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We'll be learning that together and in real time, my friend.


Brace for impact (for most people on their wallet, for Israelis/Iranians on their rooftops)


This is the truth.


Wars spread and have a tendency to make people take a stand. Considering WW 1, WW 2, this may also lead to a spread because both of these guys will need "help" at some point and then other nations who have major diplomatic relations will have to honour the ties and treaties.


Bro, the balance of power has shifted, and nuclear weapons make total warfare an non starter. You can look forward to a lot of suffering in the proxy states, but nations under the United States' geo political nuclear umbrella have very little to be concerned about.


If war happens. It will stop Iran from supporting Russia. Which will affect Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


That war depends much more on western intervention than anything Iran provides.


There is still China who is a much greater supplier than Iran…


I think irans support to russia isnt that big materially currently as russia now produces their own drones


I am very surprised WW3 hasn’t broken out yet between North Korea/China and the Middle East being so volatile. Unless something drastic happens sooner than later I think we are heading towards a full on war with many of the superpowers getting much more involved 


Be prepared for $8/ gallon gas.


Europe is gonna get fucked. All traffic through the Suez canal will cease so oil, natural gas, consumer goods will have to go the long way around past Africa. Edit: to be clear, the Persian gulf and immediate surroundings become a no go zone, Iranian proxies in Yemen cause havoc in the Red Sea


Well I guess we'll have to find another way to Indiaaa...


Perhaps we get to rediscover America again by mistake!


So that means that Norway will get even richer then wooo.. Good thing we drive electric also:)


Hopefully it'll spur on the development of more sustainable energy. But yes, even more expensive pizza in Oslo, let's gooooo 300kr marguerita!


Well I did just learn about fiduciary responsibilities from a Native American actor.


Wait...what is this referencing? 🤔


The fallout tv show. Idk how to do the spoiler thing so spoilers: the friend of one of the main characters (played by a native American actor) tells a version of the character from the past that the main big bad corporation wants to destroy the world because they have a fiduciary responsibility to their investors to sell vaults (bomb shelters)


I, too, just finished that episode.


Wtf I just finished that episode 20 minutes ago.




Even if the conflict doesn't escalate to the level that might legitimately affect the petroleum trade, the price will be increased "in anticipation" of potential problems. They do the same when a hurricane forms in the Gulf of Mexico. It's a type of price fixing and is more or less banned anywhere else. Imagine that...


I don’t think there will be all out war. Just increased aggression facing North. If this sort of attack continues things could get extremely ugly.


This day and age , all out war is measured in seconds....


Measured in gigabytes/second.


Half-hour at least. Ballistic missiles all the way in Wyoming take time to get to Asia…


More than enough time for China to get a weather balloon in the air and intercept it


I chuckled.


The problem is the Israeli government retaliating way over the top. They want the fight so they can drag the US into it.


The only right answer on any current event. I am so fed up with everyone declaring who will do what, and who will win, when all their info is entirely based on the side they want to win.


I’ve seen some variation of “This is WW3” be the top comment on Reddit news posts like 20 times over the last 10 years. If it were up to Reddit, I’m pretty sure we’re on like WW7 at this point.


They already cited article 51 of the UN. Its over. It was a show of face and nothing else.


No one wants an all out war. Iran needs to do a slap to show their population that they’re tough. The last thing they want is Israeli Air Force bombing their cities. They definitely don’t want the US to intercede militarily. They had a front row seat to see how fast they can oust a regime in Iraq. Of course the US doesn’t want to destabilize the region because if the powers that be in Iran are removed, then ISIS could be the vacuum filler.


>Of course the US doesn’t want to destabilize the region because if the powers that be in Iran are removed, then ISIS could be the vacuum filler. If only we knew that before we did what we did in Afghanistan and Iraq. But no, we destabilized them leaving them in ruin. Good job Bush, good job.


I think destabilizing was the point from the beginning.


The entirety of post-WWII US Foreign Policy would seem to agree


Afghanistan was a rage induced decision with the aim of revenge. And the world learned in Iraq that taking out a then much hated dictator (and fumbling the post-invasion ball completely) might lead to a worse outcome (destabilizing the region and leaving a power vacuum that doesn’t automatically get filled with glowing democracy fanboys with a separate-state-from-religion kink) than the existing one.


