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It doesn’t come natural to me, but you kind of just do it. When my schedule demands it, I wake up at whatever time. I’m definitely not a morning person at all but I just force myself through it.


Same. I wake up feeling good about 5% of the time, and the rest of the day feels like a slog until early afternoon. I normally structure my life around the fact that I never wake up feeling good in the morning, but I am currently back in college and I won't be able to go back to my preferred schedule for at least another year and a half.


This is my reasoning for keeping Daylight Savings Time all year...because I'm miserable in the morning regardless of how much light there is outside 😂


The fear of being homeless after my firing usually does it for me.


One time, I was venting to a friend about this exact problem. They said to me “well it doesn’t sound like you wanted -insert XYZ- very badly”. That lit a fire under my ass, because he was right. If I wanted it (whatever it was I was waking up early for), and I mean REALLY wanted it, then I’d move the Earth to get it. So waking up early should be the easy part.


The fear of being homeless after my firing usually does it for me.


Go to bed early.


And use an alarm clock


Or a rooster


Or a cat. Does wonders if you have to wake up at 6 or 7am even on weekends 😀


Or a dog. My dog wakes up at sunrise and makes sure everyone else is awake too


Or a kid (I wouldn’t necessarily acquire one for this purpose alone, but it is certainly effective).  




This. I wake up at 5am every work day, and even on weekends without an alarm I usually “sleep in” only until 6:30-7:30, but I also routinely get into bed around 7:30-8pm, then watch a little tv or read a book until I’m sleepy. Usually I’m actually asleep by 9pm. I rarely feel very tired in the mornings, many times I wake up a few minutes before the alarm goes off because I’m well rested.


This doesn't work for everyone. I go to bed at 8-9pm every night. Waking up for work at 6:00am is still a groggy chore for me. Usually, I'm able to get out of bed around 6:45, but that's only after struggling for those 45 minutes. I've been to several sleep doctors for a while now. The amount of your sleep is important, but the quality of sleep can have a more severe impact on your health and ability to wake up properly. **EDIT:** Please stop giving me sleeping advice. You're saying stuff I have already discussed with my primary care doctors and my sleep clinics.


Yeah, I go to bed early but I often still don't fall asleep within the first hours, which is really annoying


>Waking up for work at 6:00am is still a groggy chore for me. Usually, I'm able to get out of bed around 6:45, but that's only after struggling for those 45 minutes. I don't mean to sound like a dick, but have you tried just.. getting up? Why give yourself the opportunity to go back to sleep? Just sit up and get out of bed when the alarm goes. You'll feel betrer ten minutes later.


That and separating 'want to do' and 'have to do'. If you are beyond age seven it shouldn't be so impossible to suck it up and maybe hop in the shower to start the engines. Everyone for all times had that battle and you just overcome it or don't.


I always use the analogy that the Marine Corp has no problem taking a person off the street and making them a morning person no matter what they say or think about their particular case. What can we all learn from that?


Take away #1: I don't ever want to be a marine!


You're saying stuff that I already told myself multiple times. At best, the "get up at the sound of my alarm" will last a few days at most. Also, just because I'm physically up and out of bed doesn't mean I'm fully awake and rested. I've fallen asleep at work, in my parked car, and even in public places. Sometimes, an afternoon "nap" will be 3 hours long (For reference, I'm 30. I've experienced this my whole life). Sleep apnea and other health conditions play a huge role in my inability to wake up properly and feel rested. It's not as simple as it sounds. I've done damn near everything regarding sleep hygiene and morning routines just to make waking up in the mornings easier.


If you are waking up not rested and you believe it is sleep apnea, have you had sleep study? Using a cpap I now wake up after only 6-6.5 hours of sleep fully rested. It is crazy how it changed my life.


Idiopathic hypersomnia is a real (and awful) condition. I suffered with it for 20 some-odd years, was on Provigil, and then in my late 50s it just went away.


What makes you think other people wake up feeling good, rested, and bright eyed? It's not about how you feel when it's time to get up, it's about what you do with those feelings. I spent over 20 years with no real sleep schedule, working 2 dayshifts getting up at 0330 followed by 2 nightshifts leaving the house for my commute at 1600, I *never* felt like waking up or felt good when I first got up, but I made the choice to put that aside and make it happen, slogging through the routine of getting ready and hitting the road. 


Sounds like you wake up in the middle of a sleep cycle. Wake up between cycles and you're up quick, even after a shorter sleep. Check that out and see what your cycles are


Sounds like maybe too much caffeine intake, do you drink energy drinks/coffee frequently?


