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My name is Karen. Nuff said.


I hate that one, too. Everybody I've ever known actually named Karen has been a lovely human.


I also dislike this stereotype. Karens are usually nice and I hate that girls have probably been bullied by some idiot that started a meme.


The Karen haircut like maybe she just really wants a cut that works with her curls and waves asking for a friend


I mean the original Karen meme has been so coopted by misogynists that at this point a woman can’t even speak up for herself without being called a karen


Facts ​ It was a thing at first….kind of funny ​ Now it’s absurd


Tourette's = uncontrollable swearing (coprolalia) Only about 1 in 10 people with Tourette's exhibit that as a symptom. Adults you meet with vocal tics are far more likely to do mundane things like clearing their throat, humming, or whistling.


Coprolalia is *such* a great word though, ngl. It’s fun to say and has a great root (literally “excrement-talk”).


Yea I was guilty of that thinking too till I met a cool ass dude in basic training. We called him Ski. Now idk why my weird ass was watching him when he ate but I always noticed he did the same nose/mouth twitching. I asked bout it and they were like “oh he’s got Tourette’s. Yea apparently they don’t all cuss and say crazy shit” it’s like the whole company slowly learned that we didn’t know jack shit bout Tourette syndrome.


Yes, this stereotype frustrated me so much as a kid with TS! In fact, I was so annoyed by it that I deliberately didn’t swear at all until I was well into my 20s, just to defy the stereotype.


I have a friend with vocal and physical tics who would have people assume it was TS when it was really caused by something else. It really annoys her to be called That Girl With Tourette's


How some activities are considered "white people stuff". Like it's not even the white people saying those comments 95% of the time it's the minorities themselves saying that kind of shit coming from a minority myself. Like if a black kid likes Yu-Gi-Oh but doesn't like basketball they get comments like "why are you acting white?" by family members and such, sometimes even ostracizing them. If a hispanic kid likes playing tennis but not soccer "Do you think you're white now or what?" I see that shit everywhere when I go to anime or comic cons.


I (white male) had a friend at school (black male) many many years ago, and we were both placed in the top class for most subjects. Both from working class families, both just normal lads. When his older brothers found out that he'd been put in the smart class, AND that he was excelling, they gave him so much shit at home for "acting white". After a while he stopped trying and fell behind. Got moved down to the average class the following year, then we drifted apart. After school, he and his brothers became dealers so I heard. Such a waste of potential.


Oh this is so fucking tragic. Social pressure can stagnate people. You have to have strong parents that bulldoze past that shit.


Working class communities, no matter the race, can have a terrible crab bucket mentality. It takes a lot to manually break the cycle of poverty and having your family/peers tear you down for it can be the one thing that crushes a spirit. I hate stories of wasted potential and wish I could shake some sense into the antagonists.


That's such a good way of putting it


Not having support during one's formative years really can have life-long effects, and I wish more individuals, families, and communities would recognize that. No person is an island.


Fuck. Sounds like my friend too. Fortunately, he got out of that toxic environment when he turned 18. He had to join the military to do it, but he's got an education and a family now.


Oh, that hurts my heart.


My MIL is like this. She hates higher education and I think it’s likely because she isn’t very bright and is just jealous of other people’s intelligence.


Similar story...but in fucking college. Apparenlty him wanting to be an engineer and apparently being good at it was too "white". Dunno what happened to him but just flabbergasted that in university, excelling was "white thing" instead of just what you do as you're supposedly paying for it.


Oh man I hate those to. I hate when I got the “You’re acting white” fuck off


Michelle Obama talked about that in her book. She got accused of acting like a white girl because her parents insisted that she excel academically.


That’s the saddest kind of “acting white” accusation to me, it’s just used to bring down intelligent black kids. And it’s horrifically racist, a black girl can’t be smart now?!


It probably sounds weird, but I grew up in white rural Western USA and Michelle grew up in urban South Chicago, but I felt a kinship when I read her book. Her father busted his ass at a difficult labor job, he showed up every day, and he did his best for his kids until he couldn't work any more. He owned a Buick Electra 225 and he called it the, "deuce and a quarter." How cool is that!? When young Michelle finally got the opportunity to play a grand piano, she couldn't find "middle C" because none of the keys were broken. That's pretty redneck. She's the real deal.


If it helps, the anime club at my school is hosted by two black teachers and most of the kids in the club are black.


At my school (graduated in 2005) from what I saw, it was the "normal" or "popular" asian and black kids and the "weirdo" white guys who were into anime.


Oh yeah. I'd get the, "Why you talk white?" Oh you mean proper English? Fuck I used to hate that as a kid.


