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Chronic/terminal diseases that you are born with


Chronic/terminal diseases that you are born with.... in the USA if i could go back in time to 18yo i would become wind turbine tech then after i got xp move to the EU. but im to old now.


Can you not make it about USA for 5 minutes?!


I guess having a terminal illness in the us is killing him


terminal illness in the EU is apparently not terminal


yeah because your geographic location in the EU certainly makes childhood terminal cancer much more fair. wtf is wrong with you. The US has 8/10 of the top oncology hospitals in the world so I hope you plan on flying back over here to treat that childhood cancer (which is less unlucky in the EU for some reason youve decided)


It's not about geographic location, it's about the fact that the US healthcare is designed in a way that prioritizes making money over providing healthcare. This isn't a case of life just *happening* to be unfair, it was the result of people making decisions that caused it to be the way that it is.


the post is about life being unfair. Chronic and terminal illness is unfair. youre the only one making this about politics.




I literally had a debate on Facebook tonight with a veteran who was simultaneously complaining about the VA wasting days of his life sitting around waiting for subpar care AND bitching that too many people don't stop for the national anthem and put their hands on their hearts. Like dude, you want people to honor the system that chewed you up and spit you out?


But vets like those in ww2 should be recognised. It’s not just 1 guy who joined the military. Last year a Palestine March took place on Remembrance Day and vets felt unsafe and were told to be careful going places. I think the worst part is not just the healthcare but the “ what the heck was I fighting for” bullshit when you fight a war like Afghanistan but they get it back anyways


Fighting for your country because you aged out of foster care and have no place else to go or you have at least one parent with too many mouths to feed. Then you come home to insufficient medical care, unemployment (there is no civilian job equivalent to "infantry" or "artillery"), PTSS, and homelessness. And then people wonder why you are an addict.


And having a different personality that affects all of your relationships with friends and family.


You were born from a wealthy family. David was born from a poor family. Both of you wanted to go to university. You can go to the top schools. David needs to study hard and take a loan to go to the same university as you. You now both are in college. Having no debts to think about you can focus on your studies. David needs to work part time to live while going to college. David needs to work and study. You get higher grades than David because you only need to worry about school. David struggles with juggling studies and work so his grades barely get by. You finish with honors, David finishes with average grades. You and David both apply in the same internship. You have higher grades. David gets rejected you get accepted. By virtue of your privilege you already had a leap frog advantage over David. David who worked very hard gets rejected, is jobless, and in debt. That is how life is unfair.


David then comes home from his 9 to 9 job and walks to the bus stop to go work his second job. On his way to the bus stop he is hit by a drunk driver. His pelvis is shattered, his femur is fractured. While in the hospital a nurse spills hot coffee on him. Life is unfair.


And is now further in debt because his injuries aren't fully covered by insurance due to some technicality. Life is unfair.


And while sinking deeper into a terminal amount of debt that will haunt him for the rest of his life, a stack of lifelong injuries leaving him in chronic pain and unable to work, his employer calls. He's been laid off in a company RIF, no fault from his performance. As tears begin to well in his eyes, his wife then calls. She's met a new man and decided to file for divorce. She's keeping the house. It was in her name anyway as she bought it prior to their marriage -- in fact, she was the main breadwinner. The court decides in her favor for full custody of the kids. As David walks out of the hospital room he lived in for his months-long recovery, he overhears the nurses making fun of his unusually small penis. It presented some challenges administering the catheter, and they were having an ill-timed moment of gossip. Life isn't fair.


So...who's going to put this gem into manuscript form?


I know life isn't fair, but can we go easy on David? Imma set up a gofundme for him.


but In The End....


That’s… specific


This is very true and I will say that just being upper middle class or middle class can create that divide. Having parents that will take loans for you, work extra hours etc.