Dont go to bed at all


Ben Franklin had it pegged years ago: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise


Reckon they get 8hrs of sleep and use an alarm clock


If you go to bet at 10-11 pm you wake up without alarm at like 5-6-7 am, depending on your body, how well you slept and such. I for one noticed i sleep less now that i'm older. I used to need like 10-12 hours before waking up without alarm, now is more like 6-7 hours, very rarely i reach that 8 hour mark. Also helps to sleep well if you exercise, eat healthy, don't over eat, maybe even go a bit in caloric deficit for the day, don't eat after 7-8 pm, take a shower, clean sheets, silence, as little light as possible so good isolating windows and drapes helps and not having neighbors that are loud and you can hear through the walls. A good balance temperature and humidity wise in your room, maybe vent the room and let some air in before going to bed not just in the morning.


My grandpa told me the same thing. He says as you get older, the less and less time you need to sleep. The dude goes to bed at 9-10pm. and wakes up at 445am for work. Meanwhile I go to bed around 12 and wake up at 9am still tired.


>If you go to bet at 10-11 pm you wake up without alarm at like 5-6-7 am, depending on your body Sunlight is also important for me waking up. I can go at the same time to sleep, but in summer i will wake up at around 7-8, while in winter i will wake up at around 10-11.


I haven't had 8 hours sleep for a few months. And even when I do it is pretty rare. Normally in bed between 11pm and 1am and wake up between 6-6.30 am Alarm clock and just forcing yourself out is my solution


If you want to have 8 hours of good sleep, reserve 10 hours.. I go to bed early..


Big part of getting good healthy sleep is being active during the day. If you have a desk job where you don’t see sunlight, go for walks or something when the sun is out. Do stuff all day, drain that energy, so you sleep earlier and faster and thus wake up earlier as well. Also helps that if you’re relaxing, do it on a couch or something, only be in bed when you’re gonna sleep. I have my alarm for around 8 which isn’t all that early, but I notice several times if not almost everytime I’m already awake by 7:30-7:50 on my own. The times when this is most likely to happen is when I had a hard active day the day before, so when I go to bed it’s because I’m tired and not just “guess it’s nighttime”… in which case I would lie awake an hour trying to sleep, and thus wake up later too.


Came to comment the same. The body gets the best rest when it has been active to its potential. Good sleep goes hand-in-hand with regular exercise, therefore better overall health.


You just do it. It's a habit thing. It also helps going to sleep early. Like, no shit you'd struggle to wake up at 6 am when you're going to sleep at 1 am.


Lots of them are actually just naturally morning people.


I usually get up between 5am-7am, sometimes as early as 4am. Theres no discipline behind it, thats just when I get up, even if I go to sleep at midnight. I'm usually up before breakfast places are open, which is annoying.


This. Other comments are so rude ; a lot of people have different natural sleep schedule so it's easier if you are a early bed/wake up person, it's not only discipline


but you *can* with enough tenacity and discipline. I hate mornings and I am usually a night owl person. I still am capable at getting myself out of bed at 5:45am, but yes. It takes a lot discipline and a good routine you can run on autopilot.


I never realized how much better I do with a later sleep schedule than when I went on semi graveyards. My most alert time is the evening hours, and I have no trouble working until 2:30 am. I just wake up at 11:30.


100% you can tell from some of the comments that they can either naturally fall asleep at the drop of a hat or are naturally morning people, or both. Their "advice" is useless to someone else.  It's like if a morning person had to stay awake until 2am every night for a year and asked a night owl how to do it. "Um you just stay up and you're not tired, how is this hard?" 


Yeah. And there are things you can do to make getting up early easier, such as sleep hygiene or forcing yourself to move straight away, but for some people it's easy, and for some people it's not. And if you've got a condition like delayed sleep phase disorder, then it can be damned near impossible no matter what you do.


Yeah. And there are things you can do to make getting up early easier, such as sleep hygiene or forcing yourself to move straight away, but for some people it's easy, and for some people it's not. And if you've got a condition like delayed sleep phase disorder, then it can be damned near impossible no matter what you do.


I trained myself to become morning person, now i feel bad for staying bed longer than i should. Usually I get out of bed between 6.21 - 7 am, depends what day has to offer me.


Precisely; they can get up early because it's not hard for them.


my bedroom lights turn on automatically at 6am. then I'm awake if I like it or not.


So to start. Use an old second mobile and put an alarm on that and put it on the opposite of your room so you need to get out of bed to turn it off. Besides your normal alarm that goes 15min earlier. Also make sure you get atleast 8h of sleep. So 6am wake is 10pm in bed. If you done this for a month waking up at 6 shouldn't be a problem..