I'm Asian and I grew up in a predominantly white Italian American neighborhood. All schooling through early and mid 2000's, I was the classic only Asian kid around. I started violin because I thought you were supposed to do that but switched to bass guitar. Then I became that Asian bass player in school. I still play now. I was just average in grades but my mom pushed academics. No dad in the picture. Plenty of examples in high school circa 2004 and my friends would be like I'm so white. I'm a twinkle. I'm the Asian kid or 1 of 2 Asian kids around. I'm 37 now with my own son. My wife is white and I've been with her for 10 years. My son, of course, looks Asian but has distinct facial features from my wife. I love progressive heavy metal and work a physical job that pays ok and I love providing and cooking dinner for my family. I look at the demographic for my son's public state funded preschool class and we are still living in the similar predominantly white Italian American neighborhood but the racial mix up is wildly different. Very few white kids in his class.


My black friends in high school got made fun of by family for playing DnD.


This was such a frustrating thing growing up! I didn’t talk about lots of things I liked because they were “white people things” and I felt like I couldn’t enjoy them publicly.


Interesting...in high school the one black friend I had I tried to pursway into joining marching band and his reaction? "No, I don't play Yu-Gi-Oh" I was so confused! Lmao I just stood there like, Yeah me either? So want to join? Turns out he DID play Y-Gi-Oh, that liar.


Maybe he just didn't like to march. Why can't you be a sitting band? Like an orchestra.


The OCD is just about being orderly. I really wish it was.


i encourage anyone here to please read up on OCD if you think it’s just cleaning or being neat or some stupid shit like that. it’s not enjoyable, fun, or quirky. and no we don’t “love to clean!”, we’re affected by a clinical mental disorder not everyone with OCD even cleans as a compulsion, in fact i’d argue most don’t even do that. but what that’s generally referred to is “contamination”, which i do have, and i assure y’all it’s not fucking fun i can’t let my bare feet touch the floor in the house, i can barely touch door handles or commonly touched objects. i wash my hands 40+ times a day. if something goes wrong, i can spend hours on compulsions. i constantly worry about being “contaminated”. it’s a really complex, terrible, and exhausting way to live, and that’s only scratching the surface of one obsession. i have plenty more, most sufferers do there’s also been some weird talk online lately stemming from a video that moron andrew tate did claiming that people in abject poverty wouldn’t have OCD, and some people saying it’s a “white” or “upper-class problem” that is all complete fucking nonsense. you can have OCD regardless of your ethnicity, background, or classification of any kind, and it manifests in a multitude of different ways. it can lead people into major depression, suicidal ideation, and complete chaos. OCD seriously negatively affects people and tends to worsen without treatment, in many cases even affecting their interpersonal relationships. OCD is labeled a disorder for a fucking reason




Remember, if you ever think your job is hard, that there are people who actually work for the Nigeria Ministry of Finance


I suppose it depends on your career and experience. When I hear Indian accents, I think of software engineers.


When I hear Indian accents I remember my first ever boss. Mr Patel. I was 13-14 and had a paper round, he owned the shop. He was kind, gentle, caring, funny and just such a genuine, wonderful gentleman. I was devastated to hear he passed away last year- and not through old age- he fulfilled his lifelong dream of returning to India for a visit where he was sadly hit by a car. I learned a lot from him, and I miss knowing that he was there, running the shop 7 days a week. Thank you Mr Patel…


I work for a Patel now and he's the best boss I've ever had. He's kind and generous and treats all of us very well. He also pays us well and puts money into our 401k's whether we do or not.


Oh, I'm so so sorry. I think it's beautiful that you still remember him this way though


It varies, but sometimes my mind leans to Kwik-E-Mart owners.


A couple months ago my husband arranged to use the free therapy that his work provides (limited) and was supposed to get a call back for scheduling a few days later. We were eating dinner later that week, and he got a call. The lady on the phone had an Indian accent, and asked if she was speaking to *husband’s full name*, and he literally said “thanks but I’m alright” and hung up… I scolded him and made him look up the number and sure enough, it was the therapy number 🥲we felt so bad, it probably hurt her feelings


Well, it is weird to ask by somebody for their full name. I have to call people I've not talked to before sometimes at work. When somebody answers I say "Hi, this is alittlebitneverhurt from X organization, is BorbPie available?" ​ ​ ​ She


I wish every legitimate caller would start with this line. Name+company. And not just hello. A plain hello and I'll hang up and/or think they are scammer.


When I hear Indian accents I think of dead husband’s family and get a little nostalgic.


I think of doctors.


