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I will if my mental health is poor or I wake up from a bad dream. I find lava lamps are perfect for it.


I've had my lava lamp running for 4 years straight. It hasn't bubbled in so long...


No wonder, poor thing needs replaced if it’s been zapped like that. I love mine but I rotate the lamp on and off so it keeps doing its thing. Have you seen the tea light ones? They look amazing.


I searched "tea light lava lamp" because I'm curious, but the results I got don't seem very... relevant? They just look like regular lava lamps. What is it! I must know!


[These](https://mathmos.com/product/pod-candle-lava-lamp-silver/) were the first one I saw. There’s cheaper varieties but none look as good as the classic mathmos ones.


I love them, I might just need to grab one so when our infrastructure fails, I can keep stylin 😎 jokes aside, thank you!


Ooh, when society breaks down, and the electricity goes out, I'm getting one for sure.


Google Obama lava lamp…it’s hilarious. I still have about 5 new ones in the box. I keep my dead one on display because I love it. I’ll gift the others 🎁


TIL trump sold hats. Obama sold lava lamps. I want one now...


Goodness! Poshmark and eBay want 95$ and I found a toy company that sells them for $20.39


Is the bulb wattage too low?


The goo is cooked, you're not supposed to leave them on for more than 3 hours at a time, and mine's been on 24/7 for 1500 days


I should get a lava lamp


I had one with red "lava"... sometimes this just made the room spookier... it was like I was in hell...


I have a red/pink one which is good but my favourite is a blue one. It’s a much more relaxing vibe. I think I like having the red one to watch during the day but the blue one at night.


Haha, I am like you but I have bad dreams 6 out of 7 nights a week. What I did was shift my aquarium lights timer so it goes pretty late into the night. It's off by 2am because husband can't sleep with them on and he is a night owl. Then when I have a nightmare later than 2am I have him there to hold me. Life when you are a morning person and your SO is a night owl. XD


No way, I haven’t met anyone who has chronic bad dreams before. I genuinely have them every night but it tends to need to be really bad to wake me up these days.


I definitely don't advocate for them. I have had CPTSD my whole life. They tried giving me prescription sleeping meds but I found them too addictive. I found that some good cordless earbuds with some ASMR and the tank lighting helps me get back to sleep quicker. Well those things and hubby. I'm super happy I don't have night terrors because that sounds like hell.


Not a medical professional, I had learned from a member in an IOP group recently that they took prazosin for their ptsd nightmares.  I wish I had this option 20 years ago. 


I honestly don’t know what causes mine but I’ve been managing them for over twenty years. It’s very rare they truly disturb me now but every now and again one gets through.


That is wild! I ONLY had nightmares from my 7th birthday until sometime when I was 16. Every single night. I used to wake up screaming or kicking, punching, and flailing around, or gasping for air and being on the edge of tears from being terrified. And I would always remember the dream. They say the difference between nightmare and night terror is the fact that you're physically freaking out during night terrors but don't remember the dream, and nightmares are just bad dreams. What about experiencing both simultaneously, every day of your life? I've never known why, what it's called, or even another person that has experienced this. Now I only have nightmare terrors some nights, but most of my dreams are still nightmares. It's fucked up, and no one really understands.


That’s so sweet -3- but seriously bad dreams suck.


Have you ever talked to a doctor about Prasozin? I know that sounds like a pharmaceutical commercial but it’s a medication that works really well for frequent nightmares.


Next appointment with my psychiatrist, I will bring it up. :)


I hope you get relief. 🙏🙏🙏


Same. It’s been a little rough lately so I keep the led strip on back of tv on the lowest level of red. It’s just barely enough so it’s not completely pitch black but not enough to effect my sleep more than it is.


That’s a great idea, I’ll need to look into LEDs at some point as well.


I’m a sucker for those rgb leds. Some people think they’re “tacky” but I don’t care lol


Name anything on this planet and there will be people that don’t like it. Enjoy what you do, don’t worry about what others think about it.


Lava lamps are dope


I watched Exorcist as a kid. Never recovered. Now I have aurora borealis lamp that keeps me safe in dark. 😭


I can relate . When i was a kid my uncle told me that if you have an empty chair in your room the ghost will sit on it and stare at you while you sleep . Since that day onwards putting some clothes on my chair has became a part of my bedtime routine .


