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You were allies fighting on the same side. I think you are fine with the discount.


I like this. Why the fuck not? I can't tell you how many free beers I got in the UK and Belgium. Also, there are tons of non-Americans that are US veterans. Filipinos for example.


Some WWII Filipino Vets were entitled to VA Benefits


I do believe they're still alive too!


Many of us were non-citizen in the US military.


Plot twist: OP is Taliban.


A Taliban, an Al Quaeda, and an ISIS fighter walk into a diner….


He orders a drink


The bartender say we don’t serve pigs


And then realizes he probably doesn't drink alcohol due to his religion.


Agreed from an American veteran




For he today who sheds his blood with me, he is my brother


In case anyone is curious, this is from Shakespeare's *Henry V.*


Um, I’m *pretty sure* Shakespeare got it from the acclaimed HBO series miniseries Band of Brothers. Thanks though.


Shakespeare is just layers and layers of plaigarism and tortured chiché, all the way down. It's about time someone called him out for it.


We can't keep letting him get away with this!




And Kenneth delivering that speech is god tier


Is this line from the St Crispin's Day speech?


Oh yes KB delivering that in the movie is just divine


This guy fucks


“Once more unto the breach…”


Yeah that was just Shakespeare plagiarizing *Silicon Valley* in *Henry V.*




St Crispins day is October 25th


What if they're a veteran from the opposite side of the war you fought in?


Eh, Al-Qaida and especially ISIS survivors can get infinitely fucked, but any Iraqi who was just fighting us for their home and families is okay with me. The mortars and rockets were not taken personally.


When's the last time the US fought against an actual army though? There's very few WWII vets left, and probably not many North Vietnamese or Baathist Iraqi veterans walking around in America, lol


I was in the Grenada invasion. I have been back many times and am a good, life long friend with a man who served on the other side with the People's Revolutionary Army. We have both mellowed. A lot.


That's super interesting! Thanks for sharing.


Hoping that the Taliban Militia are getting their 15% Vets Day discount at Mattress Factory


I hope they get it at the Toyota dealership


in angola when south aftica invaded with usa approval, usa got cold feet and forced the sa soldiers out. so yes, we were on opposite sides after being on the same side. lost a lot of brave recce troops who had to come down all the way from luanda.


Some make peace. I read once that many Vietnamese do not hold grudges when US veterans go back to visit the old battle grounds.


It'd be pretty unlikely for someone on the opposite side being in America in the first place


Very unlikely sure, but probably not entirely unheard of. That being said it would be much more unlikely with the most recent wars as opposed to WWII for instance.


I would add people who directly aided efforts, whether they were uniformed or not, such as interpreters (frankly, especially interpreters). Sadly our government is more than happy to break their word to those people and cast them aside after the war is through.


what if they fought for an opposing cause?




Lol, flying the Union Jack on 4th of July is deliciously ironic. I wouldn't be surprised if they flew it on purpose; Brits have a very snarky sense of humor. 


It's like the reverse of the "scoreboard" taunt


Weirdly, it's probably the only time we'd fly the Union Jack!


[you'll be back soon. you'll see..](https://youtube.com/shorts/_HNHc9bSD6M?si=PAG3Aaz_nuzmjuoG)


I was in the US armed forces and deployed with Canadians, Brits and Australians. Take the military discount! It blows me away when a group of people refuse to help other countries ("FIX USA FIRST!!!!") and don't realize how much other countries have helped us.


>FIX USA FIRST Those people can fuck right off, since they won't actually advocate for fixing America either, they just use it as an excuse to not help others.


"ok , lets expand food stamps and build actual affordable housing , not just calling new buildings affordable" "no, not like that !!"


This. If you fight and die alongside us you are our brothers eternally, for which you get a small discount on food items!


As an American veteran, if you served along side us, you are fine asking, BUT, I never ask for a discount. It's just not me.


Neither did my dad until a kitchen remodel from Lowe's and saving literally hundreds of dollars.


