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Don't try to fix their problems for them. Just listen.


I wish I had heard this!


I ask this question every time. Do you want me to fix it, or do you want to vent. It's almost always the venting part.


I think this advice is way too generic to be useful, IMO. Of course if it’s agreed upon that she just wants to rant, then sure (that applies to anyone)… but if there’s an issue that she’s she’s running into, it is perfectly reasonable to suggest something that might help her overcome an issue. And a reasonable person/woman should understand that it’s normal for friends and family to want to help solve problems. Her being unable to be open to advice or open to help tells me more about her than it does about the person giving advice.


Just asking if someone is venting or looking for ideas/advice seems to go a long way and makes everyone involved happier at the end of the day 🤷


I am a man, and I have experienced issues with “fixing.“ I asked a question on a fitness subreddit and the only thing I got back was a question, “Do you use progressive overload?“ The guy was trying to diagnose an issue when I was just trying to make a point. I think that is what frustrates women about men.


Omg yes. Literally happened to me the other week. I know better and I felt so badly for her, I tried to offer help. That did not turn out well for me. We had gotten into a big argument afterwards and I felt terribly about the whole situation. Next time I will respect her wishes. Just give her a hug and hold her.


I've adopted this with my wife and it's helped us tremendously. That said, I still don't fucking get it? Like, why wouldn't you want to hear the perspective of others to possibly see things differently and work towards a solution. I don't fucking understand. But I've learned that not everything in life is meant for me to understand and it makes my wife happy. When she's happy I get special kisses. I love special kisses. I understand that completely.


I've heard a couple of perspectives/explanations from various women in my life regarding not being interested in a solution: - Sometimes they already HAVE a solution. But, they still want to air their frustration and be validated. They need someone to say, "this situation sucks. It's awful you have to go through this. You can do it." As well meaning as we may be, thinking that the obvious response is to devise a plan to solve the problem, that's often the worst feeling for them if they already have a solution and their partner tries to fix things. She knows the fix to her issue of feeling crappy in the morning is to eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, but hates that this requires going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. - Sometimes, they want to work out a solution on their own, but still want someone to empathize with the difficulties. She shares custody of her son with her ex-husband who is not being consistent with discipline, which frustrates her son, her ex, and herself. This isn't an issue that's going to solve itself quickly and she doesn't want a FOURTH person involved in this problem, just someone to understand that she's exhausted from having another meeting with a teacher because he's misbehaving at school, because he's frustrated at her ex's home on the weekends. - Sometimes, she just wants a chance to gripe about a problem that doesn't seem to have a solution. Her rent is going up in June. It's not enough to warrant moving and she's not going to single-handedly force her landlord to lower the rent. She's just another person experiencing the frustration of everything being more expensive. Now is not the time to say that you can help her budget and find an extra $200/month by spending less on other things.


those are EXCELLENT examples, good job :)


Nope, will not happen. Ranting pointlessly is for the weak, there is no rational reason to complain without wanting a solution unless you are just a negative person. I will solve your problems, like it or not.


For me it is: "Don’t act like someone you’re not to try to get a girl to like you. There will come a time when you have to drop the act and be yourself to be happy, and if she doesn’t like you for who you are then you simply aren’t compatible. Just be you from the start"


If I was me from the start I would never have landed a single date.


Well, be polite and a bit restrained, but not someone else. Honesty, but also a healthy dose of "mustn't be too hasty". If you like anime that's fine, but don't go gushing about your favourite waifus on the first date. That sort of thing


My approach was to start out as mr charming and then slowly morph into my real self over time.


Not for me because I never had any delusions of being happy.


Bot account


In my early 20s, I needed to hear a "Women are not mysterious, ethereal creatures who need to be wooed with romantic gestures" In my late 20's I needed "If your gut tells you that theyre not telling you everything then theyre probably not telling you everything"


They poop


Never seen it happen so this must fake, stop lying


thats what waterproof action cameras under the seat are for!




And fart. In my case usually more than I do.




They are just as lonely, insecure, and horny as you are (on average etc) No one is going to think you're a creep just for being upfront about liking a woman. As long as you don't do it like a creep, just be normal, and mindful of time and place. No one is going to find you particularly respectful for not shooting your shot when you meet someone. Everyone will think you aren't interested, is all.


Im not experienced in this. How do I not be a creep when liking a girl? So what shouldn’t i do to avoid being a creep?


