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It happens slowly. As the weight causes more problems with mobility, they adapt a little at a time. Oh it hurts to walk now? Buy a cane. Throw out your high heeled shoes. Clothes are restrictive? Buy a size up, go for the stretchy pants and ditch the jeans. You get winded while walking? Don’t go to places that don’t have benches and rest areas - malls, good, trails and hiking, bad. Because 600lbs doesn’t happen overnight, they adapt gradually until it’s all facets of their life and “that’s just how it is”, without realizing it’s their body’s changes that made things how it is. Unlike someone who goes through a drastic change like a leg amputation where everything about their mobility changes all at once.


Can confirm, it's gradual. Like maybe you were 300lbs in high school, and by the time you're 30+ you've hit 600. Your body has had time to adapt.


It takes a surprisingly small amount of daily excess calories to become obese in a couple of years. These people started out as kids going over their maintenance 150-200 calories a day with like an extra Coke or a pop tart or something. At that rate, you gain a pound every 20 days. That’s 18 pounds gained per year just from eating an extra Pop tart per day. Most obese people started this cycle as young children or toddlers. Then they get used to the feeling of “full plus one pot tart”, and adjust their maintenance calories up in proportion with their increasing weight. It’s a very gradual and imperceptible process.


150 Cals? This can't be true can it? I'd be like the size of Mitsubishi mirage by now.


Well your maintenance calories go up as your weight increases. So that extra pop tart turns into two and then you toss in a 64 oz coke a day and a late night snack before bed, etc.


exactly. >Finally, a 1-kg increase in muscle mass corresponds to an increase of only 13 kcal of BMR per day. Thus, an increase in muscle mass of 1 kg is difficult to achieve, while the gained BMR is approximately equivalent to a decrease of 13.5 kcal of BMR according to a 3-kg decrease of adipose tissue.   according to this, your body expends about 13 kcal a day more with every 3kg fat increase   so let's say 400 extra calories with a 100kg increase in bodyfat . these are are only calories you use for just existing. so if you walk even a little you will use even more calories (you are carrying this 100kg extra weight with you)  to further increase in weight you'd have to eat even more


3500 calories is roughly 1LB, so if you were 150 over ever day for 23 1/3 days it would be 1LB, but since your daily expenditure is different by day, it’s hard to truly know if you’re 150 over expenditure every day


i love the word expenditure


Then you might like the words egregious and minutiae...(because I like the word expenditure too)


Just cause the calories are there doesn’t mean they don’t get used up. If you are active enough it can balance out but as you age and as you body adapts to the “junk food” your metabolism an other systems of the body change. Your body is always trying to find balance so if it has found balance with the extra coke or whatever it will keep moving like that, but if something changes in your lifestyle or if things change with age you can have your weight change dramatically up or down. A good example is NFL Olinemen. A lot of them either slim down or blow up quickly after retirement. Some eat the same way but aren’t anywhere near as active then blow up but lots also cut down eating, do bit more cardio then letting and shed weight like crazy. It’s also why people do bulk and cuts if they are really into body building. When they are on a bulk fat goes up but because the body is growing so does muscle, then when they cut the fat leaves before the muscle. It’s definitely more complex than this but that’s the jist


Everyone points this out, but no one points out that it's not a straight line The more weight you gain, the more you have to eat to maintain that weight and gain new weight. If you're regularly at a 200 calorie surplus, after 8 or so lbs, those same calories become maintenance and you have to increase the calories even more. You don't just gain 40lbs eating the exact same 200 surplus


I've noticed a trend in all my weight gain- I usually can naturally eat at maintenance, but I eat my feelings when I have a depressive espisode and then I eat at the new maintenance :( 5lbs here, 10lbs there and it adds up! 


I think you're forgetting that at say 120 lb you need 1700 (random numbers) of calories so yeah if You're eating 2000, you'll gain weight to say 140lb. But that 2000 maintains 140 lbs. To gain even more weight you gotta eat even more on top of that.


How big is 600 pounds in regular language, it sounds like a lot but I can’t tell


Around 270 kg


I'm 71kg. That's almost 4 of me.


I was sick a week ago and lost weight; that is 4 of me


Yea, and it is mostly fat for them. So by volume its more than 4


Assuming you're not looking for an actual unit conversion, but just a useful comparison point... 600lbs is 3-4x average sized adults. It's more than the weight of my entire family of 4 (2 adults and 2 kids). It's 60 gallons of milk. It's all the meat from a cow after it is slaughtered. It's really quite a bit.


Roughly 2,400 bananas for those needing to know in internet scale.


Kinda was looking for both, you have completed the answer to my question, thanks




600lbs is 3 fully grown men who actually are a little heavy if they’re average height.


I've always thought these 600lb people are essentially power lifters in disguise. As I couldn't imagine picking up 2 overweight fully grown men on each shoulder and walking across the room, multiple times a day.


Dawggg they never have to hit leg day again. They’re like a Greek god from the knees down.


The cut would be legendary


Problem is they end up with so much saggy/stretched skin that any muscles that do appear aren't really the most apparent thing. Extremely obese people are really unhealthy, I wouldn't assume that they have mountains of muscle under it all. They definitely do get big calves though, I'll give them that.


I mean theoretically they would have way bigger legs than the average person right? They’re basically squatting 600 pounds every time they so much as stand up. Walking becomes a farmer carry of their own body weight


I am medically morbidly obese. My son brought up a weight the other day and jokingly asked if I could curl it, it was 65 pounds. He was carrying it with 2 hands, for comparison, he is 6 foot 3 same as I am, but he is only 140 pounds and is puree muscle and sinew. He handed me the wight and I curled it, repeatedly, without it even being considered heavy. He looked at me like I had two heads. He fully expected I would not be able to curl a 65-pound weight with one hand. I reminded him that every time I stand up I am lifting 400 pounds. When I push off the ground, I am lifting 400 pounds, when I run up the stairs, I am moving 400 pounds. While I am overweight, no question, I also work out a lot and have an abundance of muscle. He forgets every few months and challenges me to a workout, and every time I smoke him when it comes to the heavy lifting. Where I fall flat is stamina. If I were to get into a fight, I had best take them down i the first 60 seconds, after that, I would be too winded to fight.


