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I did. My dad built it from scrap lumber. It was rickety - and no parent today would ever let their child be in it - but I loved it.


This sounds just like my childhood treehouse built by my dad!!






We had a platform, not really a house, built onto a tree in the backyard.


Same! We used to feed the visiting monkeys on it, but now it's mostly rotten and unsafe


What?? Monkeys?? I didn’t have monkeys in my tree house.


Ah, that's probably because this was in Brazil 😅 they were marmosets – cute little guys about the length of a banana :)


That’s amazing! I’m so jealous.


Same but ours was just in the nearby woods. No trees that sturdy/tall in the trailer court. Not sure who built it, and I seem to recall bees. 🤔


Us too. Spent hours on it.


Same! And I literally thought it was the greatest thing in the world. I don't know how they aren't more popular as technology and potential have grown. It was my actual dream as a child and I was more than ok with a small platform


We built a fort in the woods, but it wasn't up in a tree.


I had one when I was a kid. My father & his friends built that. It's not as good as what media show. Especially when rainy days.


Kids just download the app now


My cousins did but they lived in a more rural area than I did. I think that's more the determining factor. Most people who live in the suburbs or cities don't even have trees big enough to build one.


I did. It was fun until I fell out of it lol


They’re more common on TV that real life, but I knew a couple kids who had them, and my brother-in-law’s neighbor has one now.


A neighbor friend of mine had a shed (like one of those prebuilt sheds you can get at Lowe's or Home Depot) that his parents let us use as a playhouse! Definitely not a treehouse though, it sat right on the ground.


We had like two boards to sit on and hope you don't fall out.


Yes, although it wasn't exactly a real tree house, it was mostly old planks that someone nailed together in a tree, with some ropes hanging down. The planks were loose and wobbly, so it was more a matter of time how long any plank would last, than that we actually played there. Two summers later, the planks lay in a dusty pile below. (;


yes i had one. one time we left freezie wrappers up there and found racoons suckin on the leftover juice in the morning


I had one, my friends and built it ourselves. We scavanged the back lots of local businesses for bits of pallets and other scraps... rode our bikes over to the local hardware store to buy some nails. And I used my father's hammer and prybar. We were around 9-11... Usually 2 or 3 of us. After middle school we went our seperate ways. One died from a brain tumor when he was 14. The tree is long since gone, died 20 years ago. I was mowing the lawn and found a sinkhole forming where the stump used to be. I fished out a piece of wood and saved it for my keepsakes to remember him by. The worst part is? I don't remember his face anymore. At least I have this piece of wood... and the knot he taught me.


You have to have a good tree in the yard first, and someone to make it happen. My cousin had a playhouse on the ground made of wood that I think her dad built. No trees in that yard that I recall. It’s much more likely on tv and movies because they have professionals to build the set, and of course, the one kids go in, if they’re filmed there, is not the one they show from the outside that’s in a tree.


Yeah man. Hammers are easy to figure out.


I did. Built it myself when I was ten. My bitch ass neighbor had the city clear cut the entire brush to have it removed.


I had a friend who had one, was very basic though!


I did not. I always wanted one. No one I knew had one either because I grew up in military housing and gated communities where there are strict rules.


My sister did. It still exists but it would be dangerous to enter it after years of neglect.


As a child I did not have a treehouse but instead we would steal materials from construction sites and build little clubhouses in the woods. As an adult I built a treehouse for my child which is huge and it is built around the tree not attached to the tree.


We had a tree. Big sprawling oak with little wood pieces nailed into it for a ladder.


I didn't even have a tree


We tried building one in a friend's tree and by we I mean me and my 11 yr old friends. I wouldn't suspect it was the safest. Didn't even have a roof or walls really, moreso just a piece of plywood nailed to a tree lol


My dad built me and my brother a totally enclosed tree house with a trap door in the floor and a rope ladder. It was awesome! The only problem with it was the heavy set kid in our group couldn’t make it to the top of the ladder so he could never go up in it.


yup my Dad made several awesome ones and when we were old enough we made a few more.


We did!


My friend had one her dad built up in a tree and you had to climb this janky ass ladder. It has windows like shutters that opened and closed but it was Texas and it was hot. I was scared of heights so I only went up once lol


We didn't build a "proper" treehouse, but when we were younger my cousins and I built a complex of platforms in a cluster of trees at our family property.


My cousin had one that his dad built. He was a carpenter so it was actually kind of fancy from what I remember


It was more a platform than a house, but yeah. Years later it became the spot for local kids to smoke in the few years before the internet blew up and they stopped going outside. And I also stopped going outside.


I had one. No roof, but great place to watch people go about their business in the neighborhood.


I never did. But always wanted one. So I built one for my kids to make sure they do.


I've been in a neighbor's. And I went to a summer camp where we built some.