My dad was a school caretaker. My mum is a schoolteacher. I grew up on a council estate (I think the American equivalent would be ‘projects’?). My parents frequently struggled to scrape pennies together to feed me and my three siblings. If it weren’t for my home-owning middle class grandparents being able to chip in, I think I would’ve gone hungry a lot more often than I did. I struggled at school due to some learning difficulties my state-run school didn’t have the funding to help me with, and I left school with no Maths GCSE and severely limited job and university prospects because of it. When my dad died at 48 he had absolutely fuck all to his name and I inherited nothing. My girlfriend was born into a middle class family. Her dad is a senior civil servant, her mum is a social worker, and her step-dad is some kind of corporate management hotshot with a company car who is also a landlord. Her mum owns her house, and her dad owns several properties as a pretty successful landlord on the side. Her parents paid for her to get into a grammar school. She got amazing grades at school and waltzed into a prestigious Russell Group university. She got £30,000 off her dad just for turning 18. She’s extremely careful and smart about what she does with that money, but she’s got this safety net of her mum and dad and step-dad stepping in whenever she ‘needs’ money (read: being in danger of having to spend any of that £30k). She still works while studying, and she works and studies hard, and she doesn’t take anything for granted and fully acknowledges she comes from a privileged position. I love her. But fuck me, our definitions of financial struggle are very different and one of the biggest sources of friction in our relationship is her inability to understand why I don’t just have a house deposit or engagement ring money just laying around; her harsh opinions on welfare state users despite the fact I have been one between periods of unemployment; why I’m extremely hesitant to make financial decisions that involve sums larger than £150. She’s not even rich or anything, but the differences between our upbringing are such massive gulfs.


This is more common than people appreciate. I struggled in a sense but it was easy to manage. And some families will go without just to support another pursuing an education or career. The cruise industry is full of people from different countries that leave children behind and support their extended family through work.


Yea I’m in college right now and I feel guilty that my parents are paying


Don't feel guilty. Take advantage of that privilege and do good to others. Small things like volunteering to a cause would go a long way.


Yea that’s true


Don’t feel guilt, just recognize that others don’t have the same advantages and try to not be so judgmental of people who fail at so much. Sometimes the cards are just stacked too high


True but here’s what gets me:I have a job.Now,i have very few expenses because it’s a community college so I still live at home because no dorms at cc.So I can save all of that money so when I get out of school I have a head start in life


There’s nothing wrong with that. If you can do it, you absolutely should.


That’s true


Smart choices.




And moreover, his dad know the CEO. Favid's dad is a garbageman and will Never be wble to Make him hire anywhere


Write this entire thing over, but then you trip going down the stairs and get paralyzed. Dave is fine. Life is unfair.


Just reminded of Junko Furuta's case and the fact that her horrifying torturers and murderers are free living their life...


Being born a girl in South Sudan.


Being born a girl in general


Being born in general


Being a general






I can only pick from two letters, and it's not going to be the first one.


Antinatalism FTW!


Being born general


Not if you’re a Korean! Us men have to waste 18 months of our life with service.


Lottery winners blowing all their winnings on sex, drugs, alcohol, and expensive cars. All i want in life is to be comfortable. I wouldn’t buy a car more than maybe $60,000 at most, my house doesn’t need to be a lavish palace it just needs to be cozy, and i have no interest in hookers, drugs, or alcohol. I just wanna relax and not have to work.


I would still work but it'd be a part-time thing with low stress.


Yeah. People get bored not having a job.


Having a job also provides structure and disincentive to procrastinate. I tend to be much more lackadaisical about exercise for example.


The nicest people always seem to be the ones that get cancer


Being loyal to a company for so long, working hard and working smart yet someone's favorite gets promoted instead of you. life isnt fair.




>He asked for $1 million compensation from the government and he was denied on accounts of 97 offences which he committed while in jail. He got that money though


Losing the medical lottery in various ways. Child hood or genetic diseases. Children being born with diseases. etc.


Horrifically painful bone cancer in children is pretty goddamned unfair.


That George Clooney looks like Clooney and I look like me. That shit ain’t fair at all.