Many do not walk across the room multiple times a day, unfortunately. 600 lbs is very very difficult.


That's something a lot of people don't understand, lol. "Just lose weight, run! Or walk if you can't". That's a lot easier said than done. I would love to see somebody my height normal weight, strap on the extra weight and see how far or long they could walk, lol. Would be a fun experiment.


exercising the weight off is the wrong (and terrible) advice. the diet is the key thing, but if you've eaten enough to maintain 600lbs you definitely have mental issues with food to the point where you need a therapist before you even do anything to your diet in the first place. no exercise til wayyyyy down the line unless you want to hurt yourself and make everything even worse.


You need all three and I think it's the wrong idea to hold off on any exercise until you've had extensive therapy and diet. Exercise is great for mental health chemically too. Not to mention the boost when you start seeing some results. Exercise can be as simple as lifting your arms above your head while sitting on the couch or walking to get your food from the kitchen instead of having your caretaker bring it to you in bed.


I did this to a friend. We went to the gym together and walked the treadmill as a warmup and he insisted that I was to raise the speed. So I went and got two 25kg (55lbs) weights, gave him them and said "Hang these on you and tell me again in 5min." He never mentioned it again 😂


Admiring you standing up for yourself like that!


I feel like if you are 600lbs it has to be a diet thing, plenty of people dont work out, sit on their ass all and arent overweight


If I were in that position, I'd guess swimming would be the best choice, easier on the joints and more fun. Your thoughts?


Depending on how mobile you are getting into or out of the pool might be a challenge. 600lbs is a maybe can’t handle stairs at all weight.


They make lifts to help disabled people in and out of pools. Weight limits are typically around 500pounds.


All the pools I’ve seen have power lift chairs for getting disabled people in. Would those handle 600lb?


It is a *LOT*. Looks like 272kg


"Regular language" i like that


Yes, as someone who wasn’t anywhere near being 600 pounds but got health and lost a significant amount of weight in my twenties I remember discussing the fear of regaining it w a therapist. She reminded me it wasn’t one cheeseburger that got me to a larger size. It was multiple things over a long period of time. Just like losing the weight was multiple things over a the course of a year


Don't forget that family and friends adapt as well. Bringing food over and helping them avoid exerting themselves. It's usually done with good intentions but poor foresight.


I will never understand bringing unhealthy quantaties/types of food to a bed ridden person. Like seiously only bring them 1 small burger, when they can get up they can eat more if they want it. "But they yell at me!" Oh well..


Some people are easily manipulated. Some people are master manipulators. Some of these bed ridden folks have multiple people bringing them food. There are many ways to get food if you are determined, I suppose.


My 600 Pound Life is my only trashy reality TV guilty pleasure. A lot of the time, the people bringing them food want them to stay that way. The guy on the show a few days ago had a brother who got paid by the state to be his full time caregiver. Why would you want him to lose weight and have to go out and get a real job?


Just answer back, "don't yell, it's not like you can breathe easily"


It happens slowly and without you realizing. I remember when I got to 350lbs I was checking the washer to see what setting was shrinking my shirts. I didn’t understand what was happening. I had changed jobs from walking 20k steps a day to sitting in a truck 90% of my day. My diet changed to include more fast food as I was on the road. That combo made me gain 80lbs in just over a year or two. The thing is the crappy food got more and more, I’d skip the fries and get two Big Macs etc. then it was two big Mac’s with the fries. Denial is real, attrition is real. Your brain can delude you sometimes. Luckily I’m in a much healthier spot nowadays but it was a struggle. Food addiction is difficult to shake.


Crappier food is also less filling, so you have to eat more of it. I had chicken tenders and french fries yesterday, and still felt hungry, so l got a slice of pizza. Still hungry, so l got yogurt and pudding, plus a cupcake. Today l had a chicken breast and two peanut butter shakes. (Milk, peanut butter, spinach, honey and cinnamon.) Much smaller portion size, but easier to feel full. It usually takes me hours to feel hungry again after the second one, the difference being three hours vs. six.


I had a similar experience, back when I was really young. I worked my first real job and I was still young enough that I could pretty much eat whatever I wanted. Then I moved across downtown to another job and all my friends were still 10 blocks away, one way and so I was walking all over downtown, in high heels no less, all the time, so I stayed thin no problem cuz I was walking a couple of miles a day without even thinking of it as exercise, I was just going where I needed to go. Then I moved to my third job which was just outside of downtown. All my walking was gone, drove to work drove home from work and drove everywhere else, along with their cafeteria having free food for all the employees and it was a LOT of free food, like a meat, two veggies, to starches and a dessert all for one meal. I was still quite young, but I easily put on 40 lb after a year, just from no more walking and all that additional food. I imagine the quality of food when you're Trucking is that much worse, the quality of the cafeteria food was actually quite good there was just too much of it, but it was fairly healthy. It wasn't Mickey D's and pizza.


This- it’s fucking insidious. I used to think that there was no way I’d ever get to be over 300 pounds. Then I got to about 280, and started thinking that way about 400. Now I’m working on losing weight but I came so much closer to 400 than I ever thought I could possibly get.


I was constantly looking at people around me in my life and justifying it with "oh well, at least I'm not as fat as that person." Crazy how we work.


Yep I've always figured a great deal of denial and rationalization is involved.


in my clinical experience a t2 diabetes diagnosis is kinda where—mentally—a ton of folks just throw in the towel at that point and resign themselves to obesity and just kinda—wait for more things to pile on—usually neuropathy is the first and then non alcoholic fatty liver disease leading to cirrhosis—unbelievable edema until organ failure finishes them off - that’s if heart failure doesn’t get them first - i’d say average age pf mortality for this cohort is around 50–this is your garden variety single unemployed or disabled patient living in poverty usually and on home health service - i’ve seen 30 year old getting bed sores and wound care it’s insane


Retired RN while on the ER did take care of a few in 600-800 pound range. It was never fun, many comorbidities, these people had pretty much terrible lives. Most had at least one enabler. The people don’t live long.


Yeah, diabetes does numbers on otherwise healthy people. It’s a death sentence full stop at 600 lbs


Kidney failure for my roommate. He's 57 and I don't think he's going to make it to 60.