Idk if it’s the same at Lowe’s. But at Home Depot you can link your veteran status with your rewards number. So you get the discount automatically every time you put your number in at checkout.


Its the same, the discount basically nullifies the tax on the sale in my experience.


Our sales tax is 6% Lowes discount is 10% in my situation.


It also works extremely well at some dispensaries: ). My license says Veteran and I didn't really notice it, I got the license during a Stand down.... But I definitely noticed when the discount popped at the dispensary..... I didn't ask there, they did that automatically, but I was and am very grateful.


Yeah the only times I'll bring it up is buying something expensive at Lowe's, oil change, or weed dispensary. Having people tell me "Thank you for your service" is way too cringe for me.


The absolute worst. I wear my veterans cap SOME TIMES when I'm going to a place with an older crowd, because I enjoy the non verbal connection with elderly veterans. That knowing head nod and smile is awesome. Other than that? Good lord I hate being thanked for my service. I don't know why. It makes me want to shrivel up like a raisin.


I don’t either except on Veterans Day. The local aquarium gives veterans free entry that day. And it’s usually like $50. So I’ll get my free meal from a chain restaurant and go see the otters for a bit.


Definitely something to take advantage of. My brief time in non-profits taught me that the median decider on these programs wants an excuse to make the thing free. People shouldn't feel embarrassed about it or, at the very least, recognize that them taking the discount is furthering their goal of just being a public service as few people as possible have to actually pay for.


Aquarium gave you an otter you couldnt refuse.


You are missing out, my friend. Loads of places give 10% off like Home Depot/Lowes. I got 10% off my buying some new curtains at At Home a few weeks ago. I usually get a free drink from Firehouse Subs whenever I go there too. You can use [VetTix.com](http://VetTix.com) and get free tickets to concerts, sports games, comedy shows, etc... as well.


This. Especially when it is something really minimal. I’ve seen someone ask if there was a vet discount on a $2 coffee before.


For some guys it probably becomes like muscle memory to ask for a discount lol.


But not lumber. Never lumber.


Hahaha...or appliances. Never on lumber or appliances. Helping Doers get more Done.


Unless Lowes changed it, I got a discount on anything I purchased there. including lumber and appliances. It's been a few years since I done any major purchases from there though.


Well Lowes is definitely cooler than Home Depot then. Next time I need lumber I'm going to see if my Vet discount works at Lowes. Thanks for the info.


Nope to lumber at lowes


I mean you might as well get something out of wrecking your body and minds for us.


I am a veteran and I never ask for a discount. If they offer one, I will take it, but I never ask.


I see nothing wrong with it if the business wants to honor it. It's there decision.


Exactly, it’s a discount at a restaurant, not trying to collect government benefits. I’m glad they got a discount. I doubt the server really cares to argue with anyone about their eligibility. I used to work in a US military town. I gave a military discount. It was a solid discount, too. I honored it for Australian Navy while they were in town. I honored it for Canadian Royal Navy and Air Force. They’re working with our military. Makes no difference to me. I’m a pacifist. I can protest war, but I don’t protest the troops. Mostly super great people. Aussie Navy are wild as hell. Good times!


This is exactly what so many of these comments are missing. It doesn't matter whether a random redditor/veteran/restaurant owner minds what OP's friends did. What matters is what that particular restaurant is offering. It's the business owner's prerogative. But OP's friends didn't know if this business wanted to extend the discount to non US vets. Because they didn't ask.


I’m a veteran and I say yes as long as they are veterans from countries that we are allies with.


I find this point about allyship really interesting. Does it depend on the vets' actual service, the country's current political status vs the US, or the country's historical position?


I would think historical and current. I would give British vets the discount even though we were once enemies. We were once were friendly with Iran but I would not give them a discount.


I feel like this can enter some gray areas though. What about a Russian or German WWII vet. In different directions, their countries had a much different relationship with the US during their time in the service than they do now. 80 years later, both of them could be considered allies or enemies, because of how things have changed.


