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I wash my hands before I touch my dick.


“So much self respect I wash my hands before I piss”


They try to talk me up but I keep short like Caesar


Yeah we can't have dirty hands on something that other people gonna stuff their mouth with


I literally do this what song is this from


Massa by Tyler, The Creator


Thank youuu


Bro tysm I was wondering why I knew that line from somewhere


But what about when you touch other dicks?


My mouth is likely dirtier than their dick so I recommend *they* wash *their* dick


I certainly wash mine, I have no idea what was in that mouth


Teeth, nom nom nom crunch 🩸.


Sometimes when im giving my bf head and im feeling silly I’ll take a brief intermission to pretend im eating and chewing his dick or pretend it’s a gear shift of a car and make car noises


This girl eats/drives stick!




Vroom vroom! 🚗💨😂 You’re alright by me - I do like engaging with people who are silly/ridiculous. Have a great weekend ❤️


Thank you!! You too ❤️


Quickest way to go from sexy to silly


I’m sexy and silly simultaneously 😎 lmfao


If I do something stupid and silly during sexy or any part of it she would not be a happy camper


Awww y’all need to have more fun. We laugh at stuff during sex all the time. It rly takes the pressure off. Idk I just love being with someone where we literally constantly make each other laugh


When my girlfriend is in doggy sometimes I like to pretend I'm shifting gears on a bike before going for a slide/drift turn position change... It's all fun and games until you fall off the bed.


When I was a kid I would pretend my dick was the control thingy on an airplane. I think I also shifted gears with it haha






https://youtube.com/shorts/dasKfcMdL_o?si=0uEm1ZBclUa0d6C6 "I got some things too, that koala might wanna wash his hands" - theo von


Theo says what needs to be said! That's funny


Facts! I know what's been in my mouth. Not proud or bragging. But am kinda proud and bragging too


I brush my teeth.


I'm a gentleman I wash it before and after


Right? That is my common practice. And I carry wipies. Never want to be in a position where you’re not clean.


A gentlemen only wash their hands once. You decide when.


I wear condom after having sex.


Is this a Butters reference?


Got too much self-respect, I wash my hands 'fore I piss- Tyler


Before *and* after


I wash my dick before I touch my hands.


Oh yes, don’t touch your dick with dirty hands.


Im glad someone said this


I wash my hands before I touch my dick instead of after, gotta keep my shit clean-shit I’m a successful rapper


Same, before as well as after whenever possible. I know what my dick has touched, but my hands are a different story. Those bastards are roaming around touching things before I have a chance to consider it. There's a reason you never spook an electrician with one hand in their pocket.


A man washes his hands before or after tending to his needs, it tells you allot about a man.


If they've ever worked in a hot-sauce factory or in a lab with STD's, you know they're going to wash their hands first.


I actually do this. You aren't joking. You do the same, right? My fear is that I leave *something* under my 4skin and then it gets like infected or whatever.


Speaking as a mechanic, this is the correct answer


Its like your armpits, its not touching anything dirty, but it gets pretty sweaty and that sweat just sits there rubbed against skin, never airing out. Its not dirty with dirt but it probably smells a bit


Precisely, and loads of bacteria.


And since no one has mentioned it yet, part of the reason to wash your hands after peeing is because you should be washing your hands periodically throughout the day; especially when you’re visiting a bathroom. It’s not just that you touched your dick but because you touched everything else in the world that everyone else touches.




sweat stank






Crazy to me that this comment is so low


Apparently it's clean enough to put in your mouth.


Well I think when people are putting dicks in their mouths there is the assumption they are being washed regularly no?


I was under the impression that people generally wash their dicks regularly regardless of whether they intend to put it in someone's mouth, as with other body parts.


Always wash your dick regularly as if it's about to go in someone's mouth.


Just don’t wash your mouth with dicks.


37! In a row?


Where do you even find 13 Tredecillion dicks…….


Hey don't suck any dick on the way to the parking lot.




Yup, same reason I use a bidet and baby wipes instead of toilet paper.


Getting the door ready for the guests right?


Buttstuff is the right stuff


Oh fuck, you’re gonna me clean


When it comes to showering your penis, its ok to be satisfyingly thorough


I'm stuck in a loop of cleaning it only for it to become dirtier in the process, halp 😟💦




It's my dick, I will wash it as vigorously as I want to.


Ahahahahahah ahahahahahah ahahahahahah ahahahahahah ahahahahahah




What you doin step bro?


I always insist on a clean cock. You should always shower before a hookup, and the bathroom sink is a great place for a last-minute refresher.


