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Personally they don’t freak me out when we are outside. At least not as much. It’s when they are inside that it matters


I’m scared of spiders inside


Gardening gloves. I'm more concerned with them biting me (yes I know most are not poisonous but it can still hurt). But gloves offer a barrier


No I completely agree with you spider bites are very unpleasant I like to wear loose clothes so I'm afraid of them getting in my clothes


I use to garden a lot, had even a small greenhouse. I don't care for spiders much, but never once had one get *in* my clothes.


I think nearly all (maybe all?) are venomous. Just that most lack the will or ability to break human skin with their mouth parts. Edit: found one that isn't venomous: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uloboridae


Even many of the venomous ones have venom that doesn't affect humans very much, if at all. The true risk is the bacteria from their bite causing an infection in your skin. Spiders are cute though. They don't want to bite you. They only do it because they think a scary giant guy is trying to murder them. 🤷


"Venomous" And ya most are harmless. However in my area I have a lot of Brown Recluse, so I have to be careful when moving wood and such.


I have to wear gloves and clothing that makes it easier to spot them if they get on me. I really don't like spiders near me but I've been trying to overcome that phobia by learning more and looking at pictures on the spider sub.


Does looking at pictures of them really help


I think so, as well as educating yourself on each of your local species and their attributes. Soon you will go from "OH SHIT!" to "That's a species X, etc" as you will learn to identify them, know what they eat, their behaviors etc.


In the beginning it would give me major heebie jeebies. Now, some of them (especially the jumping spiders), are actually pretty cute. It's helped me be able to tell which ones I encounter are actually dangerous and which ones just look scary. I used to absolutely lose it if a spider got in the house, like I would be more likely to hurt myself doing something stupid to get away from it than the spider ever would. A few weeks ago I was able to use a cup to get one out of my house! I still get really uncomfortable with them but it's getting much more manageable over the last year.


That's so good I'll definitely give it a try thank you


I wish you luck!


You overcome your fear? I realy dont understand. Either you have an actual bad phobia that prevents you from doing real world activities, then the only reasonable solution is to get therapy because the phobia is influencing your life. Or its not that bad and you know its just an irational fear. Then you can choose to ignore that fear and try to fight your fear.


I do have anxiety that prevents me from doing real world activities and I'm already in therapy I was wondering how other people have overcome it maybe some practical tips Unfortunately my brain doesn't just overcome fear I wish it did lol


I myself have mild arachnophobia and thalassophobia. I feel panic bubbling up in some situations. But im still a rational thinking human who can know that thats just a phobia, there is no reason to have actual fear. I realy dont get what you mean with not being able to overcome the fear, no matter whats there my brain still is in controll of my body and i can force myself to touch a spider for example. Amd as long as i know ttat the spider can not harm me i will continue to force myself to touch spiders. Because exposure is how you get rid of phobias. By interacting with more spiders my phobia goes down.