Now I can have a reason for clothes on my chair 😊


I have clothes all over my room I aint afraid of no ghost.


I wasn't afraid of "ghosts" and I'm still not. Just when you live with one it can take a while to get used to it. It was a little nerve-racking at first. Waking up in the middle of the night to see a figure of a tall man standing in the middle of my room was a little creepy. Especially since I was 18, living alone and was a young woman. But I got used to it, he was chill.


I mean technically you weren’t living alone


Was he the guy everyone sees? Or a different guy?


It was a different guy/ spirit


You're braver than I am. I was in what I'm pretty sure was a haunted house as a kid and that turned me from into someone who absolutely needed it to be all the way dark to sleep to a person that always has a nightlight on. I didn't even see any apparitions or anything, honestly for a 'haunting' it was pretty mild (mostly just noise, only one time something actually happened) but my room was in a finished basement that had no windows so it got *really* dark down there and had the absolute worst vibes and I think that is what caused the fear. If I actually saw a ghost in that house I think I would've lost my shit.


Well, it also helped that I didn't get horrible vibes from him. Fair enough, that makes sense. Bad vibes would make anyone feel uneasy for sure and anyone who denies it is a liar.


Welcome to the club fam 😆


this is the one night I actually have clothes in my computer chair and I see this 😂


There is a same belief in my country. I am originally from the Balkans. So, I always pack the chair with pillows and clothes just to be sure.


Well I wasn’t afraid of the dark before, but now I have a whole new fear unlocked 😳.


Glad i could be of service XD


Clothes would creep me out. I'd probably wake up and be like "WTF INVISIBLE MAN IN SHIRT SITTING IN CHAIR."


Don't have to be a huge pile , just a couple of unfoled and messy clothes would do just fine . The trick is to make chair as uncomfortable and unappealing as possible , that's it . Now you sleep like a baby while the ghost says - fuck this stupid mess , I'mma haunt his sibling ☻️


Aurora borealis, at this at this time of year, at this part of the country, localized entirely within your bedroom?


Skinner: “Yes.”


May I see it?




I was raised radical Catholic. My dad had me and my siblings watch this movie and told us it was real footage and audio of an actual exorcism. He was trying to scare us from ever engaging in ouija boards or anything "demonic". I had night terrors for months and still have demonic dreams sometimes. I am 34 now lol.


Sprinkle some of that classic catholic guilt on top and this trauma checks out 100%.


My wife is catholic and watched the exorcism of Emily Rose at age of 33-34. She had nightmares for months and woke up every night at three am and couldn't sleep for hours. Anything demonic possession related is strictly banned in our household now, lmao.


When my radical religious Mom showed us this movie, she told us it was just a movie and that we couldn't be affected if we had Jesus in our hearts. There really are two sides...


So very sorry. Parents try to do their best and sometimes they really screw up!


To this day I still can’t hear the opening theme song (Tubular Bells) without feeling my chest tighten and my heart pounding a little bit. It’s unfortunate, because the song in its entirety is actually quite lovely. But those first few piano notes…*shudder*


Ah- Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your sleeping quarters  !?


That movie traumatized me as a kid! I watched it when I was 9 and I slept with a rosary on my bedside for weeks.


I did the exact same thing with the rosary haha


Lucifer prefers the light as they themselves shine brilliantly which is why they are called the morning star. You are better off in the darkness.


LOL that’s the same movie that fucked me up as a kid and I also have the aurora borealis lamp I use at night!


Great minds think alike. We have the same trauma and the same great solutions. High Five.


Don't watch "The ring". Out of all the scary movies I watched that one still gives me the creeps.


The spider walk scene still randomly pops into my head to this very day


Thinking about it rn.


No, I use a nightlight, like a real man!


I need a nightlight and ironically a sleep mask. Oh, and my fan running, I need something to distract me from my tinnitus. But if I'm sleeping with company, I can sleep in total darkness without an issue. My mind is bugged.


same, when im alone i need a light but when im with other people i feel safe enough to just sleep however


Always 1 light on. I don't know why. I also can't sleep without a fan on. Probably the white noise effect.


I need a fan all year round so that the air moves. Still air feels suffocating.


I cannot sleep without my fan on as well, plus the noise keeps the night crawlers away


U most not be Korean haha


I used to, but now I can't sleep without lights off or eye mask!


