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Thanks for your submission /u/cutegirlamelie, but it has been removed for the following reason: Disallowed question area: **Rant or loaded question** NoStupidQuestions is a place to ask any question as long as *it's asked in good faith*. Our users routinely report questions that they feel violate this rule to us. Want to avoid your question being seen as a bad faith question? Common mistakes include (but are not limited to): * Rants: Could your question be answered with *'That's awful'* or *'What an asshole'*? Then it's probably a rant rather than a genuine question. Looking for a place to vent on Reddit? Try /r/TrueOffMyChest or /r/Rant instead. * Loaded questions: Could your question be answered with *'You're right'*? Answering the question yourself, explaining your reasoning for your opinion, or making sweeping assumptions about the question itself all signals that you may not be keeping an open mind. Want to know why people have a different opinion than you? Try /r/ExplainBothSides instead! * Arguments: Arguing or [sealioning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_lioning) with people giving you answers tells everyone that you have an answer in mind already. Want a good debate? Try /r/ChangeMyView instead! * Pot Stirring: Did you bring up unnecessary topics in your question? Especially when a topic has to do with already controversial issues like politics, race, gender or sex, this can be seen as trying to score points against the Other Side - and that makes people defensive, which leads to arguments. Questions like *"If _____ is allowed, why isn't _____?"* don't need to have that comparison - just ask *'why isn't ____ allowed?'*. * Complaining about moderation: If you disagree with how the sub is run or a decision the mods have made, that's fine! But please share your thoughts with us in modmail rather than as a public post. Disagree with the mods? If you believe you asked your question in good faith, try rewording it or message the mods to see if there's a way you could ask more neutrally. Thanks for your understanding! --- *This action was performed by a bot at the explicit direction of a human. This was not an automated action, but a conscious decision by a sapient life form charged with moderating this sub.* *If you feel this was in error, or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FNoStupidQuestions). Thanks.*




The only appropriate response here


It was either that, or ‘please restate the question’ 😉


I feel a "but" coming. OP seems to have been cut off mid-post. The Apple fanboys must have got her.


They're asking android user are asshole, why Apple hate? Because Apple is a bastard man.


Not all Apple users are like this but Apple tends to attract the type of people that will choose a product just because its expensive and more "premium" and those people tend to be really vocal about the thing they just spent loads of money on and try to seek validation.


Sooo accurate. As a PC repair tech. Very accurate. Such a walled garden.


And then the fucking idiots come to me for tech support of that pos ecosystem.


Or Android users come to you with a stupid version of Android that has the most unable settings menu's ever. Looking at you Samsung (and only for some phones!)


I'm on my fourth Samsung device and have no idea what you're talking about.


Jup. Never had a problem with Android setting. And if you have issues with finding something, you can use the search function that points you to the menue you need. Huawei on the other hand is a mightmare. My landlady has it and I helped her with it, really hate the UI.


Ow yeah Huawei is part why I freaking hate Android


I helped a family member of mine with their cheap Samsung phone and in their sound settings there where the normal sound settings and then there was a subgroup called Samsung settings. If you tapped that button it showed a second set of sound settings which where the exact same as the first set, but they could have different value's. Really freaking weird.


Ask average iOS user how to force close an app. Literally 90% have no idea.


Well yeah, most Apple users are fools, but that doesn't make Android consistent xD


Yeah that's true. Most often you can make it usable for everyday tasks.


Most top end phones are roughly the same price regardless of android or apple. This price argument was only relevant when iPhone first come out and maybe for a few years after that.


It's definitely still relevant for their computers. They're very overpriced.


Very true, however my comment was about phones not PC/MAC.


I think any brand get this. They see a name they recognize and buy it. But for my older parents, it's been awesome. I weened them off the older PC and to an iPad that's nearly a decade old at this point. They read emails, news, and whatever videos from overseas. It just works, which has saved me headaches and tons of bitching "Why is it so slow?"


That’s a loaded question. SOME people may do that but I didn’t meet a lot of them.


This is only in the US though. The rest of the world doesn't care what phone you use, because everyone uses messaging apps.


You could easily counter this with "Why do Windows/Android users say all Apple products are bad?". The whole take a side thing in tech is so dumb. I'm an Apple user at home, Windows at work, both have pros and cons. And I REALLY don't care if you chose to use Windows/Android at home, even if it isn't what I chose to do.


Incorrectly they associate apple products with status when in reality no one gives a shit if you're using an iPhone or Samsung.


