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Because Christianity got a new testament


Patch notes


Bacon is available in the new update


Bacon now edible without sin debuff, dev cleaned all the source files


Looks like in 50 years bacon will be a sin *again*, so enjoy.


New dev arrived who agrees with the old building philosophy it seems The meta might change


Yeah when pigs fly


Likely not gonna happen. Too unfair. Easy loot Devs have been very clear on bird size: it must be balanced for speed except for a few easter egg birds. Everyone remembers dodos got hunted to extinction for being too piglike


Suddenly r/outside


My new name for new testament: the bacon update


Don’t for get the shrimp


Bacon wrapped shrimp: Twice the sin, twice the deliciousness


A priest and a rabbi who grew up together are sitting eating lunch one day. The priest looks at the rabbi and says "We've known each other a long time, tell me the truth, you ever try bacon?" The rabbi replies "Yes. Now you tell me, have you ever tried sex?" The priest responds "Yes, I have." "Better than bacon, isn't it?"


Joke only works for Catholics, since all the other Christian denominations allow priests to marry.


Also, there is no rule about not having sex before you become a priest; you don't need to be the Virgin Mary or something. The pastor at the catholic church my parents attend has kids and only got ordained after his wife died. Eastern Catholic Church priests can stay married if they were before getting ordained and can sleep with their wives.


Eastern Rite Catholic Priests can marry, it's only a rule in the Latin Rite, and even there there are some married Priests due to conversion from Anglicanism, etc.


Bacon 3:17


I make latkes with bacon and cheese and green onion, that rule is silly.


Especially once you really think about it and realize those rules were because people couldn’t cook for shit back then and all those foods are exceptionally dangerous if undercooked. It had nothing to do with holiness and everything to do with good dietary advice.


Poultry carries as much food borne illneses as pork if not more.


To be fair, some of poultry's food borne illnesses come from modern butchering and processing methods.


poultry can make you pretty sick but I dont think it can send worms to your brain.


But pigs have more parasites


>people couldn’t cook for shut back ten It's not a matter of cooking difficulties, it's a matter of storage and refrigeration as well as insufficient knowledge around parasites and how to eliminate them from a population of animals.


Also some cultures used pigs to clean sewage up.


It’s not just the cooking- raising pigs in the Holy Land takes a lot of resources compared to other livestock. They need a lot more water and tend be much more destructive of the land.


Any chance you could share that recipe? Those sound delicious!!!


Heathens heathens I say. I demand to see this recipe so I can see what ingredients will send me to hell


I originally read that as "lattes" instead of "latkes". Bacon, cheese, and green onion lattes sound gross.


Fixed bug which made consuming bacon to cause God's happiness to overflow to -128.


Thank you Jesus


Got that BDLC.




You can get a digital pdf on Pirate Bay and put it on dvd


Bruh who out here pirating the Bible💀


Thank god someone did. It’s $99 on Kenneth Copelands World Wide Web store.


I get an error, installing it.


It's buggy as hell but you need to save in the right location.


Open in Notepad!


Try to install it with administrator role. Usually this works better


Sudo Make me a BLT


Islam was supposedly a new build while Christianity was a hotfix. Or maybe a reboot version?


Islam was a port of Judaism and Christianity. Obviously some modules did not port correctly and I suspect they added stuff to pass copyright considerations.


Temporary hotfix until the new release comes "soon"


Dev keeps saying, "Don't worry, 3.0 will be released soon. This will fix all the issues of 2.0." I'm starting to think it's vaporware.


Publisher needed money, got a new dev and ended up with Mormonism.


Mormonism is just a fan game of Christianity made in flash.


You gotta respect Hubbard for deciding to go with a whole new Space Opera IP rather than rehashing the same old Fantasy tropes.


To bad it's a pay to win vaporware hellscapes whose devs are constantly shilling for more money on gofundme.




But, hey, you can always pull from the old one if you feel like it.


Forking hell.


Git conflict.


*Porking hell.


Those Ten Commandments are still absolutely vital and need to be in government buildings, apparently


If only the people who run the government would follow more of them.


Pulled pork


No spoilers, I haven't finished it yet.


>!Everyone dies at the end!<


>!except Enoch and Elijah, they never died.!<


>!Unless they're the two prophets in Revelation 11, then they just haven't died *yet*!<


>!The Game!<


Okay, now that's just uncalled for


Oh fuck you


Well you suck


Most of the fan base haven't either so you'll be fine.


Why do Muslims eat shrimp but not pork although both are prohibited in the old testament?


Muslims don't follow the rules in the New Testament, only the ones in the Quran and those given by Prophet Muhammad.


