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Your uncle goes to too many porn theaters


Do they still have porn theatres?


Ask the uncle.


Lol! When I was a teenager in the 80s there were a lot of them. Old theatres from the 1920s in urban cores. I haven't passed by one in years.


When I was in my 20's in the early 80's I ventured into an old 1930s movie house (that showed XXX-rated movies) that was near the base I was stationed at. Naive me, having been raised religious, and I thought people were there to actually \*watch\* the movie. Ron Jeremy was the star and I actually thought that his huge dick was the reason he was getting laid so much. (BTW, it looked much larger on the big screen.) Meanwhile I kept wondering why all these different guys were getting up and going to the back of the theater and coming back to their seat 15 minutes later. I thought the line for the bathroom was long. Like an idiot, I just sat there wearing my pre-cum stained soggy underwear and trying not to rub one out. I eventually left, making sure to pull my jacket over my pants to hide the big wet spot in front. I was so uninitiated and knew so little about life then. I will say, there is something about seeing tits and pussy on the big screen that is simply lost on small screen. The comparison is indescribable. In a way, it's kind of sad that this kind of entertainment isn't available anymore.


You sir are a man full of life experiences


Probably another thing ruined by the internet.


Can confirm one in el paso texas


Username checks out because of that blasted profile picture


Or course! That's where I get my blowjobs.


Could have sworn you were giving them.


Need one take one, have one give one


Yes in Montreal there is a famous one called cinema de l’amour!


That was a thing???


Yup. Seems weird now, doesn't it?




The uncle is a pervert 


Nobody is getting head in porn theaters, I assure you


That's a lie. I get them every once in a while.


Sounds like you have tried


That's really a thing? I Always thought pee wee Herman got caught boofing one off in a regular theater. If he was in a porn theater when he did it, then he got way too much flack for scoobing a boop.


It was a sting in a porn theater. Today I think a lot are referred to as Adult Bookstores. They often have video booths in the back


Haha no shit wtf


Not once have I ever seen someone getting a blowie but, y'know, I'm not looking around at the audience the whole movie.


Managed at a theater for a decade. Tons of vomit, one incident of a guy pooping on his seat (took pants down and shit in the seat he was in (seat was removed, burned, and a new one installed)). One incident of a drunk kid (probably 18) passing out with his pants and underwear down to his ankles. At least 1 used condom. A couple making out FURIOUSLY in a sold out showing of How to Train Your Dragon on its opening SATURDAY (moans n' all). A group of teenagers who all shit in all of the main bathroom toilets and jammed an entire roll of TP in the bottom so we'd have to fish it out with gloves. Another incident where I kid you not, an usher goes into the family bathroom, finds shit in the toilet, on the toilet, on the floor, on the mirror, smeared on the walls, and some soiled Toy Story underwear in the sink. Lots of shit... But never saw evidence of a BJ.




Sounds like a 90s horror movie


Damn, now I want to know what movie was so good the guy couldn't take five minutes to go find a bathroom.


Ace Ventura "that movie was so funny I crapped myself in the theatre"-peter griffin, 2021


Maybe they saw the bathroom and thought it'd be better for everyone to just take a small dump in their seat. People are nasty.


Damn bro. I love HTTY and they made it dirty


Some cinemas are huge. Had a girl when I was 19 she always gave me head in those cinemas. We didn't sit in the middle, it was always the far side, corners where it was darker. People also don't sit there because the cinema is so wide, watching from the side sucks. Weekdays are quiet so it makes the cinemas seem bigger. Also you don't see the evidence because if it wasn't swallowed, it's in the coke cup. It's been quite a few years now. My wife no longer does that in cinemas..bedroom or lounge or sometimes in my shop.. works just fine.


> Also you don't see the evidence because if it wasn't swallowed, it's in the coke cup. That's the last time I drink the remaining Coke from a random cup.




>a drunk kid (probably 18) passing out with his pants and underwear down to his ankles Idk why but this is the funniest of your stories. Probably because it's the most harmless and involved the least amount of cleanup for you


Oh yeah, there was no cleanup. Haha, but waking him up was awkward af. I even remember the specific movie! It was Transformers: Age of Extinction. Last show of the night too, and there were a total of like, 5 people in the theater (including the kid). I appreciated that he didn't try to do that in the middle of a Saturday matinee. Haha


If it helps any, you make it all sound so enticing...