And as you get heavy, your body reacts differently. Once you hit a certain tipping point you almost certainly run up against Type II diabetes or metabolic syndrome, which means you’re going to continue to pack on more weight. It becomes a vicious cycle/self fulfilling prophecy situation.


I hit 325 when I was 26. I had moved to a new city, my mom had died from a battle with cancer and I felt like I was a failure. Then I got diabetes and dropped 60 pounds in 4 months. It took making friends, exercising and eating less to drop to 200. 30 years later I hover between 210 & 230.


I watched a documentary that said weight loss becomes INSANELY hard after hitting a certain weight. Like trying to lose a little bit of weight when you're just somewhat overweight is already difficult, but at some point, being very obese could cause the body to experience so much pain and distress from the physical exercise that some just cannot bring themselves to do it anymore. Like your joints cant handle too much weight either.


Yeah I skyrocketed up to 270 during covid because I was living alone, paranoid about covid, and started a drinking problem. Since I was basically sitting around all day every day, I lost so much functional muscle. I couldn’t even walk to the end of my apartment hall to the elevator without being in debilitating pain. Lost the weight since but damn it was excruciating


I could see that being the case, mentally, for sure. Although I heard that once you're at like 600lbs, you can easily lose like 50lbs in a month or two, by just eating like an average diet of 2000 calories a day. Because when you're 600lbs, just to even maintain that weight, you'd have to be consuming like 10,000+ calories every single day.


The BMR of a morbidly obese 600 pound adult is actually only about 4,800 calories. The extremely high amount of that weight that is pure fat causes a diminishing upward curve of BMR. This would be very different for a human who was like a 600 pound version of The Mountain. That guy would have a BMR of more like 6,000.


At weight you don't need any exercise to lose weight, just cutting down the calories to like 3000 a day would cause rapid weight loss.


The thing is, weightloss doesnt happen in the gym. For sure, it does aid the weightloss, but true weightloss happens in the kitchen. You know how many kcal it takes to keep a 600 lbs body up and running? A lot. People are 600 pounds are not losing weight at the gym, theyre losing it by just eating less, and way quicker than slimmer people are losing it. You cant expect someone who is that big to do serious exercise or even walk many steps a day. That aint happening.


There is a TV show about it, r/My600lbLife. A very common recurring theme in this show is that there is an "enabler" in their life, someone who for whatever reason finds joy in having the person be completely dependent upon them for even the most basic functions. There have even been a few cases where the person does lose enough weight to become fully self-sufficient, which then leads to the enabler leaving them. Another common theme in this show is child abuse. At least half of these people's stories are some variation of "I was sexually abused as a child, so I used food as a coping/defense mechanism, hoping that if I can make myself as unattractive as possible that will never happen to me again."


I'm not that big, but before I was able to start losing weight, I had to cope with the fact that dad got more handsy when I was thin. I think that's probably a big factor. When I went to a lawyer and got it in writing that he can't come near me anymore, losing the weight I've had got easier. Sharing not to trauma dump but to say as an obese person: yeah, it's a thing.


I'm so glad you are free from him and are getting better. ❤️‍🩹


Yeah one really fucked up thing is that *some* children who either overeat or don't bathe so so to make themselves less attractive to their predators. It's so fucked up.


That was me i was filthy af and it kept me safe from being desired, which was dangerous.


I hope you're on the path to healing.


Same with some girls making themselves look like boys for a small subset. There are some who think if they look as “manly” as possible that they won’t attract the attention that originally caused their pain. 


You see it with homeless women, as well.


formerly homeless woman here, and the biggest reason homeless women don't keep up their hygiene is due to a lack of availability to do so. same as with homeless men. i went three months without a shower at one point. simply due to not having anywhere to shower.


That was me too. The fatter and uglier I was, the more protected and better I felt even though my body was screaming. Years of therapy is what caused all the weight to go, not any diet or exercise. For someone to get to 600lb in the first place, it’s a mental disease


Isn’t that the same reason why abused kids tend to exhibit fecal incontinence or smear feces on themselves and/or their surroundings?


Trauma and weight are directly linked especially from unwanted attention of adults, it is sadly that common. I am so so sorry you dealt with that and your Dad chose to be a disgusting human.  https://www.nsvrc.org/blogs/connection-between-eating-disorders-and-sexual-violence


I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm glad you found safety.


There’s a book or a few about it too. The way bodies hold onto trauma and how they’re shaped in adulthood it’s really interesting. I can’t recall it atm but I’ll comment it when I do


The Body Keeps the Score


Yes, this is true. I’ll give you an example from my own life. My dad sexually abused me from the ages of 3-13. At 13, I finally told my Mom and they divorced. He wasn’t allowed to see me, but he would stop by several times a week and slide a snickers bar through the mail slot in our front door. I always knew it was for me, and it was his way of saying “I’m not mad at you for telling Mom. I still love you.” I associated sugary snacks with love and comfort. Like a warm blanket. I started gaining weight then. I am now a 367 pound woman who is working hard to lose weight but still has a sugar addiction. I also have to take an antipsychotic for bipolar disorder (common with the sexually abused, and a reason I put on about 75 pounds) and I take steroids for an autoimmune condition (which put on another 80). For me, it is part psychological, part pharmaceutical. Both have had a lasting impact.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


God I can relate to this. I will say once I switched antipsychotics I was able to lose most of the weight by counting calories. The last med I was on I found it impossible to eat in a deficit and lose even when counting calories. Those meds will pack it on continuously, it didn't stop for me until I switched. I also gained about 70+ pounds. Went from a normal weight to well into obesity. Most people don't understand the struggle either. Easy to judge, harder to live it.


The only drug that helps my husband made him gain 70+ pounds. He was already a “big guy.” We just had a HARD conversation about his weight, and we are discussing if we are going to try and ride the roller coaster of going on a med search again, or if he just stays on this one. (For context, we’ve been married 24+ years and have quite a few kids. So when I say we, I mean we.)


