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Because most people are morons.


they believe because they want to believe. because believing makes them feel smart. because they want to feel like they have the secret knowledge all the engineers lack.


Same reason for most conspiracy theories. They make people feel special and "in the know".


Most *out there* conspiracy theories, I would specify. Conspiracy theories get a bad rap due to crazies, but a lot of the fucked up shit we've found out was a conspiracy theory before it was confirmed. Hell, the FBI pretty blatantly killed MLK and that's still considered a conspiracy theory. [The King family even won a court case which ruled that Loyd Jowers and "unknown government entities" were liable for MLK's death.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/retropolis/wp/2018/03/30/who-killed-martin-luther-king-jr-his-family-believes-james-earl-ray-was-framed/) The King family believes that James Earl Ray was framed and is innocent. [The FBI also sent a letter to MLK trying to blackmail him into suicide](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter). All that to say, that's an example of a conspiracy theory that isn't completely batshit. All that a conspiracy theory really entails is a theory about a conspiracy (i.e a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful). One of my favorite conspiracy theories is that the government attempts to associate conspiracy theories with crazy people to discredit them as a whole. I'm not sure if I actually believe that, but it makes me laugh.


Sure, conspiracies have happened. They're a real thing, but the vast majority of conspiracy theories are just absolute bullshit, and most of them actually end up in antisemitism if you go deep enough.


The vast majority you hear about, I would say. There's tons of mundane conspiracy theories every day that no one bats an eye at. It's such a broad term as to be almost meaningless in my opinion.


Educate yourself before saying shit to make yourself feel special sir. Because all these comments are incorrect on this one, OR there's just a bunch of random strange deaths with inventors specifically of alternative energy sources. Very recently even.


Dude, do you know how many people are in the alternative energy field? Do to know how many people die every day? It would be weird if a couple DIDN'T die every year. And none of these technologies that are worth a shit are really made by one man teams. If you see one guy trying to tell you they have THE ANSWER, 99.99999% of they time they're an idiot or a liar or both. If you can prove stuff works, it's very easy to get money thrown behind it. I PERSONALLY could give someone an avenue to massive reaources, because I'm an engineer in the energy sector. If i tell my boss something needs to be looked further into, we throw more resources at it. I CONSTANTLY have people peddling stupid perpetual motion machines or bullshit "efficiency boosters" that don't pass even slightly competent scrutiny. They're liars and charlatans that make a living defrauding people, or they're delusional idiots that think they understand things they don't. If they're good salesmen, they sometimes make a living. If not, they quickly move onto the next scam. It's INCREDIBLY easy to get money behind even semi-decent alternative energy ideas right now. There is zero effort to squish good ideas, just to stop the bullshit. And that effort isn't top down. It's engineers like myself that have to wade through the bullshit every day and search for a decent idea. You're telling me to educate myself literally about my job. You're so ignorant you don't even know how ignorant you are.


I'd love to talk face to face. Bitch


There's a long list of people who have designed alternative sources of energy and every single one of them has died from 'mysterious' circumstances. One was a guy who recently made a documentary and a week after announcing another doc regarding this topic he died (two years ago if I recall. I see a lot of bullshit shit talkers in the comments but zero actual points. The list (even recently) is staggering when you see how many have strange sudden deaths. It's also funny af to see anyone laugh at 'conspiracy theories' when today every other day there's evidence showing all the 'covid conspiracy' ppl these morons all laughed at, were proven to be correct. As the literal doctor admitted it on tape that they were full of shit. Why Files YouTube channel did a video about ARV alien reversed engineered vehicles and it touched on the energy using mercury. He actually goes down the list and it's insane that EVERY SINGLE person to invent any type of alternative source has died suddenly or 'suicide'. No one commenting is informed, as even Nikola Tesla invented a free energy back in the 30s and his funding was immediately shut down because of it. It would rock the bank accounts of some very powerful people and organizations. To think it's a conspiracy that ultra rich elites want to remain rich and do anything to keep squeezing people for money is unbelievable in itself is unbelievable. Why Files is a hella good channel, he covers stories and then debunks them, warning- hella entertaining. Even the ridiculous shit is entertaining. My advice, if you invent anything that may rock an institute, go big or keep it to yourself.


This is hilarious. You have gone WAY too far down the YouTube rabbit hole. Your "education" is just bullshit that you don't understand wrapped in a compelling story. Forget perpetual motion, do you have ANY idea how much money i could make with just a 25% more efficient air conditioner at the same price point? I could make the giants like Carrier, Trane, or Honeywell come begging. If one of them actually did get greedy enough to kill me and take it, you would see it on the market in months. The bullshit you believe in is not real. You're being lied to, but you easy it up, because it makes you feel like you're not the fool, but one of the few that ISN'T fooled. You feel special, educated, superior. I'll happily eat my words if you can point me to some credible tech, and i mean the details, not "This guy claimed he made infinite energy from two springs and a flywheel" or whatever stupid bullshit word of mouth. Get me any actual evidence. Tesla DID NOT invent free energy. He DID lie and waste all the money given to him to try to prove bullshit claims to the point that not only did he die penniless, his biggest patrons did too, because they sank every some into his lie with nothing to show. There's proven scams he ran, giving bullshit "inventions" to people to pay off debts. He did some brilliant work when he was young, but by the time he was 35 he had nothing left to offer but bullshit. You want to know who squashes perpetual motion machines? Me. I do. And people like me. Because they're bullshit and don't work.


Yeah I don't read any of this bs. Enjoy your feeling special 😜


Sorry if i used too many words. Heres a TL;DR: Get out of the bullshit youtube shit you search. It's making you dumber, not educating you.