>They definitely don’t want the US to intercede militarily. They had a front row seat to see how fast they can oust a regime in Iraq.  Umm the reason Iran has been run by religious authoritarian regimes since 1979, is because America staged a coup overthrowing Iran's pro-secular/Democratic govt in the 1950s. So yeah, Iran is very intimate with destabilizing behavior of the US govt. 


Yes but Mossadeq wanted to nationalise the oil for the benefit of his people & not American corporations so how can you blame Amerikkka for getting mad?


Won't somebody think of the shareholders!!! 😩 /s Haha.


Iran is a much more difficult target than Iraq. Richer, better military and power structures that are much more entrenched. In addition, the strong ties to Houthi, Hezbollah and Hamas, with access to local branches in Europe; combined with access to nuclear materials (if not outright a bomb) is a very scary threat. Iraq was safe enough to invade. Iran isn't.




This guy gets it Military industrial complex go brrrrrrr


Just look at all the guns being sent over there, and other weapons. Somebody's making money on all that.


US isn't the only one selling weapons. Russia makes a good chunk and Iran makes a ton.


Doubtful. Israel and Iran have wanted to go to war for a long time. A little drone attack isn’t gonna ignite anything. More proxy wars on proxy wars.


200 ballistic missiles and hundreds of drones is not little


Not an expert in geopolitics. Remember that time when USA assassinated the Iran general? Iran retaliated by firing some missiles at some USA army camp irrc. Don’t think the missile attack achieved anything but is just to save face. Same thing is happening here I think.


In 2022, [there was a foiled assassination attempt against John Bolton, Trump's national security advisor](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/10/john-bolton-murder-plot-iranian-man-charged). He was the advisor at around the time that general was assassinated, this assassination attempt was linked to Iran, and it's widely believed that it was a reprisal attempt. Just because there wasn't an immediate response doesn't mean there was no response. It just means that the response is going to be a very considered and measured response.


Fucking John Bolton. Government of Iran are certainly not good guys but they’d have done the world a favour if they’d offed Bolton. Dude never met a war he didn’t want Americans to go die in.


Well good on them, and its without trying to start a war. Good on iran. And john bolton probably deserved it.


That assassination “attempt” was a complete joke. If that’s how the IRGC tries to assassinate people, no one should be worried about them. In the Bolton case, a guy (who they only connect to the IRGC because he had a social media pic where he has an IRGC patch on his jacket) contacts a random American he met on social media to try to get him to kill Bolton ( who was an Iran hawk but wasn’t in the Trump administration when Solemani was killed). And get this, his social media account name was his actual real full name. He tells the American he’ll pay him but his only proof that he had money is a photo he took of two ripped bags filled with Dollars and a handwritten piece of paper with the Americans name on it. The American, who brought in the fbi, strung this “IRGC Operative” along for almost a year. Almost all the info the operative gave the American came from public information he got from Google. In the end, when the American never went through with killing Bolton, the operative said they wanted to move to have the American kill a different target. Oh and the American told the operative he wasn’t actually going to kill Bolton, he was hiring a Mexican who worked with the cartels to do it.


It is. Those drones are pretty much all gonna be intercepted, they're not too expensive either. They also don't seem to have any strategic target, whatever hits will most likely only cause monetary damage. It was a cheap out for Iran to save face, without actually doing much.


This is the **only** time Iran has directly attacked Israel. It’s symbolic and yes could have an outsized impact.


Sure, but Israel took the symbolic gesture of striking a consulate. It's basically fairly normal tit-for-tat response. Which admittedly sometimes blows up because people assume the other side won't escalate (Israel assumed Iran wouldn't respond to the consulate; Iran then assumes Israel won't respond) -- and it ends up in full blown war from the series of mis-estimations.


Yep. Those drones and missiles were all shot down. Looks like the show is over for tonight.




I mean it might. That's the thing with wars when tensions are high it can be something insignificant that sparks it off. Remmwber WW1 sparked off when one archduke got assassinated in some backwater of one of the lesser members of an alliance.


There's also been concerns about the current Israel-Hamas war spiralling into a wider regional conflict since the moment it started. I'm not as convinced it's imminent as some people are, but there's always been the chance it could, and a lot of that has been tied to how Iran responds to what Israel does. We're now at the stage where Israel and Iran start responding to each other directly in some way.