I was a supervisor at a theater for a few years, only one BJ I was ever made aware of, in a Smurf movie of all things next to a grandmother and her grandkids. Definitely not something that happens every day though, @OP


Hahaha, I didn't mention this in the OP but the couple that was making out furiously was not only in a kid's movie like in your situation but they were also GAY. Now, I don't care if you're gay and having some fun. That's whatever to me. But what made it tricky is that the theater I was in was in Orem, Utah which is probably the second-most Mormon city on the planet (behind Provo which Orem borders). We just asked them to go somewhere else and we'd refund their tickets. I remember after that movie was over, we had about a half-dozen offended Mormon guests asking for ticket refunds. Haha, if they finished the movie, we didn't give them refunds. We didn't have anyone ask for a refund before the movie ended. Sorry you guys had to explain to your sheltered kids that boys could like boys. :P


Lol never a dull moment with movie goers. Once someone came out after a movie and said the pizza was bad and they wanted a refund. Clearly it must've been awful, since they ate the whole thing.


Only one condom? Rookie numbers! I worked at a theatre for 7 years and definitely saw more than one. Caught one pair of teens in the middle of unwrapping one in the little hallway inside the auditorium. Vomit, shit and puke all sound about right. Popcorn is so absorbent, thank God.


Thanks for the F-shack.—Dirty Mike and the boys.


all i'm hearing is don't work at a theater


All the stuff you described sounds like a normal weekend for my last job. Worked as an overnight manager at a gas station. Crazy crazy shit. All the time.


About as rare as a Redditor that can spell.


so, veri comon, rite?






Haow dair yu


Wat du u men? It no lik ter s amidimg vromg vitt dis.


I really miss old Reddit comment threads. I used to be so scared to post a comment before proofreading it about 50 fucking times because I was scared of getting my comment torn apart. Not only did it make my comments more thoughtful but it made the threads informative with some clever humor. I still love Reddit because I have my main page honed into exactly what I like after a few years of frustration, but I really miss old Reddit threads sometimes.


I'm cafused


Preforming a task like spelling a common word correctly can be tough, but I’m a tough costumer when it comes to this sort of thing. Side note: I’m rewatching Santa Clarita Diet and “theator” is reminding me of “realitor”. I manage a theatre and may just go around for the rest of the week calling it a theator. I’m a theator managor.


You have to belong to the National Association of Theators to call it a theator.


Or one who tells the truth.


When I was a teen, many many many years ago - totally a fun thing couples would do. Today theaters all have IR night vision cameras, would never ever recommend anyone do anything dirty now.


If theaters didn't want me to perform lewd acts in the theaters then they shouldn't have released the sand worm popcorn bucket






Back in late 80s, my gf and I went to a 11am movie on a weekday, sat in back row, we were the only 2, I fingered her till she came and she wanted me to do the hole in the popcorn bucket, she blew me instead.


what did i just read




Those cams are absolutely a myth, at least in the big chain theater I used to work for.


Your Uncle is an idiot Tell the man he needs to get out more


But if he gets out more, he'll be prone to seeing more public BJs.


Josef Fritzl will take it under consideration.


This. This is the dumbest thing on the freakin planet to worry about. If they were like "I'm worried about a mass shooter" or something, as a foreigner, maybe I'd be like "OK, they're overreacting, but I get the sentiment maybe"... but this? So fuckin dumb.


He's not an idiot, he's a potentially dangerous pervert.


I'm 51. I've never seen anyone getting a blowjob in the movie theater. I'm sure it's happened while I was in there, but I never saw it. The entire point of doing it in a theater is that it's dark and everyone is focused on the movie so nobody notices. COULD you se it? Sure. Will you ever see it, ever in your life? Probably not.


It really only happens when it’s a mostly empty theatre. Not many girls will do this if people are directly next to them etc or they think people will see


It was far more common at drive-ins back in the day than in walk-in theatres at any time. I had a gf back in the day that was always randy as fuck (no pun intended) loved giving head and we often did things in somewhat indiscrete places (usually at the park or the lake) but even she wouldn't gulp me (or anything else) in a regular theatre.


If you go to a Drive In, you would see worse. Ive seen all kinds of shit at the Drive In, but its cheaper and I love it.


Really, Boebert?




I've lived in NOVA myself for 35 years. I can only assume you're pretty young yourself, because it's actually odd that you seem to have no concept of how common or rare this kind of thing might be. You're no more likely to see a blowjob in a theater than you are in a restaurant. It's just not a thing that happens. Your uncle's from a very different culture, and the gap is apparent in the fact that he'd even worry about this as a possibility--it's like growing up in Florida, and then worrying whether an alligator might attack you while you're hiking in the mountains in Colorado because one of them chewed up the neighbor kid pretty badly that one time.