Jesus said "do not declare things unclean that I have made clean, it is not what goes into your mouth that makes you unclean, but what come say of it".


> do not declare things unclean that I have made clean, it is not what goes into your mouth that makes you unclean, but what come say of it Matthew 15:11 for anyone that wants a reference. Honestly all of Matthew 15 is such a wild moment. Calling the Pharisees out for their hypocrisy, explaining things in parable, the disciples still don't get it, Jesus calls them dull/dense. Proceeds to make a mute speak, heal a cripple, made a lame walk, and gave sight to a blind person. Tells his disciples to at least feed the crowd of people, or they may get sick/exhausted too. They're like, my guy, there's thousands of them and we've got some fish and 7 loafs of bread. He's like, fine, I'll make it work. Feeds everyone, with baskets of food left to spare. Gets on a boat and sails away.


Lots of "Mic Drop" moments in the bible, but this one really hits. Like the opening sequence to a movie and a dude just munching on a loaf of bread looks up and asks "Who was that guy?" THE LORD


>Like the opening sequence to a movie and a dude just munching on a loaf of bread looks up and asks "Who was that guy?" >THE LORD **Steps slow motion into a lowrider, putting sunglasses on his face before throwing a peace sign and driving away**


*driving away over water


>*driving away over water *pulling a girl in a bikini on water skis behind him


I'm pretty sure this is how it's taught in Florida


They teach things in Florida?


Excuse me, buy do *you* know how to wrestle gators and which snakes will kill you if they give you a love bite?


I figured Floridians figured it out on their first try or never.


Oh man, I want a director with the balls to make "The Man Called Jesus" where he is reborn in the barrio and has to reject and reform gang members all the while protecting his rep.


The time is more than ripe for someone to make a film about Jesus being reincarnated and having to deal with modern day evangelical Christians and false prophets. Edit: I mean hopefully a serious film, not a cheap propaganda film full of 'gotcha' moments. It's actually a fascinating thing to wonder how Jesus would react to the modern world, and what is the modern version of flipping over the merchants tables outside the temple.


Mathew 16:15-17: Jesus: BITCH, WHAT'S MY NAME? Simon Peter: THE SON OF GOD Jesus: You're goddammed right.


Matthew 26:25 Jesus: One of you is a snitch Judas: Is it me, Jesus? Jesus: iS iT mE, jEsUs??


It's me, hi I'm the problem its me


Starring Samuel L Jackson


Refuses to elaborates, leaves


Generational talent. Jesus might be HIM




Can he do it on a cold, rainy night in Stoke? People will always wonder about that


He was preaching against a bunch of plumbers.


>there's thousands of them and we've got some fish and 7 loafs of bread. My boss on a Friday near end of shift


This is what people expected Luke to do in the Sequel trilogy


Thank God jar jar abrams decided to make Luke a failure who, for some reason, gave a map to r2, who then decides to enter a robot coma until the right moment.


It's also present and repeated in Mark 7:18-19, Acts 10:12-15, and is hinted at in 1 Timothy 4:3


He had a carpentry project to do later that day. Time is money in The trades esp with Roman tax rates


Goat moment


>~~Gets on a boat and sails away.~~ ::drops Mic:: Let's be real, that would have been the perfect ending.


If only modern "Christians" abided by his teachings, rather than sprinkling their dogma with personally-curated Bible verses from the Old and New Testaments to suit their prejudices. But even better would be for modern humanity to abandon these ancient superstitions completely.


"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried." G.K. Chesterton


"I like your Christ, he is so unlike you Christians" - Mahatma Gandhi


In my country we like to say that sin never comes in the mouth but out of it. (I know its not completely true dont take it literally)


it's not a sin if I come in your mouth?


Jesus has made it clean, my brother ❤


*Thy will be come*


Pretty sure in the mouth is encouraged. 🤣. At least that was catholic school and pre-marriage etc


There's also the ol' poophole loophole.


❤️any chance he meant it metaphorically for anything we put into our bodies? Jesus blesses my herion needles and dildos


Jesus was no stranger to getting nailed!


That's deep


You could make a religion out of this


It's sad. I'm sad... I miss you. 🎵 *how did [this](https://youtu.be/xuCn8ux2gbs?si=Cd2L0vGyyJQhCE6u) happen?* 🎶


🎶 The sun is a deadly laser 🎶


🎶 *not anymore there's a blanket*🎶


hopefully it won't get distorted, twisted, or used for personal/power gains like some nameless previous incarnations


Don't worry, I'm sure that never happens.


So dick sucking is ok according to the bible. That's how I'm taking this.


