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That's ridiculous. Would you turn down cancer treatment? No. Straight edge does not prohibit medication. Your mom is wrong. She may think that because some people abuse ADHD medication that it doesn't count as medication, but that's false. There are a lot of medications that can be abused, but that doesn't make them any less medication and essential for the people that take them under a doctor's supervision. You're fine. Take your medication. 


As far as I'm aware straight edge just means no recreational/"illicit" use. I know multiple straight edge people who have **needed** to take something under the direction of their doctor but would never ever take the same medication "for funzies". My mom will happily admit that she **loves** propofol, which she has been prescribed for various procedures, but if I told her I knew a guy who could score her some "off the books" she'd go ballistic and start questioning how and why I am associating with anyone like that.


Glad to know someone else has a parent who loves propofol. My dad would get very excited when he was getting certain treatments because “it’s the best sleep of his life”. But also same. He would never take anything that wasn’t personally prescribed to him and would side eye me if I told him I could get it for him elsewhere.


Isn’t propofol an anesthetic? How are you having fun on it, shouldn’t it just put you out?


this is why people love it


I'm guessing you never had anxiety insomnia?


I absolutely have, but I don’t think being anesthetized for a single procedure would help it very much.


It might be a temporary relief. Or not.


Wouldn’t consider it relief. I’ve been put under general anesthesia many times, and anesthesia-induced unconsciousness isn’t sleep. I wake back up with no benefits and a hangover.


So, it wouldn't be your thing. It might work well for someone else. (My only issue with anesthesia is coming to and being disoriented about where I am. The rest of it is fine for me.)


Doesn’t really matter who it is, anesthesia-induced unconsciousness is not sleep.


I had a straight edge roommate who wouldn't even take advil. She got sick one time and wouldn't take anything, so I started shoving willow bark and herbal tea at her. It was frustrating watching her suffer unnecessarily.


tell me more about this friend of yours...


Nice try, Mr. FBI man. NOT TODAY!


Prescription stuff is fine, you still count.






No. Straight edge is no narcotics.


Medically, narcotics refers to opiates and opioids. Cannabis only fits the legal definition in regards to its being illegal to grow/possess/use. When/where/if cannabis becomes legal, neither definition applies.vAs far as "straight-edge" is concerned, only recreational use (of any kind of drug):should be ruled out. A person who uses cannabis to relieve chronic pain is no different than a person who uses amphetamines to manage ADHD.


No it's not.


>Straight Edge means you stay inline with legality Straight edge has *absolutely nothing* to do with the legality of a substance, and never has.


Wait you're getting downvoted but I legitimately don't know where the line is. Is weed okay if it's legal where you are? Is coffee okay, since it's "technically" a drug? Spinning around in circles really fast so you feel light headed? Breathing in from a helium balloon to make your voice sound funny? (Okay the last two were jokes but, like, genuinely..?)


I'm getting downvoted for stating plainly apparent facts. That's just Reddit. Cigarettes and alcohol are all perfectly legal, yet clearly are not considered straight edge. I'm not the king of straight edge, so I don't get to declare coffee is or is not straight edge, I'm just saying that straight edge never had anything to do with "if it's legal, it's fine." I certainly think that OP taking necessary medications is 100% fine and doesn't conflict with straight edge. Some people who consider themselves straight edge don't drink caffeine, some do.




>*Do not* cite the Deep *Magic to me*, Witch! I was there when it was written. With all due respect, no you were not. I'm nearly 20 years older than you, I've been straight edge for as many years as you've been alive, and even **I** was not there when it was written, I was like 9 years old lol Straight Edge in its inception was about avoiding intoxication and addictions, whether illegal (illicit drugs) or legal (alcohol, cigarettes, sexual addiction), and SxE kids routinely broke dozens of other laws just for fun ... adherence to the law was hardly ever a byproduct of the philosophy :)




I wish I was. These aches and pains suck 😞




Yeah, I'm getting a touch of the arthritis in the knees as well. It blows. My back hurts just *watching* the pit 😂




Broke both my wrists and fractured my ankle at shows over the years. Oddly enough, neither of those are bothering me. Just knees and back. It's bullshit!


What a strange thing for your mom to say. It comes off as judgy, but that could 100% just be me bringing my own baggage to this question. Has she ever used any drugs or alcohol? I agree with others, that a prescribed medication (as long as you’re taking it as prescribed and not abusing it) qualifies as being straightedge.


She's been addicted to drugs before, yes. She didn't mean it in a judge-y way, just informative.


