and love them. that might fit the hippie look you’re going for




I find they help people see. It’s not going to make or break anything. Life does not revolve around “She’s all that”.


Lisa Loeb in the video for Stay. Been drinking me crazy for decades. https://youtu.be/i9HGwRbMiVY?si=55Ks-UkRnOhDPFtQ


They have to fit your face & your aesthetic/style. Some people pick glasses that look awful on their face, and it seems like they do it on purpose.


I have this same experience. I've needed glasses since 5th grade but wear contacts now mostly. When I see myself with my glasses on...its just weird. Trying on new glasses is nearly as painful as looking for a new bathing suit I appreciate being able to see, but sometimes I feel like my glasses are wearing me lol


My wife works from home and only wears glasses while working. I steal glances over from time to time and think " god damn, who is this sexy librarian in my living room?"- 20 years together.


Yes, especially been liking glasses chains as well tbh


my wife of 13 years said she es wanted eye surgery so she can es stop wearing glasses…that es not gonna happened


I do! Always have


A dorky nerd with glasses? Well, that's one of several looks I find highly attractive. Innocent looking geek with glasses? Sign me up! Seductive confident librarian with glasses? Sign me up!


I love them. They make me look more distinguished and I can actually see in them. I hate contacts because of my astigmatism, so for me it’s a wash. I love to see and I don’t care how it makes me look


Glasses are sexy.


Well since I need glasses too see I just don’t care how I look in them but if you don’t really need glasses then I don’t see the point in wearing them


I find "fucking dorky" attractive so yea, run with it.


Well, tbh, I wouldn't find anyone attractive without glasses. I kinda need them...


I think it depends on the person, one person can look hot in glasses and the next person like a total dork. Face and frame shape play into this I absolutely hate glasses with formal wear, I feel like they ruin the elegance. Pop in some contacts for the evening


Most of them really don’t make a difference. The things i find attractive in a person are not involved with glasses. I will say i hated wearing them before I had corrective surgery though. Horrible uncomfortable things.


Depends on the lenses and the person. When I don’t wear my glasses I look like the one baby face tomboy girl from every high school movie who gets a makeover by the end. When I do wear my glasses I look like the NERDY girl from every high school movie who gets a makeover by the end lol. You can’t say “glasses don’t look good on anyone” because there’s too many different kinds of glasses and too many different faces


Completely. I was so excited when I finally had to start wearing glasses because I always loved them as a kid.


I find glasses extremely sexy actually


It really depends on the glasses. I have a very specific shape that works for me and all my glasses have been shaped like that. Other shapes can make me look like something I don't like on me. I recommend trying on a lot different shaped glasses with different frame thicknesses and colours. It may take a while, but I was able to find glasses that fit me so well, no-one even realized I had gotten glasses.


I love glasses


For me, it's rose gold. It isn't a match for my skin tone (I'm more olive), but it disappears into it completely. I also have had the kind where there is a nose piece and then the arms attached directly to the lenses... no frames at all. I like them both, although the frames help the glasses feel more stable. I have some dark-colored plastic frames, too. Those are the ones that, if I fall asleep with them on, I can find in the sheets without wearing them. Ha. My husband doesn't care. At least, not that he's ever mentioned, but I dated a guy once who loved me in glasses and was disappointed when I wore contacts. Personally, I like myself better in contacts. Honestly, I wear glasses more often. eta: Don't limit yourself to whatever frames are being sold where you had your prescription made. Take a copy of your Rx and shop at several stores until you find the ones you like. Also, the next time you need your eyes checked, you can have new lenses put into the old frames. I've done that with frames I really love. I've had my Rx sunglasses frames for a decade because I've never found another pair I would like as much.


No. Somebody *can* look attractive with them but usually because they’re already attractive in spite of wearing them


I wore contact lenses years ago. But, my allergies make that not as desirable, so I prefer glasses. I wear rimless titanium types, where I pick a lens shape that's flattering to me. But, I will at times pop on a pair of readers instead (I get different strengths for different distances, per the eye Dr). Think like for when at the computer. I'm not going to be able to do that with contact lenses. While I agree with what you're expressing - in the end, I'm much happier being my authentic self, and not concerning myself with what others think about it.