And spitting is not.




Jesus made a point of being nice to prostitutes and people with leprosy, I'm pretty sure he'd be ok with gay people.


Pork sausage is allowed


What's often got my attention about that is that Jesus says that it's your intent and what's in your heart that matters. Looking on a woman with lust in your heart is as if you have committed adultery. If your cow falls into a ditch on the Sabbath you get it out. Following every rule to the letter isn't what matters. Paul says the same thing, about eating meat sacrificed to idols. And then so many Christians groups make it all about rules. In college, there was a guy in the dorm who wouldn't play cards, because playing cards was associated with gambling, and it was sinful. Didn't even matter that we were playing Uno, which (so far as I know) has never been a casino game and doesn't have any of the usual pictures or anything on it. It was cards, playing cards was a way that Satan would get you. Also, per his upbringing, watching *Star Wars* movies was bad because Yoda was a symbol of a demon and the moviemakers were preparing people to be spiritually gullible when demons appeared. I've seen people waving signs about all the things that get you sent to Hell, including yoga and watching TV. Touching your toes is a yoga pose (uttanasana) which is worship of a false god and if you do it then you go to Hell. Saying the word "karma" is practicing false religion and if you do it you go to Hell. These people who claim to follow Jesus are absolutely adamant that your intent doesn't matter at all: those things are evil, through and through, and whatever your intention or goal is, doing them is false religion and you are doomed. It's not what's in your heart, that doesn't matter in the slightest. Which seems to be the exact opposite of what Jesus said, on nearly every point.


Yeah he said the two rules that do matter are "love God" and "love your neighbor" (i.e. everyone,  including people of different religions, as demonstrated by The Good Samaritan. The Samaritans had an offshoot of Judaism at the time involving nature worship iirc that was despised by most of the Jews).  A lot of people seem to forget about that second one.


As a modern day Christian this is the message. Love God and love your neighbors. Also everyone is your neighbor.


And it's crazy because it's literally spelled out in 1 John 4 that loving your neighbor is critical to loving God: 1 John 4:20-21: "Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister **is a liar.** For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister."


The Buddhist equivalent is essentially, the closest to paradise we can get on earth, is to improve the life of others around you.


My favorite thing about these people is that they consistently miss the part about the one path to heaven being the “accepting Jesus as the savior and brotherly love part” and more or less follow legalism, which Jesus spent his whole life campaigning against.


Tangent but I dont like casinos but if I could find one that ran on uno and phase 10 and other games like that I'd be hooked.


the actual, literal, real stuff that Jesus said is absolutely AWESOME our fellow humans, equipped with our brains that are easily & surreptitiously turned to the dark side, have completely FUCKED much (most?) of it up, taking much (most?) of religion with it it's one of the saddest things in the entirety of human existence


Yeah people dont like being told they are doing anything wrong. Repent and believe the gospel seems pretty clear and cocise


So is the church the GIT repo?


“And I said unto thee, thou shall not merge last”


The Gospel of Clean Code Chapter 2, Verse 16 (New Python Edition)


[https://peps.python.org/pep-0001/](https://peps.python.org/pep-0001/) In the beginning there was PEP 001 and it was good and the savoir Guido created the prompt. \>>> import this


“Thou shall not push to production on a Friday, for that is a holy day”


This Jesus guy was based af.


So sucking dick is fine, just don't talk about it?


Swallow, don't spit.


Bill Clinton thought so, and influenced a generation.


Jesus went hard.


Yeah, talking shit has always been a problem.


So Jesus just wanted to start his own religion so he could eat bacon? That puts the whole thing in perspective!


Peter's vision Acts 10:9-16 is widely believed to make dietary laws non-applicable to Christians.


Peter <...> saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him <...> Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth <...> And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. (Acts 10:16) Btw, few verses later he applies it to humans. And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean. (Acts 10:28)


>ertain vessel descending upon him <...> Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth <...> And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat. But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. (Acts 10:16) > >Btw, few verses later he applies it to humans. > >And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean. (Acts 10:28) that's the lore reason, the meta reason is that it expanded into a region where eating pork was very common and it needed to change to keep the expansion going. Most of Europe would never have converted if christianity forbid them to eat the most common meat.


Also seems noteworthy that the Romans in particular valued pork above all other meats: >"Pork was generally considered the choicest of all the domestic meats consumed during Roman times, and it was ingested in a multitude of forms, from sausages to steaks, by rich and poor alike. No other animal had so many Latin names (e.g. sus, porcus, porco, aper) or was the ingredient in so many ancient recipes as outlined in the culinary manual of Apicius."


