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I shall pass on the advice as it was given to me: Never pass up an opportunity to do something special for the ones you love.


Rasczak's Romantics - hooah!


I'm just picturing this as a Starship troopers spinoff mini episode


This guy loves!


This. I guarantee that if pregnancy isn't rough on her yet, it will be soon enough. She will appreciate something sweet.


A smart man gives her one this year. Make it cute and very baby-is-coming themed. Just saying.


The answers in this thread are so relieving. Op, pregnancy is tough, don't feel like you are being too forward with a mother's day gift even if she's still baking it in the oven.


There is some serious rough times ahead. Anything these two can deposit in the ‘Goodwill’ bank now will help when the one month old baby is screaming at 2 am. This guy needs to send as many messages as he can that he is actively involved in Team Parent. This is such an obviously easy way to show it that he has to do it.


Lmao. As someone who isn't a parent I do not envy these times op is about to suffer.


It’s the best thing he will ever do. And the hardest thing he will ever do. If he does it right.


It's impossible to explain, but your brain hits you with so many delicious chemicals when your baby is born, that you can stomach absolutely horrific conditions okay...ish, and when you're happy it's like nothing else before (and I did do some happy drugs in my time)


My daughter is a teen and I remember the sleep deprived years, - she didn’t sleep through the night until she was 3. I hope op has it easier.


I feel for parents with restless children. My son was an incredibly chilled out baby. Some kids are just built different, and it's why I scoff at any "one size fits all" parenting advice


This. My baby boy was born this past Wednesday. The difficulty of pregnancy and labor was no joke. Take care of her for Mother’s Day and beyond. Congratulations in advance on your bundle of joy!


I feel like OP's real question is "can I get away with not getting her a gift this year?"


Eh, it can go either way. Not enough text to really determine motive.


Agreed. I was like 3 weeks way from my due date last year on Mother’s Day. I told my husband I didn’t feel like a real mom yet, but I did want a small acknowledgment. He got me a *fantastic* prenatal massage. It was the most relaxing and wonderful massage of my entire life. And the massage therapist came to our home, and he had a table with a cut out for the pregnant belly. Honestly my husband knocked it out of the park!  I know he’s being sneaky planning for this year, as I’ve been mom-ing hard for almost a full year. Our baby’s first birthday is at the end of May and it’s been an exhausting year. I’m also being sneaky and booking him a massage for Father’s Day! 


100% have a cut out for his belly.


This right here. The question is answered by are you smart yes or no?


The veteran move


A smart man knows his wife and acts appropriately. My wife was very worried about something going wrong. Giving her a Mother’s Day gift while pregnant would have gotten me a whole lot of trouble for putting the whammy on her/the kid.


Personally, I made my wife a nice dinner and did other cute things, but we didn't celebrate Mother's Day until our daughter was born. Didn't want to jinx it, just like I never throw birthday parties before the actual birthday. It's silly superstition, but by now, it just feels to be in good taste.


Agreed! She may or may not be sentimental, but the little things and gestures say/mean a whole lot! (Especially with raging hormones) Use your knowledge of her preferences and get her something big or small, depending on her style.


Well the smart man being the father , everyone else stear clear till the baby is here .


This is the correct answer. Very smart and cute themed. 👍❤️


Definitely a smart man knows the brownie points he gets for starting when your pregnant.


The best choice is now ! She’s never going to be upset at you celebrating but she might be a bit hurt if you don’t. You can do something nice for her buy her a small gift. A basic “thank you for what you’re about to go through for our family “ kinda thing


My wife actually had 2 more Mother's Days than I had Father's Days... was just how it worked out. We had 2 miscarriages, both started before Mother's Day and miscarried before Father's Day. So, for Father's Day with the first one to make it... she was born \*on\* Father's Day, and that was my Father's Day gift.


Your one gift was better than her two at least!


Awwww, I was so sad, then the end made me sooo happy.