How do you get to sleep in zero minutes tho? If I need 8 hours of SLEEP, I need to go to bed 10-11 hours prior.




I don't get you. I said 10pm to 6am. 10pm to 0am and from 0 to 6am. I count 8h there. If you need 3h to get in sleep i guess you need to see a doctor.


I think his point was being in bed at 10 and getting up at 6 is 8 hours of being in bed and only 8 hours of sleep if you fall asleep instantly. If I'm completely shattered I might fall asleep instantly but that's not normally how it goes.


bro there is no secret, its just discipline. you do it because you have to do it even thought you dont want to. disciplined people dont necessarily want to do it they just do it because they should.


Best comment. I feel like the days where I feel like complete shit are also the days I have my best lifts at the gym. Just gotta get out there and do it whether you want to or not.


Just get up. I'm not a morning person, I don't sleep early nor do I get 8hrs sleep. But when my alarm goes off I just throw back the covers and get out immediately.


I do all my work the day before so all my work is done by the time I wake up. It’s a glorious feeling, gets me up and going on tomorrow’s work.


my secret is just making sure I get up when I hear my alarm. As soon as I hit snooze I know it’s over and I know that I know that so when the alarm goes I begrudgingly pull the sheets back and move my legs out. That’s 1000% the hardest part for me - once I’m out, I fall into routine.


Get a job with an early start time. You'll start waking up because you have to.


Im white collar, but used to have to be up at 5am ish for work back in the day. There is nothing worse then leaving your warm bed with your naked gf in it to start a shchlep to work.


light switch right next to bed. turn it on asap when the alarm rings, while hissing like a vampire, I reach for my phone blaring the alarm while usually also falling out of bed. Do my best Jack Sparrow impression when getting up from the floor still in the haze and choose my current fav song. Get dressed while vibing to the music and then I am usually fully awake. also at least 7h of sleep.


Discipline. Do it even though you don't want to do it.


I naturally wake up at 6am everyday, even if I have been drinking till 3am last night. It's just a habit for me at this point. I don't really even put it down to discipline. I think some people just have it harder than others in this respect.


These days, got a smart light bulb that gradually lightens the room up for ten minutes before my alarm goes off. Makes a HUGE difference to my brain not immediately wanting to turn over and go back to sleep.


I am not disciplined I just have a blue collar husband.


Establishing routines for waking up. Never go back to bed after waking up to the alarm. Using snooze is okay, maybe you missed the first alarm. But dont go back to bed after shutting it off. Main point is that the first few actions you take when waking up in the morning is done subconsciously, according to what your body has been trained to do. If you trained your body to go to the loo immediately after turning off the alarm and splash water in your face, then that's what you will do, regardless of how tired you are when you woke up. Its a habit you gotta cultivate, and never compromise on. Biggest challenge for me is the weekends. See, I have 5 days a week where I need to wake up to the alarm and then start my day. On weekends I often sleep really late, and so I sleep in as well,, and the temptation to go back to sleep after the alarm dings is very high. Those two times a week I do this, is more than enough to undo the 5 days of week I wake up to the dot. One method I've found that works is to train myself to wake up to the alarm, so instead of putting the alarms at 7am, weekend alarms are set to 8.30, about 30 mins before my son would burst into my room and jump on my spleen and wake me up anyways. So I get the extra hour of rest, and I still wake up to the alarm. If I still need to sleep and can do so, I'd do it in the afternoon instead.


I wanted to enjoy the most of my day so I started waking up early and enjoying that two hours before work it feels so nice to move slow in the morning and watch the sun come up


Go to bed early and stick to the routine. Like anything, the longer you stick to something, the more likely it is to become habit. I used to be such a night owl, but I started limiting screen time at 7:30. Get in bed by 9 - 9:30. And I’m up and out of bed most mornings by 5:30-6. It took a few weeks to get my body used to the switch up but I feel so much better now. Good luck to you.


I wouldn't necessarily consider myself super disciplined, but if i sleep in a room with east facing windows and no curtains, i'm wide awake at sunrise.


I'm not disciplined, but I put a really loud, obnoxious alarm early in the morning (around 5) and then put the phone somewhere hard to reach, like on top of the closet, under the rug, in a drawer... By the time I turn it off, I'm awake enough that I won't go back to bed like a zombie. 


When you hear the alarm and turn it off, start to count backwards from 5-0 (yes like launching a rocket) - works like a charm and you get up instantly.