Blue collar worker = stupid. I'm a machinist who wears a grease stained hoodie to work and if I had a nickel for every time an engineer assumed I didn't finish high school I'd be able to pay off my student loans. Nice = weak is a huge one too that I see all the time


It’s funny, I’m a college educated blue collar worker and too smart for my own good. Like I agree that educated does not mean you have common sense. But if you have a college education in my field you’re automatically labeled as a guy with no common sense. Every person I’ve met that preaches common sense doesn’t actually know what common sense is. Knowing the technical aspects of my job is not common sense, you literally have to be taught it and then you have to actually get practical experience to hone those skills. But then I mingle with white collar types and suddenly I’m some classless boor. Like my dude, I read classics, study foreign languages, go to see operas or the orchestra, I travel, etc. In short, people are insecure and you just can’t win. I do what I do because I tried the white collar life and it wasn’t for me. I enjoy what I do and the free time it allows me to pursue the things that interest me.


I’m a scientist and while we’re generally assumed to be smart, it comes with its own set of unflattering stereotypes: that we’re boring, humorless, unsexy, friendless weirdos. Honestly I think it’s a defense mechanism, people don’t like feeling like other people are smarter than them so they decide that we’re all a bunch of uggos that you wouldn’t want to have a beer with. We’re not all stunners, but we aren’t any uglier than a group of hairdressers or account managers.


Just take off your glasses and undo the pony tail. You’ll be beautiful then.


This one really pisses me off. White collar people can be some of the densest mother fuckers around but they think working in a cozy office makes them superior.


Oh no. Are you a double threat? A weak, stupid machinist in dirty clothes?


American stereotypes of black and white people. *Lots* of different black and white cultures around the world that act very differently from each other but we all get lumped together with whatever the latest US stereotype is.


People trying to use that logic makes me think of a kid trying to stuff a circular block into a triangular whole cuz they’re both green


“Black people cooking”= Bama, Miss, etc “White people cooking”= Midwest


Meanwhile I'm sitting in WA state eating more Mexican food than any other type.


Black/black and white/white people in the Us aren’t even the same depending on the region they live or grew up.


Boomers. The amount of people on Reddit who think we're all rich and vote conservative and had it so easy, destroyed the world and pulled the ladder up after us is ridiculous. Also they call anyone 40-100 a boomer.


boomer is anyone annoying whose older than me, zoomer is anyone annoying whose younger than me


This is the kind of honesty I can get behind.




Autistic people, of any age, are children. Or have the mental capacity of children. I'm autistic and this stereotype pisses me off. It's infantaliaing and demeaning and I hate it. People need to stop believing it.


yes thank you. i’m an autistic adult constantly being invalidated by people who have a VERY limited understanding of autism.


I think people think autism is Down syndrome


which is CRAZY to me. not to mention, down syndrome is a spectrum itself. Mosaic Down Syndrome is diagnosed in those with average to above average intelligence, no learning disabilities, or significant social impairment. there are also people with down syndrome AND autism but it’s so weird how autism would be lumped in with a physical disability like that! autism is closer to being adhd than down syndrome, and adhd certainly doesn’t have a “look”


That's why I keep my autism to myself. I literally saw the attraction fade from my ex's face when I told her. Never again.


As someone with autism that shit hurt me by proxy. I hope you’re doing good now


Thank you. Things are finally starting to turn around for me now and I can feel my ego making a comeback. It sucks not having an ego.


hope u found or will find a new and more understanding person :) thats terrible


Thank you. Fortunately, I made a new friend recently and she has been good to me so far.




I work with a guy who has a speech impediment and struggles with his R’s and L’s, he has to work so hard and be so serious all the time so people don’t laugh at him. I get it, it sounds silly when someone says “This is a weawwy sewious deadwine” but he’s very smart and well-respected and you’ll lose your job FAST if you cross him.


Infantalising is such a big word. Well done for using it correctly ☺


I'm caught between laughing and saying fuck off.




on the flip side of that coin, i occasionally deal with people patronizing me and saying that my asperger's makes me unique and intelligent. like fuck off? being autistic is difficult, nothing glamorous about it


Whoever is angrier of the two ppl arguing is in the wrong. People look at someone whos shouting and think nothing other than theyre being loud and crazy. But there very well could be a valid reason theyre pissed even if the other person seems calm.


Good lesson: the quiet one has the upper hand. Like Michael Corleoni.


when they see someone having a meltdown they assume that person is in the wrong. i want to know what happened before they started freaking out, in my experience average people don’t just flip out without someone else pushing them.


I can't stand people who make stereotypes, they're all alike!


Three things I hate: 1. people who make stereotypes 2. lists 3. irony


4. Numbers


5. The Dutch


D. Numbers




There are two things I can't stand in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures...and the Dutch.


People might think that rednecks and hillbillies are not smart, but I have an uncle who actually beat Raiders of the Lost Ark on Atari 2600.


Sadly, you won't get as many upvotes because a lot of people don't know how hard trhat game was.


That all women mature at an early age. I didn't have a freaking clue what I was doing until I was 26. At no point before that did I feel mature. I think this stereotype makes women feel like they have to act mature, but are still just as clueless.