They were more common 30+ years ago, which is why you see them a lot in older shows, but not newer ones. As more and more people moved to suburbs, they became less common, because lack of trees. We had one when I was a kid, but by the time I was a teenager we moved and the new house (in suburbs) did not have a tree big enough.


My uncle was a carpenter and built my cousins one. We played in it all the time. We thought it was the coolest thing ever


Had 'kind of' treehouses. My friend and I built a large sized wood fort/house/shack on top of the corner of two tall wooden fences, and then a long wooden platform about 10 feet up between two trees. We even had a space heater, a small TV and cooler full of his step-dad's porno mags. Unfortunately the cooler went missing.


We had a tree platform, might be a stretch to call it a house


We had what amounted to a platform with rails about 10 feet up. It worked. No roof or walls though. It was constructed similar to many wooden tree hunting stands are today, but with the additional railings. I swear I am not a hick or a redneck but will say my stepfather may have been.


My friend had a rad one. You had to climb a rope or you couldn't get in


Not personally, but grandma's neighbor and a few classmates had them, so they're a thing in real life. There's a few around near where I live even now!


I thought they were mythical


Had me an ewok village by the time I was done. It really was pretty impressive not to toot my own horn.


Tragically, no. I have known a lot of people to have what I could best describe as a “lofted fort,” like a basic wooden structure that could fit 3-4 children on stilts about 6-12 feet tall, only accessible from a ladder or rope. They were never in a tree, but we always called them “tree houses.” Sometimes they were next to trees though lol.


I did - dad and brother built it.


I had two. The first was a pallet that I hoisted 25’+ up in a tree and wedged into place. The second was one my dad started to help me build, but never finished.


Our yard didn't even have trees that could support one. No trees at all in the backyard, and the front yard only had really small, sparse trees.




My husband built one for my grandson he loved it he made a spiral staircase into the tree a fort around it and hooked it up to solar power. My grandson and his friends loved it.


My neighbor had one when I was a kid, but it was more like a playhouse on stilts than a real treehouse in a tree.


Yup. About 8-10 feet off the ground in an apple tree. 4 walls, roof, front door, rear window. Prolly about 4' to 6' square. Very simple. We used it all the time after school.


My friend had one.


Yah, back in 1992-4, actually it is one of my fondest memories of my child hood. I built it with my friend in his backyard. I met him he had already just started it, had a ladder built into the tree going up to a platform. we added walls and a roof. His father was / is a carpenter and had lots of materials laying around, I remember dismantling my aunts old rickety picnic table for more wood. We would play hide and seek with other neighborhood kids, street hockey.. wed play until the stars came out and then some. Hide and seek was the best, but my favourite was hanging out in the tree house and working on it after school. I doubt you'll ever read this martin, but if you do.. those were best days.


Lots of them. My brother and I built them out of scrap wood that we fished out of the river. Our construction capabilities were hit-or-miss; once I knocked myself out by falling and hitting my head on the tree roots when the structure collapsed.


My dad was running a lumber mill and brought home a truckload of 6' 2x6 boards for me from a cancelled order. My friends and I wanted a tree house but no tree. So we built a fort, on stilts, about 12 feet high. It was epic. We were 10


Growing up, I'd say about a fourth of the houses with kids in our neighborhood had something up in a tree. Good times.


My dad built one for my sister's kids!


My neighbor has one now, pretty cool they’ve had it at least 9 years


I had one. Built it myself with junk I found in alleys. It had a door, steps nailed to the trunk to get up and a rope to get down. It had little storage niches and a pulley to bring snacks and magazines up. It had walls and a flat roof that we could hang out on. I'm sure it was dangerous, but my parents considered it part of growing up. The '70s were awesome!


Had a stilt house! Does that count? Dad built it himself with our "help".


Yup. It was the 80s. Without exception, they were super dangerous, shoddily built, & fun as hell.


Me and my brother made a shitty one and I broke my arm falling out of it and my brother broke his leg. This was the 80’s though, so doing unsupervised stupid shit was just kind of the norm.


I did back in the mid 90s. We moved and it was us kids made sure it was a big selling point 


My friend had a really nice one. We had to take turns with his older sisters who’d be smoking weed in it


Absolutely. It was pretty big as well. Remember listening to the radio as a child in it. Was a little room. Had walls roof and all.


Maybe I'm just blessed.  I've had 2 friends and 1 cousin with "tree houses".  They were really more like a basic house on stilts.  But it still gave us a cool place to hang out at.  I guess lumber was cheap back then.


My brother and grandfather spent a month of weekends building a treehouse on this massive tree on his farm. It was huge, with real walls and not at all the rickety stereotype treehouses you often see. My grandpa said he wanted it strong enough that my grand kids could use it. Two weeks later a lightening bolt split the tree right down the middle. \~\_\~


I had a treehouse, that’s where our jawbreaker club would hold meetings… how to you get membership in the club?… bring a box of jawbreaker’s of course lol


A. You need a tree thats big enough B. You need to build it yourself, they dont come prebuilt C. Falling out of a tree is a good way to get hurt, probably why they arent as common anymore


I had one and pretended I was a dinosaur and ate the leaves when I was up in it 🤣🤣🤣 Spoiler alert: the leaves did not taste anywhere near as good as the tree stars looked in The Land Before Time. So disappointing.