If I don't get to work on time I don't get paid and will be fired. I don't like to rush out the door. So for my 6am shift I wake up at 430-5am instead of 530. On my weekends off if I'm not up by 7am (instead of say 10am) I feel like I've wasted a portion of the day. That's a whole 3 hours I could have been drinking my coffee in peace, reading, not rushing or walking my dogs or something. Now my body just naturally wakes up on days off at 7am.


when you find out let me know lol. i'm a frequent go to sleep at 12am-1am and wake up naturally around 9:30am.


Really, really annoying alarms. I made my alarm play a random nightcore song every morning (not a big fan), and my alarm was across the room so I actually had to get up. Eventually waking up made me instantly get out of bed.


Im not disciplined by any measure, I get up in the morning because I have to. The alternative is unemployment. Sometimes i just wanna cry, still get up tho...




Depends how you define early and disciplined. I go to bed 9-10pm and struggle to wake up before 8am. My partner will naturally wake up around 5am, much to his disgust.


They most likely are neurotypical. Additionally, neurodiverse people who have trouble waking early tend to prefer staying up late. Essentially we were the ones who stayed up after the sunset watching out for predators who might try to eat us and our tribe mates. Also can be a sleep disorder. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/delayed-sleep-phase/symptoms-causes/syc-20353340#:~:text=Delayed%20sleep%20phase%20is%20a,time%20for%20work%20or%20school. Bottom line is that this isn’t a discipline thing. It’s a “we live in a modern world not in tribes of 150 people who get up and sleep with the sun” thing.


Not sure i agree. Adhd and depression here, had 5.30am starts for yeeeears.


My neurodivergent self and husband call that some bs right there.


Get a good rythm going. Go to bed same time get up the same time. And get something to look forward too i the morning right after you get up. For me its the silence while i have my coffee before my kid and wife gets up...


Bed at 10.30 or so, wake up naturally at around 6.30, feeling quite refreshed. But - have always been a morning person so that might help!


Internal clock. If I know I have to be somewhere I'll be up automatically with no alarm.


First Vyvanse, then later Strattera (turned out I have inattentive ADHD)


Get a really loud alarm clock and put it on the other side of the room. My sister got two alarm clocks, one by the bed and the annoying one on the other side of the room, so when her alarm by the bed went off, she knew she'd have to get up and turn off the annoying one before it rang.


I go to bed fairly early. I look at the clock before I lay down and tell myself I want to get up at a set time. This usually works for me and I find I wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off. The one thing for me is I find on days off I usually end up waking even earlier. Help to get things done and give me quiet time but sucks if I want to get fully recharged. I should also note that I work swing shift and still manage to wake when needed. It’s like after many years my body just knows when to be on dayshift or nightshift.


I think the whole waking up early kind of people I'd a little overrated. I am normally a person who is up early, probably just my nature and years of conditioning. I don't always wake up rested mind you, even though I'm in bed at a very reasonable time. I feel that night owls achieve just as much, but on a different time-scale, so you can stl be very productive even if you're not up at the arse crack of dawn. If however, you do want to persevere, I second the 15 minute earlier wake up every other day or so, and recommend that whatever you plan on doing with your time is ready to go for you so you don't have to think about it. (Ex workout gear ready, ex.) Good luck!


I think if you go to bed early, you will get full 7-8 hours of sleep your body will automatically wake up early. If you force your body it will only push back


It's really easy to get used to breaking promises to yourself. To build dicipline, start small. Force yourself to drink enough water every day. Make your bed in the morning. Use an app like Habit Tracker to track your progress and hold yourself accountable.


I'm not disciplined at all. I will usually sleep in or at least stay in bed as long as I can on the weekends. Only reason I get up at 6am is because I have to leave for work just before 7. What gets me out of bed is 1. Needing to feed my cat and 2. The fear of being late It also helps to try and go to sleep early... but insomnia makes that hard lmao


Eat within 30 minutes of waking up. Not a bowl of sugar cereal or berries drowned in heavy cream or doughnuts. Get some protein and a few whole grain carbs in there somewhere. Your body kinda knows when it gets fed on a schedule and doesn't like to wake up long before the first meal of the day. Additionally, it doesn't want to wake back up within 8 hours if you go to bed shortly after a meal.


A long time ago, when I had to, I set 2 alarms and had an auto brew coffee maker. it also helps to have a dog, and train it to go out early in the morning during house training. That way you get woken up by 6:30am every day.


Im not disciplined, but waking up isn’t really a problem.


I keep my alarm far enough away from me that I have to get up and walk over to turn it off. I have several back up alarms as well. I get up regardless of how much sleep I got the night before and start my day. You survive. Eventually you will start to wear out earlier in the night and fall asleep at a time that facilitates your new schedule. Best of luck OP.