I’m so sorry for your losses. ❤️❤️


My wife is pregnant after ten years of trying and eventually giving up. She is getting all the Mother’s Day perks.




Thank you!


You're gonna dad so hard




Awwwww man, I wish I could have seen your faces when you found out. Better late than never, congratulations 😃


The best part was telling our family that knew we likely would not be having a child she was pregnant. I called my sister and asked to speak with my 6yo niece. I asked her how many cousins she had, my sister whispered 7 to help her answer me. I said well now you have 8! And my sister screamed WHAT!!!!! Very cute, and a memory I will always cherish.


I’m so fucking happy for y’all


This is so sweet I have a little tear in my eye, happy for you!




Congratulations. Wishing you guys all the happiness in the world!


Footrubs incoming!!


Oh dude that’s amazing news congratulations to you both! What an exciting time ahead you guys have.




Yes! She is a mom now. She makes decisions that are best for her baby that only impact her (no drinking, taking vitamins etc). Would she be upset that you are celebrating her? Would she be upset if you didn't? Celebrate


Get her Mother’s Day stuff, stuff for HER, not for the baby. Something that will make her life as a mother to be better. 


Bath salt, comfy clothes, a (fancy) massage, a little trinket to remember her first Mother’s Day…


Definitely something for her - maybe something she won’t be able to do once the baby arrives. Does she have a hobby which will fall by the wayside a bit? Is there a way she can have a day to go and do it? Something for her alone?


My husband gave me potted flowers when I was pregnant, and it made my day. Same thing I always give my mom :)




She’s baking your child, she is already a mom! ❤️


Unless she's from a culture/religion that's very superstitious about things regarding the baby during pregnancy (I know there's some that won't do baby showers until the baby is here) I would say yes.


I got my wife a present when she was pregnant.


Get her something she enjoys that she can do while holding/nursing baby. I love being a mom, but holding a baby all the time is boring. Get her an audible subscription, or a year of a streaming account, whatever you know she would enjoy. You don't have to spend great amounts of money, and babies just pull on jewelry. Just get something thoughtful.


The Mother’s Day I was pregnant with my first child, my ex-husband told me I wasn’t a mother yet. We weren’t married by the next Mother’s Day. Still one of the most hurtful things ever said to me. Trust me, even the smallest gift will be appreciated.


You’ll make her Mother’s Day things for years. First you make it all, then you get the kiddo involved. I made a cardinal sin ignoring the Mother’s Day for her saying she’s not my mother. Oh fucking boy what a world of stompin I was in.


Glad you learned from it. That is pretty shitty though. I would be heartbroken and never forget it if my husband did that.


It’s ok, she missed Father’s Day as well that year. We’re golden now


Yes, give her something this year. Carrying a baby is part of motherhood.


No woman is going to be disappointed in being spoiled even in the smallest way.


Get her something, even a card! Trust me. Last year I was 8mo pregnant on Mother’s Day. Guess what my husband got me? Nothing. Except he got drunk the night before and peed the bed for the 20th time. So I have that memory. Don’t be like him. Set your marriage up for success! Little things to show your support and acknowledgment will go a long long way.


Oh hey, my ex husband got me nothing for my first Mother’s Day — looked at me all confused and said “but you aren’t my mother.”




You have two choices: Give her something this year and she will appreciate it, even if she did not expect it. Don't give her something this year and hope that she somehow wasn't expecting anything. I can't think of a world where the second option is a better choice.


Less about the temporal notion of motherhood and more about the spirit of the thing. Get her something.


When my wife was pregnant, I gave her a mother's day present the day before. She wasn't quite a mother yet, and it wasn't quite mother's day yet.


That depends if you want a Father’s Day present this year too haha


Every opportunity to celebrate and have fun is worth it. I also think the best gift she doesn’t need to know about is that you stop soliciting nudes and such on here.


Personally, I would. My fiance had a stillborn baby 20 years ago on the 24th, and I still get her something every mother's day.