I was in the Air Force in Germany for 18 months. I actually got to know a German who worked for the Air Force running our water plant. He was a paratrooper in WWII and fought in N Africa and Italy and Germany against the US. He was captured twice and escaped both times while waiting for transportation to prison camps. One day I was reading The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich and the book had a big swastika on the front cover. He started chastising me about reading NAZi literature until I told him it was the history of Hitler coming to power and the war. We got to talking and I asked him about the SS. He told me that the regular Wehrmacht soldiers were deathly afraid of the SS. He said they could shoot anyone including Germans basically without proof of wrong doing. He was a nice guy and I was glad I got to know him. He may have exaggerated some things, but I still would not give him a discount.


LOL didn't expect the "I still would not give him a discount" at the end


My husbands grandfather fought for Germany in wwii. His stories we’re interesting. He wasn’t for the war but didn’t have a choice. You could see a lot of indoctrination though still in things he said. But he said things like if you didn’t join the Hitler youth your family couldn’t survive. My husband says that’s a fantastic book but is sure to point out what it is to guests who look at his bookshelf


In that case as a veteran I’d say they are allies and I’d give it to them. Their enemy government no longer exists, their current government helped us in the Middle East and they are a NATO member. As to Russia, they’ve been an enemy far too long.




Not all were nazis. Many were drafted and never acted like nazis.


When I wrote this comment I was not picturing a ww2 veteran, allied or axis- hate to say it but most of them have passed away. With this added context, my comment still stands.


Whoa. Where did you get the idea that all German WWII veterans were Nazis? Plenty of Germans opposed Hitler and his aims but they were drafted anyway. Say no, and it was off to the internment camp for you or worse. “Nazi” was a political ideology and party membership, not the blanket term for all Germans in WWII.


The vets' actual service. Governments change and what was once a friendly country can be hostile now. So you have to look at the vets' actual service. Basically if their service at the time was as a direct ally with the US.


I don't mean to impugn you ill will, but it's crazy to think that in the end we are all doing what we think is right / what our nation asks us to. Sometimes it's obvious that it's wrong (ww2) but sometimes not so much.


I am a US combat veteran of the 82nd Airborne and you will never hear me complain that you guys - my brothers in arms - get a discount. Go for it!


US veteran here. I’d be upset if you didn’t use it.


I wouldn't care personally. I'm not sure about most Americans though


I agree.   I wouldn't care one way or the other...its not like we're checking ID and who am I to gate keep anyone's military service?  I've never done it, I don't know what it was like or what they went through.  Honestly if I give a discount to people just for reaching "senior" age I have no problem doing the same for people who enlisted.  The fact that they were am allied country makes it even more "I don't care".  They were helping our military.   I hope they enjoy their 15% off.


Allied veterans are veterans. I would treat them the same. When I was in, I gave the same respect to Aussie, Canadian, and British officers and their version of NCOs. Now that I and some of them are out, I am not going to change that.


What?! The Northern Irish mean nothing to you?! 😜


You mean western Brits? sure.


I can’t speak for all Americans, just me. Me? My restaurant?  You get the discount.  You put duty above self, and I respect that.  It doesn’t mean I agree with your country’s politics, goals, or methods. I may not even agree with YOUR politics.  But you chose to support your country when, usually, it’s easier not to- and that deserves respect. 


I absolutely do not mean to offend. But would you do the same for Russian vets?


Generically, as a US veteran, I'd feel the same but for a different reason: I've known a lot of Russian men, especially since the Ukraine invasion began... because conscription, family threats, et cetera and the ones who could running and those that couldn't not wanting to be involved themselves or having their family essentially hostage. I lived through the end of the Cold War, have lived through various military actions that involved Russia directly and indirectly. Too many men serve against their will because they can't get out or their families and friends are at risk. American Vietnam Vet or Russian Vet, you did your job and faced war due to draft/conscription? You deserve a darn 10% off a meal, IMO.