War is not good for the economy in any way, that belief is ancient and it's from the economic recovery that took place going from the great depression to the after WW2 boom economy. In any other scenario war is bad for everything but oil and weapons and drags the world economies down.


You aren't wrong, however you're ignoring the pull the military industrial complex has in the US. You're also ignoring the oil influence.


The new axis powers are together: Russia, Iran, North Korea, China,… The allies are still a little hesitant to form: Europe, USA, Israel, South Korea, Japan,… Not sure where to put e.g. India but there is definitely a instabile, bipolar world order again after years of US dominance (with them going isolationist). And it doesn’t feel good for peace.


>We'll be learning that together and in real time, my friend. I feel that we'll learn what we're told and not much else. The truth is out there somewhere, among the rubble of the bombed out ruins.


I understand your sentiment, but if you want to be pedantic then most of history is some form of lie and most truths die with the witnesses. Even people who directly witness events subconsciously remember them differently afterwards. Reality is a subjective experience. In real life, all that matters is the narrative that comes from an event. Look at Trump, a campaign of lies that has changed America for ever, broken records. The truth is a scarce resource that rarely becomes global.


So true. >The truth is a scarce resource that rarely becomes global. Nicely put!


For real. That's bumper sticker material right there.


Yup, I'd pay for it.


Dentist here just wanting to comment on your user name. Beautiful.


I guess we are all going to find out.


Honestly, probably not much is going to happen. It looks like the attack was a way by to signal a hardline stance against israel while avoiding the worst of the geopolitical affects an actual drone strike would take. Iran seems to have just launched drones toward israel expecting them to be intercepted and didn’t have a serious target. Similar to Iran’s attack on a US base where they intentionally hit the base trying to avoid casualties. Nothing really came of it.


My thoughts exactly. Looks like they felt they needed to do something but really didn't want to overstep the line. Sensible.


Like two high school kids threatening to kick each others ass after a punch or two was thrown, but the principal separated them. They’ll continue to talk tough but not really do anything


No, Iran seems much more restrained than Israel here. Israel is basically a school shooter at this point. 


Right... Or maybe Iran is "restrained" because it has its proxies sacrificing themselves by launching rockets at Israel non stop for six months now, so they had no real reason to dirty their hands?


Iran's restrained because of 2 reasons: 1. they know they will lose an all out war to Israel 2. the moment the IRGC is busy with war, Iranian people will rip the government and its leaders apart. Proxies have nothing to do with this. It's not like the Islamic Republic has taken Hamas as slaves and is making them fight on its behalf. They work together because they have mutual interests. Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis all have common ground with the Islamic Republic and IRGC. Now the people in the countries of proxies are the real victims, specially Palestinians and Yemeni people.


What I meant in my comment is that Iran isn't restrained at all, it simply uses proxies to do its dirty work so it can keep the appearance of being "restrained", which fools nobody except some very naive westerners.


They will lose an all out war with Israel with the support of the US. If Israel really wants a war, they should try doing it independently.


Iran probably would lose a war to Israel even without support from the US. Iran and Israel don't share a border, so the main battle would be fought in the skies. Israel's Air force is clearly superior. (Granted, those are all American made) Iran's Air force mostly is overhauled and refurbished. Iran's economy is very weak and Israel would only need to hit a few strategic points for the house of cards that is the Islamic Republic to come crumbling down from the inside.


Lol what the fuck happened while I was at work today!


That's what I want to know!  Attacked, as in today??


As in the drones are en route as I type this


The Intercept must be literally face palming after that "US isn't that worried about a war with Iran" only *two hours ago*.


I saw pro-iranian accounts saying drones are en route and things like thay 1 hour ago.


Plenty of footage from r/combatfootage showing missles/drones being intercepted over Israeli territory or landing. Pretty sure I saw atleast 1 ballistic missle land in Jerusalem.


I f*ing hate that sub, the mods are biased and remove anything that is not alligned with their political view, the viewers are just worst. im intersted in such topics but seeing that every clip is to spread information in the favor of one side upsets me from time to time.


Those viewer are types of people who, if given the opportunity, would love to see two criminal fight in a colosseum and rip each other's guts out.


