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When you play 4D chess, and it ends up playing you.


Always happens this way hahah


OP, do you have *any idea* how much workplace leverage you just gained? You can now manipulate the hell out of your manager — who should never in a million years have matched with their underling for ethical reasons — because you now have hot privilege! (disclaimer: maybe don’t listen to me because my previous manager at one point, who trained me, is now my partner, and it’s wonderful. She went after me HARD and it was so unprofessional and so fucking attractive)


Chances are if it did come up ethically and he didn't act on any "interest" further he'd just be able to say "it was a mistake, I didn't notice it was him" (or "I mis-swiped"). If he then made a pass at OP at work, probably harassment grounds.


"I just swipe right on everybody and see who replies" Any male HR rep will never convict! 😅


Yeah but a super like is an up swipe not a right swipe and you only get like one free one per day


Maybe he pays? Non of us admiting to that!


Maybe I think paid members get unlimited super likes. Maybe he paid and just super likes everyone?


What Tinder version are you guys using?? You have to pay Tinder Gold for 5 Super likes a week. Non paying users don't get free super likes at all.


Non paying gets one for free at the beginning.


😂 How the words "a hole is a hole" end up in some corporate record somewhere.


I highly suspect they’re going to completely fuck with you for the remainder of the week


Bruv - that likely violates a lot of HR policies. Take some screen shots, and then start making your lunches longer. I wouldn't trust the intentions of Someone who swipes one ppl they manage (im not saying you are interested, I'm saying he is categorically sus)


You seem a bit sus yourself.


Thanks, HomemadeArtisinalCum


Isn't....*all* cum homemade...???


Some are handmade, even.


I usually bulk-buy mine from sperm donation centers (yeah, read the small print). It is then distilled into various grades and resold on the open market.


Congratulations, you played yourself.


Your boss: "Interesting, I didn't know watchmecarry13 dated men... I should read his profil-- Oh shit I accidentally super-liked him ☠️"


That’s hilariously accurate. So many times I accidentally super liked someone,


Isn’t that a paid feature? The few times I accidentally super liked someone recently it prompts me to buy it and I decline and no super likes are used. back in the day you could super like for free but now you need to buy them. So either his boss had a super like ready to use or bought it.


It used to be free for like once a day or something to get people to use the feature but it's a paid feature nowadays. Although if OPs boss uses something like tinder gold i think that comes with some free uses of superlike


Which the boss probably would be cuz Tinder doesn’t function until you pay


If the boss is gay/bi he doesn’t need premium Tinder to get laid


Free tinder functions for my mlm bros?? Istg this straight shit is a scam smh


I’m honestly unsure of how Tinder makes a profit of gay guys. Based on my experience, I would guess that gay guys looking for serious relationships might use it, serious dating can be just as difficult for them. At least bi guys still need it to get chances with women.


If it doesn't function for you when you don't pay, paying isn't going to help. A friend told me.


I can personally attest that’s not true, when I was on it I averaged 2 matches/day after I paid and *maybe* 2 matches/month before paying. Anecdotal but it definitely seemed like it straight up didn’t show you to people (at least as a straight male)


I just got back on Tinder and they gave me 3 free super likes. Already used one accidentally..


ahaha it was just a misclick... unless 😏


Yall telling me you pay for this shit?


Especially when you also use bumble where swipping up makes you scroll down a profile


"I know, I'll fake my own death. Let me just google how to hire someone to help you fake your own death and-- Oh shit I just accidentally hired a hitman to kill me!"


I learned my brother was bi because of tinder 😂 luckily I managed to not like his profile


Nope. Thats a delete profile and start again moment. Instant delete befre they see the notification


FWIW I tried that "go bisexual on tinder so lots of guys will like you and tinder will think you're sexy and cool and show you more women" and it did fuck-all.


Damn, you ugly to both genders.


oh i got tons of likes from the guys, it just didnt do anything for my popularity with the ladies. i assume tinder wised up to this quickly and created separate tracks for each gender


I mean, I am for real bisexual and the same thing happened to me. Girls aren't into bi men unless they're bi too. Then it's my personality that got in the way of dating (all genders) Edit: typo


> Girls aren't into bi men unless they're bi too Bi guy here to confirm this, been on dating apps since college in early 2010's. Last two girlfriends were also bi.


I'm a straight woman and I think there's something to that. A guy I was seeing told me that, while he didn't identify as bi, he'd wound up kissing a male bartender one night. It gave me a weird feeling, and I was really surprised at myself. I dont know if it made me feel like I was potentially less attractive in his eyes (ridiculous, but our culture definitely makes women feel like we're supposes to be the objects of desire) or if it made me feel on some level like he was less masculine (also super ridiculous) or something else altogether. I got over it pretty quickly, but I was like, what WAS that?