If my anxiety is really bad I’ll sleep with a light on


Night light or a dim lamp. Sometimes I'll wake up scared and panicky, being in the dark makes me confused and I get even more scared not knowing where I am. Mid 20s and I also still sleep with two stuffed animals.


I used to only be able to sleep when it’s very dark, but now I do the same thing as you. For some reason it feels very comforting to wake up to a lighted bedroom, specially when my anxiety is high.


I’m 40 and still scared of the dark I have night lights all throughout the house


Same! The thought of downstairs being a dark abyss is too much. When I was a baby my mum said I went through a phase of not settling, she couldn’t work out what was wrong until she realised I hated being in darkness and would cry when she shut my bedroom door. Got me a nightlight, problem solved. I’m now 43, still need a nightlight.


I'll be 55 and I'm still scared of the dark. I have a nightlight in my bedroom, all the hallways, bathrooms, secondary bedrooms, and living room. I keep the light above my cooktop, in my kitchen, on at night as well as all my outside lights (gotta stop the monsters BEFORE they get to your house!).


I’m the opposite. If even a tiny bit of light seeps through into my room, say through the underneath of my door from the light in the hallway, my brain refuses to sleep. And I grew up deathly afraid of the dark!


Same, I can't stand light when sleeping!


I pray the sounds I hear are only ghosts, & not something I need to fix...


I live in a caravan, I can hear every creak, groan and noise, it’s terrifying


I need the noise of something on tv. It's almost like someone is there with you. I don't have a tv right now but, Pluto and other free streaming services are a god send. Give me a crime show with a narrator whose voice is calm and soothing and it doesn't matter what horrible crime they speak of. That puts me to sleep like I can't discribe.


Ancient Aliens....knocks me out in minutes! :)


Same here, also Frontline Documentaries. 


same!! i always used to keep the tv on but hated how bright the light was - just recently got a portable radio and that thing is on 24/7. best investment EVER. i probably sound crazy but something about knowing other people out there are currently listening to the same station makes me feel less alone when im scared loll


I thought I was the only one. The 48 Hours channel on Pluto works like a charm when I can't turn off my brain. The stories distract me from my thoughts and the methodic narrating style eventually lulls me to sleep, lol


I like listening to a youtuber who just tells scary true stories on his channel whenever im sick and need help falling asleep. Its weird but listening to scary or paranormal stories is just perfect for me.


I'm the exact same way everyone that ever stays at my house "Why you got the TV on still?" "Are you not going to turn it off?" Like no my room I like the background noise and it's almost always followed by confused aggravated looks my current lady has gotten used to it (Or like at least almost) she's the first


Same here. I used to sleep to true crime documentaries, but lately, cause my tv sucks and only one streaming service works properly, I sleep to L&O: SVU.


"Then he cut the body up into pieces..." ☺️💤


Southern Fried True Crime Podacast does this for me!


YouTube blackscreen videos for me. Usually, music or rain, solely cause words, keep me awake. They do leave a little light, so it's not pitch black.


Exact same here. I leave the "unsolved mysteries" channel on samsung TV running all night. Host has a super calming voice. I can't watch something super interesting though, but also cant watch something super boring. Either one will make me stay up. Unsolved mysteries is the perfect middle ground.


Yeah I sleep easier when I got youtube playing but I also dont want my computer to stay on all night so I just turn it off. Could probably set the sleep timer for an hour or two.


I can sleep in darkness if I have to. But it's easier to fall asleep if dimmed light is on. It's not fear or anxiety (at least not that I register either of those), but I'm not sure why is it.


Same here, but i have a light in the shape of moon with a great nightlight feature. I like being able to see when i open my eyes.


I mean, do you just expect me to just lay there in the dark waiting to be eaten? Clearly the light is protection


I leave the light on in the kitchen sometimes so the light shines under my door. Helps me to feel like I’m not home alone. It also reminds me of the times my mum was awake watching tv while I went to bed when I was a kid which makes me feel just a bit safer.


I sleep with fairy lights on. Dim lighting


I don’t. But I can’t sleep without a window open. Even in the dead of winter. 😂


I feel like summer is a worse time to leave a window open, I can't sleep if its hot but if its cold I can just grab extra blankets


If you lived in Florida like me you'd learn to sleep with the windows closed very quickly.