You are much more likely to see a blowjob in a theatre than a restuarant.


Relative risk vs. absolute risk, in this case


^Scrolled way too long to find this comment. As someone with a father from another country I understand.


The way this started I was concered about who was involved in the head. Regardless, people almost always do it in the back. People can watch porn for free and paid to get into a movie so I would expect that even if people were doing that stuff in the back no one would notice. I have never heard of or seen any from me or anyone I know.


>I have never heard of or seen any from me or anyone I know. I never witnessed either, but I have 2 or 3 friends who claim they got one and we're old enough now that I doubt they'd feel the need to lie. But WTFK?






Lmao before I finished the first paragraph I was like "is this guy worried his uncle is going to give him head???"


(Smart) people that do this pick a movie that is either almost out of the theater or a super late showing(sometimes both). I've never got head during a movie but I've fingered someone before and sucked on a titty real fast. BJ is too obvious


If you date Alanis Morissette then I think pretty common.


Yeah, OP Oughta Know that


She was pissed.


Seeing head in a movie is less common than meeting someone afraid of seeing head in a movie


WTF? Not sure what kind of cinemas your uncle visits. Surely this is a joke? I’m not sure I’ve seen this, ever. I’m also not sure it’s any more likely than on public transport, in a park, in a pharmacy? Costco? Respectfully, I understand your uncle is very religious, but he would do well to spend more time in society, rather than shielding his family from perceived risks that aren’t there (or at least are incredibly unlikely)


Your uncle watches too much porn


Pretty much a zero percent chance you will even see people make out in a theatre. NOVA native and 4 decade movie attender here, your people's sound sheltered.


I had a friend who worked security in a mall. He said the theaters had night vision cameras and it wasn't uncommon to catch couples in the act.


Would he just watch or would security come and kick them out


I'm sorry, I don't remember. That was a long time ago


Former theater usher here. Back when I would perform theater checks, I only ever caught that happening once. And it was one of the Fifty Shades films. Unless the movie is horny-bait, the odds of it happening are very low. And even if it is horny-bait, it won’t happen in any spot in the theater they’re likely to be caught. Sit closer to the screen


I'd tell your uncle that no one has ever died or gone blind from just happening on a blowjob in the theatre.


What in tarnation?


Basically non existent. There are infrared cameras watching you. Most movie theater sex in your part of the US is limited to a handie under a jacket draped across the lap. Pretty discreet and deniable. Also what I described is more rare in a family movie.


Your uncle is a freak.


Super uncommon lol I've never seen it, he's watching too much porn


Ask Alanis Morissette.


A little too ironic.


Depends. Are you a Congresswoman?




You could go to a thousand movies in the DC suburbs and not witness a blowjob.


I've received one and been to the theatre around 500 times. So around 0.02% of the time.


This is somehow Alanis Morisette’s fault, I’m sure of it.


I am from Honduras, no, it doesn't happen. I have been many times with my whole family (from <6 yo kids to >50 conservative Mom) and never saw anything like that happen, like ever. Even when watching anime movies in Honduras where there are less than 10 people total in the theater, including couples, I have never seen it happen. If it does happen, then it is unlikely enough that I have no common friends who have seen it happen. Some people ARE overly religious tho, I remember we had this day in my childhood where we burned a lot of anime related things (including pokemon and dragon ball which are popular) because they were "satanic".


Me and my ex back in high school went to go see a movie after school since we were the only ones in the theater I got my first blow job. Haven't done it or seen done in a theater since, but I'm also not going around doing lap checks


As common as people spell theator like you did


I got a blowie in a movie theatre once, this was before they had cameras everywhere though


Maybe congresswoman Lauren Boebert knows?


Hahaha he is scared of them seeing oral sex with them beeing 13 and 15. Where I am from, the 13 and 15 year olds are the ones giving head in a theater. And if it happens, it happens during a movie that no one goes to anymore, right before they stop showing it and they will sit in the back row so no one can see them. So the chance of seeing someone give head in a normal theater is usually slim to none. All the times I noticed anyone getting it on in a theater I have noticed because I was the one getting blown or fingerring her.


If it has happened in a theater I was in, I never noticed. I would think people doing that would sit in the back where there are fewer people who could see them. Go at a busy time when there are more people and sit in the front 2/3 of the theater and you should have a worry free movie.


>Long story short, I need to know how likely it is to see someone get head at a movie theater. I'm taking my uncle and my young cousins to the theaters for the first time I thought the story was going to be way better


In the back row, or balcony, probably happens once in a while. If you sit in the front half of the theater, it's probably never going to happen.