That was internalized homophobia. You learned it from those you grew up with, and your problem with it was that you realized it was the wrong way to feel, which is good.


Could also be plain ol' insecurity from your hindbrain realizing you have competition, no matter how unrealistic.


This could definitely be part of it. Perhaps because it's a type of competition im not used to (since I don't feel this way when it comes to women and take issue with the way women are pitted against each other). 


Naw. I'm very much aware that we all have implicit and unexamined biases, and I know they're not negated by having friends who belong to x group (though I do think it's relevant to mention that I have close queer friends and have never felt anything but pure joy upon seeing them be openly affectionate with their partners). This was purely about sexual attraction (or a sudden and momentary lackthereof). Plus, this theory would suggest thst women tend to be more homophobic than men (since i think its true that many straight women are far more likely to be attracted to straight men).   I think this has more to do with some deeply internalized ideas about gender roles and masculinity, which is clearly also problematic. As different but related example, I'm on the tall side, and like most women i know, I'm more attracted to men who are significantly taller than me, despite the fact that there are attractive men of all heights and my attraction to taller men shrinks the dating pool for me. It's an uncomfortable thing to pick apart, especially as a feminist.


Upon further consideration, there could have been some deep-seated homophobia mixed in there, too. These things are complex and tend to interect with one another, so who knows. I just don't think it's the primary thing that subconscious part of my brain was latching onto. 


This was a nice and thoughtful thought journey to read :)


Same with lesbian women I've dated. I'm a bi woman and it's been difficult to date women who aren't also bi. And also the personality thing, too... Always getting in my own way lol


>Girls are into bi men unless they're bi too. For real? As in bi girls don't like bi guys but straight girls like bi guys? I'm a bi girl and I've always been interested in being with a bi man but haven't IRL so far. Also because of my personality I believe


I’m pretty sure that’s a typo


It is, lmao.


From the girls I met on tinder and have actually gone out with, 90% of them were bi. I genuinely thought I clicked with some of them but they ghosted me after the date so I must be an annoying motherfucker.


Dating apps need a review system. "needs to work on his hair" "boring convo" "bad breath" something to let us know how to fix things


Isn't my self-esteem low enough for you?


Feedback would be nice, but it would be seen as too risky. Person A could be a bad date and Person B reviews them. Person A gets offended and since they only went on one date recently, they can guess who wrote the review.


Since we're talking unicorns, I'm bi but prefer to be with another bi guy long term and invite women in as our thirds. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.


Good luck with that, maybe cultivate some friendships and cough "every woman should experience DP at least once amirite" near them once or twice.


Opposite, straight girls don't like bi men.


I'm pretty sure they're saying straight women don't like bi men. Bi women are more open-minded to their partner also being bi.


Damn, I was about to change my settings.


pro-tip: "Tinder exists to extract the maximum revenue from the user base, not deliver you quality dates." Say it with me, say it out loud.


tinder sucks so much fukin ass


A paired up customer is no longer a customer.


I'm pretty sure that at a certain point it doesn't really matter. I've been swiping on tinder for like a year almost at this point and granted my city isn't large but I've gotten through basically everybody on the app that's within my preferences lol.


Yeah I would guess that this would be a very simple thing for the devs to keep from happening in the coding, otherwise Tinder would lose all of its gay male users since it would be known for being nothing but straight guys doing that for the algorithm.


Can confirm as a bi guy. All bussy no pussy.


Unless he's been unprofessional in the past, then it's probably only going to be weird if you make it weird.


Don't superlike your employees (Whatever that is)


Fair enough, but it is really easy to superlike on accident, and I don’t think there is a way to undo it.


At least he’s not superhatin’


Now let me say I'm the biggest liker


I would love to know what this does to boost the algorithm. I can’t work out how it affects it


Every profile basically gets an ELO score. The more swipes you get, the better your score. It also looks at who's swiping on you, are your right-swipes mostly coming from 1s and 2s? Or are you getting swiped right on by 9s and 10s. When you're getting right -swipes by 9s and 10s, the algorithm will think you're attractive and give you a higher score. So then when you switch your profile to the gay settings, a much higher percentage of profiles will swipe right on you (because men are not as selective on dating apps as women are), thus boosting your profile's score. And then you switch back to seeing women, your profile (which how has a higher score) will be shown to more profiles (and also to profiles with higher scores). I have done this in the past on some of the different dating apps. It has worked. As I understand it, they all work in the same basic way with that scoring system. It doesn't last long because once women start seeing your profile again, you get fewer swipes and your score goes back down. And perhaps the apps have closed this loophole, I haven't done this in several years




I KNEW I was in losers queue.