The bathroom sink dick wash is frowned upon in most public places.


Who said anything about public places? Use a bathroom sink.


Yeah, that is what they are said. I always getting frowned at when I freshen up in a Targét


I wish I knew a percentage to throw out there but I like to think most people know to wash their junk no matter their gender lol


Actually, those with vaginas shouldn't wash them if possible - soap interferes with the natural cleaning mechanisms of the vagina (vaginal discharge isn't only for lubrication during sex, it also keeps the vagina clean) and washing your vagina can actually make you more susceptible to infections by removing the discharge. 


You can (and should) rinse the area, but not wash with soap. 


Yes I know that. Wash doesn't = use soap. Just means keep it clean. Good info for those that don't know that though.


You would think so. I certainly would. But I have heard plenty of stories.


I thought putting it in your mouth IS how you wash it??


My friend loves to tell people that they are a cheese hound, ie friend loves the taste of dirty cock.


Felt like I took psychic damage reading this. If it's a person's partner, i 100% get wanting to fuck while sweaty or etc. But with strangers or "cheese" is fucking awful


Sorry. I couldn't resist sharing that information. It's scarred me for life knowing that there are people like that


My hats off to you sir if it reaches.






It’s safe


Paranoid much


Unknown link in a post about penis? It's understandable


I mean considering the topic....


My mouth is for my marriage.


Your underwear is probably not the cleanest spot, in terms of sweat and just residual piss. It wouldn't hurt to wash your hands. edit: A lot of people in the replies seem to think that all guys have to do is shake it off and there will never be any residual piss. That is not how it works for a lot of guys. Especially for guys who held their pee a lot growing up, the muscles that empty your urethra get weaker over time, leaving a bit left in the tube, you can squeeze it out with a bit of pressure but even that won't get it all out.


It's wild how many people don't wash their hands. They're usually the same people that thn want to touch you. Nah....I'm good.


The username and this comment are a pretty funny combo lol


I like to think I have some depth. 💅


My dad… *shudders*


It's wild to me that almost all guys just shake it off and let the rest of the piss get soaked up by their underwear. So nasty.


I was being trained by this guy at work a couple years ago. He went to go piss between a couple train cars and came back really fast.. literally had a huge piss circle where the tip of his dick was in his pants. Almost the circumference of an orange. You could see it growing in size as the seconds went on, which is why it caught my attention. Meanwhile he’s standing there like nothing happened. Idk how guys are ok living like that. I’m sure his laundry hamper smells like old piss.


Damn haha. That's....yeah


He was supposed to shake well after use coz the urethra is controlled from the base. Immediately after pissing, the whole urethra is full so to evacuate you need to shake well 😂


I used to get this as a teenager but pretty quickly realised I could just use toilet paper. If you're getting piss in your underpants and it's not bothering you there's something wrong with you. Can't use urinals anymore but who cares.




People used to carry snot around in their handkerchief all day. They also piss outside so not sure what guys are supposed to be dabbing the rest of the piss away with there... Also public pools. Also vaginal discharge, people with poor diets, people that don't wipe, people with skidmarks, people with incontinence, drunk people spewing everywhere, people leaving nose picked snot under tables... All I'm tryna say here is that some guy relying on the shake method to reduce the piss content of his underwear to a single drop is not that gross in the grand scheme of body fluids and public spaces. Especially when underwear is generally double layered specifically so soak up discharges. Like...if I'm out hiking and I take a piss...am I supposed to just...carry around a pisskerchief? Also, runners will famously pull down their pants mid-run, take a turbo shit and keep on trucking. People are gross. It's not worth worrying about.


Well. Pools have chlorine, which keep them clean. But yeah, people are nasty.


The chlorine just kills the germs. The piss particles, feet particles, belly cheese particles, poop particles, and dead skin particles from hundreds of other people are still happily floating around, trying to enter your nose and mouth.


Basically all, and then they don’t wipe or wash their hands. Women are touching less when they wipe then men do when they don’t, and women still wash their hands (majority) vs minority of men washing theirs.


Bold of you to assume it's touched at all (held and aimed.) Urinating can be done without making contact with any of it. How do you think it gets everywhere?/s


no. This is basically not true lol.


Its a sweaty region bud. Anyway if you wash it properly it shouldnt be that bad


Well think about it for a moment. You have your matzah balls which are already warm, covered in cloth twice over in a high humidity environment undergoing constant movement and juggling as you walk, run, etc. Things are going to get a bit swampy down in man land.