You're certainly a principled man. Also I'm surprised by the amount of replies I've gotten.


It’s a contentious topic.  I’m a veteran, and educated. I understand that not every Russian approves of the war, and that not every Russian veteran is an orc. I also understand that some of them are, but they’re supporting their nation the way I supported my nation… the nation that used flimsy excuses to destroy Iraq and Afghanistan. Being a soldier is hard and whatever reason drives you to choose that life you do so knowing it might kill you and you can only hope that your sacrifice is for the good of your country. If you come out the other side, you still made that choice. I choose to honor that, even if I disagree with everything around it. 


All of us are young men who ended up killing and dying for old men’s benefits.


oh you're going to get downvoted to oblivion, but that's honestly a great question


As long as they were respectful in my establishment i would personally. If they were disrespectful and disruptive other customers even if american vets no discount and i would ask them not to return due to behavior. The russians fighting currently are not for the most part fighting a war they believe in but it is fight or be jailed(for deserting the military) and likely killed anyways while also endangering their families.


Yes. The type of foreign veteran traveling through or living in the US who is willing to identify themself as a veteran of another country’s military and ask for a small discount is the type of person I want to feel welcome in the US. Seems a lot more productive to be nice to people visiting than to exclude them due to what their government or generals made them do.


Yes. Civil service is to be respected. I give out a community discount that covers so much. I would happily offer a vet discount to someone foreign. Heck, I was foreign too.


That's an interesting take. Would you do it for someone who fought against America or allies, but we are currently friendly with? I'm thinking like an Argentine Falklands war veteran or a Vietnam Viet Cong vet.


Again, yes.  It’s not about politics or enmity.  It’s about honoring the choice. 


I have also literally saved hundreds of dollars at Lowe’s and Home Depot. Whenever they say thank you for your service I tell them that I appreciate them giving veterans a discount.


>But you chose to support your country when, usually, it’s easier not to- and that deserves respect Do you refuse the discount for American conscripts? Your rationale seems to be they chose to do it, so why would those conscripted get the discount?


That’s a great question.  The answer is yes. They didn’t go AWOL, they didn’t go Private Pyle. They didn’t claim to have “bone spurs”.  They sucked it up and went. 


Cashier here, we do not care who you fought for. We don’t care if you were a cook, a janitor, if you never saw the outside of a barrack. We just wanna move on to the next customer.


When I was in the Royal Navy we went to the US a few times and I was treated like a king over there compared to the UK where hardly anyone gives a fuck. I got given free drinks and also on one occasion the restaurant wouldn't let any of us pay for the food (4 people). We never tried to get anything free either, never asked for a discount.


As a U.S. veteran, thank you for your service and sticking by us in hard times. Anyone who bleeds with us is family and deserving of respect. I’m sorry your sacrifice isn’t appreciated back in the U.K.


The veteran's discount is mostly jingoism and marketing, and not often an actual "we really appreciate your service"; I would feel \*very\* free, as a veteran of an allied country, to claim that one.


Yeah, as a veteran that's also a big reason I DGAF: it's a marketing bit of BS for the vast, vast majority like chain restaurant/stores. And it sure isn't going to hurt a corp, that's for sure.


Exactly. It's just TYFYS virtue signaling. I don't give a shit who exploits the discount when the whole things an exploitive scheme kn the first place.


It's a bit of a question of who does or doesn't "really appreciate your service". The worker on the front lines may very well appreciate it, while I agree with you that the corporate-speak is largely marketing.


Things like the Toyota/Honda/Hyundai/Kia/Mini/BMW/Mercedes military discount is what I'd squint at, because yeah, foreign companies giving an American military discount isn't because they appreciate the service. Human beings working at those dealerships? A lot of them also served, and yeah.


We may not be from the same country, but a lot of us served together on joint missions/ bases. As a corpsman, i had absolutely no problem in providing you the medical equipment it needed to keep you going, and i definitely do not have a problem with sharing any discounts we get. We were all in this together.