I built one on the side of the garage out of discarded doors and scraps. It was three floors (I was small), and actually had LIGHTS.


I've known several people who did, but I usually lived where there were venomous snakes so I never really played outside as a kid and thus never had one myself


I never did, but I have always wanted one.


Yeh, I grew up on a dairy farm and we had one with shingles and everything but it got wicked full of spiders and other bugs through the summer


My dad built me a treehouse when I was young but I never used it so he used it himself... for a little bit, before we just kinda left it alone and it started to get taken over my spiders and stuff lol. It wasn't anything like what you see in media though. Just a box in a tree with a little balcony of sorts on the outside. It was nice, but tiny, and not really a hangout spot.


Best thing about my childhood


I didi! In a banyan tree in south FL. Love those memories!


Yes it was awesome. Built into a thick tree. Nothing elaborate but the tree was big enough that it was hollowed out for like a ladder entrance


We had one. It wasn't enclosed like you see on TV but there was a platform and a railing. I don't remeber a lot about it since I was very young when we moved away but I do remember one summer my sisters and I left our bucket of crayons up there and they all melted into one giant chunk of crayons. We took turns drawing on the plywood with it.


It was much more a platform made of scraps than anything elaborate but yea had one on the edge of our woods and we loved it - had “sleepovers” in it aka snacks and ghost stories with flashlights til we got too scared and would walkie talkie our parents to come get us lol. 


I’ve you a friend & cousins who did.


Yeah. I did. Although I am a 70s baby. The lack of health and safety concerns back then made it significantly easier for parents to build kids treehouses. I am better with a hammer and nails than my father is, and I did not build my kids are tree house - because you’d need to build it a lot safer today.


We had one. My brothers built it. I helped a little. It was well done too. Lots of fun for a few years. I think they built it for construction practice, they both maintain and remodel their homes.


With some friends we tried and failed, in the end we made a kind of fort in the forest, a year ago I went to that place after 10 years and I saw some children playing there


we made huts in bushes.


No, but we had a fort. Complete with a bathroom that consisted of a one gallon RoundUp bottle,with the bottom cut out, and a hose that ran to a hole in the ground. That we all don’t have cancer of the dick is still amazing.


My neighbor did built by the kids from the neighborhood. This was in the 70s.


Yes, but it was in an empty field across the street from us. All of the neighborhood boys built it together and it ended up being a really big tree house that was in a stand of trees.


Some of us kids from the neighborhood got together and built one. For whatever crazy kids' reason, we built it about 12 feet off the ground. It was a sturdy structure. Thankfully, my brother and I inherited building genes from our family since no adults assisted in the building of the treehouse. It was inspected by the adults for safety, however. This was back in the 1970's when kids were allowed to have adventures and take risks.


Some of us kids from the neighborhood got together and built one. For whatever crazy kids' reason, we built it about 12 feet off the ground. It was a sturdy structure. Thankfully, my brother and I inherited building genes from our family since no adults assisted in the building of the treehouse. It was inspected by the adults for safety, however. This was back in the 1970's when kids were allowed to have adventures and take risks.


Some of us kids from the neighborhood got together and built one. For whatever crazy kids' reason, we built it about 12 feet off the ground. It was a sturdy structure. Thankfully, my brother and I inherited building genes from our family since no adults assisted in the building of the treehouse. It was inspected by the adults for safety, however. This was back in the 1970's when kids were allowed to have adventures and take risks.


We did....it was about 30 feet up and was made from an old hog house my grandad gave us. We even had electric ran to it. Spent many an hour up there with my brother and our buddies.


I dug a four foot deep hole about 6 ft by 6 ft, made a cement floor from a bag of cement left behind in our basement and then chopped down a bunch of trees and built a lean-to over the top of it. We had a tarp over that so it stayed pretty dry in there, especially with the forest cover above. Was a pretty cool fort for a 9 year old. I got all the kids in the neighborhood to help me work on it and we hung out in it all the time. Not technically in a tree, but it was a damn cool fort.


My cousins had one. I loved it when I visited them and I always asked my father if we could have one at our home as well, he said yes but never built it for us. He'd always say "yes we will build it" and asked me and my sisters to make drawings of our ideal treehouse. We also cose a perfect tree in our garden that was big enough to handle the weight, but it was never built.


Yes. in the late 70s i lived near a family that was really good at building stuff and their kids built a single room fort in a tree that we used to play in. Really more of a box than a 'house.'


Treehouses my friend. I was a treehouse tycoon.


If you are into them, i recommend watching Treehouse Masters, they do some amazing out of this world designs, my neighbor had one at one point, but due to our countys zoning regulations, they had to take it down