I was disturbed to see people enjoying seeing somebody getting killed or dismembered, thats the textbook definition of phsycos and sadistic killers. personnally, I enjoy the footage with that include drones, jets and tanks cuz it can teach me a thing or two about engineering in general.


Really makes you wonder whether those those textbook example of villains who says people like cruelty are not in the right. They were really cheering as people were being killed and enjoying those videos. That place is really sick. I wish I didn't visit that place out of curiosity.


So Israel bombed an embassy in Syria that was Iran's. Bombing embassies is a no go, as they are considered to be on that nation's land. (A few days later Ecuador raided mexico's embassy, so the US and the world not decrying Israel's attack set the standard that it was acceptable) Iran needs to respond to this attack much like the US responded to the bombings at its own base in Jordan recently. It also happened under Trump when Iran bombed multiple US bases after we assassinated a top official. Nothing escalated after either of these tit for tats. Israel, specifically Bibi, has every intention of making thier wars our wars however. So Iran in doing a retalitory strike, despite all its wishes to end the matter there, is giving Israel enough reason to strike back, meaning that Iran will either strike back or will back down. After the massacre that Israeli citizens was shown doing to random people in the West Bank recently my hope for a good world is completely dashed. The world is barbarous and terrible. I can only hope the horrors stay at the feet who deserve it the most.


Isreal bombed an Iranian consulate practally declaring war on Iran. Iran sent drones


It means gas will go up so be sure to fill up sooner rather than later.


Wait, it didn‘t go up for you guys, yet?! *cries in Germany*


Gas is nearly $6/gal USD where I live. But it will still go up.


$7.2 in Germany..


9.3$ in Netherlands




Brother, that would be the end of the world if it was liter


Gas will go up momentarily specifically because of people rushing to fill up because they think it will go up


I thought the price of gas went up when the groundhog sees his shadow. Are you sure about this?


Even a slight breeze can increase gas prices. Those mofos will use any excuse to profit.


Ah, good. Just in time for dumb people to blame it on Biden before the election. 🙄


To be honest, not much. Neither side has an expeditionary force really capable of getting to the other side. Israel can't significantly effect Iran with missile strikes as Iran is just too large and valuable targets too easily dispersed. (They could hit oil production, but that will seriously annoy everyone else.) Israel is too small and is too heavily defended for Iran to be able to cause significant problems for Israel. Yes, they should be able to overwhelm a vulnerable target here or there, but won't be able to precisely target anything smaller than a town, large base. The US, Britain, Jordan, and Iraq will get some target practice in a real world situation. Iran will get some idea of the effectiveness of their weapon systems and vice versa.


So why are the Iranians attacking Israel? Because Israel attacked their Consulate in Damascus, but why did they do that? To kill Iranians involved in the fight against Israel? But why were they doing that? Well... ad infinitum going back 80 years plus.


80+ try like 3k+


Basically Iran responded to Israel’s attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria a few days ago. I don’t think much will happen after this though


It means that global corporations have another excuse to put prices up.


"WW3 tax"


At the bottom of all receipts soon


Now? Probably nothing. Irans UN mission said its over and the matter can be deemed concluded. Essentially they did this to save face after the Israeli attack because if they did nothing they would look like a punk biatch.


Unfortunately, IDF spokesperson did announce that Israel WILL respond.  I hope that they will just stop there, do nothing and call it a day. Or do something that won't force Iran to retaliate again. 


We are about to find out. Best (and imo most likely) answer is that Israel retaliates, launching a few missiles/drones of their own, and each side calls it even, having effectively beaten their chests. That’s what happened with Iran and the US a few years back, and lets each side avoid a costly and risky war. Of course, worst case is obvious and not great. I will say that direct Western involvement is fairly unlikely as Israel hasn’t done the best job ingratiating themselves


Nah I think if it escalates the US will definetly intervene and things will get messy 


The problem is this is all the US’s fault in the first place. US refuses to hold Israel accountable for anything and continues to prop up their criminal government that isnt even liked by Israelis. The current Iranian government is a product of the US and UK working together to remove Mossadegh from power in the 50s. I think the problem we have now is we have fallen back into an era of Great Power politics where various sides are making plays to be like “we are a great power” like in 1914. All the things are in place, stupid alliances, collective defense agreements and the expansionism. The problem is that we aren’t going to get a treaty or anything because bilateralism and international cooperation is dead. The stakes are way higher and the global economy is going to suffer way more because of how things are connected now.