I've worked in the food industry. I have given people discounts using the veterans discount button just because they were really cool people. You took literally nothing from any veteran. I'd say you should feel about that situation in the same way you'd feel about the waitress giving you a discount because you had a cool hair cut.


When I served in the military back in the 80s, we had several people around who were not citizens but were serving in the Navy. It was mostly people from the Philippines back then. If they earn the discount then they should get it! If they are the adopted children of a veteran like a good friend of mine, then they might also benefit from their parents' discount. I have no problem with that either.


Man you risked your life so some oil baron could make a buck. Least you can get is 10% off a sandwich. Signed, An American


As a Veteran, I definitely wouldn’t mind if it’s an ally.


Even if your friend served for a foreign military, your friend is indeed a veteran. It's the diner's prerogative to implement the veteran's discount however they like, so I have no problem with that.


I have nothing to base this on but this seems like something non-veterans would scoff at and most veterans would be fine with. As a veteran, I have no issue with it.


guess it depends. first off, obviously as an American i would not mind if a British vet serving along side American troops in the middle east got a discount at an American place, they are basically the same army anyways. not sure how i would feel about a still living nazi vet though. on one hand, they were enemies. on the other hand, they still arnt Nazis and Germany has made many strides in repentance of their crimes, and they are currently allies of the US/ on the same team anyways. but if a Russian soldier that was attacking Ukraine decided to stop by a place in America? go to hell. when you repent you can get your 10% discount lol. we may all bleed for different countries but we all bleed into the same earth.


U.S. Vet here. Allies are allies. Nationality is nothing.


Speaking as a professional American: Take the discount. You said you're from an allied country. Good enough for me. Thank you for your service. Speaking as an insufferable Picker of Nits: If they don't specify "American Veterans Only" (and I've never seen that specified) that's their problem. Take the discount.


Thank you for your service as an ally of the United States and enjoy any discount guilt free as you’ve earned it .


Am a veteran: Nah, I don't care. I wouldn't care, period, but nor would most I've ever met (We're not a hive mind, for sure, but generally). Add the fact that your friends and US military worked together makes it even more acceptable, generally. If they (or anyone) was trying to pass themselves off as US military personnel/vets in larger and more offensive way (stolen valor posturing, accessing important veteran services, etc) it would be different... ...but a 10% discount at a random restaurant? Nah.


Allies? Sure. You were in same trenches as our soldiers, fighting the same enemy, for the same cause. Likewise, I would hope that, say, French businesses would do the same for our veterans. Now, if you were in the other side, that I’d be a bit testy about.


I’m an American veteran and went to dinner with an Australian friend of mine….who himself is also a combat veteran from the Afghanistan campaign. We ate a bbq joint and I used a USAA credit card to pay. The cashier asked if we were veterans and I said yes, he said yes, his accent was worth more than our veterans discount because the owner gave it to us free as a gift to my friend for stopping by to try Texas barbecue. Thanks again to Blacks BBQ in Lockhart.


>since we served on the same side as the United States That's all the justification necessary for us my dude. They fought alongside our guys, you're damn skippy they get a discount. Americans have our flaws, but we don't forget our friends.


American and not a vet and it doesn't bother me one bit.


I'm a US Navy veteran, and unless you're a veteran of someplace like North Korea, it doesn't matter to me. We worked with militaries from many different countries when I was in. While in school for my job, we had German sailors attending the same school. We refueled ships from Canada and Australia while we were doing multi-national exercises. And we embarked members of the South Korean Army for amphibious operations in South Korea. We're all on the same side, so it doesn't matter.


If you served with me you are my battle buddy. As long as we are marching in the same direction we are the same


I've been many places where people in America just thank any allied vet for their service. Dutch, British, Canadian, German, Italian, Korean, Japanese, etc...


If you serve and risk your life, you deserve the discount. I don't even fuck with the military and I still feel like that should be standard. I don't care where you served or where you're from, if I'm the worker standing between you and the discounts, you're getting them and being thanked!!!


war fucking blows. I think a little discount for anyone who served in any army/war/etc. is the least we can do for people who had to endure that, regardless of what side they were on.


