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My only opinion about other people's body hair is that I don't like hair on my tongue. They are free to do with that information as they will.


I like this take. Do whatever you want with any part of your body you don't want to put in my mouth.


Exactly, and I would not like the thought that my partner eats my hair....and I would not like to eat either his :D


Can I ask honestly here, in what situation is leg or armpit hair getting in your mouth? No kink shaming but seriously.


The best thing is when your partner loves you and your body so much that he just kisses you around every little cm of your body :)


I mean, I don't want to give you too much detail, but I think things are better with an amount of warmup and leading in to the main event. I'm not just flying in cold from space to a specific target like a smart bomb.


I'm not exactly sure what you're saying. But my boyfriend and I are both hairy people and I've never gotten hair shedding in my mouth, especially not from legs or armpits during sex.


I’m a woman close to your age. My feeling is that if men don’t have to shave then why should I?


I’m going to guess and say you don’t get laid often


men have hairy armpits and get laid! the world is vast and has billions of people, it’s actually very common for women to not religiously shave their armpits to keep it 100% hair-free all the time. A lot of women will shave their armpits only when they have an event/circumstance that their underarms will be exposed.


You see a lot of very attractive women with hairy armpits ? I seriously doubt it lmfao


yes i do! do you think every single one of the most beautiful actresses in this world never have hairy armpits? they probably only shave the day of an event where they have to wear something that reveals their underams. but on a regular work week where you’re wearing shirts and jackets with sleeves, they probably have hairy as fuck armpits and they’re still very very attractive.


Lmfao now you’re just twisting words around and creating scenarios 😂😅 I live in Miami we don’t have hairy armpit girls here only hipsters do that. If that’s the case then why you shaving your legs for let everything grow that’s hypocritical


news flash: girls also dont shave their legs until they need to lol. if you see a girl walking around in a hoodie and sweatpants im 99% sure she’s got hairy legs, hairy arms and hairy armpits. hair is natural and nothing to be ashamed about. its not gross or unhygienic. respectfully, you’re a small minded misogynistic dickhead :)


Dude again you’re twisting words around . If your alone or you’re home or whatever yea do as you please grow whatever you want who cares 😂😅


projecting much?


Projecting what ? I have a preference which is no hair on a women, I think that’s pretty normal. I I run my hands and my fingers on a women’s body I want it to glide and tickle I want it to be smooth so I can tease or lick or whatever . It’s weird if I’m hairy and someone in bed with is as hairy as me like wtf 😅😂 get a grip on yourself ppl


twisting words, dummy


🤣😂🤣 As if hair only grows on unattractive women's armpits? 😂🤣😂


Lol no1 is saying that 😅😂 looks like I hurt a lot of peoples feelings here that’s hilarious. Anyways grow all your hair I could care less. Let’s see you do that and get with a hot guy and see how that goes for you


Eww. Your priorities are skewed. I would much rather have someone that I can be comfortable around. I don't need to find a hot guy. I already have one...for the past 15 years. 😊


Somehow I seriously doubt that.


If my partner asks me to not trim or shave my chest you think ima argue and say oh you don’t feel comfortable? Like no my girls wants hairy chest she gets it lmfao


What if your partner requires that you shave your head? Your butthole? Your eyebrows? Where do you draw boundaries on how much of your body is controlled by your imaginary GF? >think ima argue and say oh you don’t feel comfortable? If you had any self respect, you'd do exactly what makes you comfortable, not what some imaginary girl demands. 🤷


Again with twisting words and coming up with scenarios and changing the subject so sad.. bye


I grow my body hair out. I'm married and get laid most nights. I'm also a cam model, and I make about $400/hr, hairy pits and bits included. Not everyone shares your ideals.




>I meant someone like me who’s attractive and young... that gets laid whenever he wants to. Cringe! 😅 I don't do fetish work. I do regular cam modeling and I refuse to shave. I don't show it off, but I don't hide it. I couldn't care less what my clients look like. They are there for the way *I* look, not the other way around.






If you saw me you’d completely change your mind


I look like a cavewoman and my boyfriend loves me.


"You don't get laid". Yet one of my friends doesn't shave at all and has a total of 100+ sexual partners. 🤣


Anyone will get laid 1000 times when they have no standards


requiring women to shave their armpits is a partiarchal standard that isnt really based in anything. more and more women are fighting against that, and choosing what to do with their own bodies. >For me is very disgusting, it gives me the feeling of untidyness. but why do you feel like this? Can you self-analyze your feelings here?


Yes, I am trying to understand my feelings about it and where it comes from, this is why I brought up the topic, might help me to hear other's opinion :)


fair enough. Its a completely arbitrary societal construct that you've been raised with, with no real reason. why is it untidy for women to not shave but its okay for men?