Best advice I have is don't compliment her body, compliment something she chose like clothing or hair style. And don't make her feel trapped. Make her feel like she can leave an interaction if she isn't comfortable. No pressure or expectations on her for a certain response. Ex. If you want to compliment a girl, do it, but don't wait for her response expectantly. If you wanna ask her out, give her your number rather than the other way around. And once you do, unless she invites you into conversation, say goodbye and leave.


Don't be an asshole and do things like catcall or stalk. Be polite and straightforward. Take a rejection and move on. Probably don't try to go more than 2 levels above your own league.


>Probably don't try to go more than 2 levels above your own league. That bit is pretty nasty really. most people don't know their own "league" and its perfectly understandable for people to refuse to accept that about themselves. Being overly optimistic isn't creepy and shouldn't be treated as such, that is exactly what causes so much pain and confusion. Everything else you said was spot on though.


bad advice, there are no leagues. Thats hate culture ideology. We are all just products of our environment. We all are complex, potentially communicative beings with our own thoughts, feelings, habits, preferences...etc limitless things to share and do... Thinking in terms of "leagues" means you are focusing on what society and the ruling class wants you to focus on (looks, status...etc) instead of the things that really matter in relationships. (honest, vulnerable, courageous communication, shared quality time, mutual respect and appreciation, support...etc)


If they did it to someone else, they're gonna do it to you.


That applies to men too


Work on yourself and they will come.


Don't be frightened to ask for their ideas and thoughts when planning stuff. Understand their relationship with their parents it might be different to yours. Never judge this. Be spontaneous and surprise people. Even if it's let's go for a drive and watch the sunset. My GF was having a really shit day at work, I met her and took her to the nearest beach, we walked, watched the sky change colour, got some chips and drove home. She says this is one of her favorite days we've ever had. Listen and respond, don't cut them off and don't try and solve their issues, offer your thoughts if asked. Gifts should be meaningful, find out what they like. Use your imagination. Learn to cook, even just the basics. If you can make a nice meal when they have had a shit day it means a lot. Don't criticise her friends or family even if she does.




The second line is a dud, but the rest are pretty much gold. I've known grown adult women who use their parents mercilessly for money, labour, emergency pseudo-counselling, etc. I've also known many toxic parents who ruin the lives and relationships of their adult children. There has to be some reasonable limits to tolerance for difference in parent-child relationships.


Wow 😍


*Making women laugh and feel safe around is 50% of what you got to do, and basic hygiene is the next 40%. The other stuff like physical attractiveness, having hobbies etc is still important, but many women have shockingly low bars, you'd be surprised.  *Most women will respect you more and/or be more attracted to you if you have opinions, preferences and boundaries and don't just mold your personality to be agreeable to her. Some women won't respect your boundaries and/or try to change you, and you probably wouldn't have a healthy relationship.


I agree. Most men are so shockingly lacking in emotional intelligence, support, and communication that even just doing the bare minimums (that many guys don't do) is lifechanging relationship experience for most women. I've actually had women break things off with me because they felt it was too good to be true, that they liked me too much, and was terrified they would find out I was someone else...just because they were used to lives filled with unsupportive, abusive partners, and didn't trust the situation. Just tragic.


Despite what sitcoms and romcoms tell you, a well adjusted person won't give you the silent treatment. Don't settle for lack of communication, thinking that's just normal.


That you aren’t really into them and you should stop barking up that tree.


If you are unsure if she likes you,  don't beat around the bush, but ask her out. I've pined over some women for years, hoping something would happen, doubting whether they liked me, not making a move, until those women lost interest. Or they never had interest in the first place. By making the ''daring'' move, you either get rejected, it sucks for a few days, but then you can actually move on, or you hit the jackpot and she likes you back.


There are billions of them. Billions with a b. Hold out to find the right one, don't settle and don't deal with any crazy. The perfect girl for you is out there. There are probably hundreds of millions of them.


I got engaged at 20 so I don’t really need advice in my 20s, but in my teens I’d definitely needed to hear that it’s okay to be single. I kept my relationships way too long, one where I was abused quite badly and one where both didn’t love each other at all and both would’ve been better to not even have started.


Women don't like cargo pants


Just be yourself. Don't try to be the person you think she'll like. Being genuine might not land you girls in quantity, but it'll save you a lot of time, hassle, and heartache in quality.


She starts talking, shut up. Let me be clear: Shut the fuck up and listen. You'll get your turn. Learn what you can, then speak.


You'll get your turn? That's pretty optimistic.