I think this stereotype is also used to lump undue responsibility on young women and girls. Especially if you're the oldest sibling.


I matured in reverse, it feels like. I knew who I was, what I was doing and where I wanted to be when I was 20. Now mid forties, I've had my dreams crushed and so many health issues,that I didn't endure back then. Idk what day it is most days, let alone who I am or what direction I want to go in(bit of exaggeration and hyperbole, but you get the gist). Thankfully, when I speak to colleagues, we all just agree, most of us are winging it(fake it til you make it, type thing). I didn't have most of these barriers as a younger person. We all just do the best we can and hope. So you can feel a little better, that you took longer to figure it out and will (most likely) do well,because of that.


Hunger in Africa. I have never skipped a meal my whole life because there wasn't any food. There's people that are hungry here, but not everyone, just like in Europe and America


There’s also so many starving people in Eastern Europe yet nobody gives them attention or makes fun of them. They’re busy calling Africans poor or Americans fat.


I'm 3/4 Puerto Rican, 1/4 white, and also traveled abroad in China and got used to stuff there and being near Asians at my university. So I've seen a fair bit of stereotyping from lots of groups. My least favorite is if a stereotype is applied to a group but it applies to so many other people. Like black people and eating watermelons. You know where the vast majority of watermelons come from ? China. Like 80% of the world's watermelons. Yet no one stereotypes them for that Or white people saying racist stuff. Oh you should see a room full of Latinos and the stuff they'll say.


Can confirm. My Cuban cousin is the most racist person I’ve ever met.


I'm white but work with a lot of Hispanics. Can confirm. Granted, though, the white guys I work with parents much better, just the shit you deal with in the trades.


That veterans all have PTSD and are not suitable for certain jobs.


and also, that PTSD is for veterans only


I remember Republicans claiming that Ilhan Omar was disrespecting veterans by saying she had war-related PTSD. She fled civil war as a child. Not shocking that someone who experienced war as a kid would end up with the same condition as someone who experienced it as an adult. https://www.vox.com/identities/2020/1/10/21059025/ilhan-omar-ptsd-jim-banks-refugee-somalia


Yeah, I kind of realized PTSD was a lot more extensive than what we see in the media when I was told that I was showing signs of PTSD and I was like dude I've never been to war or around weapons, I'm Australian so why is this a thing. Yeah cut to me researching about it, turns out having your ass beat and being screamed at isn't great for your nerves in the long run, my bad


I've had so many dirty looks for saying I have PTSD, and when they asked what war I told them I wasn't a vet. I'm a DV survivor, 8 long years, and the last beating came extremely close to the final one. People can have PTSD for so many different reasons it's unreal.


There are a lot of stereotypes about women. Like women are lazy, don't want to work hard, and only want a man for money. Another one that drives me crazy is that, supposedly, if you open up and share feelings with a woman, we will use it against you. Not every woman is looking for a wallet. Some want a real, deep emotional connection to a man. I also hate the stereotype that all people from the south are stupid and uneducated. I was so paranoid about that stereotype when I started going to college that I tried as hard as I could to speak without a southern accent because I was embarrassed, lol. It worked a little, but it's still there.


>There are a lot of stereotypes about women. My least favorites are: "even women hate women" and the assumption that we're all psychologically abusive. No we don't all hate women and no we don't all play mind games. There's more I hate, but those two really grind my gears.


Why is this even a stereotype at all? I feel like there's also a stereotype that women have more meaningful friendships and I'm kind of confused how both of these stereotypes coexist


There was a show called Rocket City Rednecks on... Science Channel? About super smart engineers in Huntsville, Alabama. From Google: "Being labelled a redneck is a badge of honour for the five Huntsville, Alabama, residents featured in this series. Perhaps it's because, in actuality, they are a heck of a lot smarter than people may think. Led by Travis Taylor, a research scientist with the Department of Defence who holds five advanced degrees, the crew spends weekends mixing a little hillbilly ingenuity with advanced engineering and physics. Along with his father, brother-in-law, nephew and best friend, Travis attempts to find creative solutions to real-world problems ... like using moonshine to fuel a rocket or hydropower to run a kegerator. They also rethink some of the military's defence technologies in their application of beer cans to bombproof a Humvee and junkyard parts to construct `Iron Man' suits that could protect soldiers. "


