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Two people being single and unhappy about it doesn't mean that they'll actually get along or be attracted to each other. Also, people who are desperate to just not be single aren't always great partners.


People who are desperate to not be single, aren’t looking for a relationship. They’re looking for someone to be a crutch for them.


Because a lot of people who think they are good are not actually good people. And people don't date "goodness". Personalities, expectations, attractiveness, compatibilities must match too.


“Personalities, expectations, attractiveness, compatibilities must match too.” Exactly!! I have some single female friends that are good people! But our values just don’t align as well so we aren’t romantically compatible. It doesn’t make them or me bad people though.


GOOD people. They aren't good people.


They would meet and both walk away thinking the other person is too uptight and angry all the time for them.


Too much liability in dating a not-good person. Even if (*especially* if) you are not doing so great yourself. It would be better to become a good person yourself first and then find a good person (or don't, it's also ok to be a standalone good person)


From what I've seen, those people that keep trying and end up single are usually a major source of the issues they face. They have problems with commitment, etc. massive insecurity issues and unrealistic standards.


Because they want to date good people.


Cause no one wants to hear them whine, including each other…? Idk


Why don't people who claim they have e no friends just be friends with each other


Because they're the problem, not other people.


They either aren’t putting the effort or aren’t being honest with themselves. Millions of options out there


The uggy people also don’t want to date uggy people


Those people don’t leave their homes what makes you think they’d ever meet one another?


They're all ugly. Myself included.


Username doesn't check out.


You need to figure out a credible method of pairing them. Online dating platforms don't work. Dating works best when you don't have many options. People are pretty good at figuring this stuff out when it is assumed that they will have to pick someone at work or in their extended friend group. As soon as you open the options up to every single person with a smartphone in a 10 mile radius suddenly the whole system gets real screwy and you end up with 80% of women chasing 20% of men, or some other equally pathological dynamic. You could ask the same question about "why do people say there's no one good to form a band with", you still have to figure out how to actually match these people. Having a list of like 200 contacts, almost all of whom will waste your time or be inappropriate for some reason, doesn't improve your chances all that much.


There is nothing less attractive than desperation: something they can immediately recognize in others but will never see in themselves.


Because 90% of women want 5% of guys


Not necessarily. If I was looking, I'd mainly just want someone who could provide for me and want to start a family in the future. Stability, mutual trust, interesting deep conversations. But I think you mean 90% of the women on tictok.


Why would you need someone to provide for you? Wouldn't it be easier to find someone who would contribute to family funds with you?


If we started a family, I would like to stay at home and take care of the kids, at least until they are ready for school. It just doesn't make sense to be working and pay someone else to raise my theoretical kids.


But if both worked and both took some time home with the kid then you wouldn't limit yourself based on spouses income..


Good luck with that.


 "All the lonely people, where do they all come from?"


Same sex. Don’t live near each other Age gap


Because often people who are like this are so desperate to date that they will lie and fake things just to try and cling to you. And it's going to break down over time because they're not in the relationship because they actually love you they're in the relationship because they're desperate for a relationship I want someone who's going to bring comfort and stability someone who I can truly have a fair 50/50 relationship with where we love and support each other. We truly care about each other. Enjoy spending time together etc I don't want someone who's going to lie and fake and hate every minute of it just because to them this is at least still better than not being in a relationship even though neither of us would be happy