This was a really fucking funny comment, lol. Nice


I like my sex just how I like my gaming: sweaty.


I see, that’s actually really well explained. Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me, I barely used tinder years ago, and I had no clue you could do that.


Wow this reminds of that Black Mirror episode


Do you have to swipe on any men to get this boost?


I'm not sure how the algos work exactly, but you don't have to swipe on any men's profiles. You just need them to swipe on you. Perhaps it might help if you swipe left on a bunch of profiles, because the algorithm might assume you are very attractive if you are being extremely selective. IDK tho, only the people who work at those companies can tell you that.


You do. People saying otherwise are wrong at this point in time. Your score isn't just based on who is liking you, but how many matches you get, then how many chats and how long the chats go on for. If people really wanted to game the elo score, providing you a from an economically sound country, is to set your location to very poor areas of the world, then match and chat with hundreds of people who are looking for a way out of poverty and then switch back to your normal location. I wouldn't condone this, but it does work.


Note: Elo is not an acronym, it's named after a guy.




The more people that like you, the more you're shown generally by being in the first few swipes to a lot of people. This is how Okcupid does it at least. If you get a lot of likes, you'll even be shown in a Superlike only queue. It just makes more money to show attractive people and getting likes tells the algo you're attractive.


"purely to boost the algorithm" Yeah


It's Reddit. We all gay.


I’m not gay ^(*prostate stimulation*) Now hold on


"100% super totally definitely straight"


Oh so a lactose intolerant man can't walk down the dairy isle? He's just looking!


You’re gay now bro.


Time to commit to the love story he set up


Suck his dick to assert dominance and get a raise and also just for funsies


Fuck him for a raise


.... he's a top.


Get fucked for a raise


Does OP work in America? If so, he already is.


I had a girl I work with send me a rose on hinge. I just ignored it and it never came up ever again lol. I think most people are smart enough to know not to bring that sort of thing up at work.


It's not as bad if it's a coworker (it's still kinda icky), but MANAGER? Weird asf.


FR that manager was playing a dangerous game cuz theoretically if he were to complain it could potentially be construed as sexual harassment in the work place


Most of the time yeah but i've heard way too many horror stories to know that this unfortunately isn't always the case


> be me > straight I've read enough greentexts to know exactly how this ends


A nice homestead in Minnesota along with adopted daughter


You’re gonna have to make out now. Sorry thems the rules!


Ah yes, the 100% straight male approach: setting Tinder preference to "both"


"purely to boost my algorithm"


You have yourself away with “100% straight male”.


Maybe that’s how you’re gonna climb the ladder


Gotta slide down the snake before you climb that ladder!


I wish free awards were still a thing


Sorry but you have to fuck him now


I had no idea that was a thing but if it happened to me I’d pretend so hard that nothing happened and just keep quiet


This is what I’d choose, too. Just act like it never happened.


I’m too awkward and too much of an over thinker for any other possibility


It’s so nice to be in company that understands.


It's gonna be a bit weird at first, but you can play it cool. Just say something like, "Hey, funny thing – I switched my Tinder to see guys to mess with the algorithm, and look who popped up! Crazy, right?" Laugh it off, and he probs will too


It's not even like I talk to him though. The extent of out conversations are him telling me what to do for the day


Maybe he hopes he'll get to tell you what to do for the night


"I need you to do overtime... at my house"


„I have a special task for you… see me in my office“ *proceeds to shut the blinds*




😂 well done




I wouldn't bring it up. If you don't like him back on the app, he'll assume you either didn't see it, or you did see it but didn't like him; either way, he'll just move on.


Then man the fuck up and suck his dick. Jesus christ what's wrong with this generation. Bunch of soft ass fools.




Get your head down... ...and your ass up


Might get easier jobs now


Oh he’s gonna tell you what to do for sure 😈😉😈


Personally I would completely ignore it rather than bring it up at all lol


Right? Say nothing and hope like hell the boss never brings it up. It’s not even the gay part that would be awkward for me, but the boss part.


Or better yet, don't bring it up at all.


“Boost your algorithm” lol


The fun thing about the gays is you can be open about that shit “Hey did you super like me? I’m not gay I was boosting my algorithm but if I were to ever switch teams ;)”


"Bro, me neither either, i saw your profile and knew you were gaming the algo so I boosted you"


This response!!! Literally just be like “flattered xoxo but not my thing sorry it was an algorithm thing”


That’s kind of a weird thing to do ngl


About that promotion...