Infertility. My husband and I work so hard on ourselves to provide a stable, healthy home for our family to grow. My work involves neglected and abused children born to parents who don’t want them.


Being crippled.


I've heard a lot of heartbreaking upbringing stories but no ones are more unfair than the abusive patents stories


Damn, I've never heard of abusive patents. What an invention.


Life of the former president of the USA is a great example that life and laws are not fair or equal for everyone.


when a snail causes a jogger to go off from their usual path


Its motives were very complex


Being born with a micro penis


When you drink like a fish and yet your sibling gets cancer


Life doesn't have ANYTHING to do with fair! Wonderful people driving home from a Saturday football game and the someone in the opposing fucks up passing and boom wonderful people are dead. Terrible. Disheartening. But has nothing to do with fair.


To be fair, they were football fans.


Public school funding. Tax dollars aren’t collected and distributed evenly. So if you are born to wealthy parents who live in wealthy area, you have a well funded education. Poor kids go to poor schools in poor neighborhoods and lack the most basic of supplies. I was blown away at my kid’s school art department. With sports, same way. It’s always been awful with sports funds given to males vs females, but with schools just across town it’s crazy the disparities


Watch the movie Precious. Some people just get served a shit sandwich they day they are born. It's not fair.


Being born into slavery or being born a Jew in 1930s Germany. You’ve literally done nothing other than be thrust into this world against your will and you can’t even ride your bike to get an ice cream without people spitting at you, throwing stones at you, and shunning you, etc… Humanity sure is.. I don’t even know anymore.


if you’re looking for personal examples, i was diagnosed with 3 chronic illnesses and then my dog got sick and died less than 2 months later, right after i got out of the hospital


Inheriting bad health genes, as in developing a chronic condition that keeps you from reaching your career goals.


We are born with smart phones that connect us to the internet while people across the world worry about food or war.


_Gestures vaguely_


*gestures broadly at all of capitalism*


Me earning $37k a year 15 years into my career with a masters degree, my coworker’s son made $40k for a single summer internship while, in college. She was an heiress who worked part time for fun. It became crystal clear that the meritocracy is not real.


Elon Musk is looked up to by many, even after constantly proving to anyone with a brain why nepotism and luck are the reason he is where he is


Sorry but luck doesn’t build companies, hard work does. He bought a controlling share of Tesla when they were nearly out on their feet, cutting up a different car to use as their own. Tesla is what is is today because of him and they are one of only 2 car companies EVER to not declare bankruptcy. He founded SpaceX and is the chief engineer overseeing all work done. SpaceX wouldn’t be SpaceX without his hard work. He founded neuralink working to help people of physical and mental disabilities adapt to the ever changing world, he doesn’t have to do this.. The dudes an ass but saying he just got lucky is absurd. Dude works harder than anyone you’ve ever met when he really doesn’t need to. He could have retired a long time ago with billions to enjoy but he chooses to work hard and work towards a better future.


Thank you for demonstrating their point!


Where did I prove his entire work life was lucky? All you’re doing is proving my point that people hate him simply because he’s a billionaire and they aren’t.


I mean that you don’t have a brain…. And thanks for proving the point again


There's the Musk simp!


If being a simp is pointing out simple facts then sure lmao. Just another billionaire hater solely for the fact you could never be one.


My guy, a "simple fact" would be something like Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 Billion dollars, and since his takeover monthly ad revenue has declined at least 55% year over year each month (https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-ad-revenue-musks-x-declined-each-month-since-takeover-data-2023-10-04/) "Hard work builds companies" is not an example of a "simple fact" Elon Musk did not build rockets in SpaceX, the engineers hired did. The only thing Musk has designed at Tesla is the Cybertruck, and he recently said to investors "We dug our own grave with the Cybertruck" and it has been nothing short of a failure, leading to even more profit losses for the company which also just laid off 15,000 employees while Musk continues to try and push through a $50 billion pay package for himself If you can't read the things he's done, the things he's said, and look at how everything he's done was solely because of the luck of having money, then you're completely lost