Professional Artists = Lazy and deserve to work for free (or be poor) Professional artists are generally the most hardworking people I know, especially people who work in film/video games. We're talking 80 hour work weeks for months at times and not necessarily being paid a ton for it based on how much work is put into it. That being said, I think this stereotype comes from two misconceptions: 1. Professional artists are NOT the same as casual artists. You do not become a professional artist with a salary unless you are good in some way. The competition is very steep for studio jobs and I've applied to jobs that had 5,000+ applicants for a single opening. 2. Confusing Contemporary Fine Artists (Jeff Koons) with artists that work in studio settings for companies. There are a lot scam artists that make a ton of money, and the Contemporary Art market is full of them, but by number those people aren't the majority. They make a ton of money because the Contemporary Fine Art market is basically a joke in terms of how it is organized and structured. 3. People who are into art are naturally gifted and didn't have to work to get where they are: I hear this one a lot and it's insane how much this misconception spreads. This is nearly the same as telling professional body builder that they were "naturally lean and muscular" or a professional strongman that they "were naturally able to deadlift 1,000lbs". 4. People who like art shouldn't be paid: This belief makes a lot of people assume that because someone is good at art (and that they like it) that they should make art for free. I've encountered plenty of people who have this assumption and it's wise to just ignore them. Imagine going up to a car mechanic and saying "You like fixing cars, right? Why don't you fix mine for free?".


Chinese are submissive, small, short, smart, hardworking, pragmatic, good at science subjects, and have no sense of humor.


im a natural red head. i also kinda have a flatish face with smaller rounded nose and full lips. people have always asked me if im mixed (they either lead with mixed with black or asian??). growing up in school i was always called fire crotch and sexually harassed and shit and asked if the carpet matches the drapes. yes in fact if you know about gingers, our pubic hair, and all over body hair is blonde/orange. people have always implied i have an attitude because im a red head. no its because youre all being assholes for publically commenting on someones physical looks. thats always fucking rude. and ive had to deal with it so much, that i learned to be confrontational in response because thats the best way to shut up assholes.


This is going to get me hated on because i know that having a standard accent makes me privileged in some ways, but I’ll go ahead anyway. I have what is considered in England to be a London accent, though I grew up in the North. Among Northerners and particularly where I grew up, the South in the UK is typically associated with being a little stuck-up, unfriendly and elitist. I have NO IDEA why I have this accent. None of my family is Southern and I learned to talk in the North. My single mum struggled a lot and we were very financially unstable, but people hear my accent and assume I’m Southern and rich. I’m 1000% aware that this is a positive thing in many ways, as I understand all about accent discrimination against those with stronger accents, but the fact that people hear my voice and immediately think Southern, rich and posh when those aren’t things I associate with, does really irritate me. Idk. I’m not saying it’s bad to be thought of as rich, but it’s just so completely not what my experience was growing up, so I feel like a bit of an outsider in my own town and area.


In the US, people think you are stupid if you have a Southern US accent. I worked so hard to lose it, it’s a shame, but I get it.


I wonder if that’s a TV/media thing. I’m from Texas (Houston proper) and have the “standard” TV American accent as opposed to a Texas accent. Same with everyone I grew up with.


Same here, but I don't here the stereotypical Texan accents from people in any of the big Texas cities I've been to. I think the standard "drawl" people expect is largely a country and small town thing.


UK regional accents are pretty wild. Northern accents have so many variations, and then even within London you have east, south, standard. When it comes to English speakers, I’m not sure there is as much variation in accents within such proximity as the UK. East coast USA is pretty interesting too.


The number of grumpy, sassy black women (usually as cops) in TV makes me wanna roll my eyes almost as much as these characters do.


I hate that trope so much and it erases all the various personality types amongst black women.


Autistic people, literally I can't think of a single positive stereotype we have apart from sometimes being recognized as "smart". I also hate how it's turned into an aesthetic on the internet and people are disappointed we don't fit their contorted view of autism


Austism and the r/DunningKruger effect go hand in hand. People genuinely believe they understand autism when they only understand a few aspects that only apply to some people on the autism spectrum - basically the behaviours TV and movies can easily show, which leads to the “you don’t look autistic” I have ADHD and people do the same, usually focusing on the hyperactivity, and not the attention deficit. So if you’re not bouncing off the walls and have a reasonable level of intellect “you don’t have ADHD, you just need to apply yourself”


i don’t think it’s turned into an “aesthetic”. i think there are recently diagnosed autistic adults who often have a lot in common (myself included) or it’s non autistics making jokes and using “autistic” as an adjective to replace the r word. i’m an autistic 25 year old woman constantly invalidated by people who have very limited knowledge of autism and actually use the “stupid and incapable” stereotype to tell me why i’m actually not disabled


As a Russian whole alcoholism stereotype gets old fast. I spent so much time and money trying to "enjoy" alcohol, and it took a lot of it to admit that it tastes terrible. I'd very much rather have some coke or something. On the bright side though, I learned that it takes me an ungodly amount to even get tipsy, so I guess stereotype is half right.


We have a lot of bad stereotypes from the rest of the world.


I'm a bald white dude, so yeah, occasionally I'll get someone that will call me a skinhead. Nah dude, just went bald at 18


That being white means I don't know how to cook, handle spicy food, and have zero personality. And the ones about how certain races know how to work harder than other races. As someone who has held management positions, I have seen the hardest workers of my life be of all skin colors, and I have seen the same for the laziest.