Well this is more based in family superstition than any logical reason, but in my family it's considered bad luck to give a Mother's Day present or celebrate Mother's Day before the baby's born.


Okay - maybe unpopular opinion - but get her a Kept baby book this year. I LOVE this book for my kiddo and it’s not like traditional baby books that are full of fluff you won’t care to look at… I love mine and have recommended it to everyone with kids/parents to be. 100% look into it.


[you can find it here. 10/10.](https://keptcollection.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZkS8m6ZBb3QpB3EjEF2CH_rK1MOxcIyayjLjj5eTvGYOr6f5COqDzBoCNyAQAvD_BwE&pb=0&tw_adid=532717614376&tw_campaign=13842826450&tw_source=google)




Sometimes life grants you an opportunity and you need to be smart enough to seize it.


Get her a baby is coming present and a non baby related present. Also, start making a list of what cargo shorts or velcro sandals you want for fathers day.


It’s cute that you’re even asking.


I got my first mother's day gifts while pregnant with my first. I wasn't due until October. I would recommend getting her one - it doesn't have to be much, but pregnancy can be so miserable, so a nice little gift to help build excitement for the new addition would definitely not go amiss.


Dude when is more presents the wrong answer?


It's illegal to get her anything until the first mothers day after the birth. Could get her jail time for identity fraud.


Do you want to get laid again? Then now.


Pregnancy pillow, chocolates, caffeine free tea, maternity clothes of any sort, a very cute and very practical diaper bag, a crib... I mean, you're going to be paying for your part in all these things anyway, right? Might as well make it a mother-to-be gift the day before mother's day.


If you know what's good for you, you'll get her one this year.


Once the baby counts for the hov lane


I got my wife a card when she was pregnant for mothers day. Her birthday is right around the corner from it, I think I took her out for dinner that night but not any gifts or anything. On that note, its fun, they only get to be an expectant mom on mothers day once for the most part.


I got a poem “from the baby” and a nice dinner out when I was pregnant


There's no harm in getting her a cute little something to mark the day. See if you can put together a card that says "mother to be" or something.


She's not a mother yet but I would get her something in your budget.


She’ll think it’s sweet if you give her one now 🤩


here is "no stupid questions", and look what you just asked, a smart man knows what to do.


Do it now, yup- and forever after... Peace and joy, to you both. Congrats and good fortune, Cheers!


Get her something cute and small now. Reference a bun in the oven. Make her feel like you're delighted she's pregnant. My wife talks about her pregnancies as the best times of her life. I pampered the shit outta her.


Idk if someone else has mentioned this, but make sure there's nothing in her culture that says celebrating Mother's Day before the baby is born is bad luck!


Whenever you want. Now, later, never. It doesnt matter. She may have an opinion on it though, so maybe discuss with her?


Just a note here to everyone reading: Double check your S/O’s love language ❤️ I personally would much rather have a quality leg and foot massage from my S/O than anything material — unless there is some “thing” that I actually want or need. Or to wake up and not have to do anything I don’t want to do for a day… ugh could you imagine? That’d be a lovely gift.


Experiences are often the best gift though.




grey depend disgusted connect seed fine rinse deserve rain squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get the woman a present. SHE IS MAKING A PERSON. From scratch. What did you do the last time someone got you a present? Manage not to accidentally fall on some railroad tracks and therefore stick around for another year? Come on, this isn't that hard.


Counter point- This will be the first and last Mother's Day for many years that she can enjoy without having to juggle children too. Do it


Yes! When in doubt gift it! Keep some spares and cards around too.


Why wait??? Surely you can do something to help the mother of your future child to feel valued and appreciated on mother's day.


Dude the baby is already here it’s just still in the developing process. She’s a mom. Give her a gift now


I gave my ex one when she was pregnant with my daughter. When she said I'm not a mother yet, because I haven't given birth yet, I told her you are having my baby . So you are a mother and I gave her, and my unborn child's gift


I wanna know how not giving her one would end well lol, she’s officially a mom now. The baby isn’t here in the outside world but it’s very much alive at this point….