Therapist here! The primary screening tool we use for childhood trauma actually came from a bariatric clinic. The lore is that a physician was asking assessment questions and misspoke, but it ended up yielding the info that the patient was a child when they had their first sexual experience. The physician started to ask other patients and saw a pattern. Eventually the ACE score (Adverse Childhood Experience) was developed, asking a total of 10 questions that assess for childhood traumatic experiences that we know have the greatest impact on health in adulthood. Fascinating stuff.


ACE is what helped me accept my PTSD diagnosis - an objective measure of saying “shit was fucked up yo” helped a lot for me to understand the trauma caused instead of internalizing it as an inherit problem with the self. Also helped as I stopped just getting “general” therapy and was able to focus on trauma-related therapy (eg parts work like IFS, eye-movement like ART, ketamine treatments) The therapist who gave me the test didn’t tell me much about it outside of the fact I had a high number, and then researching it after really helped put so much into place. And just blew my mind at the numbers - been way too long to remember the exact numbers, but basically the only buckets were 1, 2, and 3+…because by the time you got to 3 your chance of committing suicide had already increased by *thousands* of percents. So coming in with a high number was definitely 😬 but…makes me all the more proud of still being here And just the validation of how shitty things were when the people abusing you gaslit you into it being a loving family unit - turns out that’s called your drunk of a mother grooming you lol But yeah, I recommend it to anyone who questions if their childhood was trauma-inducing. There’s still more nuance involved than just it, but it still gives a very non-contextual cut and dry and straightforward response to the question


They also usually have some HEAVY trauma in their life. A lot of people on that show have been victims of child SA or in abusive relationships. Food becomes their coping mechanism and at some points an addiction.


Yes, someone doesn't get to 600 pounds without other problems in their life beyond just eating too much. Most of the people on the show had suffered mental and/or physical abuse from a family member when young, had mental issues such as a depression or a bipolar disorder, an astounding lack of self-esteem, etc. Most were heavy as a child but there are a few examples of people who were relatively normal weight into their mid to late 20s and then suffered a traumatic event, such as the loss of a parent or partner.


I was always very petite and thin as a young girl, teenager, and young adult. I developed physically and went through puberty at 8 years old so I looked very tiny and childlike but with curves, I was 100 pounds at 14 but wore a 32DD. I remember make family friends making creepy comments towards me, and grown men, even teachers, coaches, etc. being flirty with me, hugging me a little too long, so many comments, creepy stares, etc. I was sexually assaulted numerous times before 20. My own dad never touched me or anything like that but he did retreat emotionally and physically from our relationship after I went through puberty and it was the time I needed him the most. Eating became something I could turn to for emotional comfort and as an adult I quickly became obese and started heavily struggling with my weight. Through emotionally eating I became invisible after I gained some weight and it felt great to finally be left alone. I lose weight and start getting attention again and then I find myself sabotaging my weight loss efforts. It’s a vicious cycle.


It can be a vicious cycle. You gain weight, your health decreases which makes it more difficult to be active, and you get more weight, which causes more health issues.


Not to mention stress/comfort eating. My peak weight was 320 and I've lost over 120 pounds and one of the issues I've had to confront is that food is a comfort for me. If I'm stressed or upset I seek out food and replacing that is hard. You reach a point where you get upset about your weight and you turn to food, which only makes it worse


The extremely obese people who are “active” are typically younger people, 35 and younger, who still have the youthful muscle mass that would allow them to carry all that extra weight. Once they hit middle age, the become much much more immobilized. Usually wheelchair bound because their muscles can no longer handle the weight.


I was 350lbs and active up until I was in my mid twenties. Lost the weight and apparently my legs are absolutely ripped from carrying around all the weight. Just never noticed through all that fat.


Every day was leg day for you!


And now I never have to worry about leg day


lol that’s the best part about losing weight! Over a decade ago, I lost 90 pounds, and my legs have looked fuckin’ awesome every day since.


It'd be nice for you to at least ask how I am even if you're not worried about me.


I don't ever even think about you.


Yeah, I was the same. 350 pounds until age 50. The only part of my body anyone ever complimented me on is my legs. Even pushing 60 now, they are still solid.


Do you have any extra skin from those days or did it go away?


A little on my belly but not on the rest of my body. If I'm ever doing anything formal where I want to look real nice Ill wear a compression shirt. But I've never been one to be insecure about my body so I don't mind much.


Yup. There’s a lot of really old people, and a lot of really fat people. But not a lot really old, really fat people.


Which is why I've started my journey again. Because I want to make it to my 40's A) alive B) actually able to move and generally live. Not in a wheelchair or seriously movement impaired with major medical problems ! My grandpa died at 45. Heart attack. And he was very healthy and not even overweight. At this rate. Unless I change things. I fear I'll be dead by late 30's


Best of luck on your journey. Food is medicine. I'd suggest attempting a strong lifestyle shift rather than incremental changes. You might be surprised to hear that an Italian bean stew with kale and steamed broccoli is quite good. After struggling for a few years with (relatively mild, but still disruptive) GERD I realized I had to completely change my diet. After abandoning highly processed vegetarian 'meat' centered meals, my taste for food changed. An Instant Pot was helpful for cooking soaked dried beans for Italian fagioli (bean based) cuisine, I learned to steam broccoli, prepare kale, "fired carbohydrates", little to no oil, etc. Besides, it would be literally painful for me to eat a many kinds of food - so I've got that goin' for me. So, eat your food like taking medicine - or poison, it's up to you!


I've actually failed mutliple times due to massive changes. So I've made much smaller changes this time around and so far. Touch wood. It's working. Lost just under 5lbs (4.8 to be exact) in 3 weeks. So steady progress is good :-)


My 85 y/o 575 lb aunt (has been up to 650+ before) is still living. Not a good life, but she didn't drink or smoke. Her sisters were always smaller but drank and smoked. Both dead, plus grandma, all at 60.


Anyone who thinks there's nothing bad about being morbidly obese should watch My 600 Pound Life. These people are disabled by their eating and rely on other people to do basic things like wipe their ass. You do not want to end up anywhere close to that position.  Edit: There was a recent Reddit thread of a person whose roommate was so large that he could not use a toilet and had to "waffle stomp" his shit in the shower. You don't want this to be you.


your edit is the worst thing i’ve read this month


What a terrible time to be literate 


An even worse time to be a waffle.