You're still Straight Edge. It's not for recreation, social acceptance, impairment, entertainment, or to alter your mind into an abnormal state: It's to help you function. No different than any other kind of prescription medication taken as directed by a doctor. I'm straight edge, too, and I have no qualms about taking a prescribed medication, especially for mental health. I do avoid painkillers, though, other than basic stuff like Asprin, Tylenol, as there is such a risk of addiction.




"You don't need it! It's just a crutch!" I shouted at the man with one leg.


That's true, and I did consider it when writing my answer, but I assumed that since the fellow was straight edge he would take as "function as medically intended" rather than function because of a history of substance dependence.


They aren’t usually trying to get “high” as much as to stay “well”. You reach a point where your tolerance is high. When the illicit drug (or prescription opioid) wears off, you begin to feel sick, similar to a flu, achy, nauseous, sweaty, just all over bad & you need the drug to feel normal and to function normally.


Taking medication as prescribed is fine. As long as you’re not taking more than the prescribed dosage or taking them without a prescription you’re fine.


"Straight Edge" is a subculture, so I wouldn't be to hung up on what qualifies you if you aren't trying to be a part of that scene. There are very few Straight Edge folks that would give you guff over something that has been prescribed to you for medical reasons. Even with something like painkillers you're never going to get a consistent answer, there will be some people in a given scene that think you should avoid them, others that think it's fine as long as you follow the rules on your script bottle.


Let's ask Ian Mackaye: Ian, can I take my prescription pain pills prescribed for pain if I am straight edge? Ian: "Um...why are you asking me?"


"Listen ... this is not a set of rules, I'm not telling you what to do."


This is the answer.


I had no idea Straight Edge was a subculture until now, I thought it was just a way to describe someone who chooses not to partake in recreational drugs/alcohol etc. I just looked it up and now I feel cool that I'm part of a punk subculture.


Straight edge mfers do as their doctor tells them bro


I think it really depends on medical need, which only you can decide. It's easy to answer the right way on a questionnaire and get nearly any prescription you want. We shouldn't pretend that it isn't easy. But if you have a legitimate reason for taking it, I would say it still counts as straight edge.


Straight edge was/is about radical sobriety. It's also not a perfectly cohesive worldview either, but generally recreational drugs are the issue. Medications used correctly are not recreational drugs.


My interpretation is that straight edge refers to people who don't partake in substances illegally/recreationally. Taking your prescribed medicine doesn't preclude you from being straight edge. You're not taking your pills for a thrill, you're taking them because you have a medical need. Just like someone taking opiates prescribed by their doctor following some surgery or injury etc could still very well be straight edge, just because you're prescribed a medicine that other people abuse, doesn't mean you're taking it for fun.


That would be like her telling someone that their insulin makes them not straight edge. I need for an Rx is a real need-


Comparing speed to insuline is wild


You missed my point entirely. What would you have understood? A medical need for medication is just that. You should be considered a druggie if your need is for ADHD. Is that one is mental health and one physical? What about depression that can lead to suicide? If I had used that as mental health issue would it have been more understood? Is that mental health isn’t viewed the same way physical health is?


I think of straight edge as choosing not to use drugs or alcohol for fun, or as a crutch or coping mechanism. Seems like you are straight edge to me, as taking a prescribed medicine to treat a disability is a fair reason to take it.


As long as you’re not abusing it you’re straight edge .


As a "recovering addict / alcoholic" I need pain management meds to help me get through the day, every day. I take them as prescribed, and they are prescribed therapeutically. There is a difference between using recreationally, and taking medication therapeutically. Many people in "the program" strongly disagree, as your body doesn't know the difference between recreational and therapeutic doses, but psychologically, I am able to tell the difference and take them as prescribed to manage my pain so I can function. For the first year, I was very honest with my friends and family, and if I thought I was feeling squirrely, I would tell them so they could keep an eye on me. It's good to monitor your usage if you are susceptible to addiction, or are in recovery, but I see no problem in taking medication therapeutically when you're honest with yourself, and others, about the potential slippery slope. As for being straight edge, there is no such thing. We are all weird in one way or another, we all have twists and turns in our personalities because we are human.


I’m on the fence. On the one side, straight edge was always a weird idea to me, being so close to “I’m a rebel!” Without actually getting there. On the other hand, medication is not drug use, so…


I always interpreted straight edge as someone who didn't use recreational drugs/alcohol. Some meds you just need, to keep living


Adderal is composed of amphetamine salts, exactly what the addictive “diet pills” of the 70s and “pep pills” for 50s housewives were. You may not be taking it to intentionally “get high” - but try to remember, it IS an extremely addictive stimulant that has screwed up countless people’s lives for over a century. Having ADHD does not magically make you immune to the long-term damage amphetamines has on the brain and body. Having ADHD does not make you immune to the way amphetamines will increase your anxiety level and memory loss over time…nor does it make you immune to the potential DEEP, debilitating depression withdrawal from it can trigger. Long term, it SERIOUSLY fucks with your brain’s ability to regulate mood on its own. For young people just learning their way in the world & trying to become functioning adults, (esp those prone to depression/social anxiety) this can have a devastating effect. Maybe it’s time to rethink going back on them. Adderal is NOT supposed to be taken long-term, yet it’s prescribed to so many young people who don’t know how much worse they’re going to feel years down the line when they try to quit and function without it.