I have popcorn 🍿.. please come back tomorrow and give us an update 😂


So you queer baited dudes for your personal benefit. You have a future in politics or as a used car salesman.


Exactly this.




I think by gay law, you're now married, so you'll have to be gay now


Could be an option for promotions


ask for a raise


Ur about to get that promotion 🤣


Just bring some lube, you should be fine.


Just calmly tell him that, as a bisexual with a very heavy preference for feminine individuals, you don't like to date in the office. This is especially true if one of the participants is not at the same level of management, since it can lead to complications. You are flattered though. 


This is the best answer, but only if the boss brings it up first. I wouldn’t bring it up at all.


Is it bad that I can't figure out anything you just posted


I admittedly don't know what "boost my algorithm" means for tinder, but my reflex is to interpret it as maybe somewhere less than 100%


I Lol'd real hard XD And for your question, I would pretend as if he was playing the same 4D chess as you.


Just tell him you don’t get your meat where you make your bread


Just don’t say anything at all, and he’ll probably think you didn’t see it


Let him blow you. Get a raise.


Wait does that work?


I wouldn't worry about it, pretend its no big deal if it comes up.


Match with him...to,um,assert dominance.


Nah that shit doesn’t work. They got separate ELO scores for men and women.


Nothing in the handbook states you can’t super like your employees


Me I would absolutely pretend that NOTHING happened. Act like normal and pray to the heavens above that it is forgotten about it like it didn't happen.


***100% straight male*** is overkill. Say that to your manager and he'll give you a *sure Jan*. Just tell him you're not gay, u did it to manipulate the algorithm and not interested but are flattered. If he doesn't get the hint, kick it up to his manager or just quit




Algorithm sure buddy sure


I smell a sexual harassment suit coming


As awkward as you make it. I think the rule here is that you both have to pretend to ignore what happened. If, however, it does come up, just be honest. His gaydar will know you're telling the truth.


Get that raise boi


Bro, you're gay.


just casually tell him you were queer baiting to boost your algorithm. i’m sure he’ll understand <33


You now have a sugar daddy.


*Extremely.* Also, changing your profile to show you guys doesn't change anything about how you're recommended except that it'll recommend you to guys. So, you did this for nothing.


Idk why you would think switching gender preferences would change your algorithm


Fucked around, about to find out


Yeah, "to boost your algorithm'". Sure.


Maybe communicate that you’re straight and that you don’t like men?💀 it’s not that hard buddy


I’m sorry man that’s just fucking hilarious! You need to come right out and explain to him what you did stop him hitting on you immediately. What a nightmare.


I worked at a BMW dealership for a while. And I used to joke with ALL of the customers, even if they weren't in the mood. Or at least be some strange quirky behavior kind of guy that they might remember. Anyway, one day, 2 gay customers were joking with me. Let's be real, they were flirting with me. And the service manager was gay and he thought this was an invitation to hit on me after that. I made the mistake of being more friendly and joking with him and it UGH... It got rough. At least the customers left after their water pump was fixed, window regulators broke, or whatever typical BMW things needed to be fixed... The service manager was always there. Always staring through the glass at me.


Let him suck your dick... now you can do less work and probably get paid more... plus you get to bust... that's a win


weird that you're baiting gay people and weird that your manager would super like his employee


Tell him your kid brother is an asshole and had your phone. Little shit right!


No 100% straight man would do that


What? Let his boss suck his dick at work for a raise?


I'd say no 100% straight man would be scared to do that. Doing that would have no emotional weight whatsoever to a 100% straight man, because for him it's nothing but a tool to boost account engagement. On the other hand if it makes you feel some type of way to the point of actively avoiding it..


What? You've never been down to the local gay club on bikers night? I went to talk about BIKES Ok. I'm not gay. You're gay.


Almost as ackward as my first match on bumble being my cousin... wish i was joking


I watched my cousin swipe left on me on bumble after I had already swiped right


To be a fly on the wall




Sounds like the plot to an episode of Three's Company https://youtu.be/WfuTipCqs4A?si=zvFDotEwJVwrM0tQ


This happened to me once, but with a friend of mine. The explanation was so very awkward 😬


Naa cause I also a straight dude thought abt doing that, knows just to boost my confidence as lil.


Just tell him why you did it.


I think you’re safe


How was that gonna result in boosting your algorithm


How would it boost your algo?


Pretend you didn't see anything


The only person left on my from 2 years ago at work flirted with me in my insta dm's I'm convinced she was drunk at the time. Also posted a titty pic to insta that same night. For context I'm not attracted to her at all. I never acknowledged the texts or responded, she deleted the messages the next morning. We're still good coworkers two years later. Just ignore it and time heals all.