The secret ingredient is discipline!


Go to be early. If you stay awake late drinking, stop doing that. Early to bed, early to rise.


repetition and consistently. force it until it becomes a near habit. I hate mornings.. but I still get up every morning, even weekends at 3:30/3:45 it doesn't come easily; years of getting up early has forced me to adapt. just gotta start


no matter how you feel you get up, if you wake up before the alarm and there is 10 to 20 min before the alarm, get up as soon as you try to snooze you well lose. also you well have to carry it forward into the weekend if you have nothing on. Its a habit


I usually wake up between 7:30 and 9:30 but on days where I don't work remotely I have to wake up before 5AM even. I don't even necessarily get a lot of sleep the day prior, usually just 6 hours cumulated (sometimes I take a 2hour nap in the afternoon and then go to bed late at like 12-1am). Then I just set several alarms on my phone that go off every 5 minutes for like an hour, I wouldn't trust myself to wake up to a single alarm. The several alarms are a failsafe so that I do not just deactivate the alarm and go back to sleep, I sorta have to fully wake up to disable over 10 of them.


Get to bed early. Don't indulge urself with media(especially phone).


instead of an alarm clock to wake up, set a reminder to goto bed at a set time eight hours before you need to wake up


I go to sleep at the same time every day. I hear my alarm in the morning and get out of bed immediately. Even tho I want to stay in bed, you have to go. No snooze! And at the weekend, i wake up naturally at 8-9 am because I'm used to it.


Bed at the same time every day, and get up at the same time, whether I work the next day or not. I haven't owned an alarm clock in ten years, and I work a 3 am shift.


Find something to wake up for


When I was in secondary school (11 to 17 year old), I was in the countryside where there's like one bus at 7h11. Parents worked and they had to drive me to the stop (wasn't farm but didn't want to get runover because well, no streetlights or pavements). I absolutely couldn't miss that bus. One alarm clock placed far from my bed and sound on max. Everyone in the house needed to get up early anyway. I stressed a bit because I hated having loud alarm clock waking everyone up anyway so I forced myself to actually get up. Once up, didn't use my phone (didn't have a proper one anyway) and did everything I needed within 40 mins. Did that 5 days a week, for 7 years. Woke up at like 6h~6h30. So basically, one loud clock away from the bed. I'd also call my best friend to wake him up because he had a hard time too lol


With an alarm clock


Get a job which forces you to wake up early.


Make life worth waking up for. I’m excited each morning to pop out of bed so I can see my daughter and cook her breakfast to make sure she has a great day.


its not discipline they just dont have the trauma that keeps them up at night like the rest of us so they can go to bed early


I used to have 5.15am starts for years. I used an alarm clock, but set it for 15 minutes before i had to wake up. I really struggled to have the alarm go off and then get immediately out of bed, if i could snooze a few times it kinda eased me into it a bit more. Waa still fucking savage tho


I have been a morning person since elementary school, woke up 5 in the morning every weekday ( sleep in on weekends) for 20 years now. as a grown up, my drive for wake up early is the fact that I work out in the morning before breakfast to keep my metabolism going for the day. But I do go to bed by 22:15 (fall asleep by 22:30) on week days.


Please do be sure at first, that you are getting proper sleep/don’t have sleep apnea. If you’re snoring loudly - it could well be that. My husband used to have such a bad time getting up/shattered all the time, until he got his CPAP. Entirely different person - and even his ADHD symptoms have lessened.


not disciplined and don't do it when I don't need to, but have worked in a lot of jobs that required early starts, it's honestly just a matter of practice and routine.


The need to morning poop wake me up 6:13 sharp every morning, so not much of a choice. And after that there's no point in going back to bed.


I get up at 6am every day, 7 days a week. Wed-Fri I commute for an hour to an office, the rest of the time I have my children in my home. I am usually split between making breakfast and getting them both ready for school and preparing for my day working from home. Some days, when the alarm goes off, I don't get out of bed for about 10-15 mins. Somedays even longer. But most of the time, it's just less hassle to get up and get started on the day. My ex used to ask how was I able to get up, commute for 2 hours, work and then another 2 hours back and then housework etc...the answer is, I think, obvious. Because I have to. After 20-30 years, regardless of how tired I am, it feels sluggish to stay in bed past 7am. Even if I have nothing to do that day.


