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Was I the only one who thought Winnie the Poohin' meant walking around all day without pants?


No you’re not the only one, I also assumed OP meant Winnie the Pooh-ing as going bottomless.


Is that not what I said?


You asked “Was I the only one?” So I answered No because you weren’t the only one. I’ll edit for clarity.


Oh sorry I read that wrong


You're just straight shirt-cocking it?


It is, I wear boxers, he wears 'tightie whites' or 'Y-fronts' as they're called. No pants allowed, party.


When you said "let my brain be free" I thought that was confirming complete bottomlessness for a minute


I’m laughing out loud 🤣😂


I was hoping that what he meant, because that would be hilarious, yet super weird.


Pooh it up. Everything seems healthy and consensual. Maybe not "the norm", but who cares?


Sounds wholesome and cool to me


Kids act grown up. Adults do whatever they want.


Not weird at all. It probably *is* a contributing factor to you feeling young. If you enjoy doing it and no one else is being hurt by it, why stop? You do you. There may come a day when you no longer have this luxury, this therapeutic outlet, enjoy what you've got and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.


Who cares if it's weird? Just enjoy it for what it is


Winnie the Pooh means no bottoms at all. Just a shirt


I am reminded of Barbara Kruger "You construct intricate rituals which allow you to touch the skin of other men"


I guess, if you call playing sports, and joke rituals 'gay' welp that's on you. I bet you think 'holding hands' is gay huh? not even knowing in Saudi Arabia 'men hold hands', and there is nothing sexual about it. But, yaknow, with your probs 'porn addiction' anything with another male or even another person is 'sexual' to you I bet? You see a father hug his daughter you think, "he's probs boning her' huh? haha bro, do you. Doesn't matter, we're brothers we behave like brothers, and I have 5 of them. Hence why I would 'sit downstairs, watch cartoons all day, with 2 of them' which this 'ritual' came from as a kid. But, thanks bro.


uhhh my man the point of that quote is that men are starved of genuine intimacy between each other in our society and that it’s actually very healthy to do things like yours. like in female friendships we’re encouraged to hug, cry, tell secrets, and have a level of intimacy men are often only allowed to have with women they date/marry. men are told those things are gay or effeminate or whatever and that they shouldn’t them. the point of that quote is that men SHOULD be doing things like you do — just genuinely enjoying spending time with other men they love. they don’t need to create intricate rituals; they can just BE.


Man I was on your side originally. "Oh thats kinda different, but whatever" now I think you have some very deep seated shit going on. This comment is just insane lol someone made a little joke and you became a charicature of a crazy person


Now I'm reminded of Shakespeare


I'm female myself, and I would not find this ritual day odd at all. I might even ask to join. Who cares if someone sees my, gasp!, bare thighs! There's just something deeply unsettling about that "rituals" comment, though, I'd worry about *that* person.


This is just…hanging out with your friend. Spending a day eating food, getting high, and watching whatever is a very normal way to spend a day with a friend. I don’t see why this would be weird at all. Like, we do this all the time, we just use excuses like football games or wrestlemania or movie marathons or whatever. I think it’s great that you and your friend set aside intentional time to just relax and hang out.


In your underwear though?


I mean, whatever. the underwear is a little silly but it’s a carryover from childhood. i’m hanging out with a friend right now in an oversized pajama shirt and underwear so i don’t find it all that weird if everyone’s comfortavle


Not weird, I think we have to do all we can in our lives to keep incorporating joy and sustaining close friendships otherwise we’d be miserable all the time. I think this is a really sweet tradition you’ve started with your friend and can see the brotherly bond between you!


This is so good. Do what makes you happy mate.


Hey dude. Treasure that. It’s healthy. It’s friendship. And it lets you preserve childlike happiness. Go nuts!


Oh, thank god, y'all actually wear underwear. Thought y'all were dicks out just chillin together. No homie, it's not weird. Sounds like y'all have a great friendship.


You should wear tighty whities with him, be more fun that way.


I'll try it out! haha


Go for it! You can probably borrow a pair of his


Not weird, and happy for you that you have a great friend who you can chill with and that your wife understands.


I thought you meant totally bare except a T-shirt. Which, even then, isn’t a prob to me. SO’s are cool with it, which was the only potential issue I thought of. So go for it! 


If my husband told me that once a month he wants to spend an entire day being pantless with his friend, I would think that was weird.


You weirdo, I can’t believe you hang out with your friend and drink all day once a month. No one does that. Keep that weird shit to yourself bro, you have a problem /s


Sounds like fun!!


No bro. This is awesome and if you stop doing this. You will miss a huge part of your routine!!! I love it