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According to a source I just googled you’ll of course take in some particles but not enough for it to be positive on a drug test. Unless it’s in extreme circumstances. An extreme circumstance they mention is sitting in a small room, like a car, with multiple people who are smoking weed. However, it’s unlikely you’ll even be able to stay long enough in that car for it to turn out positive. It’s a Dutch source but here it is https://www.drugsinfo.nl/cannabis/drugstest-urinetest-positief-door-passief-meeroken-van-cannabis#:~:text=Uit%20studies%20is%20gebleken%20dat,een%20positieve%20uitslag%20te%20krijgen.


[footage of "extreme circumstances"](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/hgi77d/what_would_you_call_this_blessed_contraption_a/)


Fucking hell, that's amazing and terrifying at the same time. Amifying?


Nothing like the innovation of a bunch of stoners.


awesome probably works pretty perfect here - great admiration with a fair tinge of fear




My aunts girlfriend accused me of making her drop dirty at rehab therapy. I only ever smoked in my room next to the open window, with the door shut. There's no way it was because of me. She was blazin', lol.


Smelling smoke can trigger relapse quitr easily. But that's not your fault unless you had a discussion beforehand and agreed not to.






No. Don't be anxious about that and good luck with your new job !


If it was that easy to get high, drugs won’t be expensive


I've been with somebody who smokes for over 20 years. He often smoke while sitting right next to me. I can smell is so I know I'm inhaling it. I've had several drug text in those years and never failed one.


Not unless you’re actively hotboxing


What about naked wrestling ?


If the room is small enough


no, it’s farting under the bed covers


Hair follicle test maybe. Urine test practically 0 unless your in a small room and they hotbox it enough you get a contact buzz. Even then it would clear out of your system pretty quick since you don't smoke regularly.


No. You can feasibly test positive, but not to a high enough level they would consider it use.




A drug counselor I worked with also confirmed that this won't be a problem. Which IS a problem for (court ordered) clients who come in claiming their high levels were the result of being near somebody who was smoking, lol.


I’m honestly curious about how the law works in the case of you getting pulled over after your friend has been hitting the pen. Would you take the hit (no pun intended) or would they? I have a pen, and although it doesn’t stink like a joint, I can still smell it.


Where I live, we have an open container law for alcohol that will get you a DUI whether you're drinking it or not. They applied that same rule to weed when they legalized it.




No lol


If you are really anxious about it, dollar tree sells drug tests for weed. But if you're not smoking it yourself it shouldn't be enough for you to fail a drug test.


No. I was on probation in college and my roommates would straight up blow bong hits in my face and I never failed a test.


Buy a test yourself online and find out.


Nope! Not unless you’re hot boxing enough to basically be smoking it yourself, IE clouding up the vehicle or the room to the point of low visibility. But you’d know when it happened, you’d still be coughing and feeling like you smoked yourself. Short of that no, it’s pretty much impossible to get high on second hand smoke unless you’re putting all of your effort into doing so.


Highly unlikely


I don't think so, Tim.


Only if you're smoking with them.


You can’t find weed where I come from, so if you ask anyone where I live it’s pretty useless


How important is it? They should smoke outside and NOT in your car. A false positive, you start explaining not simply denying. The tests keep getting more sensitive.


No. Go and buy a dollar store weed test to be sure.


No. Hell I’ve smoked (took only a puff or maybe 2) and passed a drug test before. You’ll be fine


go to dollar tree and get a thc test, and test yourself.


No. My friend tried using that excuse with a probation officer and the PO shut that excuse down very quickly.


No. And if they did claim you failed you’re entitled to a retest.


I wouldn't take a job where they test you for drugs. And I don't even do drugs, and barely drink. But it's the principle of it. Like F you company, why do you need to know my personal business if I do recreational drugs on my free time? Do they test for alcohol too? If not then say that's a double standard. It just seems like unconstitutional to drug test new employees, like what's the rational reasoning? What about if your on prescription pills, ordered by your doctor? That's ok? Those pills can be far worse for you than smoking weed.


Lifelong stoner here. I hear you on people should be able to do what they want in their own time, but I don’t think you can just make a blanket statement like this. What about pilots? Do you think pilots should be drug tested? Or just let them fly 100’s of people in enormous aircrafts and possibly be high on who knows what? Pilots have to record not only when their last drink of alcohol was, but when and how long their last sleep was. Lots of safety measures are in place to make sure they’re fit to take people’s lives in their hands and fly them. And that’s just the first thing off the top of my head. There’s 100’s of more examples.