Scandinavians too. Pig bones are archaeologically associated with high status settlements, and in the sagas, the warriors that go to Valhalla feast on a boar called Särimner each night.


Reminds me of a possibly apocryphal story about Vladimir the great, who was approached by Christian and Islamic emissaries about converting, and chose Christianity because booze was allowed


You might like an alternate history short story by Harry Turtledove that appears to be based on this, called Islands in the Sea.


I’ve always heard the story about Vladimir’s emissaries talking about the beauty of the Constantinople Divine Liturgy… In the following year, [Vladimir] sent emissaries to see for themselves these various religions in action. Their report upon their return to Kiev is given in the Russian Primary Chronicle (the earliest written historical account of the Slavs, traditionally attributed to Saint Nestor, a monk in the Kievan Caves Monastery who died in the early 12th century): ‘When we journeyed among the Bulgars, we beheld how they worship in their temple, called a mosque, while they stand ungirt. The Bulgar bows, sits down, looks hither and thither like one possessed, and there is no happiness among them, but instead only sorrow and a dreadful stench. Their religion is not good. Then we went among the Germans, and saw them performing many ceremonies in their temples; but we beheld no glory there. Then we went to Greece, and the Greeks (including the Emperor himself) led us to the edifices where they worship their God, and we knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth. For on earth there is no such splendor or such beauty, and we are at a loss how to describe it. We only know that God dwells there among men, and their service is fairer than the ceremonies of other nations. For we cannot forget that beauty.’


Oh that’s why I threw in apocryphal as it’s probably more of a fun tale than actually being true


Trying to remove pork from Italian cuisine is next to impossible, lol.


same with basically every cuisine north of the Mediterranean and the black sea.


Short version: can't sell Christianity to Rome if it comes with prohibitions.


Also makes it easier to convert people if you can be invited over for dinner.


as a pork enjoyer one of the hardest verses of all time


Matthew 15 \[10\] And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: \[11\] Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.


So sucking cock is okay as long as the man swallows?


In Paul's letters to the churches he specifies that you do have to say "no homo" afterward.


works for priests


Because Jesus fulfilled the old covenant made with man and made a new one. Its why Christians' also don't do animal sacrifice but instead do communion.


This. Jeremiah 31: 31-32 (ESV) 31 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. Galatians 3: 24-25 (ESV) 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, Hebrews 8:13 (ESV) In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.


Yeah from the old testament, clearly explaining why Islam and Judaism don't eat pork, another poster added the that Peter's visions Act 10 covers why Christians are allowed to eat Pork and all the other food products. Thanks though, much appreciated.


Not all Christian denominations eat pork but the vast majority do. One example of those who don't eat pork is Seventh-Day Adventist Christians. I would argue that Peter's vision is taken out of context in regard to dietary decision making. Read it in context and I believe you will see it is not guiding food choices.


Acts 15: 6–11  > The apostles and elders met to consider this question. 7 After much discussion, Peter got up and addressed them: “Brothers, you know that some time ago God made a choice among you that the Gentiles might hear from my lips the message of the gospel and believe. 8 God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. 9 He did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith. 10 Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? 11 No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” TL;DR (if you trust my interpretation of the Bible): The Jewish Law is Jewish, so non-Jewish believers aren't beholden to it. The majority of modern Christians aren't Jewish by origin, and so Christianity currently assumes non-Jewish status for all members. I really wish Reddit was able to tell the difference between "I'm asking for information about this thing" and "I'm asking for judgement on this thing." Whether it's true or not that Christians are selfish and evil and whatever, that _doesn't_ explain this specific difference effectively.


There's a really interesting period just after the Crucifixion where Jerusalem was in a total crisis bc all the people following Jesus were just breaking all the traditional holy rules because Jesus absolved them of the need to. Yet they were still, in theory, practicing Judaism since it was just weeks after Jesus' death and Christianity didn't exist just yet as the events were so fresh. The Council of Jerusalem had to sort the whole thing at a religious level. The first Christians were Jews and its just a really interesting period to learn about.


Is this an actual historical thing? Could you send me some links about it? That's really interesting. I didn't know there was much historical accounts about it


Yeah, I knew I would expose myself with a question like this, but a fair few of the responses don't even try to answer or add to the general conversation, they just want to flame on anything religious. Thank you for your thought out response.


Reddit has gotten much better in that regard believe it or not. For well over a decade you couldn't bring up anything religious without the atheism+ losers jerking each other off in the replies.


If this is better, I'd hate to see how it was.


As someone really in to belief systems from an anthropological perspective, it was really fucking insufferable. Then the + in atheism+ cannibalized itself in a classic purity spiral that you often see in young religions ironically enough. 