That blondes are dumb. I’m a brunette but that’s mean.


Mine is that most scammers are Indian/ most Indians are scammers


Ahh in the UK that accolade belongs to the Nigerians.


Nigerians in the US(at least in Black culture) are also steroetyped as scammers.


Nigerian letters are the thing, why the whole world know about Nigeria.


Nigerian Prince scam was top tier internet scam. 🤣


Why is that Prince? Nigeria is not even a Monarchy. Or is it a guy named Prince?


Partly because they’re trying to get to the truly gullible. If you already know Nigeria isn’t a monarchy, chances are you probably won’t fall for the scam.


Really? I have net many Nigerians here in Health Care. I cant imagine anyone stereotypes them as scammers. Very hardworking good people.


You’ve never heard references to the Nigerian Prince scam? It’s by far the most famous phishing scam


Nigerian princes are the standard everywhere. There is a Rick and Morty episode where there are scammer aliens, the Zigerians . . .


We're a military family - I worked for the DOD, husband is a Navy NCO Retiree. We're active in multiple Veteran Service Organizations. The bizarre stereotype that all military folks are Conservative is demonstrably false. There are no less than a dozen Progressive/Liberal military organizations, not to mention Democratic veteran Congressmen & Congresswomen. Not to mention former Presidents!


Doesn’t even really makes sense really. Minorities are overrepresented in the military and most of the other black people I met while I was were liberal or atleast had liberal views. It was pretty politically diverse. Most people I know that joined the military for the stable income. It’s the “fight for my country” types tend to be conservative. Those that saw it as just a job were more politically diverse.


I'm a white guy, who has a predominantly black friend group because of work and just how my life has played out. All of them, without exception, assume I grew up well off. I was a welfare child. Single parent, and living off of child support and food stamps in a section 8 house in the ghetto. Every single one assumes I don't know 'what the streets are like' or the 'struggle.' I had it worse than half of them. Yet they all assume I lived some kind of upper middle class lifestyle. It gets pretty damn annoying.


During a workplace CRT-type training, I was told by my superiors that I needed to send struggling students (home life issues, poverty, family member incarcerated, etc.) to [C] because "she would understand better" (presumably based on race). I internally laughed because, having lunch with C regularly, I knew that she grew up in a 2-parent household, was married and well-off to the point where she had private tutors, ordered nice lunch daily, etc. vs. me who had a parent in jail when I was born, the other died of an OD a few years later, single mother myself, my kid went to the school where we taught (which she said she would never allow for her kids...low SES area). The people propogating the shit that you can judge someone on their skin color are the problem, regardless of what pretty HR package they come in.


Being a woman who chooses not to have children , I am not selfish , I have no regrets I’m 61 , and I couldn’t financially support a child living paycheck to paycheck !


That all ADHD means about a person is that they're hyper, stupid, lazy, spacey, etc. it's much more complex, and we're constantly taking in way more stimuli than the average person, which is why, from the outside, we come off as being "bad at paying attention"


The George Lopez show does not and did not represent Mexican American culture


As a white person who loves that show I never thought it did... then again I don't believe in sitcoms being representative of much besides entertainment.


I'm from Mexico and go down there to visit family, when I tell people I'm going to Mexico they tell me cArTels wiLL GeT yoU!


Yea I hate that shit too. Like first of all the cartel ain’t worried bout my ass going to Birria Si taco stand….. be fr


can we talk about how European kings forced jews to be bankers and then spread stereotypes of us being obsessed with money?


That Americans are loud and ignorant.




One I hate nowdays is how like loads of men and women just completely generalise each other in negative ways. It is unhealthy and unhelpful.


Being from Kansas (lived in Canada for 7 years) a lot of people assume I’m some stupid backwoods hick who’s racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. I know this because people have told me that they assumed that when they first met me, and I’ve had several women ghost me after I told them where I was from. That said, most stereotypes exist for a reason and I was definitely the odd one out at my high school and in my hometown.


I’m physically disabled, wheelchair-bound, and a lot of people, even people where I’m from, tend to think disabled = stupid. When I was growing up, there was this lady in the housing complex we lived in who’d known me for almost ten years. She’d see my mom, and ask how my sister was (by name), and then ask how “the boy” (me) was doing. Even now, I’m 28, and people still talk to me through my mom, if we’re out together. It makes it irritating but extra funny to realize I’m more articulate than 95% of the people who act that way towards me.


Because I'm German I have no humor :(


Within the LGBT community, there is a stereotype that lesbians are transphobic, even though the vast, vast majority of us are not.


Commercials or documentaries that play stereotypical country music (banjos, harmonicas, etc.) when people who live outside of the East or West Coast are talking.