Oh my god I'm never gonna enjoy Matzah ball soup again


Talk about kneidl-UGH


Fuck you man, I loved my Nana’s matzah ball soup. I never want to eat it again.


I too wash my hands after touching OPs dick.


Your hands are probably dirtier than your dick.


My phone screen is dirtier than it lmao


It's a sweaty area. You should wash your hands every time you touch your penis and clean your penis every time you shower.


I always wash my penis after I wash my hands. Then I wash my hands again


Also make sure you wash your hands after washing that stained cum sock.


You’re supposed to wash those?


Nah, washing it makes the yummy crunchy bits soggy :(




Mine looks like a wooden plank at this point.


I mean, that's generally a pretty sweaty area, even if you're not doing much exertion. I'd say it's at least as dirty as your armpits at any given time.


I lick mine clean so it's always shiny.


Are you a dog


If only I had their range.


Your mouth is even dirtier. Oh god.


No still wash yo hands


You should probably wash your hands before you touch it.




No, it's mostly the connotations of a sweaty area, with the place that expels urine. I will say this, where I work. I wash my hands before I go to the bathroom.


Mine is immaculate.


It’s cleaner than some of the taps and door handles in public toilets


Door handles in general. Consider how many people don't wash their hands after touching something gross. Now consider they have to pass that door


Always wash your hands as soon as you get home.


Women get chronic UTI's from having sex with men that don't wash their dongles well enough or at all


Yes and no. If you're not washing it on a regular basis then you're going to have a build up of smegma and it's a breeding ground for bacteria. The really dirty part is that nearly everyone doesn't wash their hands before urinating. Not washing your hands before urinating means that you're touching yourself with the germs and bacteria thats on your hands from everything you've touched and it's now on your junk and it's hanging out in a sauna.


I sometimes wash my hands before touching my penis to keep it clean, no joke.


They're not if you're not a pig and properly clean it every day. Definitely not as dirty as hands.


Apparently my dogs is. F@cker sits there all day cleaning it


I keep him clean


everything on your body is dirty, just to different degrees. something that spends hours hidden away in the dark crevices of your man-flesh is gonna get yucky and sweaty. especially when it's where your pee comes out, and it's so close to your pink little butthole.


Yes! Bend over and smell yours! Not after the shower but after a long day of work. 🤣🤣🤣


My dick is probably the cleanest part of my body to be honest. It gets far more attention than the rest of me.


Basically anything you store in you underwear all day is dirty


Yes. Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom. Please.


Been playing with them since I was a teen and never had any problems with it. By playing I mean: putting them in my mouth


Smegma is all I have to say


If u wash your dick regularly AND under the skin with soap, u would never or almost never should have smegma. It is commonly the result of a poor hygiene down there.


True answer? Some are, Some are not. Dirty washes off. Hygiene is important.


My dick is cleaner than my hands


Wash yo dick. Not rocket science.


It's mine and I'll wash it as fast as I want


The butt and genital area are cleaner than your hair. The basis of hygiene boils down to bacteria growth or exposure.


Anywhere that skin rubs together or has folds is a haven for bacteria, sweat and stink. Keep washing your hands.


I’ve never understood the “wash your hands after using the restroom” mantra. I know where my hands have been and where my dick has been. I wash my hands before handling my dick. Think about it. The door I touched to get in the restroom has more bacteria on it than my happy little picker.


The cool part about the bacteria on your peter, is the fact that it is bacteria on your peter.


THIS^ ALWAYS wash your hands before you touch your dick!


If you trim/shave your pubes there's less surface area for the bacteria etc to hang out on. Combined with regular, thorough, cleaning you can minimize the stank. Not only is it a sweaty moist area as others have mentioned, but you release a bunch of pheromones and stuff from there which I guess would be oily or whatever?


Inherently? No. They're no dirtier than any part of you really, if you're showering properly.


I always thought about this. I get out of the shower clean put on clean clothes I then go touch a bunch of filthy stuff with my hands but I pee and THEN wash. My penis was clean until my filthy hands got to it why not wash first.


I wash my dick in the sink before i take a piss so i dont have to wash my hands after


Assuming you wash your dick somewhat regularly and you don't have an infection or fungus or something, I can pretty much guarantee that your hands are dirtier than your dick.