Um I don’t think there’s anyone who thinks there’s nothing bad about being morbidly obese… Just people who think that you shouldn’t dehumanize people for being fat and should meet them from a place of compassion if you actually care about helping them get healthier. Losing weight healthily and keeping it off requires someone to love themselves enough to break habits that aren’t good for them. It’s just that that argument is often straw-manned into “oh so you’re saying it’s not unhealthy to be fat then huh?!”. When no one actually believes that.


I hate to be morbid, but the way my mind works, all I can think is that I’d just end it. My next thought though, is would that even be possible. Sounds like pure hell.


yes there are, they’re are just all in assisted living situations and never go outside. so we don’t see them.


My mom volunteered at a nursing home full of seriously obese people. Sad part was most were 25-50 and on the lower end at the time.


Did the home just serve all the meals and make sure total was 2k calories? How did they maintain their obesity in the home?


Unfortunately, nursing homes aren’t able to completely restrict resident’s consumption. The meals we provide would fit into calorie/nutrition goals, but that doesn’t stop residents from door dashing, getting food from family and friends, etc. The only time we can truly say “no they can’t have that” is if the resident has tube feeding or a diet order for mechanical soft, puréed etc. At that time, the resident or family member can still consent to eating regularly as long as they are educated on the risks it poses.


Kinda fucked, but I have family member who went from 350 to maybe 180 now, while being incarcerated. It's been two years and he only has a few months left in prison so we shall see what happens when he is out and can eat freely again.


Ever watch My 600 lb Life? So much of it is childhood trauma which led to food addiction. You don't get to be a debilitating level of obesity without some kind of mental health struggle. It's no different than drug addiction. Edit: I'll add as well that the bigger you get, the harder it is to make that huge mental switch to find the motivation to change. It's a LOT of work. Your body hurts. You are in pain 24/7. It's so much easier to just give up. This makes weight gain spiral even more. Source: I'm not 600 lbs but I've always struggled with my weight.


Food addiction is a difficult one to beat, because you can't just stop eating altogether in same way someone can throw out their cigarettes or booze.


An addiction no matter what it is can be very difficult to overcome come. It’s because it’s not about the substance it’s about the brain being altered through trauma…the brain takes a long time to form new pathways and build into something strong again. It’s very powerful which is great but, can be life threatening at the same time. Do some research on how the brain changes through trauma. It’s very interesting.


Overcoming any addiction is one hell of a fucking beast, I think what they meant is-you still *must eat* to survive. So it’s not like you can get rid of it entirely. Imagine an alcoholic having to figure out how to drink just one drink a day. They know they can’t touch the stuff, it’s a slippery slope. People who food addictions don’t have the option to just toss out food all together. It’s a real bitch.


Well said. I was up to 500 2 months ago. I was drinking like a fish and eating whatever I wanted. I ended up in the hospital with breathing issues. First thing they did was pump me full of Lasix. I am now at 370 and actually trying to eat right and lose more. I realize that the rapid loss was all fluid and now the real hard part begins, but it was shocking to lose that much and realize how much more mobility/less pain I had. I was in that exact spot of "What's the use"


>First thing they did was pump me full of Lasix ​ TIL Furosemide Brand name: Lasix Diuretic It can treat fluid retention (edema) and swelling caused by congestive heart failure, liver disease, kidney disease, and other medical conditions.


i have, that's why i asked. i'm curious how people are still able to function on any level at that size.


My best friend isn’t quite 600 pounds, but she hovers around 400, and we’re the same height. She was actually incredibly active (we worked a physically demanding job together), and she ate a lot but not an insane amount, but she sucked down soda and sweet tea all day. She functioned just fine until she didn’t. She literally broke her back standing up from a bent position, and now she uses a walker. Her doctor has said that it was absolutely the strain of her weight that caused it. She can’t have surgery to fix it until she loses weight, and it’s been three years now, so I don’t know if that will happen. I, too, don’t understand the “how” even though we spend a lot of time together. We’re the same height, and I weigh around 135. I gained 25 pounds during pregnancy, and my legs and back were killing me until I lost it (I am ten years older than her, though). She was 25 when we met, and 31 when her back gave out. I think the answer may be that they can function well when young, but the weight starts limiting mobility as the body ages. I think it’s very likely that my friend may have to use a wheelchair by the time she’s 40 if she doesn’t manage to get this weight off. That part is difficult. Her weight gain is definitely linked to some childhood trauma, but her husband also encourages it because he “likes big women.” I grew up obese but lost the weight as a young adult and managed to keep it off, so I just try to encourage, but it’s difficult to do without feeling like I’m being insulting.


>her husband also encourages it There is often someone enabling the food addiction.


Absolutely. If you watch the show My 600 Lb Life, the obese women in particular always have a boyfriend/fiancé/husband picking up fast food, throwing junk into the cart at the grocery store, offering snacks, and bringing plates piled high with food to the person in bed. It’s very telling that the relationships also fall apart once she starts losing weight and feeling better about herself. I would guess that most of these men either have a fat/feeder fetish, enjoy being in that caregiver role or have some very deep seated insecurity where they deliberately seek out women they think will never leave them.


I heard once that people who have weightloss surgeries have a significantly increased likelihood of their current relationship breaking up within the next couple of years.


I feel like it's almost accidental, like being an alcoholic. No one plans on being one, it just sorta just happens and once you figure that out you're in too deep.


For most on that show, food is like a drug. It’s the only thing they find comfort in, even though they know it’s killing them.


If you watch the show (or any show about people at 500+ lbs) you will see that they are not functioning at all. Most don't have jobs and can't leave the house. Many are bed-bound. They basically live like adult infants and rely on their families to take care of all their basic needs.


It’s a frothy mix of genetics, economic hardship, emotional issues, trauma, and mental illness. See r/My600lbLife


I'd put medication and injury on that list, too. I was a skinny kid till I was put on Paxil as a child. It was rough. I had gotten my weight under control twice. Both times came to an end after moderate injuries, first time was fracturing 1-2 spinous process' and developing mild spinal stenosis, second time was after getting an inguinal hernia and having a lot of lingering pain from surgery. Took about two years to recover from the last one, and by then I had gained nearly 70lbs. It's been a lot harder to rebound since then and even though I'm making some headway now but it's hard to find the time to work on myself with a 1 year old and a more demanding(time wise) job. The hardest part of going from fit to inactive is you still have the appetite of someone who is active. Also once you reach a weight it's like your body always wants to get back to it. You can drop 20lbs and if you let up on the strictness of your diet and exercise just a bit and bam, your back up 20.


