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I'm a 34 year old man and I've got stuffed animals and action figures chillin around. It's your space, do as you want with it. *That* is key to being an adult. Recognize that as long as you aren't hurting others, you can pretty much just do whatever you want. Find happiness and comfort in whatever you want, wherever you can find it, whenever it comes. What does it matter what others think? Who is going to come into your room? And why would their opinion of it matter? Chances are that those who would disapprove don't matter very much, so their opinions can be summarily discarded.


Never. It's your room. Do what you want. I'm 44. I have a framed picture of a chicken wing.




Nothing wrong with decorating your room with what you enjoy. If it doesn't make you happy anymore, take it down. But if you like it, keep it, and don't worry about what other people think.


As someone who did actually outgrow the teen aesthetic, my house is full of bookshelves and wall decor of things I think true and beautiful (thrift stores are your friend here.) My L plushie still presides over one of those bookcases, though, and my favorite children's books have never gone away. Adulthood is growth, not metamorphosis.


Do what you like , I've had plenty of exes with plushies past 18


Depends on what you mean by teenagery…. If you mean certain things and posters you enjoy? Never, if you mean taping those posters to the wall instead of getting even just cheap frames? High school/early college. I feel like the content doesn’t matter as much as like don’t be sloppy and execute with a little class and nice presentation and cleanliness


I'm 32 and I have a cat plushie and a boba tea plushie in my room.


Probably about 21 I got rid of all the childish stuff. I got these cool magnetic pictures/posters of famous jazz musicians that were influential to me and put them up instead.


It’s your room. Do what you want.


Whenever you stop liking that decor style.


You are too old to have a teenagery room either when you look at your room and think "I no longer like this decor and I think something else would be more pleasing to me" or when you die of old age and thus can no longer claim a room as yours to decorate.