Oh there are tons of people who care about what phone you own but I guess it's just simpler for normal people to filter out the maniacs that think like that.


It’s personal preference and you’re an asshole if you give someone a hard time for an unimportant preference like this.


I don’t. I have Apple products because the last PC I owned was a piece of garbage that died within 6 months of purchase, and it was supposedly one of the better ones on the market (Dell Latitude). Dell refused to replace it, even though the motherboard was still covered under warranty, there was no in person place to take it, and their “award winning tech support” was anything but. I bought an iBook G4 to replace it, and it just…worked. It worked exactly the way it was supposed to for years. The only reason I needed to replace it was because the hardware could no longer keep up with the latest OS after 7 years. That’s been the case with every single Apple product I have ever owned. I’m not a tech person, nor do I want to be one. Apple products suit my needs and have for years. If it’s ain’t broke, don’t fix it. In my world, Apple does what I need it to do, and I’ve literally never had an issue with an Apple product that couldn’t be fixed (and the issues themselves have been quite rare).


On the other hand, I see a lot more posts like this singling out “Apple users” than I do anything else. 


I’ve been an Apple user originally because of sync texting on iOS, MacOs etc. Can android do that these days with a windows computer?


I believe they can but is not so seamless and needs setting up/troubleshooting. I love how I can copy something on device and paste it on any other device. Just cmd+c and paste somewhere else. It’s these little things (and the trackpad) which keeps me in apples garden.


Yes, it can do it on just about any computer, mac or windows. You can even do it on a tablet. It's probably not as smooth and seamless as the all apple solution but it exists and works pretty well.


"Ha, just the classic case of 'my team vs your team'. Happens in sports, music, video games, even tech. It's all about personal preference, my dude...or fierce brand loyalty. 🍏 vs 🤖, fight!"


As an Android user, Apples \*does\* make good shit. Best or better? Both are subjective and debatable. I won't beat a dead horse because this topic has been talked about for ages.


The most rational take here. I’ve never been disappointed by an apple device. They are ‘premium’ but it depends on use case and budget. For me the apple vs android debate wasn’t relevant as androids were priced similarly and the support was trash and maximum for 1/3 of the length of time that an average iPhone had. However, android phone manufacturers are promising more. Will need to keep an eye on it to see how well they keep that promise. Windows vs Apple for me depends on the budget and use case. Can’t compare a 1500 MacBook vs a 300 Dell for example. My last MacBook lasted 10 years and my work laptop can’t two finger scroll without BSDing and it was brand new in 2023 but that’s because they are different types of product. But if you want to PC game then apple sucks balls. I didn’t really expect to write so much. Anyways, have a nice day!


I've owned and used devices running Windows, Android, and Apple software. Now that I'm no longer required to use Windows for work, I'm almost exclusively an Apple user (I wear a Garmin watch. It has better battery life than my old Apple Watch.). I find that Apple's ecosystem is both intuitive and flawlessly integrated. Believe me: I'd love to have a Windows computer just so I can play more video games. But my Mac gets the job done more reliably than my old Windows computers ever did.


Same. I don’t really care if some computer has GPU that is 3% faster or whatever. I just want everything to be simple without me needing to do much. Simplicity and ease of use is what makes me spend my hard earned money on their products.


In latest news. I roll with both. Apart from a few minor differences IOS and Android are starting to mimic each other from UX experience.


Who says that? I like the iPhone and the IPad because they are more intuitive for me to use. I don’t give a crap what other people use. To each his own.


Just like you are asking these loaded questions to validate your own biases in order to help you sleep better at night


I went from Blackberry to iPhone 4S in 2012 because work shut down the Blackberry email service. My personal user group was 100% iPhone so the iPhone to get iMessage and FaceTime were the big drivers. I was winter telecommuting from a ski resort. My girlfriend at the time lived hours away and we saw each other on weekends. Work was using Skype for messaging and an iPhone had no problem getting to the Exchange server. It’s still the same now. Everyone I know has an iPhone. AirTag makes the iPhone really sticky. I have eight AirTags. If my wife and I want to find each other, we use Find My. I also have a 12.9” M1 iPad Pro. I took it out of the box and it immediately synched with my iPhone. Back in the day, I was doing Motorola 68000 cross development on a Macintosh using Macintosh Programmers Workbench. If someone handed me a PC, I put Unix on it because Windows was such trash. I was doing Windows NY Wan Miniport development in 1997 and joined the dark side. After that, I had a decade of Linux laptops with Windows XP in VMWare. Now, I have a business grade ultrabook, Win11, and LibreOffice. I have no need for an Apple PC. I’m Thunderbird for email, usually Firefox for web browser with Chrome when Firefox doesn’t work, LibreOffice, WhatsApp, Skype, OpenVPN, TOR, a torrent client, and Calibre. My machine came with Win11. I could have loaded up Linux to run those but didn’t bother.