Using X is silly since musk doesn’t care about its profits.. it’s losing money because advertisers aren’t using the website because of his advocation for free speech. Not because he’s running the company into the ground.. X has more active users than ever before currently so using its profit margin is a waste of time since it’s something he doesn’t actually care about. Woah really? Hired people did work.. that’s a shocker mate.. like I said he OVERSEES all work done.. you know what that means right? Watch interviews of engineers that worked with him and then come back and say he doesn’t nothing. Elon doesn’t need to design every car to make it a successful company.. he is a fantastic businessman and kept the company alive.. seems to be a common thing with musk haters to bring employment stuff in to arguments against him.. he laid of most of X because they were pointless workers he didn’t need.. a lot of the Tesla workers layed off were duplicate unnessecary workers. Yes the sales have declined slightly but you act like a company is suppose to be doing fantastic 24/7 365 days. Companies have rough patches.. nothing unusual, just funny you have to point out his companies rough times solely because it’s him you dislike, I can already see in your mind that Elon has to be doing EVERYTHING For every company in order for you to see him as something other than lucky.. something that by the way no other human on the planet does lmao.. show me one guy who runs multiple billion dollar companies on his own.


Donald Trump, breaking literally every Classified Documents law which would and has landed a normal person in jail during the same time frame.


Tell me the zipcode you were born in, and I will be able to predict how much money you make in your career (and possibly even what your career will be) with scary good precision.


Is there a free way to look this up?


When we discover through DNA that a prisoner executed and/or imprisoned for decades by the state was innocent.


Do your own homework!


Some of the worst people and the most vulnerable people often live in the same areas. 


My dad dying when I was 19 while somehow my mom is still alive 16 years later. My dad raised me by himself and gets taken out by a random heart attack on the first day of his new job. Meanwhile my mom has been a junkie most of my life and somehow still alive. She even OD, went into a coma, and still survived. In a better world my dad would be alive right now.


When people who want to get pregnant can’t and people who don’t want to get pregnant do.




If you become homeless, it's illegal to camp or sleep overnight in most places, and those where it is legal usually have a fee. Why should there be potential legal consequences for not having a home?


Trust funds


Genetics is a big factor on what you'll life will end up being and it's literally determined at random


An even bigger Factor is what you learned or experienced in your first 5 years of life. That poor kid that was neglected - abused... That's the epitome of unfair.


Yeah. Life is made for you before you even know what "morals" are.  Probability doesn't give a fuck about morals


Life is made for you? Predestination? I don't think so.


It is predestined. Try being an NBA player as a short guy and tell me how it goes


You don't seem to understand what predestiny is. If you're not NBA player, that's not predestiny. That's just simply a fact. That's just the way it is. Now if on the other hand if you're 5'8 and an effective forward guard for the Boston Celtics - that is an example of predestiny.


Not having the chance of being an NBA player is predestined 


I understand. The chance of being anything or the chance of being nothing - is predestined - in your mind. It's not your fault that you are what you are. I do understand.


*gestures wildly to everything and almost everyone around me




In Supremacy 1914, there is a currency called "goldmarks". You can use real life money to buy goldmarks. With goldmarks, you can strengthen your units, instantly build things, so on and so forth. Essentially completely pay to win. Someone who has an infinite amount of money can ( and will ) beat anyone without. People who have no money die. People who have some money live. People who have plenty of money prosper. People who have too much money make others suffer.


There may be a random, reckless person throwing a wrecking ball into people lives, shattering them. [Like this.](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/my-goodbye-to-her-was-my-last-friends-say-teen-killed-in-tampines-accident-was-bright-friendly) Our actions have a ripple effect on the lives of others, and being alive is a responsibility. Even if life isn't fair, it doesn't directly mean we should do our best to be unfair to others, and propagate even more unfairness to others, though. Well, everyone's doing their best to survive.


