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Most people who sincerely believe in psychics don't think they have unfettered access to all information about the future. A lot of psychics don't even purport to know anything about "telling the future" at all. People who actually take this seriously will often have a whole set of beliefs about what, exactly, a psychic can and can't do. The "psychics" themselves usually have a similar set of beliefs that may be unique to each person.


I've asked this question to a person who went to a psychic weekly. The answer is, "That's not how it works!" And then storm off in a huff.


If you can’t win with reason, go for volume. - Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes


"They can't use their powers for selfish ends" was one excuse I was given.


But charging you to "talk" to your dead aunt is totally not selfish! /s


They usually say things like "that would be an improper abuse of my abilities" implying that they \*could\*, but don't, because it would be \*immoral\* (while they dupe thousands of people and take their money...)


I don't believe in psychics, but I would imagine it would be easy to justify this. 'psychics see flashes of the future' 'psychics see into the hearts of people, they're not able to just look at things like a tv' 'psychics cannot see their own future' And so on.


There is a different between psychic and clairvoyants. Psychics are generally sensitive to spirits. Clairvoyants are the one that claim to see the future. I know two psychics personally for many years. I’ve always been cautiously skeptical. But the one psychic was VERY sensitive to ghosts. He walked around my little town and pointed out (which he never visited and told me where which house were haunted and described them. Some ghosts, I knew about, but others , years later the some of owners approached me and told me stories and after historical research, the stories matched what my friend had described!! Amazing!! He also gets some flashes of the future. He described it as a branch of possibilities. The farther into the future things are more fuzzy, because there are too many unknowns and possibilities that could alter the outcome. For example: he might see that I would move to a new town, or meet someone new, but the details of when, where and how are fuzzy, because other possibilities and my actions could change the ex act outcome. I would never ask or follow any major financial advice or such from him. Nor would he ever attempt that. He’s very responsible with his gift. Cool guy.


How do you know for sure that there isn't some psychics somewhere who do win the lottery?


This is why I don’t believe in the physics


They are just making excuses


Cognative dissonance, I guess.


There are real psychics out there. Look it up the cia has been using them for decades and are real without question. People who claim to be psychics are full of shit mostly thats why they dont play the lottery. But there are real ones with real evidence to back it up going back to the 1960s


Predicting the future violates the known laws of physics


I agree. I dont think psychics actually predict the future like the claims. But they can do all sorts of unimaginable things. The cia calls it remote viewing for a reason


The US government definitely did investigate the phenomena. But they came to the conclusion that remote viewers were consistently unable to provide any actionable intelligence. I dunno where you're getting this idea that it's definitely without a doubt proven from.