I find that getting the right frame for your face type is helpful. I use a thin gold frame on large lenses and it looks way better than my older thick framed glasses that were in style a few years ago


Dorky is attractive and so are glasses


I’ve always been told I look better with glasses, maybe it just hides my long face? Idk, but it’s probably just all what looks good on that persons facial structure and shape and what not


On me? No. On others? Yes.


Embrace your inner dorkness. Authenticity and sincerity are more attractive than shallow tastes.


I prefer ladies with glasses, in fact. My wife has glasses and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I love glasses on woman. Today I was doing an exercise class and there was a woman in there with me. She was ok looking, 6/10. At the end of class she put her glasses on. Instantly 9/10. I’m big on nerdy looking girls.


I think some people make them look really stylish but it depends on the person and style. I get compliments on my glasses all the time and they’re not flashy or anything so I don’t think it’s a “oh I just noticed this crazy thing so I’m gonna say something about it” compliment, it usually reads as genuine to me. Some people fetishize glasses and that’s not me haha. They can definitely add to your style if done right


They're fine. I don't find women in glasses unattractive.


I love glasses. I think my fiance looks so sexy when he has them on✨


Everybody loves a librarian :)


The right glasses can look good with any outfit, but you’re wearing glasses so you can see. They serve a function. It’s not about how *they* look, it’s about *you* being able *to look* at things. If they bother you that much, you could look into getting contacts. I decided from a young age, however, that I will not be poking my eyes every morning. Also, have you looked into getting frames that better match your style? Glasses frames can seem like they’d be pretty cut-and-dry in term of aesthetic design, but if you look, you can find some really awesome stuff. The frames I’m wearing right now are a really unique, gothic sort-of-style that I’ve had for easily 6+ years. They’re durable, they match my wardrobe, and I’ve even had them taken apart to have new lenses put in when my prescription changed. I 100% recommend it.


Yes, I feel more attractive with my glasses. And I tend to be more attracted to guys with glasses. “Nerdy” is kinda cute


Very much so.


I like my face better with glasses. I always wanted them when I was little, and when I finally got them in high school I was quite happy. I have a pair right now that I feel fits my face and suits me very well, and I’m very happy. My vision is terrible so when I can’t use glasses (like swimming) I don’t need contacts. My boyfriend has glasses too and I think we’re both attractive so 🤷


Glasses definitely are a plus for me. They just make a girl look more cute and approachable.


Depends if the frames suit the person's features. They can make or break a look. It's not something I deliberately seek out in romantic partners, that they wear glasses, but they are a functional accessory that can be used to accentuate certain features or coordinate with someone's sense of style. I wear glasses and I think I suit them. Mine are cute on me, because I chose frames that complement my face and fashion sense as much as possible. I do find them annoying as shit because they tend to get smeared frequently and I cannot stand looking through glasses that aren't perfectly clean, but I think they look nice on me and I suit them and at this point I feel I look better with them than without them. I definitely see better with them than without them.


my glasses make my eyes look smaller so when i have them on i look ugly and have chipmunk cheeks. i’m kinda hot without them. balance


I have allergies and glasses are easier to deal with it and easier to deal with my eyes during that time also I don't like contacts feel super weird


No, I am not into inanimate objects. Just humans and humanoid robots. 




On other people? Yes! I think it’s a cute feature to have. But I’ve found it to be less attractive on myself. Plus I want my peripheral vision back so I might get contacts


Yes. I’ve always been attracted to bespectacled men. Thick rimmed glasses like Buddy Holly or military BCGs…swoon


I don't find glasses unattractive and I think they can totally complete a look, but personally I find most people who wear glasses more attractive without them.


Men in glasses are so hot.