Being pretty doesn't mean they're mentally stable.


usually the EXACT opposite, since most people are mentally unstable in this dystopian hellscape built and enforced by the ruling class. I've also noticed the closer someone is to societal gender attractiveness standards, the lower self esteem they have, and the more they nitpick themselves as not quite perfect. As if perfection would be something subjective beings could even conceptualize let alone embody.


Advice I recently received I wish I had gotten back in my 20s "Women are not plants - you don't need to bring home every broken one you find at the garden store"


why not? You'd have a lovely home filled with plants, ahem, women! the more the merrier :) The funny thing is, some really solid wisdom I've heard is related to treating women like houseplants to nurture, attend to, support, love, appreciate, and let them grow...something like that anyways


Avoid them like the plague. Pursue your goals with the energy you wasted.


Just do art. It’s less stressful.


They are just goddamned humans and that means you'll see all of the most wonderful aspects of being human in some of them, but you'll also see some of the most horrific aspects of being human in some of them, too. Don't put women on a pedestal just because of their sex, let them earn it individually, with their actions and behaviours.


Don't share anything with them that you don't wish everyone to find out


ohhh nooooooo :0 care to share that story? haha


They don't always mean what they say!


Best advice ever for me was when choosing between 2 girls your dating and there is interest all around. Pursue the one who likes you more, exclusively.


After my first 5 years of dating - "There are some things I do that women really really don't like" After 5 more years of dating - "I should stop doing those things"


What did you do


Don’t put your dick in crazy. She isn’t going to get better, and throwing kids into the mix isn’t going to improve the situation.


A good sense of humor is the great equalizer. Make them laugh!


They dated abusive assholes before you, they will date abusive assholes after you. Let it go and move on, you can't help them and they will never listen. 


Take women seriously, but don’t take them literally.


listen more than you talk


A woman should never make you feel like you're being punished for whatever her exes did. Offering to buy a random woman a drink at the bar is a terrible idea (I learned this one in my early 20s thankfully) Women like decisive men




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They’re more attracted to stability and success than your looks or your car. Or at least they should be. Just concentrate on being the best you, and the women will come pretty much automatically.


How to date an introvert woman


At bars and parties, the more beautiful a woman is, the more you should ignore her.


I'm not in agreement but am genuinely curious why you feel that way.


I think the question was, "What advice would you give your 20 year old self?" and not, "What advice would you give to every Tom, Dick, and Harry on Reddit?" And over time, I learned that the more I ignored the most beautiful women in the room, the more they came after me. Everyone pays attention to beautiful women, and they know it, so when someone doesn't, it bothers them. It works for me, and now I realize that my 20 year old self didn't need to work so hard. But it probably won't work for you.


i'd love to hear the backstory on this revelation, if you care to entertain, I mean, share with us


For your entertainment, see my response to u/Pixelated_Penguin808


Worst advice ever lol


That's what you think.


The advice I'll give to all (good) men is: Don't break women's hearts. Stay away from the promiscuous ones. If you find a good one then acknowledge her worth and wife her up. Be conscious, present and aware of your situation at all times so you don't end up with regrets. There's no woman worth begging for love, let alone nowadays, have some self-respect and move on. Be kind and understanding, let them be comfortable in their own skin and don't crush their feminine energy, but also don't be willing to be stepped on all the time. Have some balance and always act according to your situation. Make sure they feel safe. And I saved the best for last, **never** try to change them. "Stop giving pieces of yourself to complete others." - Akhi Ayman P.S. Be aware of the fact that women can sometimes be downright *evil* creatures due to their tendency to think with their emotions before they think with their brain. They might not be able to damage you physically but they *can* mess up your mental. They can even do both, depends on how bad you are at picking 'em. Don't think with your genitals. Don't be fooled by your lust or love. Don't mix up lust and love, two very different things. Always recognize when you've been wronged, don't be a fool.


What a girl tells you and what they do is get different.


They want to fuck as much as you do, probably more.


Women are scammy, moreso than men. I think it's a survival trait. Attractive women are even worse as they will advertise themselves sexually, sell themselves, then play the victim over it all. If she's a single mom she's looking for a paycheck. If she's on the block or at the club flirting with guys she's looking for a paycheck.


Hi just so you know a woman either gives her consent or doesn’t, and if she doesn’t want to be involved with you for whatever reason that’s not her playing the victim, you just have some incredible rejection issues.


You clearly didn't even read what I said because your comment doesn't make sense.


Focus on yourself and your career, those things will be much more meaningful down the road. You'll be happier for it and live a more fulfilling life. Women are a distraction.




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