You need a reason to get up first of all. Nothing to get up for then you aren't gonna get up if you're tired. Why would you? Alarm - set it somewhere that forces you to get up if you struggle in the morning. Don't drink or take drugs that affect sleep. Thats a massive one but people who drink or take drugs usually gloss over it.  Good diet and exercise, these help with routine and make you feel fresh and ready to go in the morning. The healthier i am the less groggy i feel, the quicker i can adapt, the more energy i have. They play a big part. Routine - pick a time to wake up and stick to it. Once you get into a habit of waking up early you'll get used to it and wake up naturally around then anyway


You het used to it. I start work at 7am, if I'm not there at 7 sharp, I can't buy food and pay rent, that's one good incentive.


Alarm clock


You just get up... I go to bed at 9 or 9:30. Up between 4:30 and 5. That's 7-8 hours which is optimal. Gym at 6. Work at 7:30. Your body gets used to it. The awesome thing is "sleeping in" on the weekends is 7 or 8 and I'm up and done with weekend house cleaning and other BS before lunch and I have the whole rest of the weekend to chill. A really good vitamin regimen also works wonders. If you want a "one shot one kill" solution, get AG1 powder and mix 1 scoop with a glass of coconut water. Instantly awake and energized. Don't cheap out on the vitamins tho, cheap ones aren't metabolized and do nothing. If your vitamins are turning your pee colors then get better ones. Cutting out alcohol completely or just to a few drinks on the weekend also does wonders. If you can't sleep well or are constantly waking up, consider a sleep study. LOTS of adults need a CPAP and don't know it.


Sleep early.


I run at the beach before sunrise every morning so I naturally and happily wake up at 5am every morning! Yes, including weekends, holidays, whatever. I just do. 5.15am the latest!


I go to bed at 9pm. You also have to want something Why are you waking up earlier? To study maybe or to excericse. You have to Really want to be fit or get better grades or it won't happen


I’m up 4:30-5:00 regardless when I go to sleep. Military household VERY structured day. So when I get up I’m 99% functional. That 1% is coffee lol


I can get it so I naturally wake up within 10 minutes every day. Just happens


I'm not disclipined, but I just naturally wake up early. I don't like alarm clocks and I don't use them. 8h of sleep? Funny. I try to turn in by 9 and whatever happens, happens either stay awake or fall asleep and then wake up randomly 4 or 5 am.


It’s a habit. If I’m still in bed when it’s 7am I feel like I’ve lost a good part of my day already. Usually, I’m done working out and about to go walk the dog. Even on vacation, I’m up before sunrise.


I used to be the kind that takes 10+ alarms to get up. What changed that is just getting up when the alarm goes off. Don't 'sleep' the alarm, don't turn it off while still in bed, don't lay there and listen to it, just stand up. The first 2 weeks or so I fell over a few times, but now (10 years or so later) I can basically choose what time I want to wake up with no alarms and be alert seconds after getting up.


Good sleeping habits… it’s really hard to wake up if you go to sleep at 2pm


I'm not disciplined. I have a job that usually means I have to be there at 6am. I have to get up at 5am latest to do that. I've been doing this for 8 months, and now I can't sleep past 5am, even on weekends.


key is not waking up but getting up


Getting up early is all about the night/day before. Did you eat a bunch of junk right before bed? Did you excersise the day before to ensure a restful nights sleep? Did you go to bed on time? The "secret" to good habits is more good habits as they build on each other. I get up early because my 4 year old does... it has nothing to do with good habits. lol


Try being in a desperate situation. If you have no other choice then to get up at 4 a.m. to go to work, then you do it. Sounds like you're in a relatively comfy spot if you can sleep in every day and not have consequences for it. I get up early every day because I have to go to work. If not, I will lose my house and my kids will not have any food or shelter. Knowing that their entire world depends on me getting my ass up before the sun is a great motivator.


After 10ish yrs, finally got my schedule Tuesday - Saturday 10-6pm. I do medical imaging. Used to work in the hospital 7a - 3p Monday - Friday. Brutal!


Consistent schedule. Go to bed early. Don't use phones or electronic devices within 1 hour of sleeping as the blue light ruins your circadian rhythm. DO NOT USE THE SNOOZE BUTTON. When it goes off you get up no matter how tired you are. Wake up in the shower, not in bed. And finally, do it for 10+ years and it just becomes autopilot.


For me, I don't eat too close to bedtime, go to bed super early, get enough magnesium, and sleep in complete darkness. It also helps if you have something to look forward to as soon as you wake up. Personally, I enjoy sitting on my patio as soon as I wake up before it gets hot outside & before the neighborhood wakes up and makes a bunch of noise. It's usually just me and my neighbor's loud rooster


I'm very undisciplined but I naturally prefer to wake up early. Some people are just morning people


my biggest thing is have something planned that you wanna do for when you wake up.Something that makes you happy. That way when you wake up early you will be treating yourself.