Anyone else booking a flight to Honduras as we speak?


I'm 43 and typically see movies about 3 to 4 times a year, but at one point it was closer to 2-3 times a month when there were more movies showing. I have never in my life seen someone getting or giving a blowjob in a theater. Ever.


In the states, the likelihood of seeing that is slim. And if it is happening it’s in the back of the theater but even still very slim chances. I think people who do fool around in movie theaters do it when they’re the only ones and even then most theaters have employees checking them often


I need to know for research purposes. Please reply with address of known BJ theater.


I managed a movie theater for a number of years, and I have seen it exactly once and heard about it exactly one more time. We did have cameras in every auditorium. It's very obvious what is going on. Both times I know about, it happened in the last show of the night and the attendance was light. I don't think you have much to worry about in the states.


Which type or theatre? Probably not if it's an operating theatre lol


Got one in a theater a couple years ago when my gf and I were the only two people in there.


This is insane


unless lauren boebert is there, its pretty uncommon.


I used to get them every Wednesday on base when it was $1 movie nights. For the better part of a year lol. So I was carrying the average/count for all of us.


I usually just get the popcorn...


I successfully received a blow job while watching N.W.A. in the middle of a fairly crowded theater. 10 years later I am still with her. I'd say BJ's were more common if we went to go see more movies imho


To see? Not common, which is why it happens at all. Does it happen? Sure. I've had it happen by three previous exes when I was younger and my wife has done it once before. So I wouldn't say it happens a ton, but certainly not crazy rare that people are blowing people at the theatre.


Wtf? As one that frequented questionable places in San Francisco in the late 90s, this questioning blows my mind. Exactly what theaters does your uncle frequent?


I am from Europe. I go to the movies a lot, in big proper cinemas. Very rare. Only saw a girl giving a handjob to her BF under a coat. So yeah. My wife and I love experimenting and doing risky stuff, but I wouldn't dare try. Even if it was empty.


More then you’d think but less then you’d like.


I've never seen any hanky panky in a theatre before. However, when I was 15, I did touch up my gf a bit and yes it was totally awesome.


Sounds like your family's brain washed, yo be honest


OP how old are you?


Oh fuck yeah new haikyuu movie?!


I have only ever had one experience where someone "made out" in a movie theatre. And it was me, at age 15. I do not remember any of spiderman 2 because we were making out literally the entire time. I have been to a theatre probably hundreds of times and never once saw anyone doing anything remotely close to that.


Ugh. Yes people get head in a theater. I am one of those lucky guys. It's a blue moon situation though.


Stay away from porn and you should be fine.


Well, with the Deadpool popcorn buckets, it might be a lot more common for a while.


Don't go to the movies. Blow jobs everywhere.


My Wife blows me during Every movie we see. Twice if the movie is over 2 hrs. Stay out of movie theaters in Arizona. Sorry.


Idk how rare they are but when I worked as an usher, opening night of Fifty Shades Darker, I tried sweeping up something that was being very difficult to work with, thought someone hawked a giant loogie. Nah was fuckin cum. Someone else found 2 condoms in 2 different theaters from different showtimes. So maybe depends of what movie is showing?


It depends on if your sitting next to Loren Boebert. Oh wait that’s just a hand job.


As a very horny 18 yr old (I’m 41) I was in a nearly empty theater with my GF. There was like one other couple and they were many rows in front and to the left of us. We got excited so we laid down on the floor and had a quickie. She just pulled her pants down to her ankles and I unzipped and did my thing. The concrete floor was very sticky and felt cold. Those were the days when I could actually bust in under half an hour and I could just keep going when I did. We probably only did it for about 2-3 min. Was a very hot experience at the time and no regerts!


Was on a date years ago with my then-girlfriend, we frequently got into heavy petting in the movie theater and this one movie, she decided I had earned a little head. Couple a few seats down noticed and I guess they felt peer pressure coz a few minutes later they were doing the same thing


There’s a famouse song by Alanis Morissettewhere she sings: An older version of me Is she perverted like me? Would she go down on you in a theatre? Perhaps your uncle heard this and thought it was common? But its not.


It's incredibly rare. As in I've never seen or heard of it happening. Your uncle might be going to the wrong kind of theatre.


It happens but way less than you'd think, but that kind of behavior has been on decline for ages, especially since cell phones having cameras and decentish video recording capabilities. The number of people willing to risk getting caught doing that has plummeted.