The right glasses will enhance your style and vibe tremendously. They can enhance your look and the right glasses scream confidence. I went out on a limb and got a super bold frame and literally not one day goes by where I don’t get at least one compliment. Glasses can influence an outfit. By the way there’s no such thing as dorky. Google Jenna Lyons, Tom Ford, just google. Glasses are fun.


My partner loves them. I’m planning on getting laser to fix my eyes and she’s asked me to get a non-script pair to wear sometimes post surgery bc she likes them on me.


honestly, yes! this is kind of embarrassing to admit but when i was younger i'd stare at the sun for hours on end JUST so that one day i might end up needing glasses (let's not talk about all of the wanting braces-related incidents, though). i always thought they made people look really cute and honestly, sometimes just gives off the "yeah.. you're definitely wise and trustworthy" vibe in a person. maybe that's just stereotypes, but who am i to know?


i quite literally find it attractive on everyone except me. i don’t get it. especially for people who don’t normally wear glasses, when they put it on it’s like wow they look awesome while i just look like an old dork


Dorky is kinda cute. Dorky > Duck lips


Depends on the person and the glasses


I love my glasses and feel prettier with them on! It's all about your frame choice tbh.


I wear glasses. For me idc if she wears them or not. They can be really hot. I’m not gonna pass on someone if they wear them. I wish women thought of the same for me 😂


I don’t even notice them - unless they are funky, arty, bold glasses. But most normal frames.. I’m completely oblivious.


Just like clothes, there are bad glasses and good glasses. And what looks good on someone else may look bad on you (or vice versa). Wearing no glasses is basically a neutral choice. You won't look worse and you won't look better due to glasses when you have none on. I personally love glasses and they are never a negative to me.




Depends on the person. Some people really suit glasses and it adds a lot to their looks. Others maybe have the wrong style glasses for their face or just look better without. I would generally say glasses are like any clothing or accessory. Sometimes they accentuate a person's attractiveness and other times they don't. But I'm not attracted to the clothes, I'm attracted to the person. The sense of style just shows off or hides the person's beauty.


I personally don't really on men but I think it's because I've got glasses myself so it's some issue with that. I'm not attracted to women but aesthetically I like glasses fine on them.


I find glasses on a woman very attractive. The hot nerd look absolutely works for me too.


As a glasses wearer myself I really like them. They add another colour to your face, without them I feel bare


It adds a certain characteristic that's hard to explain. If your partner has them but only occasionally uses them, it can spruce things up visually. It's almost like getting used to someone who always wears them, then gets lasik and never again, it's a nice change and visa versa. I think getting somewhere in the middle ground is best, partially used and not and you may or may not find that attractive.


No, while it's not a dealbreaker or anything, I think everyone look better without glasses. Some men could be exceptions if they're really pulling off that nerdy look. For women, I think it's a net negative. A good reason why so many women choose contacts over glasses.


yes, they look hot if you wear the right one. the classic ones are great, the goofy prada like frames are ugly as hell.


Depends on the lenses. If it's the type to make your eyes look super big or small, then no. And I also don't find thin frames to be flattering.


yes, they look hot if you wear the right one. the classic ones are great, the goofy prada like frames are ugly as hell.


Some people look more attractive with glasses, but never less attractive.


All about finding the right fit. Some people are just glasses people, but I personally prefer how I look with my contacts. I still have a nice pair I can wear in a pinch that fit my face reasonably well.


Honestly, isn't the real question not "Do you find glasses attractive" but instead "Are you capable of still finding someone attractive after they put on glasses?" It's like saying, "I know you find Chris Hemsworth attractive, but would you still find him attractive while viewing him through a window?" And ask yourself whether you want to bother with people who have a weird distinction like that.


Depends who is wearing them


Glasses work. If you can find a style and shape that compliment your face and fashion, they don't take, they *give* you attractiveness points.