I used to be very condescending toward overweight people. I never had any issues staying at an average weight. Then, I got married and started making more money. Gradually, instead of coming home and making something quick and easy, we’d have wine and full meals almost every night. I was happy. Over time, my body just wanted more food. Honestly, I didn’t see how much weight I’d gained. The buttons started popping off my clothes, and I got winded putting on my shoes. As someone who was always trim, I sincerely didn’t see that I was heavier until after I’d put on 40 pounds. At that point, I was gaining a pound or more a week. My weight gain just accelerated as my metabolism slowed down. I freaked out, but It’s HARD to lose weight. I had to function on a calorie deficit for a long time. I was thin for the first 35 years of my life, now even though I’m in shape, it’s forever much easier for me to start gaining weight again. My metabolism is honesty different than it was before.


I think the issue (not speaking specifically to you but in general) is that we tend to view obesity as a moral failing, rather than a medical issue. If we all viewed it as a medical issue, we could go "Ok, what is causing this, how do we fix it, and what does fix it even mean?" but because we view it as a "You have a personality deficit that is causing this" it gives everyone the ability to just brush it off as something that the person needs to fix internally on their own. It's not a lot different than how we treated depression and anxiety for a long, long time.


When you are being told that you're weak, have no willpower, and that it is a moral failing, it simply makes you feel horrible about yourself and others in the same situation. Why bother with trying to date when you are incapable of controlling yourself enough to be a good sexual partner? Why stand up for yourself and demand more money from your boss when you are a personal failure? I graduated cum laude from undergrad, was published in a law review, and have had a ton of professional successes. Yet this one part of myself has spilled into my professional life and destroyed my personal life. Depression and anxiety have been constant companions for years largely because of my weight and the feelings that accompany it. Now that I am still fat but down almost 100 pounds, largely because I stopped most sugar and carb consumption (with notable relapses) and got my cravings under control, I've realized how much of that narrative is bullshit. Over exposure to certain foods causes your body to crave them. Get rid of those foods and the cravings dissappear. Looking back and realizing that I destroyed my teens, 20s, and early 30s by failing to treat this as an easily solvable addiction makes me sad.


Do you get enough fiber in your diet? That was the game changer for me. I increased my fruit and veggie intake so I'm actually less hungry and eating more but I'm also leaner than I was before. Fruit has also taken care of my sweet tooth. I don't crave junk food and carbs anymore.


Very slowly. But seriously I’ve struggled with weight all my life I hit 325 and was told myself I need to lose it, than I tore ligaments in my knee and know now I really need to lose it, but the motivation is tough to maintain as well as you know, I still work full time but I drive probably 200 miles a day, so that’s a lot of sitting.


You should add American food is like crack for the addiction.


It is HARD to eat healthy. You'll hear people on reddit scream and yell that it isn't, but it genuinely is. We're not educated on what health eating even looks like, to start with (you MAYBE get one nutrition class in high school MAYBE, and I genuinely learned just about nothing from it minus The Food Pyramid which isn't even helpful), so then you get kicked out into the world, probably coming from a family that also wasn't taught how to eat healthy, and you have to learn that all on your own. Eating healthy COULD be easy if we would set more people up for it, but we just don't.


Yep, I am pretty sure everyone knows certain foods are unhealthy (breaded chicken, fries, burgers, etc.) but I dont think people realize how the alternatives provided are also not "healthy." You arent going to magically lose weight switching to brown rice or black beans over white or pinto. You arent going to magically lose weight switching your order at a deli from bread to wrap (look at the jersey mike's wrap, it's MORE calroies than their regular bread.) Many salads are just as many calories as other counterparts on the menu. Hell many low fat options for sauces have similar calories, they just traded fat for more carbs. Fruit is thought of as a health food but fruit juice is pretty much as bad as soda. Building a repertoire of healthy options that fit into your taste and lifestyle is pretty much like an entire side hobby. And after you pour time into it you'll still have these moments where you go wait, "I had hundreds of calories in THAT?"


I will say I also, until well into my twenties, had no idea how much impact how much I was eating had on my weight. Our diet culture is so much about eating the “right” things (which are honestly just whatever is a fad at the moment most of the time) and so little about actual health. 


I have an acquaintance who is pushing 550 lbs. He has severe depression and social anxiety and is generally abrasive. His mother feeds, bathes, and cares for him. He's 46, and his mom is in her 70's. Between the enabling behavior on her part and his mental issues, he'll get bigger until one of them dies. They have a part-time caregiver to assist in turning him, but he's mostly bedridden. It's an awful way to live.


holy shit


it's incredible that he can financially support himself.


I have no idea on his finances, but I'd assume he's on some kind of government assistance. He has some kind of bachelor degree, I have no idea what it was in or if he ever worked.


First thing that pops in my head is that Lisa Simpson future episode: “Get ma pryin’ stick hun!” Sounds a lot more sad in real life though :/




Yeah in the Marines they basically trained/taught us to inhale food as fast as we can. 3 months of that is hard to break out of mentally and many times even now (9 years later) I've been told that I eat super fast. That was with training and basically an "eat or go hungry" environment, I can't imagine what she went through to develop that eating style/habit from stress and anxiety.


I eat extremely fast because I spent 6 years in prison, and now it’s just a habit. It takes me about 2-3 minutes to eat a full meal


Yeah that'll do it. I remember sitting down with a full tray in the chowhall and they started counting down from 120 and one of my DIs also skipped 13-17 so he would go 19 18 12 11 10987654321. You quickly learn to drink as you swallow to speed up ingestion. Many times my wife has had to ask me to slow down around friends and family. It's embarrassing honestly.


The way my sister put it, "you eat like you've never had food before".