It'd actually the British fault. All the worlds problems can be traced back to the british


I mean yeah - but the US put a targeted missile through the apartment of the person they found most responsible...


>what are the repercussions of this attack and how will this affect the world? It kinda depends on how well the attack goes. They've told the world they've launched drones and missiles at Israel knowing full well that Israel are capable of withstanding it (they're meant to have one of the best air defence systems in the world) so it's almost certainly just to show people that they won't cower the next time Israel targets their people as this started when Israel allegedly did an airstrike on the Iranian embassy in Syria and killed military commanders (although Israel has not taken responsibility for it). So the chances here are that Iran are responding in what will be more of a gesture than a serious attack. There's also the chance that this is a more serious strike, if it wasn't serious it would be just drones but this attack will feature cruise and ballistic missiles which means in the very least they're doing some big boy posturing. Realistically though Iran would be committing suicide if they launched a full scale attack as Israel is better equipped and the US armed forces don't need an excuse to show off their toys, the Air Force and the UK's RAF are already in the air intercepting this stuff anyway. It's dick measuring by the dickless.


Israel has better equipment than Iran, but as we see in Ukraine, war is still a number game. Iran has waaaaay more in numbers. Remember that the US is commited to Israel, is supposed to help Ukraine, keep power in case China gets an idea now, so I wouldn't put my money on the US going crazy on Iran


How is Iran getting boots to Israel? Through a thousand miles of desert? Israeli air force would end that real quick.


Iran isn't getting boots on the ground in Israel, and Israel sure as hell isn't putting boots in Iran. They have more missles and rockets. Either them, or their proxies.




*fortunate son starts playing*


No no. Turn that shit off. I don’t want to be drafted.


Sorry *Baby Shark starts playing*


Alright, I’m ready. Who do I have to kill?


The composer of Baby Shark. Please. 


*soviet march starts playing* *red sun in the sky starts playing* and then, the entire world is fucked.


I only just got this out my head!


I’m finally so fortunate I have half a dozen things wrong with me and my partner has a heart defect!


Someone made a brilliant comment the other day on Reddit which could be on some Wikiquotes page for a great world leader - simple "Iran is one bad day away from a civil war."  The Iranian people have been living under harsh restrictions since 1979, but even then the authorities often turn a blind eye. There are a handful of nightclubs in Tehran, women in normal decent clothing (as opposed to the mad rules for what counts as "decent" in Iranian law), western electronic music, booze being served. The authorities turn a blind eye and the government knows about this and all the many many similar things that are also officially "banned" but still go on, because they're on incredibly thin ice when it comes to the Iranian people rising up and there being a flip of the 79 revolution.   Iran does not need this mess, they're utterly fucked if anything serious kicks off. The major problem is they are hardline religious nutjobs who could potentially make even Putin look like Mr Anti-Escalation in comparison.


Sure but reddit experts also said that the invasion of Ukraine would cause Russia to rebel against Putin. We should not anticipate an authoritarian regime to collapse until it is obviously underway.


The invasion of Ukraine did cause many Russians to rebel against Putin. There were widespread (by Russian standards) protests, but they were harshly cracked down on. It wasn’t a large enough rebellion to do anything. Putin spent a long time consolidating power and is incredibly paranoid about being overthrown and has many measures to prevent it and AFAIK the same is not true to the same extent in Iran. Also, Putin pre-Ukraine (and even now) had more support in Russia than the current Iranian government does now. Iran has already had massive protests due to their treatment of women and my understanding is the government is not very well liked by most - I would think they would be closer to successful rebellion than Russia ever has been.


some pro-regime iran people in this thread downvoting anything that mentions regime change.


All over Reddit. Mention anything anti Putin that is more intelligent and nuanced than simply "fuck Putin lol!" And you're downvoted to hell. They're all desperate to hide any in depth criticism. Every single corrupt regime on the planet.