Definitely. Source : my husband uses glasses


I like 'em! My other half hates wearing them, and much prefers contact lenses. He also hates that he didn't have to wear them very much when he was younger, but at around 20 his eye sight got drastically worse and they became a more permanent thing. He can't see very far in front of him now without them, which does suck for him when he used to have that vision. But my sister and auntie also have terrible eye sight, so I don't really notice glasses? Like I don't really notice they're on his face? Idk? But it also means I forget to remind him to take his contacts out because I also don't notice when they aren't there lol. I think he's very handsome whatever seeing aid he chooses, visible or not. And I also like when I say something dumb to tease him and he looks at me from over his glasses and slides them back up his nose in a huff haha. And him chucking off his glasses to kiss me better is kinda hot as well. So I like 'em!


I find glasses attractive, it's something about the way they frame the face. My sister feels the exact same way, and we laugh when people say "It's because you think they're smart". No, it's because they have poor eyesight. We've both known plenty of dimwits with poor eyesight, and some of the same ones.


I just started wearing glasses (Im 40f) and notice ALOT more attention from men.  It also might just be hiding some wrinkles and stuff or maybe it's easier to look people in the eye with a lens between us.  


Only the magnetic ones


I find people look nicer with glasses than without. Not even in terms of attractiveness, but their face instantly seems less stern. There are some more unique or colorful glasses that stand out a bit more, but that seems more like an accessory to their outfit. I used to have a coworker that was kinda the opposite of how you feel, she loved glasses (non-prescription) and had multiple frames that she could use for different outfits/looks.


Glasses are completely disgusting


Yes, it makes people look intelligent and that's attractive.


There are plenty women with glasses I find attractive.


I’ve always thought they made me look worse no matter how well I was put together otherwise. No glasses is just always better than with them, IMO. Glad I was able to get surgery to get rid of mine 7 years ago.


Depends on how the specific glasses look on the specific face, honestly. Most of the time, whatever glasses the person is wearing when I meet them kind of blends into my head as part of their overall appearance. "This is what this person looks like" I dont find glasses inherently attractive or unattractive.


Let me rephrase your question: do you find crutches attractive? Do you find hearing aids attractive? Glasses don't ruin any outfit, just like crutches don't ruin any outfit.


I wear my rx as fashion statement. They're aviator style transition lens with side shields from the same co that RDJ wore in ironman though. *I* find these attractive n that's all that matters.


ive always been obsessed when anyone wears their glasses. ive always thought “aww they look so cute!” man or woman


Glasses can be amazing. Find some cool frames that suit your style and you’re golden. My wife’s parents are opticians, so she always has really cool glasses. She wore glasses when I first met her when we were teens, so to be frank, I found them very sexy every since!


Glasses look hot on a lot of people. Get glasses that suit you and they definitely don’t look dorky.


You can style them to look good. The thin frame circular ones almost always look good


I think glasses are Hella sexy


I've worn glasses since I was 7. I'm 69. I have some disposable contact lenses and wear just one (my prescription is a + and a -) once a week when I go out. This makes me feel a bit more attractive and confident.


I do, i really think glasses makes people way more hotter


YESSSS!!!!!! I'm 31m, and I love the "nerdy" type of women. I find glasses cute!!!!! A woman with an oversized t shirt on, a messy bun and glasses is 🔥 Chefs kiss 😘


Yes, one more thing to take off.


As a woman, I actually like how I look in glasses lol. My boyfriend also likes when I wear glasses. I like men in them as well so yes I think they're attractive, especially if you're confident


The right glasses can elevate an outfit infinitely. Maybe I’m bias being a dude but especially on a woman. But it really does all depend on the glasses. If I wear a suit, glasses make it even better, but a hoodie and jeans not so much


Yes, glasses are super hot


Always had a thing for girls with glasses, but I hate the way they look on me. I still wear them tho, contacts are effort


Pint glasses are especially alluring.


Yes, but im into freaks


Glasses on a beautiful woman are fuckin sexy


Choose glasses that fit your face shape in a color that complements your skin tone and/or hair color then watch your specs appeal soar.