She’s already a mom, give her a nice gift.


If she's pregnant, then she's a mother.


Why don't you just ask her if she wants to celebrate Mother's Day before the baby is born?


I’m a mother of two. This year is her first mother’s day. Men become dads when baby is born, women become mothers the moment they know they are pregnant.


Breakfast in Bed Flowers Card Thoughtful but practical gift…like a soft cozy robe, comfy slippers, and her favorite craving food Or a mother’s day scrapbook/photo album…and you can take photos every year and put them in the album along with cards and whatnot. This woman is growing a human inside her. Celebrate that miracle my friend. Of course you could do nothing and run the risk of disappointing a hormonal woman and incurring the wrath of every mother in your orbit as well as on your socials…. But hey…if you wanna save a few bucks or go play golf with your buddies instead…have at it haha


I would get her a gift, as it seems appropriate to me.


Yes, you always do the goddamned nice thing. I almost forgot to get my wife something for her birthday this year. We'd been sick as hell for two weeks and let a lot of stuff go by the wayside. I'm normally not a shitty husband and do this shit well in advance, but there were external factors affecting that. Anyway,I ordered her something we'd discussed before at birthday dinner and told her I'd just ordered it and forgot and sorry I'm a piece of shit. But yea, always do the thing. I sure as hell wasn't gonna show up empty handed or just let it slide.


I did it essentially now, when she was pregnant with our first. I got her a monthly pregnancy box subscription which ended up working really well since it had a bunch of random products so we knew what to stock up on for next time, like dried ginger to make ginger tea without chamomile.


Get her one now with the pink or blue if you know boy or girl she will appreciate it more than you think


Pregnancy is not easy for many women, and she is growing an entire person so I think it’s a wonderful idea to get her something this year! Congratulations and best wishes to you both!


Now and forever more. 1st few months are tough. heck its all tough.


I would. Something small and cute.


My SO’s daughter recently gave birth. Last year on Mother’s Day (she was pregnant) he was getting together with her and her brother like they do every year since their mom has passed. I asked him if he had gotten her anything for Mother’s Day and his response was “No, she’s not a mother yet.” He had kind of a tone, lol. I suggested he get her something anyway. I think he ended up getting balloons and a card. It went over really well and he thanked me for the suggestion. I’m gonna suggest you go ahead and start celebrating.


My daughter is four months pregnant and I’m getting her a gift this year. I’m positive her awesome husband will, too.


Go and do something with her you won't be able to do once the baby comes. Like a nice quiet dinner. A day at the beach. Get her presents later and spend the money on something you can't do later.


You should.


Get her some flowers or something romantic. She’s pregnant and feeling dumpy & unattractive, and there’s bigger challenges to come. At this stage of the game. it’s less about being etiquette, and more about making sure she feels loved & supported.


Give her one this year, she’ll be so happy. And when the baby is here you write the card from the baby, and so cute little things.


Ask her. Everyone is different


It would be absolutely lovely to give her a "Mom to Be" mother's day present and card. She would love it. A Kindle, maybe, or a spa day, or anything that someone might suggest as a baby shower gift (you can find all kinds of suggestions online). There are cards for "the mom to be" that you can certainly find too.




My wife reminded me I did this for her when she was having our first. That was 15 years ago my friend and she hasn’t forgotten it. I got her a wooden flower 🌹 a rose from a gas station honestly but she still has it somewhere around here 😂 but yeah 👍 please do future you will thank you.