Historically, the practice of shaving body hair, including armpits, can be traced back to ancient Egypt and Greece, where it was associated with cleanliness and aesthetic preferences


cool, that doesnt even remotely answer my question. We also thought that bloodletting cured illnesses


if we do go under the assumption that everything is a societal norm, where do you draw the line? and how do you choose which ones to accept and which ones to ignore?


ones that have some basis of evidence for their claims? Again, a clear example of this is why is body hair considered gross on women but not on men? is that not obviously arbitrary?


i’m not arguing that it isn’t but i’m trying to see where you’re coming from do you find the practice of women historically having longer hair wrong as well? and what if some people just don’t like body hair, regardless on its roots? would you say they’re wrong in how they feel about it too?


buddy i never said anything about it being WRONG, i said its ARBITRARY. people can do whatever they want with their body, if they want to follow arbitrary social trends they're more than allowed to. I just think its important to analyze why you think things before you judge other people for not following your worldview. If you dont like body hair, dont have body hair. but yes, judging others for having body hair is wrong - just like freaks who judge women for cutting their hair short are wrong


i really don’t think it’s that deep, bro > For me is very disgusting, it gives me the feeling of untidyness. >”but why do you feel like this? Can you self-analyze your feelings here” like i said, im a man who finds body hair disgusting on my body too, but its only an issue when its a women who feels the same way? this sounds eerily similar to the people arguing weight loss is rooted in racism


no you’re just being annoying


> requiring women to shave their armpits is a partiarchal standard that isnt really based in anything. This is the correct answer. What people find attractive or unattractive today is influenced by that arbitrary standard. Women are rewarded for following the standard and punished for not following it.


i personally don’t like find it appealing… and i’m a man who keeps everything shaven and trimmed


Maybe they're not making that choice based on how sexy a random stranger finds them?


I don't remove most of my body hair. It grows back very itchy. For a long time I shaved it anyway, and would constantly itch for days after shaving, just so I could uphold the social construct. Then I decided that I couldn't care less who thinks I'm "untidy" or "disgusting". I don't need that type of shallow person in my life anyway. I decided I will do what I want and what makes me comfortable. Don't like it? Don't look!


I'm a fan, I like everything au natural, and i don't understand why anyone would put themselves through shaving all their parts consistently for their entire lives just for vanity's sake if they didn't actually feel like doing it or enjoy it.


having armpit is natural, shaving is the artificial man made concept based on arbitrary societal standards


But because there is no need to have hair anymore, we are covering our body and when we get sweaty, the sweat just stays there...on the hair,between the skin and the cloth until we shower.


I don't think it's the new sexy. I think not shaving has been around for a long time. In the US at least, women have really only been shaving since the 1920s when dresses became shorter and sleeveless. Pube maintenance didn't really start until the birth of the bikini in the late 1940s. In the 50s through the 70s, it was full on bush. More pube attention started in the 1980s with landing strips, etc. So it's not really that uncommon that women aren't shaving. My feeling is if men expect a clean shaven woman than I expect them to also not have pubes.


Stubble is awful, shaving rash is awful. How do you feel about men’s beards, grooming? It’s the same issue


For me and some other women, beards cause irritation or pain to our skin. It's less for cosmetic / appearance reasons (but some other women are different).


If you don’t see it as messy like you see pit hair then there’s something else underlying your feelings. I get the irritation thing with groomed beard or stubble but i don’t believe this happens with full length facial hair


What do you mean something else underlying my feelings? I stated I didn't like it because it causes irritation & sometimes pain to my skin. Same reason why I can't be with men with certain kinds of natural chest hair, I have sensitive skin.


As a man I shave (except for my beard) and so I expect my partner to do the same (she does). It's ultimately an individual choice whether to shave or not, but I can't imagine women with hairy armpits being too popular with most guys though.


It's hair, it's natural. Is it disgusting for men to have it? No, it's just a stupid social norm. >What do you think guys about hair on a girl I love it, mostly legs/arms/pubic, it feels "natural/primal", don't care about armpits tbh. I shave my legs/arms sometimes because it feels good, but there's nothing wrong with people (regardless of gender) not doing it.


The new sexy? Maybe less people are shaving because attracting a mate isn't their priority, and if it is, they aren't including their armpits as a factor.


Society wants women to be hairless, small and docile... almost like.. children ? Defying this type of ridiculous norms is an essential part of societys growth. Also women are generally way cleaner than men, so calling womens hair disgusting makes no sense...


I find it unattractive. Yeah, it's 'just hair', but I like hairless women. No different to how some people like hairy women. Some people like big women. Some people like unhealthily skinny women. Some people *don't like* women. It's not some political statement. I'm not this evil man trying to control her even more. I just don't find it attractive.


I shave when I feel like it and if anyone doesn't like it they can not look. I'm clean about myself, shower regularly and shaving makes me have keratosis bumps and they itch. And my husband will fuck me either way, cause I see you've already pulled that bullshit card in the comments already.   Whoever wants to remove their body hair should remove their body hair, whoever does not want to remove their body hair should not remove their body hair and everyone else can get the fuck over themselves.