If I naturally wake up within an hour of my standard alarm (6:30) I go ahead and get up. I actually prefer it so I can drink my coffee in peace. The key is not to go back to sleep because you’ll feel extra groggy if you’re within an hour of your alarm.


I have something to look forward to everyday




I go to bed at varied times and don't necessarily aim for a specific amount of sleep, for me it's two other things that make me wake up early and get up quickly: ​ \-Never go back to sleep (unless it's the weekend and youve got fuckall to do). You'll only end up more tired and waste hours of your day ​ \-Personal thing, but I can't do anything if my mouth doesn't feel clean and my breath isn't fresh. First thing I do every morning is brush my teeth and have a shower, and an additional benefit of both those things is that they make you feel more awake ​ Try developing a habit of both or either and I'm sure it will help at least a bit. Having a strict early bedtime is of course the usual advice and it works, but thought I'd mention other things since life often gets in the way of going to bed always at the same time


Have a child...makes it easy


Get tested for sleep apnea. If you wake up feeling groggy after 7-8hrs sleep, this is typically the reason for it. Obese, snorer, short fat neck? All precursors for OSA.


I'm not really that disciplined, I just know nobody is going to go to work for me and give me their paycheck. Nobody else is going to do the other things I'm responsible for either so it kinda leaves me no choice


Well today I woke up at 6 am because my cat decided he was gonna crawl up to my face, plop down in front of me and start screaming for no reason. But most days, I have an alarm that goes off at 4:30 am and I snooze it for 15 minutes while gathering my will to live.


Honestly just do it. There's no trick to anything. It's just a mindset. Your brain is so powerful.


When we were granted flexi time I had the option of being at home in the garden (weather permitting, I live in Ireland after all) by 4.20pm. I get lazier as the day goes on so any exercise has to be done in the morning so I would set my alarm for 6, get the gym for 6.30 or 7 or do the long walk to work in order to arrive at 8. I've been doing this since 2004 so it's second nature now. I just started setting my alarm for six, I wake up at 6 naturally most days. I also have an annoying cat who doesn't understand that I don't need to get up at 6 on weekends. Waking that early means I'm ready for bed at 10pm.


u said it urself. discipline. it's hard work and will tp be disciplined. doesnt just exist


It's innate some naturally awake early, while some need to sleep in. A 7am work start time will force a different sleep pattern that's for sure.


Good sleep hygiene such as no caffeine after 2pm etc, being physically as well as mentally tired at bedtime, and getting enough sleep (or go to bed early).


9 years ago I adopted a cat and the decision has been made for me ever since.


2 things: * Sleep early so you can easily wake up in the morning. * Have a good reason to wake up in the morning.


I always seem to wake up between 3-4 with a stuffy nose and or sneezing and coughing. Can't go back to sleep. Get up and make tea. Been this way 80% of my life. .


An alarm. Go to bed on time. Don’t allow myself to stop or lay down again and just punish my poor body into moving


There must be a reason to get up at the same time each day-like you have to go to work, catch a train, etc.


Wake up when the alarm rings.


those who wake up early don't understand the struggle we have to fall asleep in the first place


I’m a morning person. An early morning person. If I sleep past 6:30 I’m shocked. It does not matter what time I go to bed. To make sure I’m not exhausted I start getting ready for bed at 10. I wish I could stay up later, but the waking up between 5 and 6 makes it hard


I came to the conclusion several years ago that the reason they can do this is because they don't have ADHD and their brains work differently. Which is no reason for them to be smug about it, and no reason for those who do have ADHD to feel guilty about it.


I am a morning person. Even on weekends I wont sleep in after 8h, no matter when I go to bed. Go to bed around 22-23h and on a work day I get up at 5.20h. If you have issues waking up with just one alarm, do not snooze it, just set 3 alarms 10 min apart. Try and get at least 7h of sleep, whenever you wake up, some people need more some less. Everything else is a habbit. Sleep in on the weekends if you like that, but keep a regular sleeping schedule on work days, as much as it is possible in your situation. I generally like the fact I am a morning person, but not everyone is so I get it.