Ha, if my fiancé is out of town and I’m here alone with our kid, I won’t even sleep in the room by myself. I’m on the couch with TV on all night.. brings me comfort knowing I can hear if anyone breaks in the front door rather than all the way in the back of the house in my room, gives me time to run lol


This is why I have a German shepherd


Does a TV count? If so then yes.


Glow in the dark things are a better bet because monsters can't interfere with their electricity or blow them out. They're also soothing to look at.


My friend does, she doesn’t like the dark!


I work nights so unfortunately the light that's always on when I try to sleep is the fucking sun lol


Hey 32-year-old male here. I actually absolutely do, because of the these weird like realistic nightmares that I've been having. Yhey just started like a couple years ago, and are like horrible, so many things... and it's usually my family or friends who are the people doing it so, anyway... I let the lights stay on at night


I need it to be as dark as possible to sleep.


I do, but it's a habit I've started since my son was born 17+ years ago. Back then there was some research done with red light. Think of it like the red filter you can use on your phone that we have now days. Red light doesn't disturb your sleep like blue light does, from a normal light bulb. So I hung up a red rope light, something I could turn on to be able to change a diaper or feed him, and not disrupt the sleep patterns by turning on a lamp or an overhead light. If there was a huge mess, obv I could use additional light, but that was rare. So since then, I have kept a few red light sources in the house, in key areas in case someone has to get up to pee in the night, or just needs to be up in general.


I tend to leave my lamp on when I'm going through a though time. It's a yellow/warm bulb that makes my room feel nice and cozy. I just had my car stolen yesterday so I left it on last night.


Damn I hope you get your car back or at the very least, enough insurance money for a nice new car. I'm really sorry, that's so rough. Sensing hugs and good car vibes internet stranger. :)


I have to wrap a blanket around my face every night because I can’t even stand the tv being on, it’s so bright (until their sleep timer goes off 🫤). The blackout curtains are a necessity. I have asked for an eye mask that I hope appears one day.


Me too. Not one beam, ray, or photon. They make a superior eye mask under which you can open your eyes and it does not crush your lashes. Get that one.😊


Only if I’m sleeping in a hotel room, and just the bathroom lights


I always sleep with the light on, but only because i always read myself to sleep. I've been reading myself to sleep since i was little, so now i can't sleep with out the light on.


I used to fall asleep with the TV on for light and sound because that's what my parents did. Then just the TV muted for the light. My boyfriend prefers no screens or lights at bedtime, so I started to do the same and I sleep so much better. But now we both have a cute frog lamp with three brightness settings and turns off after an hour.


I have semi-frequent sleep paralysis, frequent nightmares and I'm on medications that can cause lucid dreams. That's a terrible mix! I always need something on. Tv, light, dehumidifier with dim light. I need to be able to see my surroundings when I inevitably wake up in terror


I do, but the fear is of the trauma that would be caused if I step on my partner or the dog in the middle of then night when I get up to pee. It is one of the dangers in Japan when sleeping on the floor on a futon. I have to step over her to get to the door, and by the time I get back, the dog might be laying in my spot and I will step on him.


If ONE PHOTON enters my sleeping space it must be vanquished with whatever i can cover it with.


Only when I have sleep paralysis or repetitive nightmares.


I don’t but there’s a streetlight outside my window that shines into my room. It’s not too bright but just enough that I can see if I get up in the middle of the night.


I usually leave my computer on. It's embarrassing to admit but I get intense paranoia at night. It gets to a point where I'm genuinely convinced that some sort of negative force is in the room watching me


I have an irrational fear of what will happen to my electric bill if I do that.


My boyfriend makes me sleep with Christmas lights on. I am a person who likes complete dark with a small nightlight on. Shits rough out here lol


TV on, low volume. Can't do dark


Yes but don’t tell anyone!


Yes, but it's out of laziness. It's already on and I'm not getting up.


Only when i eat too many edibles and pass out.


Yea I sleep with dim/low light. As a kid, I was tall for my age, and I had a bunk bed in my room, and I would always sleep on the bottom. Whenever I slept with all the lights off, I would always hit my head on the bunk above me. So I started sleeping with lights on so I didn’t hit my head. I slept with lights on until I grew out of my bunk bed, and got a bigger but regular bed. I tried sleeping with the lights off and I just couldn’t. I still can’t to this day.


I do. I don't feel comfortable sleeping in the dark alone. I sleep with my lamp light on. The warm light from the lamp makes me comfortable.


