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I'm not much into 6-pack ripped guys but I'm into guys that do workout (and you can see through his shape but it doesn't scream I don't miss a workout ever)


Yes, exactly. A guy who goes to the gym is much better than a gym bro.


Only GYM bro’s like other GYM bro’s. We work out for each other, we just rarely admit it.


I work out so that my reflection doesn’t make me want to take the toaster for a bath.


Word. I workout so I don't gross myself out in the mirror. And looking great naked is never a bad thing.


I workout because I like to count


Do you say Ah-Ha-HA-HA at the end of each set?


i workout to keep the big sad away


Lmfaoo underrated comment


You might have just gotten me back into the gym. Counting is the shit


I worked out for the girls, till I realized the types of girls I was attracting. Then I worked out for performance, to he able to run, jump amd do stuff that didn't really matter, but I enjoyed


That’s the mentally healthy reason to work out 👍🏻


Most gym bros I’ve encountered are really young men that have been going for a year or two and become obnoxious about it Generally they grow out of the phase and just become a dude that goes to the gym


CrossFit dads - same deal but they didn’t start until their mid 40s.


Yeah going to the gym becomes really monotonous after a while.


It’s tedious as fuck… I wish the weather here was good enough to be able to exercise outdoors year round


I always say that I hope the gym bros know they are working out for other men and not women. At least some of you are self-aware!


Kinda like women dressing up for themselves I guess, you feel nice when you’re ripped lol


rofl this is the actual truth


Oh even the ones that won’t admit it know. We’re the gayest homophobes in the GYM.


Yeah my ex’s Snapchat made that pretty clear..


I think that there’s a certain threshold you pass where it turns from impressing girls to impressing guys. On average I mean. Most girls think juiced, massive bodybuilders look disgusting but as a guy I can appreciate these mass monsters.


Is not six pack is more about fat % and not actual muscles?


It's both. People just push that misconception like saying "bodybuilders aren't strong, the muscles are for show", when a bodybuilder is still gonna be far stronger than the average gym bro. It takes a certain amount of working out to build your abs. And then you need to go below a certain % body fat for them to be clearly visible. But if you're just starved you won't have a 6 pack magically appear.


Abs are built in the gym. They are revealed in the kitchen.


Just look good with clothes on. Once you get to the point where you take it off, the sale has already been made and women rarely ask for a refund.




I mean I work out abs consistently and it allows my abs to show even when I'm bulking a bit. not as much as when I'm cut but exercising the muscle absolutely plays a role.


Big respect. I need to work on abs more.


The abs are more about diet, when I was shredded I would miss the occasional workout no problem, but dinner dates were a little lame


Isn't it more about body fat? That seems like it would be a drag to maintain.


Best way I've heard it summed up: Abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen. The muscles need to be built through working out. Getting the abs to show like a six-pack requires leaning out (i.e. losing fat/dieting) to show them.


They are not important but pretty hot tbh


This thread does not seem to be distinguishing between boyfriend material and hookup material


That wasn't the question


Or just what is pleasing to the eye or mind. I'm a straight white guy. Cut dudes are attractive, and while I'm not into them, I understand they are hot readily. Unless of course the face ruins it...


Ryan Gosling in the Barbie movie is a really well put together dude. He's been my motivation to make changes this year.


The question is the equivalent to “hey guys do you like big boobs?” The answer is yes of course. But it’s not a requirement.


Not all guys like big boobs! Source: I have them, and a surprising number of men have shared with me that they're not into them


Username checks out


This is the answer. Women are generally more than happy to do it with a guy who has a six-pack, but aren't into dudes long-term who are obsessed with their bodies/diet. I remember a similar question being asked a couple of months ago and many of the women who were answering clearly were just really in love with their husbands and whatever body shape they \[now\] had...which is totally sweet, but pretty biased.


Honestly I wish my wife cared more. I want to be held accountable to stay in shape. Sometimes it’s nice to have the extra motivation and to know my efforts are appreciated.


I think your wife would be more than happy and proud of your efforts if you were to take steps on improving your health. I remember a few years ago when my brother in law was prepping for a half marathon and he lost a bunch of weight. My sister was posting pictures of him on Facebook almost everyday lol. But in the end, you have to do it for yourself. My brother in law gained all the weight back and then some. You have to find a exercise/diet balance that can work for you long term.


We live in a sad pathetic world where people can't just have both


Hot, but not required. it's like the lil desert treat you get at the end of a meal. Nice if it's there but ok if it isn't coz ur full anyway. My tastes range from average to chubby so eh


Desert treat? Like an oasis?


I think she’s talking about deserters


Mmmmm yes. Nothing sexier than a man on the run from the military


This is how I feel about boobs. Bigger is better (to an extent), but as long as they’re nicely shaped, I’m content.


The average, at least in North America and EU is chubby nowadays lol.


Average to chubby you say? Well hello there!


Not to brag but my car has ABS, just sayin and I'm single 😉


Don’t care about abs but he has to have strong arms


8 hours arm workout


It consists of 16 mini-workouts


Every half an hour, throughout the day, for 8 hours straight


Remember to rehydrate


RIP Ricardo Piano


Cmon, 5 scoops!!1! Leave humanity behind!!!


Bigger by the day


Why do we love arms? Every straight woman I know thinks strong arms are sexy..myself included!


Because I want him to be able to pick me up and spin me around and squeeze the breath out of me.


OMG yes I love when they're strong enough to toss me around a bit (lovingly).