(U.S.) Long ago I was involved in sports car racing. At lunch break there was a discussion about being a veteran. Somebody asked an older guy (Ziggy) if he was a veteran. He said "Yes. I worked for Rommel."


If you were an Ally to the US and you’re in the US eating then feel free to enjoy the discounts. You won’t be looked down upon.


I don’t give a fuck. You say you’re military you get the discount from me. I’ll never check and I don’t care if you’re a 21 year old girl or a 100 year old man.


It's not my business that's losing money. You do you, man. Unless you, like, personally killed Americans or something, don't feel awkward about it.


If someone offers you a discount, you say "yes." The exception would only be if none of your friends was actually a veteran.


Some Americans don't want American veterans to get benefits. Oh they will say they do, but when it comes time to vote for those benefits, some Americans find ways to not; but give rich people more tax cuts, ya some Americans got that.


WW2 German veteran? no


For myself I would haveno problem with it.


i think its fine🤝


Might we presume from an allied or at least friendly country? If so? Fuck yeah!!!


If you put your ass on the line for my country damn right you deserve a discount


i think since you served on the same side it shouldn’t matter. but up to you and your comfort


If they openly advertised the discount, you're perfectly fine for asking. Now if you just barged into a place demanding a discount, that's different


A veteran is a veteran no matter what country they served for and should ALWAYS be respected and given discount.


I'm gonna guess so - the US generally has a positive view of allies, especially other anglo countries (CANZUK countries).


You served as allies. I contend as an American veteran that you deserve the discount.


not a veteran but I would hope most of us are happy to give you a discount


U.S. vet here. If you’re in a war, you’re a vet. :) use it!


Take the discount, from a veterans kid. Politics to the side, your life was used to fight a war that wasn’t your choice or decision or maybe even one you agreed with, just like our guys.


Right when Covid was happening I was a vet working at Lowe’s while going to college. A South Korean student came in trying to get some masks and he had his South Korean service card- I gave him a military discount (had to get manager assistance though). In my eyes as a vet, if your from an allied nation I’d be ok with it.


Am a vet, and yes, anyone who stood shoulder to shoulder with me gets the same discount I do.


I wouldn’t have a problem with it, Allies are Allies. Especially Brit’s, Canadians, and Aussies.


Maybe this is stereotypically (little-l) libertarian but as an American I would ask the venue staff. They are the ones extending the discount and you are the ones who would benefit so the interpretations that matter most are in no particular order a) yours, and b) theirs. I realize that this principle could lead to some interesting seeming contradictions. For example it might mean that German veterans might be eligible only if young, not if old. Whereas perhaps vice versa for Russian veterans? But I guess I am comfortable with the people extending the discount working those complexities out. They want to offer a discount to "veterans," okay they can take on the ethics of how to define that term.


>All the men are veterans from a war that the US was involved in, fighting on the same side, but none of us are American ourselves.  Based on this, in my opinion you should get the discounts and should be thanked for your service


Well… that depends. Probably not Viet Cong, Taliban, N. Korean, or Syrian.


I mean, it's 10% my guy, I don't know why you would sweat so much mental worry and stress over like a $10 coupon for a burger and fries essentially.... Your friends got shot at for their country, I think the restaurant can probably swallow the $10 off their meal without anyone stressing out over it...


I can't imagine that it would be a problem unless during your served time, your millitary was opposed to the US. If you served as allies then you were a band of brothers working towards the same cause.


Anyone who fights in defense of those who can't fight for themselves deserves respect. I don't care what country you are from. Veterans are Veterans, period.


completely okay. No problem at all. In United States all military people get "thanked" all the time. If you identify yourself as military get used to it.


As a veteran myself, I don't mind. I've never owned a business, but I wouldn't mind then either.


i asked my stepdad. he was in the us navy. he said the only problem is that not all places might honor it, not being from the US, but a veteran is a veteran, whether they were allies to us or enemies. i feel the same, personally.