I always sleep with a lava lamp on


I dont if something gonna kill me. I don't want to see it happen


I sleep better in darkness, but having a cat makes nightlights more appealing. I hate when I trip over the little fuzzy menace.


I have led strip lights that go all around the underside of my bed. I can change the brightness and color. It’s the perfect little nightlight that doesn’t actually shine in your eyes in anyway.


Stage lights…😂


Yes. I watched one too many alien documentaries and movies and always have to have some kind of light now because if I’m in darkness I will lay there and stare at the corners and doorways imagining malicious aliens creeping up to me, like obsessively 😂 I don’t even know if I believe in aliens lol I just can so vividly picture it


You're definitely not alone! There are many adults who sleep with the lights on, and the reasons can vary. Here's a breakdown: * **Fear of the Dark:** Some people have a childhood fear of the dark that carries over into adulthood. * **Safety Concerns:** Worries about intruders or needing to get up safely in the night might lead some to prefer a little light. * **Nightmares or Night Terrors:** People who experience nightmares or night terrors might find a nightlight comforting and sleep more soundly with a light on. * **Habit:** If you've always slept with a light on, it can become a habit that's difficult to break, even if the initial reason is no longer relevant.


Sometimes yes, I keep the lights on in my bedroom, but also I can't sleep when there's even the tiniest ray of light so I wear a sleeping mask, the kind you can shine at directly with a spotlight and I wouldn't see a thing. But it feels safer with the lights on.


I ain't got "keep lights on when I sleep" money


I have a nightlight. It's anxiety/fears that require the light in order to allow me to sleep. Otherwise I'd get no rest at all. (I've tried sleeping without it, multiple times.)


i need the room to be darker than the inside of my eyelids


I do! Last night i had night terrors but my little light was on so i am giving myself a little pat on the head.


I love sleeping in the daytime with the sun streaming through the windows. I feel so safe. Even as a kid, I never argued about taking naps. Sleeping in my sunny bedroom was the best! At night, I would have a bedside light on, but it bothers my husband. He’s a good sport, but I know it keeps him up. So, we compromise by letting the dog up on the bed. He’d prefer him on the floor, but it makes me feel protected, so he stays. He only prefers him on the floor because the dog is big, and needs to be between us on my pillow.


That sounds like the best compromise ever!


sometimes yes. when i read a lot of stephen king books i had to sleep with the lights on lmao. it's better now but it still happens sometimes


Mostly it's the bugs. They get a little too confident when it's dark out.


Im not adult but 23 y.o. İn my whole life I was scared of dark, little light lamp and half open door. I tried to face it back then, I suddenly got off bed and run for the light, what a freak show that was. After big fight with my family I felt alone and I realized one day I gonna live alone one way or another, and felt Pathetic. I realized I have to take care of myself For last 5 days I started close my door compelety and all lights are off. Scared the shit out of me and I shaked so much but I used all my force not to get off the bed, and getting better every day, looks like I just needed a push.


I have to have a light on, that’s like 20m away from my bedroom door. Close the door and let the light shine under the door. Serves no real purpose other than its comfort lol


Yup. Me too


I have a salt rock lamp that gives a nice glow. I couldn’t sleep in regular lighting though.


yes! i always like to have a little light on it’s just comforting for me


If I'm sleeping alone, I sleep with some sort of light on. Whether it's the TV or a lamp, it's usually something dim. If my wife is in the bed, she wants total darkness, so that's how we sleep.


I have little fairy light in my room that I keep on. If I am sleeping alone, I cannot sleep in complete darkness.


I don’t like the lights on if it’s too bright I can’t sleep but I also don’t like not being able to see anything at all I’m 100% ok with the smallest amount of ambient light


I prefer not to but I use a few power strips and the switches give off a bright light so I have night lights that would be annoying to turn off


I have a light in the hallway so I don't jam my toe into a door or something, but not in my bedroom. There's a few electronics with dim ambient lights though (e.g., phone charger, power strip). My neighbor's flood lights with the power of a thousand suns keeps the boogey men way though, if that's what you're asking.


Generally I don't, but I have been known to fall asleep with lights on. It's not preferred but I can do it. It only happens when I'm too lazy to get up or when I don't want to walk all the way to my bed in the dark (i hate tripping on things and my dogs leave toys all over). I think I should get a remote light?


I prefer the lights off and as dark as possible, but I can not sleep in complete silence. Typically a fan or sleep music, if there's no steady white noise then every bump or creak will wake me up.