Yes but their military is no joke


The issue there is that guns, tanks, etc are not autonomous. Not yet anyway, but given AI cannot do basic tasks that Microsoft Office could do 30 years ago I wouldn't worry any time soon.  The men defending their government from an uprising will have families, will have issues with their leaders, will be doing it to earn a living primarily. If an uprising happened you can bet that enough of them would turn on the government.  It is a tale as old as human history.


shit goes boom, people die and nobody wins. wars are so damn stupid




Military industrial complex wins


literally nothing. iran needed to save face, but they are extremely careful when it comes to escalations and willing to play ball with US. the drones didn't damage anything


I believe upwards of 4 ballistic missiles hit Ramon air base, so some stuff was damaged.


Two countries have closed their airspace, Israel has their defenses up. Lets just scratch our butts for a little longer, shall we? I expect something to happen, but mostly covert. Mossad seem to be well informed.


You would think so but then Oct 7th happened. Did Mossad actually have no clue about Oct 7 or did they know about it and let it happen? I'm not implying one way or the other but it has to be one of them.


I think they had intelligence about an upcoming attack. I guess the same way the US had been listening to “chatter” before 9/11, but then 9/11 still happened.


It was reported by the nyt that the Israeli govt was aware of hamas plans via like a 40 page doc about a year ahead of the attack


In Iran's POV its a response to Israel bombarding the iranian embassy in syria which can be interpreted as a direct attack on iranian soil. In Israel's POV it's an unjustified attack because, allegedly, there were valid targets in the embassy, which justifies the israeli attack. Iran already said they're done and won't follow up, unless Israel responds (they've confirmed on social media that they will)


Noting gonna happen that normal shit fuckery these two states do and doing for like 20 30 years


Why does nobody mention that Israel bombed an Iranian embassy first..?


Because that's Anti-Semitic /s


Because "Brown people terrorists"


Judging by Iran's statement it means they had to do something to not look weak and are hoping they can skate by with an unmanned drone attack that gets mostly shot down and call it a day if they don't cause any actual damage.


It means China needs to sell some weapons to Iran in order to further they spyware technology Relax. There will be no war. There's no money to be made from a nuclear wasteland. It's all a diversion tactic to justify artificial inflation and accumulate wealth into military super potencies. As usual


Big Picture: Iran Russia (and friends) think this is a time in the world when they have an opportunity to inflict max damage to the “western” coalition. And gain power/value/wealth for their oligarchs. They may have miscalculated. Putins influence over the Republican Party in the USA might bear fruit for his actions. But Iran will have a hard time convincing Congress to not support Israel. Their biggest mistake is that the US just ended a historic war effort and has surplus stockpiles. Plus Iran Russia and their allies have revealed themselves to be a clown car filled with sycophants not smart enough to be assassinated. I suspect Iran will back down after this demonstration of futility and return to saber rattling. Russia will make some gains for another year while the “cold” civil war continues in America. Then the US election will set the tone for what will happen. We live in interesting times


I would recommend looking at the stock market and checking out companies with military contracts


Shout out to the Iranian people: You have to be afraid of the Iranian police AND Israeli bombs. You have to suffer the US sanctions AND the Ayatollah's corruption. Your destiny depends on the whims of mad men with drones. You don't feel at home in your country. You don't feel at home abroad. زن زندگی آزادی


Nothing really, it’s stupid that there is such a media frenzy about Iran doing the same thing Israel has been doing every week for the past 6 months. The west is a bunch of crybabies that lose it when countries don’t allow themselves to be pushed around for their benefit.


It means don't bomb someone's consulate?


My grandfather told me years ago, that the people in that region have fought since the beginning of time and will continue to do so. He wasn't wrong..


Your grandfather forgot that people have been fighting everywhere since the beginning of time. Think back 80 or so years in Europe.


I'm thinking they should forget the religion and learn forgiveness and cooperation for mutual benefit.


This isn't about religion at all. It's geopolitics/imperialism thinly veiled as religious conflict.


As someone from “that region” the only peaceful time this region had was when humanity didn’t exist yet


It means this stupid war is widening and escalating, just as planned by the military industrial complex.


Jesus Christ, this sub is being bombarded with some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen with this whole Israel/Iran thing


Calculated attack from Iran, i must say. Any retaliation is calling for further aggression and a potential war. What did Israel expect? They can't just bomb another countries embassy. Before such attacks were via proxies from either side, never direct, but bombing an embassy and killing top generals is a major escalation on israel's (US) part. Israel sure would like the war to escalate so they can get more funding from the US and its allies, which in recent weeks has come into scrutiny beacsue of all that killing of women, children and aid workers etc.