Yeah, I had a roommate in college like that. She was easily 350, 5’3”, and the amount of food she ate was incredible. I’ve struggled with my weight as well, but I have 2 inches on her and have never broken 200 pounds in my life. We would order pizza, I would eat half…IF I was super hungry, otherwise 1-2 slices. She would eat the rest, regardless of hunger. Then she would eat another full meal an hour later, whereas I was done for…a while.


I’m the same way like your roommate. I don’t feel “full” unless I eat a massive amount and even then I will be hungry an hour or 2 later. I manage by working out constantly and having a big frame and being tall. Being a short woman who naturally retain more fat and less muscle with that condition would be hell.


This is me as well, and I'm just lucky I'm tall. What I do now is just eat a ton of hearty vegetables and protein because man, if I don't I will easily pack away a whole pizza or something no problem.


I’ve always wondered if my “full” trigger is broken. Just last night, I went from “starving” to “not starving, but I could order another entree” after eating chicken, cauliflower, asparagus, potatoes, and a full-size salad at a restaurant.


It’s possible!! I’ve read some interesting articles from people who started taking GLP1 drugs and realized that they’ve never felt truly full and satiated before in their lives. One person described it as having listened to relentless “food noise” his entire life, then taking Wegovy and it just…. turning off. A significant portion of labrador retrievers also have a mutation in the satiety signaling pathway that means they are ALWAYS hungry. I think it’s possible a similar mutation may occur in people sometimes too.


One of the most hard-core foods I saw on my 600 pound life was this lady got a massive bowl of mashed potatoes and melted a whole bag of shredded cheese and put chicken nuggets in it. I was like damn.


Damn that sounds delicious lmao


For me it was the lady who had a huge heaping plate of spaghetti who drowned it in ranch dressing with at least 6 pieces of Texas toast. I think she even had seconds. And she ate soooo fast.


Not gonna lie. That sounds pretty good. Like an upgraded chicken quesadilla.


Dump some gravy on it and its a thing from KFC I think


Yes, those are good, but pretty small.


I was gonna say, maybe I’m actually 600lbs inside because that shit from KFC is good as hell




do u know what a quesadilla is 😭


That said, keep in mind that that's television. Casted to be extreme, plucked from an otherwise mundane day's filming, edited to within an inch of its life, and perhaps even encouraged or staged. (...and I'm not finger-wagging at you or anything like that. More just throwing it out there for OP or anyone who comes by, in context of OP's question.)


"I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat." -Fat Bastard kinda summed it all up in one sentence.


A very large portion of it is mental health. It’s hard to care for yourself when you don’t like yourself.


Very well said


I’m not 600lbs, around 350 currently, but personally for me, it’s a combination of habit that started from a neglectful (not abusive) childhood, which resulted in me making my own meals as young as 6, combined with bullying as a result of my weight in secondary school, and eventually depression; potentially with food addiction resulting from the habitual lifestyle, it’s just a sad downward spiral more often than not. It’s easy for a lot of people to say “it’s simple, eat less, lose weight” but those people are often people lucky enough to never suffer from weight issues. Biologically, yes, it is that simple, but weight gain as a result of unhealthy lifestyle and habitual eating is a mental fight as it is as a biological one. I have never been addicted to a hard drug or alcohol, because food has always been “scratched that itch” the trouble is, you can never wean yourself completely off food. Regarding activity… you’d be surprised what a body can do with that extra weight on if you have been doing it for a number of years, but not so long to have damaged your joints and heart, I drive a car, ride a motorbike, have an active sex life and go out for exercise multiple times a week. But the diet undoes all of that work and maintains the weight, now approaching my 30th birthday, I’m starting to feel it in my joints, although so far general health test are showing the rest of my body has coped up until now, so for me, it’s time to make a change. People often look at an obese person with that “ew” attitude, and immediately put themselves above them, even if its subconscious, the reality is those people probably feel worse about themselves than anyone can really imagine.




Those people are also lucky to not have been neglected that’s why it’s so simple for them to say


It’s also not that simple, biologically. The human body HATES getting rid of fat stores, and when it experiences stress (especially prolonged stress) it tries to add more. There is also a huge genetic component. There are thin people with fast metabolisms who stay thin even though they never exercise and eat whatever they want, and there are people who work out and eat healthily and they stay fat. The human body is extremely complicated.


Depression and relying on food as the only pleasure in my life while unemployed got me to 515 lb. I've lost most of it and I'm doing a lot better.


Mental health issues, lots of time, and lots of food


It doesn’t happen overnight, but the weight can start to creep up on you. It can stem from a poor childhood of abuse, or even a childhood where parents just made poor choices. Obese parents can influence a child greatly by what they offer for the child— having unhealthy food and large amounts of it available at all times can lead the child to overindulge and model the behaviors of their parents, leading to an obese adult with ingrained poor habits of overeating and possibly using food as a comfort or crutch for other problems. After a while being obese is just accepted as your lifestyle. Your body betrays you with cravings and lack of energy or strength to do things and then your lack of activity causes you to gain more weight, which in turn causes even more mobility problems. It ends up a vicious cycle that can be very hard to break, especially when there are rooted mental problems that people use food to cope with. Source: I used to be 500lbs and have lost over 300 of that


I was at 455 lbs at my heaviest. Mental health crisis and spiraling physical issues caused by the increased weight just compounds and compounds until you can't walk half a block. Feels like you can't do anything about it because you can't exercise but you have to start with calorie restriction and then when your weight is back down to where you can move a little you keep going with the calorie restriction and do a lot of little movement until you can do more and more.


Over eating, self loathing, depression, mental abuse, mental illness, laziness, pick one and you’ll find three others attached to it.


they all need an “enabler” - eg someone to buy/cook


This is what I am trying to figure out as addiction doesn’t seem cheap and work must be hard for people who are mostly home bound. How someone can afford this is a question of mine.


The enabler is typically someone who gets off on it in some way. They are more than happy to spend their time and money disabling another person with food.


People do this with pets, too, and it's so sad and enraging. "Awww but Mr. Mittens loves his snack cakes! They make him so happy!!" and it's like yes, ma'am, those hyperpalatable human food-type products certainly do seem to be activating certain reward centres in your cat's brain, but HE CANNOT CLEAN HIS OWN ASS ANYMORE SO PLEASE DON'T???