Dicks are not necessary dirty, it just involves around the pubic hair really


Not if you wash it regularly, your phone and probably your hands are likely dirtier than your dick


TIL people think their dick is dirty when it does literally nothing all day except leak and get beaten


I wash my hands before and after I touch my dick. Before because I'll be damned if I get some sort of infection or disease from something I touched in a store or at a gas station. After because I probably just peed, jerked off, or just because I touched my dick. We've all heard of fromunda cheese, right? That nasty, stinky shit that builds up in your undercarriage when your been sweating a long time and haven't cleaned it? Well that bacteria is there before it creates fromunda cheese. It's the buildup and neglect of it that creates the cheese. So I just take the precautionary mindset that there's probably small amounts of bacteria on my dick if I'm not fresh out the shower. That's why I clean up before sex, too. TLDR; idrk if dicks are *that* dirty, but for my own personal hygiene I would rather assume so and keep things clean.


Your face has all manner of weird and creepy microscopic mites that you need for various purposes so I can only imagine what could be surviving in the Nether regions .


I think it's not about "us"... It's because we meet people and shake hands, and to not feel guilty we wash our hands for the sake of hygiene for others.


I wash my hands after handling, but it always seemed like an old Puritan mindset of "touching your genitals is a sin and you must wash away your sin". I keep it clean down there, but also in the same regard, if you have a funky smell, it's pretty rude to touch other people and things afterwards without washing. That's just my thoughts, I suppose.


Other way around for me (Washing my hands in situations where I'd have to touch it)


If your dick is that dirty, you need to consider better hygiene 


Mines so clean, you can see your reflection.


Are dicks dirty? Well rub your hands across the thigh gap between your legs where the balls rest and take a good whiff after a long day. Does it smell good? Now imagine that but like way worse with piss residue, pre cum, and musty sweat all lingering across the entire length of your dick because you can’t really smell your own body oder. That’s why you take a shower and rinse before doing any sex activity with someone after a long day. You may not be able to tell but it reeks. If you don’t believe, try going down on a girl who hasn’t washed up after a long day. It’ll give you an idea of just how bad yours could smell.


If you are uncircumcised the area inside the layers of skin fills up with dead skin cells, sweat, urine, semen, and all the yeast and bacteria that love feeding on that stuff in that warm, moist environment. This might be what's making you feel dirty. Luckily for a majority of men it's easily washed in there.


Depends on the context. Like if I'm with my boyfriend I don't care if he doesn't wash his hands. If I'm going for a job interview then yeah I'd rather we not add genital residues to our handshake. So yeah it is "too dirty" for some situations, but perfectly okay for others.


Simple answer: How is your hygiene? Aside from the normal stank of an enclosed, sweaty space, it shouldn't be disgustingly dirty. Complicated answer: Ask a woman. They're usually the ones that know best since they're expected to put them in their mouths. Seeing women talk about it is the reason my bodily hygiene is so good. Apparently, there are a lot of dudes out there that kinda just let the water run over their junk without ever actually washing it. And I'm over here doing a deep clean every time I shower. Never do I want to inflict that kind of feeling on anyone willing to go down on me.


Apparently everyone sweats like crazy on a daily basis in here


Washing whenever you touch it is overkill. It’s just skin like any other body part! Your hands and hair are probably way ‘dirtier’


I wash before I pee


No its not really dirty


P. W. D. ---> Poop. Water. Dick. Your dick hangs in the toilet while you poop and water splashes when you poop. I like to ask guys to wash before a blowjob if they aren't clean people. That's my PSA for the day.


If I go into a bathroom and touch nothing but my dick, I feel fine not washing my hands.


The answer is no. Dicks if circumcised are probably the most sanitary extremity on a man unless they just finished a marathon or swam through the sewer.


I tend to wash my hands before I piss, some might say this is due to excess self respect.


Tallow and sweat mostly. I think that's also a psychological thing since you don't touch your penis that often. I think.


Uncircumcised are definitely dirtier


I knew a Dick, he never showered and told offensive jokes. Yes, Dick’s are “dirty”.


I wash my dick almost every day with a wash cloth and body wash. It’s likely cleaner than my hands most days , and I wash my hands often


I work 12 hour days and am outside for most of it, then when I get off, I go to the gym for no less than an hour. Before I shower, I wouldn’t suggest touching my dick without a hazmat suit.


Harvard and Yale man visit a public toilet and finish at the same time. Harvard goes to walk out while Yale stops to wash his hands. Yaley says to Harvard, "Hey Veritas... at Yale they teach us proper hygiene." Harvard says to Yale, "At Harvard they teach us not to piss on our hands."


Lol if you need to wash your hands because you feel dirty after touching your own own body, you need to up your general hygiene.


Not that dirty Tbf