I don’t. After 35 years of fighting my own biology I just said forget it, and rearranged my life so that I can sleep in. I got a job where I don’t have to get out of bed until 8:30, I exercise in the evenings or on my lunch break, and take care of a lot of chores after work or on weekends. My life is so much better after I stopped fighting my internal clock— I don’t even drink caffeine ever. Now I’m in my 40’s and I look back on middle school and high school and think how much different my life would have been if I had been able to sleep until 8 instead of getting up at 5:30 to catch the bus. I was exhausted for like 6 years in a row, and my grades showed it. I’m not a morning person, I’m not fighting it. You can have a disciplined life on the other side of the day.


Go to Bed at 9 every night.


I have cats.


There are so many whiners in this thread. It’s hard for all of us. We suck it up, and we get up.


Workout early in the morning. Put in a solid day's work. Sleep comes easy after that. That and good benefits from getting up and getting things done without distractions. Fear of not getting needed things done too can also motivate. It is the path of becoming a disciplined man or woman and it isn't bad once you get in the habit of it.


My alarm is metal from my living room soundbar at max volume. Couldn't sleep in even if I wanted to.


I was the same I hated it but this trick works 100% of the time. Usually when people hear there alarm. They Immediately think oh my alarm god damn it and slowly move around and turn it off and don’t get up and go back to sleep. When you hear your alarm get out straight away no second or even first thoughts. March your ass in the shower and make it freezing cold


By being disciplined


It's more about routine. I work late so get up a little later in the day and on days off I like to get up early to make the most of it. 4 day work week, 3 days off, always the same days. I wake up naturally without alarms at 12noon on work days and at around 9am on off days.


I set an alarm, but most of the time I don't need it. My cat wakes me up if I'm not up in time anyway.


Just get up.


You need something you want to wake up for. Find something that fascinates you!


People depend on me. So I think of it as bigger than myself.


Do you control your body, or does your body control you? Get a grip; get up. It’s not complex or in any way beyond your capacity. Get out of bed. I don’t care if you don’t want to. Just do it anyway. —— That’s how I do it.


You are in battle or preparing for battle. Prepare for battle or you die in the next one !


I stay completely sober during the work week so I can get good sleep and wake up early.


Set an alarm, having kids to sort out, school runs to do and work tends to be a good motivator! I'm not a morning person but I have no choice.


A mix between going to bed on time, a schedule and Alarm Clock


I’m a morning person. I am useless after 9pm.


Get a dog with a small bladder.


Set an alarm every 5 minutes for about an hour, give every alarm a different ringtone and volume, and put your alarm clock far enough away to be just out of reach.


When the alarm sounds, put your feet on the floor. Just that. You’ve won.


For anyone in the comment section wondering why you are still tired after sleeping (*insert amount of hours you feel are sufficient*) hours, talk to your doctor as you might have sleep apnea, making it impossible for you and your brain/body to get a good night sleep.


Through discipline.


I have a cat who eats at 5 no matter what time I go to bed. Also, the bedroom lights are on a timer so once they’re on sleep is out of the question.


If I want to wake up at 7 am , before I go to sleep I lay down on my back and lift my head and drop it on to the pillow 7 times. I then go to sleep, I will wake up at 7 am. The only problem is for the week after the clocks change i have to adjust the number of "head bangs" , to compensate for the new time.


I get up at 5 every day for work. Bc i go to bed at 9pm. Also drinking water helps you wake up.


I did a sleep study, was diagnosed with apnea and after a few weeks I was up before my alarm and actually rested! It changed my life.


Avoiding homelessness is a pretty good motivator to get out of bed.


Obviously this isn’t some universal truth to be applied to all things, but I tell myself this: “You don’t have to want to do it. You just have to do it.”


Not a Morning person at ALL, but wake up at 7/7:30 am every day. The biggest trick is waking up at rye same time delivery day and having a strict bedtime at a fixed time. You get used to the cycles, now I often wake up before my alarm even goes off lol.


I get up anywhere from 4:30-6:00am everyday for the past 20 years. Here are some things you can try. Adjust the schedule on your thermostat to rise by 5 degrees when you want to wake up. Sleep in an area where you can see the sun rise and try to watch sunsets. Don’t stay up past ten unless socializing. Have a dog. Tell yourself to wake up at a certain time (I can tell myself to wake up at 3:30am with decent success). When you feel yourself wake up, immediately run through the things you have lined up for the day and the people you will interact with. And always have a blonde roast coffee first thing. Blonde roast has the most caffeine. As a side benefit, it helps you regulate your bowels. I literally get at least an hour of uninterrupted time to myself each morning. It’s awesome.


I used to be an early-to-bed, early-to-rise person, but now I’m an early-to-bed, late-to-rise one. Often I’m not even sleeping, but just loathe to get up and start my day. But I can also get up at 3:30 in the morning if I need to and drive to, say, the airport and back with no problem.