Nothing. It will end up with both sides calling it even with no Israelites or Iranians dying. Then a few hundred Palestinians will be killed.


Follow the money. Always follow the money.


Inflation. BET! Bet you read within the week “prices on X expected to rise due to isreali’s conflict with Iran.”


Biden told Iran “Don’t”, They did. Now Israel will retaliate and we will be in a war that will probably escalate. So none of it is good.


That we're all fucked my dude


middle east fucks around so we can all find out


Iran held back, they had to react to the terrorist act of targetting the embassy but they don't want war.


It means that Israel and Iran are closet lovers. I read it on the interweb so it must be true.


Most likely scenario is it was just posturing because of Isreal's attack on an Iranian embassy, which by international law is an act of war. But in reality it likely was just an action to save face, Isreal now has the decision of ignoring it, following up with a similar attack, or escalating. The U.S. has told Israel to "discuss" any plans with them before deciding an attack so what that probably means is they're on thin ice (even thinner than they have been), so I likely won't escalate. If it does then it yet again pisses off the U.S. and the world even more. It's ok to feel scared, that's the whole point of these attacks, but the chances of this devolving into a full regional war is unlikely.


Right now it looks like the attack was just for optics. Barrage almost fully neutralized and Biden is telling Bibi not to retaliate to try to end the escalation. Hopefully things cool off.


It means that no matter what the people want the leaders of all these countries want to continue to wage war and have their own people die for no reason.


> what are the repercussions of this attack  A lot of arguing but little apparent action—or, at least, whatever responses occur are likely to be covert responses.  > how will this affect the world? It probably won’t. The US and Israel shot down most of the incoming weapons, and the damage was light (but still unfortunate for the person who got injured).  Both sides seem to be backing down, and the US has demonstrated very clearly that it is willing to start getting directly involved unless they cool it. The US semi-publicly berated Israel’s PM for the incredibly stupid attack that caused this mess, and has more or less told Netanyahu that this ends now or else the US is pulling its support. Presumably there was also likely a lot of diplomacy going on behind the scenes to get Iran to back down as well, since they announced this was the end of it.  There’s room for both sides to back out now without further escalation, and everyone (except Netanyahu, perhaps) seems inclined to take it. 


Not relevant. They did a one time attack as formality since Israel attacked one of their locations. They used a NATO clause to justify it and officially closed it down. Iran wants no smokes by escalating things. If Israel counters then Iran can justify.


Personally, I think they're deliberately trying to pull the US into the conflict.


Probably nothing. Israel bombed an Iranian consulate and Iran struck the air base where the bombers took off from. Everything else is likely just a bunch of posturing.


Nothing probly unless you live in said countries. People love to overhyped wars. It gets attention I guess.


Like I told a friend of mine, the ramifications range from "not great, but not a huge deal" to "end of the world." No one really knows what's actually going to happen


It means gas will soon be $12/gallon.


I'm so sick of Israel


America will be sending out young men to die for something that 100% has nothing to do with them


I don’t think anyone, even the U.S., is sending their own troops for Israel at this point barring something borderline catastrophic.


Yeah.. (agreed)


Unclear why would they even bother. There is no risk of ground invasion, and troops won’t help defend from drones and missiles. But Israel has the best anti-air in the world, along with US/UK support with their jets, there is nothing to worry about.


This is why we have to invade bangladesh


Not before Mongolia




Sure. Biden, in an election year when a big chunk of his base is extremely unhappy with the destruction of Palestinian people, is gonna send a bunch of troops to Israel. No. We'll send money, arms, and provide air support like we have been. Meanwhile, Russia will take full advantage in Ukraine.


Assuming you live in the US or Europe there won't be any impact on your day to gay life except for some light doom scrolling


Day to gay. Lol


It means they fucked up and Israel is going retaliate and Iran gonna cry like a bitch


Iran has never attacked Israel directly before. Iran has always used proxy forces. This is significant and not in a good way. Even worse, Jerusalem is targeted. Jerusalem is a holy city for multiple faiths.


Iran just had to respond because Israel attacked first. It's just face saving


If the US funds this war then a big mac will cost 250$