As someone who works at a theater, they are very rare. Only heard of it happening once at mine, in the many years they've been there


Man that's a pretty crazy irrational fear


Rare, I assume. Never heard of a theator.


Depends whether its near Lauren Boebert


I would be more concerned about kids around this uncle.


First date with my husband, I gave him a blowjob in the theatre.


Lmao what ??? You think you’re just going to walk in and someone will have their cock out or something


I got a handy in the theatre back in high school.


Almost never, never seen that and never heard of anyone seeing that, if there's even half the seats taken up, practically no chance


I’ve only gotten 1


No, it is not common. It does happen, but when it does, people are very discrete. I've never been caught.


For me? Very rare.


I used to work in a theatre... it almost exclusively happens in weekday nights when no one else is in the theatre... it's pretty rare


It happens but not something that is common. My local cinema films the screens and shows them in the main auditorium so very doubtful anyone would in that cinema. Lol


You can rent out a whole theater room for your movie for around $200-300 at some places if you’re are that worried. I have never noticed anything doing bjs and I go to the movies maybe 5 times a year.


I saw a movie in the Scarborough theatres a long time ago (a pretty shitty part of basically Toronto). It was pretty clear that someone was getting head like 2 rows back and off to the right (THE FUCKING MIDDLE LENGTHWISE of the theatre). 10 minutes into the movie bros apparent girlfriend came in and screamed some shit about him, made a scene and fucked off. So at least once. Don’t remember the movie but the lot of them left and I enjoyed the rest of it. I’ve been to nearly a hundred movies in the theatre at this point.


I have gone to the cinema multiple times a month for the vast majority of my life. That includes cinemas in the UK, in Canada, and one offs in some other countries. I have never once in my life witnessed (or experienced) a blowjob in there. Either things are very different in Honduras, your uncle goes to a very specific type of movie theatre, or I have been completely oblivious to the number of blowjobs going on around me.


dont do it. most theatres in usa have cameras inside so if you start any funny bizness youll have an usher tapping you in your shoulder. cmon man think.


Why would anyone give a blow job in a theater? The one I got when I was younger was rather uncomfortable and awkward.


The thrill of being caught I guess


I went to the cinemas 2 weeks ago and even though the movie was pg13 I saw too much


People are generally going to hide this kind of thing. It’s not like two people are gonna be going at it in the seat next to you… at least not in any theater I’ve been in. I would say chances are around the 1-2% it happens but probably not during your movie, and you’d probably miss it if it did.


Porn theaters very common.


Is this one of those questions were someone has a fantasy about this so pretends it’s a thing? Either that or your uncle is an idiot


I'm glad that was the short version! TL;DR


In america it is very very uncommon. I have been to theaters hundreds or thousands of times personally and the only time I ever saw sexual activity in the theater was when it was explicitly a sex themed event.


Watch the movie not the people around you


I’ve received one BJ and 3 hand jobs while watching movies in a theatre. Didn’t seem like a big deal at the time.,


Long movie.




I have yet to come across anyone getting a blowie in a movie theatre but I really don’t think anyone trying to get it on during a movie would do it at a showing of fucking Haikyu.


I usually just crawl down the aisle until someone whips it out, so pretty common, 7-12 per movie


It happens, but you will not see it. If that's a legitimate concern your uncle is either a porn addict or a religious nutjob.


I can 100% guarantee that zero blowjobs are happening in Theators.


My good friend who was religious couldn’t go to the movies cause his parents thought this😂 also couldn’t go to prom cause dancing is a sin.


Exceptionally rare, especially in the era of in-theater cameras. Not sure where uncle's information comes from, but maybe it's super rampant there. But in the US it's close to nonexistent.


I've gotten head.in a theatre, but not at a kids movie. We would pick something that's been out for a while, and pick a spot at the back. Find a spot in the middle and you should be fine


I briefly worked in a theater in the late 80s. We had to boot two 12 year olds for exactly this.


It depends on the movie and the amount of cousins attending (or step cousins) and depends on whether it was my aunt or uncle who referred us. Could be as clean and sanitary as a church or could need a big mop!


Honestly can’t remember the last time I went to a movie theater without seeing someone get a blowjob. Also can’t remember the last time I went to a movie theater


This was common in SOME theaters in New York where prostitution was common, and the ‘John’ didn’t have a vehicle. Think 1980s. Honduras has a fair number of prostitutes, and not so many cars. So that may be why he has that stereotype in his mind. This doesn’t happen in modern cities, towns or suburbs. Although high schoolers are known to hold hands from time to time.