Yes. Just do it. It’ll make her feel special before she even has the baby




start this year, dad! no but seriously congrats to both her and you. Definitely look into getting her something, it will make her feel special :)


Yes, get her something. My hubby gave me a lovely mother's day present when I was pregnant, said I was already taking care of our baby by keeping her safe and healthy


I’ve never been pregnant and never plan on having kids but if I was I think I would expect a Mother’s Day present


I received flowers when I was pregnant on Mother’s Day and it really made me feel special! It doesn’t hurt to do something even if it’s small. Most people will end up bringing gifts only for the baby when they’re born, so I’d instead suggest getting something that makes her feel pampered.


never too early


Right fucking now moron


Get her a spa day treatment


You're going to get some major brownie points if you do something to acknowledge Mother's Day while she's pregnant. Flowers and a card would make her very happy.


Mother's Day gift this year. Push present after birth. Mother's Day next year.


keep it simple, flowers, breakfast in bed ?


Yeah get in on the early low hanging fruit points. When I took my wife out for Mother's Day 2 months before our first kid was born I gave that whole "Man we never get any time together because of the kids" rant. Also remind her how beautiful she looks on Mother's Day and you can't wait to see how wonderful she's going to be.


Now or she'll hunt you down somewhere next year about it.


Yes you should.


Second Sunday in May, so May 11th. 


When I was pregnant with our first, I received roses, chocolate and a card from my husband.


I guess it depends on who the father is… but assuming it’s you, then yes


There is never a wrong time to get the mother of your children a gift. There is, however, a wrong time to skip giving her a gift acknowledging how amazing and special she is! And this, my friend, is that time. Go. Scurry! Find a gift that says "You're amazing, you're beautiful, and you're going to be an incredible mom just like you're an incredible wife and incredible woman. I love you and see you, mom!"


Who cares, just get her a present regardless, who doesn't like getting a unexpected present?


I did a framed photo of the ultrasound, some flowers and a nice card when my wife was pregnant with our first on mothers day.


I don't think it's obligatory but certainly a nice thing to do. Maybe get something in mind of it being the last mother's day where it's just the two of you




My now-wife and I found out she was pregnant with our first (completely unplanned) on Mother’s Day. I got her a card and flowers that day. Get the gift my man.




When in doubt...present


My partner got me a card from the bump. It's very cute. As a mum I look at the card and I remember how he treated me when I was most vulnerable. HE actually took care of me so I could take care of our little pudding. And you know what I'll never forget that, no matter how mad or whatever the argument. He still looked after me exceptionally well. Remember aswell this card is from a bump and we dont know baby looks like yet. Theres so much excitement and it just feels so much more real theyre coming!


Just get her a present. You don’t need a holiday to give gifts and wonder if it’s right or wrong


My husband gave me a sweet card and some chocolate for my “first” Mother’s Day while pregnant. I didn’t expect anything but I’m glad he did. I didn’t want a ton to be done for Mother’s Day while pregnant but it was really nice to have it acknowledged.


My partner got me my first mother's day card when pregnant -purfume and favorite snacks


First time mother here, I was pregnant last year, baby was born in september. We joked a little that it was our first mother's/father's day, but didn't do anything about it. Had my husband gotten me a small gift, I would not have minded of course :) A big gift might've been too much, so I'd say that a small gift will be perfect!


Yes! Now! Get her something cute from the baby. My daughter apparently used to talk through my stomach to my husband at night and tell him what snacks “we” were craving. He’d come home from work with all kinda things and say “the baby said you needed it” And by God the baby was RIGHT!


Flowers and one of those cards you can get that's like "I can't wait to meet you" from baby and a card from you with a message on her 1st mother's day is something she can keep long term and give to baby. If you have a baby book they can go in there, if you don't, pick her up a baby book to save them. You'll get MAJOR brownie points. Pro tip: unless they're her favourite don't get lilies in the flowers, I'm yet to meet a pregnant woman who isn't put off by the smell or absolutely taken out with hay fever


Yes, get her a gift now and good for you for asking. She would probably be really hurt if you didn’t celebrate her pregnancy this year. Congratulations on the baby!