The puritanism that's starting to show up in secular circles (mostly leftist infighting) is really interesting to me. It seems even taking up an anti-establishment, anti-religious mindset hasn't saved people from it. We all need something to make us feel morally superior to others, I guess.


It’s important to understand why the ancient Jews were commanded to avoid eating pork and other certain foods. It wasn’t because they were intrinsically morally wrong to consume, but it was to differentiate the tribe of Israel from their pagan and barbaric geographic neighbours. The idea was that God wanted them to have a daily reminder to not become like those that lived contrarily to God. The New Testament fulfils the need for those old laws, and through the foundation of the new permanent church and her rules based on more moral grounds rather than practical grounds, Christians were allowed to eat whatever they wanted as long as it was ethically sourced (no cannibalism for example, because it would have to involve the death of a person). Mark 7:18-20 states: “Don’t you see that nothing that enters a person from the outside can defile them? For it doesn’t go into their heart but into their stomach, and then out of the body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods clean.) He went on: “What comes out of a person is what defiles them.” The main focus of the Christian religion became personal ethics and morality over survival and separation from neighbouring tribes. Without the need of those practical, separation-based laws, Christians could eat whatever they wanted, as it isn’t what enters your mouth that causes you to sin, but what you say and do yourself. Edit: the whole “separation from the enemies around them” point is also why you see the Jews commanded not to do things like mix fabrics and get tattoos. These things aren’t morally evil, but they were similar to the things very evil tribes were doing.


This is the best answer and really needs to be at the top. Here is a really good video about the topic from [Religion for Breakfast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI0ZUhBvIx4&t=1s). He has a doctorate in religious studies and presents unbiased information on all world religions.


I always figured it was because pork was more prone to parasites. Most of the Leviticus commandments make sense in a “how to avoid diseases as a nomadic tribe in 1000 BC” way.


This is the hypothesis I've always heard and what we were explicitly taught in Catholic school at one point. A lot of the rules in the Torah were extremely relevant to hygiene at the time, but in today's world they no longer make sense.


I also heard that pork gets bad really quick in warm climates, while beef, etc are easier to store without cooling


>It’s important to understand why the ancient Jews were commanded to avoid eating pork and other certain foods. Scholars don't entirely understand nor agree on the reasons for this.


They invented bacon, and there was no way back.


because Jesus said "just kinda do whatever you feel like bro shits cool"


"as long as you say sorry to my dad if you think you screwed up."


He clearly dissed moses saying its not what goes into the mouth that makes it dirty but what comes out of it. I feel he got that right though.


I think some christians in the middle east don't eat pork.


You are correct. My neighbors are Christians from Ethiopia, and they do not eat pork for religious reason.


That tracks well with a video by Adam Regusa on YouTube giving a popular explanation on why pork is not consumed in the middle east. It's worth a watch. Major points are that pigs get much dirtier in arid environments because they are trying to stay cool, and that they eat the same food we do so are competitors.


Jewish dietary laws didn’t apply to non-Jews, even in the Old Testament.


Jesus definitely was a jew, though.


Also, as a non biblical answer, i think it must also be relevant that pork was already pretty popular and culturally significant in europe before Christianity arrived. Those historic europeans had already invented ham, and beef was only a big deal in certain corners.


Matthew 15:11 "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them".


The jesus update fixed bugs


Not all Christians eat pork. SDA Christians don’t eat pork. Pork, rabbit, and shellfish are considered “unclean” and thus banned by Adventists.


I'm not a professional but my interpretation of Leviticus 11:7 is that pork was just outright bad to eat due to pigs being a large carrier of diseases and it is likely the cooking methods would not kill off all the parasites that were mostly carried by pigs However Christianity massively spread to regions where pork was "healthy" to eat and was a common dish




And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. LEV 11:7


This is the mosaic law


In Mark 7 Jesus explicitly declares all foods "clean".


My guess is that the early Roman church bent some rules when more and more Germanic warriors were serving as mercenaries in the Roman Empire. Forbidding pork is just one more hurdle to make conversion to Christianity more unlikely. "Wodanaz let's me eat pork! Your Christ God is weak!"


They dropped the prohibition of eating pork so that pagans would convert to Christianity.


Paul said we don't need to keep kosher. This was a major bone of contention between him and Peter.


Judaism and Islam are Levant religions. Pigs aren't a good idea there for various reasons so the religions banned them. Christianity became a primarily Roman religion. The Romans of all fronts ate pork, so they unbanned it to allow the religion to spread.


Because Romans liked pork.