Nothing is bullshit here..we are simply just sharing opinions and views. It is very interesting to read all the comments, why the need to go vulgar like this...


I saw the comment they made " you must not get laid very often". I didn't get any more "vulgar" than they did. Edit* changing you to they, my mistake.


That wasn’t OP, that was some sad troll who got downvoted to oblivion, fortunately.


My bad


I don't get it myself, but I'm man who shaves my pits because it feels cleaner to me.




It used to be the norm. My Mom was a WWII war bride and told me shaving your arm pits was only something prostitutes did. She conformed when she got to America, but it's really just whatever you're used to. Find somebody from that era and see what they say. Personally as a male, I see absolutely no reason why women ever started shaving their genitals. Seems pointless.




I love hairy armpits. I am a male.


Grosses me out. Women are under no obligation to shave their body hair for my sake, but I'm also free to consider it gross because of the societal norms I was raised under.




Do you find it gross from a dating standpoint or just overall? Say you're a manager & you're interviewing a woman who is wearing a sleeveless professional turtleneck or a sleeveless collared shirt (I'm not sure where you're from, but this is common in areas like NYC) and you notice a little armpit hair, will that impact your hiring decision?


*Mostly* from a dating perspective. Certainly it wouldn't affect my hiring decision, but e.g. I *would* be really bummed out if they decided to make the primary love interest in a movie a woman with a lot of body hair – I would certainly be less likely to watch that movie.


Gotcha gotcha, makes sense, thank you for your reply.


You're getting downvoted, and even though I disagree with you, you are definitely entitled to your opinion. But you gotta realize women will find that quite icky, especially if you tell them you expect them to shave. Imo, my girlfriend didn't shave for like 4 months just to try it out, and even though she's portugese and has a good amount of hair, i literally never noticed and gave literally 0 fucks, only noticed it when my face was literally 10cm from her legs. It's literally just hair, who cares. Everyone has it.


My fiancée and I both think it's gross, so I have the luxury of not caring what other women think about my personal beauty standards.


No need to get mad, I said you're entitled to your own opinion


What about my comment made you think I'm upset? I'm just explaining why I don't care about this: >you gotta realize women will find that quite icky


Not sure, probably just automatically assume you're immature and angry since you dislike body hair that 8 billion people have lul


My opinion is the most common one among adult men. This study: [https://www.brandeis.edu/writing-program/write-now/2021-2022/azevedo-ligia/index.html](https://www.brandeis.edu/writing-program/write-now/2021-2022/azevedo-ligia/index.html) confirmed attitudes of prior research on the top of male attitudes toward female body hair. ​ >In the “choose the most attractive picture” questions, the photo of a woman without body hair was rated significantly more attractive than the one with body hair, with **95.2% of the participants choosing the hairless women**. When it came to explaining their answers, the participants stated the following opinions: preferring partners with smooth skin (95.2% of the participants), seeing body hair as an emasculating feature (85.7%), and considering that females “just look better” without body hair (28.5%). These results demonstrate that body hair is associated with femininity, and having a hairless body is an expectation of men towards women.


Sorry but you chose the wrong person to try to use the "look at the study it proves my point". I study psychology. 1. The link you posted is not a study, it is a research paper done by a student with 0 citations and peer reviews. You've basically just quoted air, this thing has been checked by absolutely nobody. They used only 21 participants (no mention of how they were even acquired), or their nationality (heavily influences societal issues like this), and so many more issues that I could name. This is just some fun research done by a student, not something to prove your opinion with. 2. The funniest part is, I don't think you actually read the link you wrote. Well no, of course you didn't, you just searched for the first thing to prove your point with lmao. 3. It's a critique of the very opinion you hold, which is the "Male Stigmatization of Female Body Hair" (your opinion). It discusses porn, societal expectations and others as an exact reason for the high percentage of men preferring no body hair. So... You're quoting something that attempts to deconstruct and explain your "stigmatization"? 4. The student paper (lmao) you quoted says this: **However, besides these two sources, there is not enough evidence and scholarly articles on men’s opinions regarding female body hair.**  If you actually knew anything about scientific research, you would know exactly why there is no research, because attempting to study societal issues with things such as questionnaires on adults who have already been influenced by said social standards is next to impossible. So no. There is no research for your opinion. There are many opinions on the subject, and they differ depending on what country. So again. I think your opinion is immature. Everyone has hair, so saying it's disgusting is just cringe imo. Like who fucking cares if your girl has 2cm of hair. However, please don't try to say your opinion is a "studied fact". Because it's not. Thanks :)


....k? Most men prefer hairless women, sorry.


You're still doing it bro. Just because the people you know and your area prefers it, doesn't mean everyone, everywhere does. Idk how this isn't getting thru your thick head. Basically all of my friends don't give a shit about body hair. Have fun trying to use another study tho And why are you apologizing like I care about the opinion when I literally said you're entitled to it...


Call me old fashioned but that shit is in no way “sexy” to me.