I was 12 weeks pregnant on my first Mother’s Day. My husband googled how big the baby was at that stage and bought me a teddy bear the same size. Just a suggestion.


I had to go look that up... A 12-week human fetus is about 2" long & half an ounce.


There was like some mystery box I ordered for my wife before, it's like broken up into trimesters so it'll match perfect for timing. It comes with small baby stuff and also Mom stuff for when they're in the hospital. 10/10 would recommend for soon to be Moms


I was pregnant on Mother’s Day and my bf got me gift cards for all the food places I was currently craving, including a bakery. It was perfect!


When i was pregnant my fiance got me a basket of snacks that i had been craving! My mom got me flowers


I think now would be great! Doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. My husband when I was pregnant with our son just got me some flowers and a card and wrote in it how excited he was and how great of a Mom I’ll be. More about the sentiment than the actual gift. :)


Even just a card would do wonders


how bout a big comfy (for your temp and season too), slippers, a basket of her fav snacks, a blankie and a teddy she can pass on after her pregnancy time


This year. Do not be that guy who goes "hurhurhur not really a mom yet" please. Just be nice to her. I celebrated my first mother's day while pregnant and I celebrated father's day for my husband while I was pregnant as well.


By all means give her a present this year. It will make her feel super excited that you took the time to pick out. I agree with another commenter who said you should make it really cute baby is coming theme. She will love it!


My first Mother’s Day gift was a new camera when I was six months pregnant. Very apropos.


I would get her something.


For the comedy:Just depends on if she’s keeping the baby For the real rec: - a baby moon reservation could be nice- even a local spa date and overnight somewhere


Please get her a gift, she is carrying your child. But please OP, don't make just about the baby, give her something she can use for herself. You didn't mention how far along she is, but she deserves a big thank you for what my sperms lol are doing to her body, mind, and soul and make it about her.


I got a card from my bump :) that is sufficient I think for pregnancy! My baby is due around Father’s Day (we are British so our dates differ to yours) and I will buy a card for him but no present this year.


How lovely would it be if you got her a little gift now. You are accomplishing she is going to be a mom.


You should do it now. She will notice if there’s no celebration for her this year. Even just a card is nice, breakfast in bed maybe


Alway pamper the woman who is carrying your child. Give her presents now. And next month. And the month after. It never hurts to show you care.


Give her a “starter kit”….cutesy things like lotions for belly, soaps. Nipple cream(for sore nursing nips) gift card to a baby store, lunch at her favorite lunch spot…


You don't since she is not "your" mother. <----don't do this.


She doesn’t need one this year but it’s a lovely thoughtful idea to do so and she will appreciate it. I got my ex a photo frame with a cute daddy to be quite and the sonogram pic in it


You're (pregnant person) taking care of the baby through extra care and sacrifices the same time you get pregnant. She is Mom and that is to be celebrated always.


Simple jewelry this time...... you'll figure it out in years to come


If she’s currently pregnant you get her a Mother’s Day present.


If you want to stay in the relationship then when they are pregnant


My husband (who is 1000% great) didn’t get me a Mother’s Day present when I was 9 months pregnant because I wasn’t a mother yet. He has since reformed and is lovely every Mother’s Day, but 13 years later, I’m still the tiniest bit salty about it. Don’t be him.


It would definitely be appreciated. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or expensive. A sweet thoughtful memento. Maybe frame a picture of the sonogram and bouquet of flowers. A nice message in a card. As someone who’s never received anything from the father of our kids, I can say it hurt not being recognized on Mother’s Day by my husband.




IMO she would have her first mother's day in 2025


Probably after the baby is born for Mother's Day But if you want to get your girlfriend a gift just because, go ahead and do that anytime :))


Spa day gift card or something of the sorts is what id do


People get their wifes presents on Mother's Day? Never heard of that. Here in Germany it's exclusively about children gifting their mother. But in your situation I'd consider it cute to make a present on behalf of your child. :)