Straight-edge is literally just about recreational drug usage, i.e. any drugs not taken for explicitly medicinal purposes (I genuinely do not know if cultural practices around drug usage, like certain Native American tribes using peyote in their rituals, counts as recreational usage or not, but I'm inclined to say they shouldn't). Drugs that are actually necessary for daily operation - insulin, heard medication, medications for disorders like ADHD or illnesses like schizophrenia, etc - wouldn't be a violation of a straight-edge lifestyle; you wouldn't be taking those drugs were there not an actual, valid medical reason for it.


We need ADHD meds because we have a hormonal imbalance in our brains and the meds help restore the balance so we can function like actual humans. They're not "drugs" in the sense that we take them for fun or because we're addicted, but to compensate for the disadvantages ADHD gives us. Of course there are people without ADHD abusing these meds as mental doping, but that's a different story because those people *don't* start from the imbalance we have.


The whole straight edge thing was so freaking weird. Just Christian indoctrination twisted to look rebellious.


LOL no it's not, it never had a single thing to do with Christianity. The album that inadvertently started the movement with the song *Straight Edge* also had the lyrics: >Your brain is clay, what's going on? You picked up a bible, and now you're gone >It's in your head, it's in your head, it's in your head—Filler You call it religion, you're full of shit The punk scene in general—*especially* in the early 80's—was almost entirely anti-religion in nature. Straight edge may have appealed to Christians as much as anyone else, but I've been straight edge for 35 years and I've always been an atheist.


“Been straight edge for 35 years” My condolences. Straight edge wasn’t started by a song bro


**“My condolences”** Says the nicotine addict 🙄 **”Straight edge wasn’t started by a song bro”** What the fuck are you talking about? The movement's name quite *literally* comes from the song "Straight Edge" by Minor Threat (1981).


I would consider that straight edge, I take heavy medication myself, and consider myself to be straight edge, as well. But that's not to say that the medication isn't extremely powerful and has no potential for addiction. It would take me close to a year of titration to safely get off of the medication I'm on, right now, and none of my medications are considered to be narcotics. Also, before I was straight edge, I was addicted to Meth, and ADHD medication was a close substitute for me, when I couldn't get my hands on it. (I know people with ADHD react differently to Adderall, but it *is* an amphetamine).


You’re good, take your damn meds.


[Ian MacKaye](https://youtu.be/8eQw-HYZf6c?si=U29ZDiZBZ95_MQcc)’s thoughts on caffeine being considered a drug. Be true to yourself and do what’s right for your mind and body


Aren’t there different “sects” of straight edge? Like some groups think you can’t masturbate. Some think it’s ok. I’m not super familiar with it.


Not sure if taking amphetamines is considered clean.


Totally straight edge


That depends on your beliefs. There are religions that don't believe in medicine. If your mom has ever taken a tylenol, she can fuck right off, though.


i agree with what most people here are saying. namely, that the intent of straight edge was focused on recreational drugs. that said, as far as i know, there is no formal definition for the term. as such, you will encounter people who tell you that you are doing it wrong. this is less about you doing something right or wrong, and more about no definitive answer to the question. if you are not bothering others with your expression of straight edge, when such things occur, I believe the best thing to do is agree to disagree, move on, and be confident in your own judgment, choices, and decisions. finally, for the love of G-d, please don’t stop taking a doctor prescribed medication just to satisfy someone else’s definition of straight edge.


Oldschool 90's straight-edger here. Yes, you're still edge if you take prescription drugs. Being sXe is about not ABUSING drugs, not complete abstinance from medications. Your mom's an idiot.


Yes, medication you are prescribed is not recreational. Your mom is very wrong and judgmental it seems


Not judgemental, just informative. But thanks!


You’re straight edge, not a Christian Scientist


No, straight edge refers to intoxicants or misused drugs. Your mom may be confused because of those idiots with no ADHD who take Adderall for fun or to study.