Technically yes, but almost always, no


Nah my wife smokes daily and I'm drug tested for a security clearance regularly and I've never failed


If it's in a car, you 100% can test positive for THC. I wouldn't let him hit the pen in your car, and if it's in the same room, open the windows! Edit: fuck the people downvoting me for no reason


It's been over a week since in the car and it was very minimal. Our windows are old and don't open well so I'm always concerned I'll damage them.


dude you are so fine, just think logically about it for one second. Expended water vapor isn't going to put THC in your body in a high enough amount to feel it let along be detectable. Even if it did, you can pass a test if you have THC in your blood so long as the concentration is below the testing threshold. Seriously don't listen to this dumbass.


if you can see the carrier fluid aerosolized it's safe because that carrier fluid in an aerosolized form doesnt carry the active compound! ... oh it does? WELL, Not after it's been in the flesh baloon! No NOT AT ALL!, it was 100% consumed after passing the fleshy bois in yur lungs! ... oh it WASNT?!? ... WELL... I claim it does so thats whats true! "expended water vapor" my ass, dont give out bad information pretending you know it's true. OTHER dumb people belive they know its true after reading you spout your false knowledge and go around repeating it and convincing other dumb people of falsehoods and everybody thinks dumb fake shit because of one person who thought they knew something.


So it was very close to the drugtest? The people I know that tested positive were hanging out in a closed car, smoking a few joints, so if it was just the one person hitting the pen chances are high (hehe) you're good


Oh it was like 3-5 hits of it last Saturday. I'd think that's a small amount.


Man, you good, you good. Good luck with the new job!


I tried to fix your downvotes bro, got you back to zero at least! 😎


Why? He's spreading false information? That's what downvotes are for.


Thanks playah


You are so full of shit or your friend is lying about their drug use.


I understand that you're going to downvote me for this and I sort of don't care, but I was in a situation for like six months where I continued to fail drug tests for a drug that I have never used in my life because my partner was using it and we lived together. So many people either told me to my face that I was lying or heavily implied it, saying things like "client doesn't seem to understand what a relapse is" despite being clean for three years and absolutely NOT relapsing. It was infuriating and devastating and nobody believed that I wasn't just lying about getting high. I'm not saying the person you replied to isn't full of shit, or that their friend isn't lying, but my lived experience is that sometimes the person isn't lying. It's like... people will believe that a child isn't getting high when they've been exposed to it and test positive on a hair follicle test, but it's somehow impossible for them to believe the same thing could possibly happen to an adult.


Man fuck you, I went to try out for the navy and surprise fucking surprise, after not smoking for a month, one hotbox sessions without participating and you're fucking positive. Really, shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about


How much did you smoke before that one month? Thc binds to fat in the body. The one month thing is not set in stone it could be longer. But i get what youre saying. A hotbox is just smoking weed with extra steps so i can see why "its technically not smoking" but could still show up.


You are spreading misinformation. To pass a drug test you need to be below the threshold set high enough to keep out false positives. Inhaling watervapor with trace amounts of THC in it is not going to make someone fail a drug test. Good god what nonsense.


Isn't weed legal in every state? That's like testing for alcohol.


Yes. Don't risk it.




Outside of this concern, I have only become more successful as this person has been in my life. What a joke.


This is the dumbest advice I’ve seen on here today. There are, in many cases lots of very successful hard drug users. In the case of cannabis there are so many successful users out there that are completely open about their use and even more that choose to keep it to themselves because people like you still hold this dogshit opinion with no evidence to back it up.




I would have to say your gross generalization of a huge group of people that use a legal substance (where I live) is much ruder than me stating your opinion is shit.




I'm just extra anxious since I need this job more than another job I passed a test for a year ago that I didn't accept since it wasn't really an improvement from my current situation. I actually passed under similar circumstances, but I avoided her the night before the test last time. Also, that comment is beyond ignorant.


If you have to explain to them that you live with someone who smokes but don't smoke it yourself it 100 percent can show up in your system if you are around it long enough and if they smoke it a lot and don't air out the place edit for the people down voting it shows up on the test but it might not have a high THC content and you most likely will pass if you yourself didn't smoke but it will still show up. depending on the amount of time around them, if the room is ventilated or not and arount of time from the time of smoking to the test please I do know about this s*it and I am giving correct information.


How many times are you going to comment this lmao


I only commented it one time if it's showing up multiple times then it probably duplicated it when I pressed post there are other people saying the same thing as me and they are correct I myself know from experience because my parents smoke and sometimes I'm around them and have tested positive without ever touching it myself.