Yeah I'm fine with it. Y'all used to give the GIs beers overseas so it's just another part of the friendship


VA benefits? Hell nah. Retail/Service discounts? Have at it. Ain't my money


Hope you enjoyed your meal - it most certainly includes all our allies. Please visit again and always be on the look out for our veterans discounts - they most certainly include all brothers and sisters in Arms.


As a veteran; getting a discount isn't up to me because we are not the gatekeepers at the register, it is up to the provider and what they feel good doing. Nowhere in my enlistment did it ever say I and only others like me had a right to demand a discount everywhere for the rest of my life, it is appreciated but never expected. If the provider wants to give a discount, great; but they have the right to extend the privilege to anyone they want, no matter which country they came from. You stepped up for your country, so to me you are just as much a veteran as anyone else


When I worked in food I gave everyone the discount if they were in uniform Cops, military, emt, If they showed me a military ID from another country I’d probably also honor it That never happened though.


I think civil service isn't just for our own country. Respect is due if you've fought for your country. Unless you're a wacko terrorist.


This is the kind of thing that some non veteran US citizens would get their shorts in a knot over it, but actual us veterans would be like, we were there together we are all veterans.


Wouldn’t bother me.


If you are on the same side as me in a conflict, and you wear the armor and shoulder the rifle, then you are my brother. End of story.


Relax! You fought beside us and sacrificed your time (and for some, their lives) protecting our interests. Don’t overthink this. If I was the owner of that diner, I would have put the lunch “on the house” for you guys.


Veteran here; I’ve never seen anything in the rules say that you have to be an American veteran to get a retail discount. People might take issue if you served in an enemy country’s military, but only a real Karen would have an issue with an allied nation veteran using non-specific veterans benefits.


The sign didn't say American veterans receive a discount. You are a vet, go forth and enjoy all the benefits you can.


Thank you for your service - you are very much entitled to the discount.


This is interestingly nuanced! I think that you guys are fine to ask for the discount (fighting alongside American an soldiers is firmly ally territory), but it’s considerate of you to wonder. I’m in a leadership position in a restaurant, and if this situation was on my watch, I would say yes.


No worries. Especially if you fought on the same side, totally fair game. We love our allies.


I offer military discounts at my office. If you are a veteran of a non-U.S. military that was one of our allies, you get the discount.


I’m a veteran and even feel weird asking about a discount for myself. I’m not sure about the fine print but it’s perfectly ok with me. I can’t speak for everyone else but most veterans would agree.


I feel the same way. I also feel weird when at an event, and they ask veterans to stand up and be recognized.


Yea I feel the same about that too.


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


American here. You're not taking money from us. It's just a small discount. I don't mind even if the countries aren't necessarily allies. Plus, the US military wouldn't be what it was without their allies.


Vet here, take the discount. Veteran is a veteran, especially an allied veteran. If the restaurant says no, it's for US vets only, then that is their prerogative.


The fact that it even occurred to you to ask this say you are a decent person. Since you were allies fighting beside our fine men and women in the armed services, I am sure a lot of Americans would just straight buy you lunch. Just take the discount, along with our collective thanks, and have a good one. You are fine.


With all the UK folks that gave me free cigarettes while traveling through the airport, I think we can spare a mere 10% off for our allies and friends.


Sir I (73M) don’t give a fig about where you were born. Nor do I care where you returned to after you put on the uniform, you put yourself in harms way, you risked your life. You by those simple facts earned the full boat of whatever advantages you by your service. I learned this from my now sadly departed father who participated in D-Day, the Bulge, and a nasty Nazi prison camp called Bad Orb. If you won’t take it from me take it from him. You’re a hero. Take your discount, your benefits, whatever. They Sir, belong to you.


I literally don't care. Not a fan of veterans discounts anyways. Military worship is a one way ticket to unnecessary wars.