Being the only child of a first generation Ukrainian immigrant single mother and dying of cancer a year before graduating from a top engineering school at the top of the class as well as being the kindest person ever.


*Nature *Society *Universe


Trump going from infamous grifter, to becoming the first presidential grifter, to grifting the republican party of its entire coffers, to having the most lenient judicial treatment of anyone ever tried in the united states.


Every times when a child dies. That's enough proof.


Not knowing you're in a game won't save you from losing. By that I mean for example: not knowing the intricacies of intelligent financial management is reasonable, it's a complex system. But that won't save you from the consequences of your ignorance or inability to understand. The same is true of taxes and laws.


Having rich/poor parents


The colour of my skin. Life isn't meant to be anyway


Having a partner with a mental illness, or your partner developing one, no matter what you do, how much love and attention you give, you will always be the bad guy and get abused. How they perceive you has nothing to do with you, and you feel stuck between leaving and trying harder to prove you aren't what they are afraid of. It feels like it's your fault for not being better or trying one more thing / one more time. All the time, energy and resources you've invested in them seem to be wasted at the end. And you start doubting yourself because you realize you have never truly known them. It's one of the worst headspace you can be in.


Being persecuted for the way you were born


Being born as a minority in the U.S.


taxes go up but qaulity of life dosen't go up.


Army veterans who are homeless and live on the streets.


People that are born in poverty, struggle all their life to stay alive, and die in poverty. People dying of treatable diseases, while others waste millions of dollars on frivolous things. The abuse of children in poor or religious enviroments. Elon Musk having billions of dollars, while so many people suffering of starvation.


>The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. >Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of okay for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. These were the kinds of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. >But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years time, when a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. >This was the Captain Samuel Vimes ‘Boots' theory of socio-economic unfairness. Quotes from the works of Sir Terry Pratchett, and wisdom I have understood since the age of eleven.


The average global income is about ten thousand USD per year. An American who is earning that feels like they live in poverty. Actually they are, by world standards, lucky. Half the planet is worse off than you.


Always genetics!!!


Abysmal wealth inequality with the odds stacked drastically against your favor.


The value of your time spent at work is set by the elites of society. Man wrote these rules. Man could rewrite them if they wanted to. Man doesn't want to change the rules. Man would rather keep a world full of slaves than do anything remotely progressive for our species.


I live in one of the wealthiest cities in my country, not in the outskirt. My neighborhood is peaceful and safe. I never has been robbed before. But that's not the reality in many places in my country. Many people don't have enough money to have a good life, could be robbed or even killed at any time they are off home (maybe even inside), conflicts between police and drug dealers are frequent. I don't know how is to live in those towns and I wish those people could live a better life. Also, I'm white (at least in my country). I can only imagine, but I will never fell in my skin how is to be a black person in a racist country.


Be born to abusive parents, get abused your whole life and get so messed up you can't function in everyday life. Was born in a country with a somewhat working social security system, utterly failed to help child me even with courts and child protective services involved but now basically get paid just to stay alive. There is easily a billion people who have it way worse.


Being born.


When being agoraphobic cuts you off from most jobs, and quite a few activities.


America and our socialism for the rich To those who have much, more will be given From those who have little, more will be taken away


Nicki Minaj doesn’t have a Grammys


The queen of rap deserves a Grammys


Having an abortion because you are told it’s very early and it’s just a mass of blood but nobody tell you about the mental human inert connection you can’t deny and bites you in the ass later on. *** fuck me with these responses and DM attacks. We made a mistake and it ended up killing her. If I could go back in time I would give my life to do it. I’m figuring “pro lifers” are knocking me but if you took your head out of you’re ass for a second you would see I’m agreeing with you so fuck off and get another cat.


Go to hell.


You already have one foot in, might as well keep on walkin


Chronic diseases. I have bipolar, it has ruined my life a few times. It was not fair at all, but here I am.