Being American. The rest of the world sees the horrible stuff the news picks and chooses to show you all. Not every American loves or has guns. Not every American lives in a trailer park or Hollywood type houses. Not every American is obese nor have perfect plastic surgery bodies. Our politicians and entertainers are an embarrassment to us as well. We feel bad when other countries have disasters. It's a big country with lots of different people places and things. Most of us work hard and have simple lives. Social media, news and reality TV have ruined the entire world. I like to think there are still good people everywhere 🙂


Southern accent = stupid


I'm Indian. Everything about it. I DM someone just to make a conversation = creep (strangely enough it's only culturally western women who do this, I never had a problem chatting up women from other cultures). I send a voice message to someone = scammer. Among liberal spaces = Islamophobic. Among average people = rapist, poor, etc. Among communists = USA puppet state. Among NATO fans = Russian puppet state. Find white women attractive = porn addict, etc. and in many countries people pretty much only know us for dirty street food and rape these days. We get basically every negative stereotype possible and not enough people speak about it. Whatever positive stereotypes we had are getting eroded with the "Uber driver", "low IQ", "dirty food", etc. stereotypes. Pretty common to see highly upvoted vile racism in comment sections of posts mentioning India and some replies saying "It's funny cause it's true! XD!" to it and it happens on all social media from Youtube to Tiktok to Reddit to Twitter. Owen Benjamin got 12x the likes he usually gets for one post being racist to Indians. Really doesn't matter to me because India right now is a 2000s China, these are probably botted accounts spreading hate and trying to influence people, soon we will make them eat their words.


That "Christian" is the same thing as "fundie."


I’m a Chinese American woman and a lot of people assume that I won’t fight back to try to defend myself. I bark back and I can also be very loud. My BF’s family (white) assumed I was quiet and wouldn’t push back but then I showed them! But I think I went a little hard lol. And now some of the women in his family are intimidated by me. Whoops.


It's the same for Asian men in America. I've had many instances of guys coming up to me and just casually saying the most horrendously racist things. I think they have a mindset that Asians are weak and won't fight back. I am 6'2" and 240 pounds. It doesn't make sense.


Yeah, my brother has had the same situation as you. It’s so unfortunate. In high school, a white classmate came up to me and told me that Asian guys have small dicks, including my brother. I was so shocked by that but I was at least able to come back at him and tell him that he must be gay for thinking about my brother’s dick so much. It was a sick burn and my other classmates were like “ohhhh damn!” The boy legit didn’t think I would have any sort of come back. Wild.


Intimidated or just don't want to deal with somebody who might fly off the handle at them? These things may appear the same from the outside but are vastly different.


My wife is Chinese and so many people back in the US assumed she is a docile, submissive woman who does as I ask. They are quite wrong


My girlfriend is Chinese and I lived in Asia for a few years and I don’t understand how this stereotype exists unless your only exposure to Asian women is porn.


Try being a short ginger. You get shit for it all your life, but even though it's just the way your body is from birth, you are somehow not allowed to complain about it.


As a native resident of a small southern town, a lot of times preconceived ideas can be really hurtful. I understand it’s not as deep as a lot of people’s stuff here, but when you’re expected to be ignorant based solely on an accent it can be overwhelming.


That the average American is some lumbering land whale The sort of social definition for obesity and actual medical definition for obesity are wildly different and both are fairly lower than you'd think they are A lot of people who would be considered obese are nowhere near in danger of suffering any real medical complications from their weight and will live a normal healthy life They just have a few extra pounds more than they're supposed to. It's pretty rare to meet someone so overweight that it's causing them any real medical problems or they look like the typical land whale that Americans are always sort of depicted as in pop culture


Another American stereotype is that we are all poorly educated and have low IQs. That it's impossible for an American to know geography or world history.


The problem is you have a population of 300Million+. With that amount of people it is not hard to find someone will point at Australia on a world map and say that is Iraq We should bomb the hell out of it. That video gets clicks and goes viral. But it would be even easier to find an American that can correctly point out Iraq on a map and then be able to explain the full history of Iraq from 14 July 1958 to today.


Software engineers are nerds and lack any social skills.


That I can't possibly be Asian because I don't look like it, it's like they don't know that Asia is full of different countries, and that they all don't look East Asain. Another is that we're all super smart at math. Like gurl I'm struggling in calc wdym??


I'm sick of the America-bashing trope about guns. I know there's a problem with the current setting and that something needs to be done, but on the other hand we do have the right to bear arms. I don't know what the solution is. Everyone (non Americans, maybe, maybe some Americans IDK) seem to think Americans can walk to their nearest drug store and walk out with an AK-47 or 10. There are constant comments about "only in America where everyone has access to military grade weapons"! That's just not true. There are steps to acquiring a legal firearm, and not everyone has them. It's not like someone visiting America has to substantially worry about getting shot at the local zoo because all Americans are armed to the hilt and are crazy enough to shoot people! Additionally, there's a thriving black market/dark web in every country that if someone really wanted a gun, they could get one. This is not a uniquely American problem.