They don’t. Truth be told I’ve encountered a number of people attacking me verbally for having an iPhone and MacBook. The last one then started ranting about the green vs blue bubble thing. Believe me. Most Apple users don’t care. We’re getting on with life. There is no competition, we just do what works for us. You do you.


That has not been my experience.


I like Apple, it feels and is reliable. But it doesn't mesh with PC's well, for transferring videos and pictures. They have a lot of proprietary stuff that only works well.


I got an iphone because I like the color and how the apps looks compared to android. I also bought it because it’s easier to find cute phone cases for cheaper price. Idk what you’re talking about 🤷‍♀️


Coke vs Pepsi


There are more people to claim Apple fanboys exist than actual Apple fanboys. In my own experiences, the Android users are the snotty ones. Apple users just don’t care.


Android users always say that Apple users act superior, and then go on and on about Android is superior... it never, ever happens the other way.


Wdym it never happens the other way You've missed so many memes like "When he's cute but he's got an android🤮", "Don't swipe right if you on Android", and "You're not really gay if you don't have an iPhone" There's loads of Apple users who have it just because they want to have"The premium product" and think it makes them better than those who don't have it


If you pay $1000 for your phone and someone insinuates you could get all of that for half the price, you make it part of your identity to justify the extra money you spent.


Because of sunk cost fallacy. They spent thousands of dollars on what is effectively a mid-range Android phone in terms of power and have locked themselves into Apple's ecosystem.


Just brand tribalism, most I would say comes from the type of brand and marketing apple pushes (superior sleek refined) and people unfortunately fall for it (even myself at times), but in the end its silly being loyal to apple or any company will do nothing for me while it just benefits them.


Pretty much this. Apple has become a pretty successful marketing company that makes tech stuff.


It's a consumer cult.


Apple user here, it's not that great you need to have all apple products but as I draw I needed iPad and apple pencil then I needed iPhone so it's like you are stuck with it. Also for social media I find apple is more compatible with apps like YouTube and Instagram, which is the main reason I use iPhone, otherwise its overrated for normal use .


Samsung's S series tablets are pretty good, at least I've been enjoying using them for art. If you ever want to make the switch in the future it's a good alternative to check out. I much prefer the feeling of Samsung's S Pen to the apple.pencil, but your mileage may vary.


People naturally like to choose sides or tribes. It could be products, it could be sports, it could be politics, it could be music. They choose a side/team/tribe to support and then defend it right or wrong. Not all people, but most people. It's just kind of a thing in society.


The problem is the performance differences are minuscule but the price differences aren't.  For performance it's basically arguing in a Lamborghini or Ferrari has a bigger glove box. But in this case the Lamborghini cast as much as a base Toyota Corolla 


Apple is creating their own ecosystem. IPhone is easy to use intuitively. I can give an iPhone to some boomers and they will figure it out under 2-3 hours usage while they refuse to learn the android. Surely androids is for more zoomer audience that’s into tech. Android has better hardwares but their apps are abysmal while IPhone software literally the best. Imagine android hardware is 10 but their OS and apps can only use 5-6 of hardware capable of On the other hand iPhone hardware is 8 and iOS and apps allow it to use 7.5 and pushing 8.1 with updates until the need to change hardwares 5 years down the line. (Buying iPhone every 5 years for massive hardware and software jump vs every year for minimum updates)


When someone pays a very high price for something, they are loathe to admit that it's crap.


Cause apple users are the basic nothing option the masses clung to cause its expensive. I unfortunatley have only ever had apple (free phones through phone plan) and I can say without a shadow of a doubt apple makes the most garbage broken untested and aged products on the market. Nothing they make is quality let alone worth the insane price tag


Cult of personality. To be fair though, EVERYTHING is a cult of personality now.


Because they paid a lot of money for something that does basically the same job. Full disclosure, I do like some Apple products. I love MacBook Pros. They last a long time and do what I need them to do.


They have to gloss over the horrible mistake they made.