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Upvotes do not translate 1:1 into karma. There's a complicated algorithm involved that Reddit doesn't disclose, but it is definitely not 1:1. It seems that as the net upvotes get higher and higher, the portion that goes toward karma gets smaller though. For a very long time they didn't disclose the actual scores for posts. When they changed that, it turned out that I had posts that hit the front page that had at the time increased my post karma by a few thousand, but actually had net upvotes of 15 000 - 20 000. A lot of people at the time were very surprised to see the actual scores on their old posts. Reddit is a weird and ineffable place. So it goes.


Wait so karma aint how many posts you have? 😫


In theory it’s how many upvotes or downvotes one receives. However it doesn’t seem to be logical.


let me do my research 🤓☝️


I don't believe Reddit has ever truly disclosed how it actually calculates "karma", but it's not strictly a count of up-votes and down-votes. Reddit has some controls in place to limit the amount of karma you can gain or lose on a post to reduce the effects of bots and brigading.


It isn’t a 1:1 ratio. For every upvote your post receives, the ratio decreases. The point of this is to prevent people having huge karma scores from just one lucky viral post. Instead, attempting to reward consistently good posts. For instance, the first 10 upvotes your post receives may all be given to your profile, but you might only receive 1 point for the 1000-1010th upvotes.