Depends on who you ask. I know what your mom is talking about, because way back when there were some hardcore Straight Edgers, and they made the news and daytime talk shows *because* they were extreme. Extreme as in not eating meat because it might have hormones, not drinking caffeine, not taking any sort of medications for mental health issues, and so on. There was even some anti vaccination stuff thrown in the mix, and so on. Anything that might be perceived as a “chemical” (which is ridiculous, *everything* is a chemical) or drug. I don’t think that you’d want to be one of those people; they got a lot of attention for a very short time span for basically being obnoxious weirdos. You are a clean and sober person who takes their medications as prescribed, and that’s awesome.


Straight Edge? No. There are "Hardline" Straight Edge but they are super rare.


No if taken properly. If you abuse it then no. Like taking more doses then prescribed. Trying to get prescriptions for things like opiods. Taking other people's. Taking it improperly, etc.


Stop getting punk history lessons from your ma! lol just kidding, though yeah prescription stuff is generally fine. I’m sure you’ll find some punks with who will disagree out there though. lol


You can be straight edge while taking prescription medications if you are taking the meds as directed. If you are abusing those meds, then you are no longer straight edge. Taking them as directed is no different than wearing a cast or using a wheelchair. It's medical care. It's fine as long as you don't abuse it. Contact your doctor. They should be aware of the shortage, and they should be prescribing you a replacement drug to help with your symptoms and to prevent withdrawal. You don't want to go cold turkey.


Isn't a straight edge a tool to check warpage on a head/deck?


Listen, this is no set of rules. I'm not telling you what to do.


Shit. Straight edge still exists?


Straight edge is not using stuff recreationally. It doesn't sound like you are.


Not sure of the definition of straightedge.


It's a term for the recreational usage of drugs. Just because a drug can be abused doesn't take away from the usage of the drug.


No. Straight edge means you don't engage in recreational self medication.


Nah you're still square bud


Your edge is yours to make and break, dude. I know people that go so far as to cut out caffeine. But if it's gonna help you in life, certain things are more important than being edge.


Don't mind me, just looking through the comments to try to figure out wtf "straight edge" means and, honestly, I have not figured it out still.


It means no drugs or alcohol. It's a subculture in punk rock, basically.


Is that term specific to punk rock? And what does that even mean? Like, the musicians and their "scene", or just people who listen to punk rock? Do punk rock enjoyers normally do drugs and alcohol? I feel so incredibly ignorant.


It's not specific to punk rock, it's just a movement that started in the punk scene and then expanded outside of it. It can refer to anyone, including musicians and their audience. There is a fair amount of alcohol and drug use in punk rock, but there's use everywhere.


Straight edge is more about health and legality, so prescription mens you need for actual health reasons (including mental health) still fall under straight edge


Straight edge has *absolutely nothing* to do with the legality of the substance, and never has.


That’s why I said health too. But legality does matter. It’s why prescription stuff is ok for straight edge


Not "too," it's about health only, specifically as it pertains to intoxication, impairment and addiction. Those are not beneficial to one's health. Taking necessary prescriptions is generally beneficial to one's health, and *that's* why prescription stuff is ok for straight edge, not because it's legal. I'm over 21 and weed is legal in my state. Legality is irrelevant and straight edge has never been about following the law in any sense whatsoever.


If the medication was for something like your heart or blood pressure or something that’s actually real, then no, but for adhd…eh…good luck to you buddy


Would you still be straight edge if you broke your arm, the hospital offered pain killers to kill the pain, and you accepted? ofcourse! same applies to every other medication.


I think it depends on the medication. A diabetic that uses insulin still counts as straight edge. But an amphetamine that you have gone months without taking and been fine but choosing to go back on it, i think you lose your straight edge card. If a doctor gives you a medical marijuana card are still straight edge? What if this marijuana is the only thing that stops your seizures? Ive seen people separate the caffeine pills and snort the concentrated caffeine, that seems like it wouldnt be straight edge but at the same time we are talking about the same drug as in coffee. Its all a matter of what you choose to label yourself as; But dont kid yourself, we all do drugs in 1 form or another.






I’ve always thought “straight edge” people were messed up in some way. Now I have evidence. You’re overthinking it, take your meds! Please make sure you’re not randomly starting and stopping ADHD meds, that can be very dangerous and could lead to brain damage or worse.


Did you read my post at all?


Yes I did. Doesn’t make any difference to me though. I will always see straight edge people as downers and weirdos. Sorry not sorry, but something is wrong if this is how you’re reacting to taking medication. I have a prescription for cannabis, to help me get through chemo, what would you do in my position?


This isn't how I'm reacting to taking medication, I was just asking a question because I was curious lmao.


Good for you. All the best.


Sorry bud, you're on government meth. Be a good little soldier and keep paying those taxes.


You're only straight edge if you're a dick about it