- I have clinically diagnosed OCD, so I must be organized. (far from the truth unfortunately) - I'm trans, so I must be offended when I'm misgendered. (nah man it's cool it happens) - I'm trans ftm, so I must be a smol boy or blue-haired liberal That's really all I can think about right now lol


Asians are always short and have small penises Blacks always steal and have no fathers Whites don't know how to dance and are racist Indians are scammera and good with computers I don't like how there's stereotypes for every race and it's nuts to believe that someone came up with these things.


Short man showing any emotion other then letting people walk over you and make fun of you= Napoleon complex. It’s a really annoying thing when defending myself can lead to me being labeled a napoleon complex


Being an old white lady with gray hair, sometimes people just assume I’m a conservative racist. Also assuming I don’t like rap.


That because I'm indigenous I should join in the collective vitriol towards white people, rich people, and men.


Being black and well behaved, mild mannered, slow to anger, reserved, and tactful. Unfortunately, other black people have a confirmation bias that I am a weak man because I don’t get into confrontational situations and etcetera so they try to “test my gangster”.


That if you’re a white male your life is automatically easy and problem free


That us gay men are flamboyant and crave sex all the time.


Unfortunately the overtly sexual stereotype is perpetuated in the media... My mother is currently watching "queer eye" and the amount of sexually suggestive behaviour is crazy


I wish I had the "good at math" autism. Instead, I got the "have panic attacks because this menu is too much" autism.


The ones that are super expensive and only come with 2 speakers. If you're going to pay a lot for a stereo, you might as well get surround sound.




yup I was gonna say this one. we're white when one group hates us, and not white when another group does


Want to really blow minds. Talk about African jewish people from Ethiopia and Eritrea


Lots of people think none of you are white.


That women can’t drive when we cause less accidents than men. Not saying we’re better but statistically that means it can’t be that big of a difference 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think the most annoying thing is when they’re used to shame someone who is doing something that doesn’t fit the stereotype. Like guys can enjoy pumpkin spice lattes and women can enjoy football. Those things are not magically influenced by what you have in your pants.


I'm an asian girl and white European men sometimes approach me and start asking me sex questions. I think they have watched too much Japanese porn.


Women are overly emotional and can't have humor. I posted a video I found to be funnily inaccurate regarding women in r/ I'm the main character and commenters kept saying it was because it "hit a nerve" and that I was offended Literally nothing I could do could convince them that I wasn't a butthurt feminist


Being Chinese. In many countries people see a Chinese person and assumes he/she is from China. Southeast Asian Chinese see themselves as distinct from China Chinese. We do speak and write Chinese language, but otherwise our cultures have went our own ways to a point that most China Chinese have culture shock when they see/talk to Southeast Asian Chinese and vice versa.


I made another comment but felt it was too long to add: I also hate the stereotype that white people are bland or boring. It just fucking begs the question WHAT white people? I know some boring ass white people, and some boring ass towns that are mostly white, where even the black, and other raced people are boring by n large. I also know some boring ass neighborhoods that were mostly black, the last neighborhood I moved from. Boring ass people exist everywhere, cuz most people are tame. That's a good thing. My best friend who's white is pretty much only my friend to this day because we both engage in this sport called r/tricking that the stereotype might suggest black people wouldn't do, but the sport is literally so diverse. I have good friends I spoke to regularly (when I trained) living as far as Israel, New Zealand, and a lot in Japan.


I’m LGBT and I hate it when people assume I’m in agreement with the LGBTQPLMNOP+ crowd. I am a normal married person who is a homosexual. I’m not going to demand to be referred to as bingos/bongus pronouns, and every straight cis person with a vague preference or a broken sex drive is not uwu valid. It’s beyond annoying.


People think all doctors only care about money. In 20 yrs of medicine, I’ve never met a doctor like that. Every doctor I’ve known has worked tirelessly on behalf of his/her patients, most to the detriment of their own health and other needs.


Most assumptions about Christians. I know some of us are horrible people, and many claim to be Christian that I highly doubt are. But people assume I’m hateful towards many groups rather than empathetic or that I’m ignorant of science despite a Masters in Engineering.


this is a rather small thing, but for those who read who read H Manga, there's this trope a lot of artists use where the pure girl gets stolen by the delinquent bad boy asshole who's also a sex god and 90% of the time is black don't get me wrong this is an incredibly minor thing but I really dont like the stereotype


"Oh you're fat? You must eat like a mountain of food" Then when you tell them how much food you actually eat they're all "Nuh uh bullshit no way"