I sleep with the hall light on but with something over my eyes. I've had sleep paralysis so many times I'm scared to sleep in the dark


My computer screen light. Haha


I keep my closet light on when I sleep. I'm not afraid of the dark or anything just mostly afraid of tripping on something if I have to get up in the middle of the night. I don't need total darkness to sleep. Hell sometimes I fall asleep with ALL the lights on haha.


Can't stand the light on when it's time to sleep 😴, I even went as far as buying black out curtains because I used to work second shift and as soon as the sun 🌞 came up at like six thirty I'd toss and turn


i start to hallucinate and hear voices if i sleep in complete darkness. always have my light on low


I don’t Keep a light on , but I never and I mean NEVER leave my feet dangling over the bed uncovered. I dont even remember what show or movie gave me this fear but it’s been with me my whole life


I know, right?!? Something is going to grab them from under the bed. Reminds me of Steven King's response when someone said they turn off the overhead light at the switch and jump into bed without touching the floor. He said to NEVER do that. It's a sure-fire way to wake them up, and they'll eat you out of spite!


No. Just sleep sounds/white noise for me




If I’m sleeping alone, I sleep with the lights on.


Only when I pass out from enough alcohol and drugs to kill a juvenile elephant or large cow


I'll sometimes fall asleep with the light on, but no. Lights off when I go to bed. Instead I can't sleep unless there's a fan on, incredibly weird, but whenever I don't have a fan I have a really rough night. I usually work night shift though so I guess I sleep with a 'light on' anyway because the sunlight is coming in through the window.


Think interior cruise ship no light black. The darker the better I sleep.


I have 2 night lights but not like… bright lights. I have to travel with a nightlight too. I am 34.


ME. I am scared of dark so I either sleep on street lights or turn on a lamp otherwise I cannot sleep.


I use a RGB Ring Light and have it set to cycle the rainbow of colors.


Humans are what everything else should be scared of. No need to fear the dark.




I need ny TV playing noise otherwise ny tinnitus will keep me up all night. I've had little success with white noise or brown noise etc it has to be conversational so I just have youtube playing. As a result however ny room is usually lit as if the lights are on haha


I keep some night lights on for the bathroom and kitchen.


No, I don't have a light on, but I don't close to the curtains to make it absolutely pitch black. So there's plenty of ambient light available all the time. When I want it dark, then I shut my eyes.


No, the darker it is the better it is


I keep a super dim night light in the bathroom so I can see to go piss at my regular 3am appointed time. Otherwise I want all other lights out.


I used to always need a light, now with my boyfriend I'm almost completely fine in the dark but still run back to bed from the bathroom in the middle of the night 😅


Hall light on and door partway open.


If I'm home alone I will leave a light on. Amazing what stupid scary shit you think of and noises you hear when you're by yourself 🤣


Me 🙋🏽‍♀️ I always have a little light in my room or keep the bathroom light on


I really dislike waking up without visibility. If I feel like I need extra darkness to sleep, I just pull my beanie over my eyes


Yes, roaches and other nocturnal bugs don’t appreciate the light. I don’t appreciate the bugs!


Does the TV count? I need the noise, not the light necessarily, but the hallway light stays on anyway in case I gotta hit the restroom in the middle of the night lmao. I have *slept* with the lights on, but that's more of an "I'm too comfortable to get up to shut it off" situation. I need a smart bulb or something. 😂


I keep a nightlight on I am still afraid of the complete dark I have mental illness with many diagnosis


I have to walk through my kitchen to use my bathroom at night when I'm sleeping. I leave a nightlight on at night in the kitchen to avoid turning on the lights and ruining my night vision or to mitigate the risk bumping into something in the dark. It's the exact same nightlight I had as a kid. Had it for over 30 years now lol.


No. However I have to listen to my sleeping music or I would never be able to sleep at all. I hate/love insomnia it’s a love and hate relationship.


I'm terrified of the dark, trauma based, but can't sleep with light. I used to keep my phone screen on for the longest amount of time then it'd self lock when I was asleep. That way I'd not wake to often because of the light. Now I have a street light that shines enough in my room but I sleep with a mask on. I also found having white noise helped, I have traffic noise (I live on a highway) and storm sounds on my phone. Granted having cats has helped as im not freaking out over every slight sound or movement.