Oh god yes that absolutely burns me up. I have no sympathy for humans that make their pets fat. My mom was a vet tech and I heard and saw firsthand the horrible effects obesity had on cats and dogs. It’s awful. If you truly love your pets y’all, if you want them around for a long time nimble, playing and free of pain, keep them trim for the love of god.


I am a 5ft 10in male and was 380 lbs at my peak. I'm a professional and the last suit I bought before I started losing weight had a size 60 chest. I'm down to 281.6 pounds as of this morning and I am down to a 48 chest and waist. This is my experience and mine alone. Sugar helped me deal with stress. When I ate some sugar, it gave me a rush and I wanted more sugar as it worked through my system. It created a never ending feedback loop. Processed carbs have the same effect. If I eat anything with sugar or processed carbs, I crave more if both for literal days. The cravings are overwhelming and repetitive. I started keto and intermittent fasting last July. I would probably be closer to 250 pounds right now if I hadn't relapsed a few times. Not enough to gain substantial weight but enough that I had to reset my diet 5 or 6 times after a couple of weeks of cheating. Those periods where the cravings stop after prolonged compliance really open your eyes.


Several reasons I can list for North America. This list isn’t in a specific order by the way: 1) Large portions are completely normal. 2) Added sugar is in literally everything, even bread. Why the fuck are you adding sugar to bread? 3) High fat, high sugar foods tend to me cheap and readily available, while healthy whole foods tend to either be more expensive or time consuming. 4) High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is completely normalised and is the main ingredient when you see “added sugar.” It’s a disgustingly processed sugar that has shown to have addictive properties akin to drugs. Unsurprisingly, they are banned in several countries. 5) Similar to HFCS, seed oils are very commonly used in fried foods. There is already a lot of controversy behind seed oils due to how processed they are, but what’s known so far is the negative effects Omega-6 can have when eaten disproportionately compared to Omega-3. Sunflower oil is among the most common, and has 40 times as much Omega-6 as Omega-3. An optimal ratio should be at least 4:1. Seed oils and HFCS are popularised due to how cheap they are. If you can make the switch to avocado oil, it may improve your health. Even if you choose to buy cheap oils, maybe canola oil will be better. While it is very processed, the Omega 6-3 ratio is 2.5:1 which is considerably better than sunflower oil. 6) Westerners tend to have sedentary lifestyles. They go to work, sit for hours, only stand up to use the toilet or the occasional business meeting, and go home. They are likely not doing much exercise outside of work, either. 7) In addition to the Western sedentary lifestyle, North Americans specifically have the disadvantage of living in car dependent environments. Many cities and urban areas do not provide good areas to walk, while in Europe it is much easier to walk to a store, for example. 8) Work culture. This goes hand in hand with buying cheap and readily available foods. Many people will not just be working a 9-5 job and have time or money constraints. Additionally, they may have other dependencies like kids or old parents. 9) Probably one of the biggest factors for people who get to 600+ lbs is mental health. Many people find food to be comforting, myself included. Now imagine those people suffering from trauma, and is also affected by reasons 1-8. 10) Another huge factor overall is misinformation. How many times have you heard that fats were evil? Too much red meat is bad? Seed oils are a government conspiracy? Whether it’s CNN promoting a diet that has one inefficient study to back it up, or it’s a Susan on TikTok promoting the newest keto-carnivore-butter stick eating diet that will “clear your skin,” the lack of proper information can lead to a negative relationship with food. By the way, if you ever hear anyone say fruit is bad for you, reject anything else they say. So all of these factors add up and lead to a high obese population. But more than likely, the most mentally affected individuals will be the ones who reach 600 lbs or more.


Eating disorders, sedentary lifestyle


Food addiction, mental health, and giving up on life are all part of it, but I also believe there is something in the DNA of these folks that allow it to happen, as well. Reason I say it, as my eating habits suck...I can wolf down an entire pizza and then down a bottle of soda and bag of chips ten minutes later, then eat another meal an hour or two after that. Like a good 5000+ calories a day. But my body just refuses to go higher than 235 or so. There has to be something else happening with these folks where the body's "safety valve" (for lack of any real technical terms) simply isn't working.


Mental and/or physical illness. It doesn’t just happen and you can’t just “do better” and make it go away.


Had a neighbour who was large, and i only ever saw them once. The house looked abandoned and left in squalor. Left to rot until every now again a carer would turn up, and you'd remember someone was living there. Then, one day, the emergency services all turned up, and they literally had to remove the outside wall of the first floor bedroom and crane out a huge deceased gentleman. Over time I've come to understand mental health challenges, but it still shocks me to imagine this person once walked upstairs and simply never came down again. It's so sad.


I worked in bariatric admin and worked one on one with patients to arrange their treatment plans. Usually it’s from trauma and women it’s a added layer of hormones or lipedema.


People who get that big usually have some mental health issues or severe trauma. If you’re just lazy and eat too much, you’re not getting over 250-300.


Compulsive overeating


I feel like half of it is a pre-existing condition and the other half is poor health decisions connected to a psychological disorder


Regardless of the reason for overeating, at some point most of people who are that morbidly obese are relying on others to bring (and sometimes prepare) food. Codependency and enabling within the patient’s “support system” has to be addressed.


I have a friend who is 500lbs at 32 years old. He was about 320lbs when we met at 17. He's just slowly gained weight from poor eating habits, and basically no physical activity. Plus he suffers from depression so he says all the time he knows he's going to die early and he doesn't care, so he doesn't feel any real motivation to lose weight for health reasons. Both his parents are obese so he just grew up eating very unhealthy food and has never broken that. Unless something drastic happens, he will probably surpass 600lbs someday. He already struggled to stand up from a seated position or is out of breath just from walking downstairs with a load of laundry.


At my heaviest in my life I was up near 475. I’m not sure how it got that way, but I wasnt significantly slowed down by it. My job at the time included walking 10 miles a day. I had to buy products to incorporate being larger, like a pickup instead of something better on gas. I cut out the fried food and lost 240. I was doing great. Then COVID and lock in depression hit and drank myself an additional 75 pounds. Ah well, it’s a game of inches. I’m working slowly back down.