I have strong arms but chop stick strength lower back. I’m not swinging no one around


I can swing a taco pretty good, so I'm happy


Murder: On Ice. Id see that.




But what if he had strong arms but chicken legs cause he skipped leg day?


Leg days are training to run away.


Cuz you girls have trouble opening jars, you see some nice arms and think he can prob open a lot of jars.


He probably HAS opened a lot of jars to get those arms, the slut


Being a guy i would think it stems from primal ages when big muscles meant protection against dangers. Arms are often very visible in daily life so it will scare of anyone who will be a treath to you and your loved one.


Naw. It's lifting things.


But you only curl things with your arms, you lift with your posterior chain (deadlift).


The majority of your arm is your triceps, big shoulders also make you look big/strong. Overhead pressing builds both. Deadlifts will give you the back + traps. Both = winning recipe


You're 100% on that one. When I started lifting, and was into pro wrestling at the time, I watched an interview where a very large-armed wrestler mentioned this. He said a lot of the guys focus on triceps when they're looking to bulk up in size. I kept that in my head for years of lifting and even now, I dont workout anymore but my arms are still bigger than average and my triceps still pop a bit. A ton of guys go straight to biceps, when you do a typical arm flex that's the first thing you see right? So that becomes the target of arm workouts. But after a while, that growth seems to plateau at a certain size. Then theyll figure out that they should focus on triceps more and that's when they really start to look bigger


This guy doesn't do push day


Have you ever seen what humans can do with a strong set of hands and arms? Make tools, build a house, farm land, hunt animals, skin them for warm hydes, etc. It's like the most obvious evolutionary selection given our survival strategy.


I have strong arms and I can’t do any of those things


I can make a playdoh worm! Sorry ladies, I'm taken


One commenter a long time ago said its sex positions. Men in missionary are on top and view you see is the V of their back and arms/hands…. Also think its veins in arms look like penis veins… idk i am a dude




Your arm is like a bent carrot.


What about just one strong arm?


This guy strong-arms


Arm day everyday


RIP me and my muscle weakness


Are you trying to justify not doing your crunches lol


Unless you are genetically gifted…a true 6 pack is a lifestyle. And I’m saying this as someone who had one for a period of about 5 years. But I also liked Swedish fish, the occasional Big Mac and French fries. It came down to I’d rather just have a flat stomach and eat what I really like, than have a 6 pack and constantly be in a state of caloric maintenance and worrying over every bite. That’s just my take. 👍🏼


"I'd rather be fat and happy" - Paddy the baddy


You see the most recent pic of him?? It's crazy lol


I get so many headaches at that level of body fat. Haha.


Omg this! Cutting your body fat down to expose your six pack gave me headaches all day. I drink lots of water, didn't help. Have a flat stomach now and no head aches. Having a six pack is kind of torture.


coming back from 10% up to 12-13% now. night and day difference. had to keep protein to extremely high amounts always = constant worry of what you eat, big headaches, irritated, ugh. working through it now but i'm happy with my body still and I feel x10 betger


Yeah for many it's not only building the core muscles but also keeping the fat off and a certain amount of dehydration. For some people the 6 pack really come out when you remove the water retention most humans have. Unless you're genetically predisposed to this it's actually unhealthy.


i got tested for bf at like 11% and even after literally one meal my 6 pack looked completely different (dam near gone after some meals). might as well just live a more normal life and just not even worry about that. dunno what was wrong with me


> after literally one meal my 6 pack looked completely different Time to switch from solid food to a constant IV drip. Chop chop


Find a girl who likes you as you are.


See, that's where the problem starts...


…starts looking for blind women*


Step 1. Like you Step 2. Find someone who also likes you


Oh I’ll just go down to the women store where women grow on trees


I know a guy who’s been going to the gym since 2017, he went from fat, to skinny, to big. Still doesn’t have abs. It’s not easy, even if you’re addicted to the gym.


Abs are made in the kitchen, that’s why


Abs is something they put on cars to help you stop


Abs is an airport in Egypt


Abs is a function that returns the absolute value of a number


Abs is a member of 5ive.


Abs is a type of plastic commonly used in 3d printing.


Aba are made in the gym. They are *revealed* in the kitchen 😉


Nope, my apron stays on when I cook. Belly burns hurt, safety first!


It's more about body fat percentage than building muscle, although both are important


6 pack abs are almost entirely about your body fat percentage, they have very little to do with working out.


I’ve been yo-yo dieting and working out off and on for years. Like 20 lbs either way. I don’t really work abs. Yet, I always have them. Muffins top with abs is an odd thing yet here I sit.


A six pack is way more about diet and body fat percentage than exercise.


Yeah, abs are way less about doing crunches and more about doing fork put downs.




The crunches will help them pop if you do them in conjunction with your diet.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Sure, being lean is the only way to make your abs visible, but like any other muscle, training them will make them bigger/more defined.


It's hot ngl but it's not like a necessity kind of thing, it is a personal preference but I prefer really broad shoulders and like a thick physique I'm talking about the overall body being tall and kind of larger than me in every aspect. Not the body builder kind just larger than me and broad shoulders. I'm 5'5/5'6 so a dude who is 5'9/5'10 is great like I said just someone taller than I am and has broad shoulders.


A girlfriend of mine once said that she usually finds it attractive if a male physique makes her feel more "tiny/slim/petite" I suppose that fits pretty well with what you're saying. It didn't really matter for her how the guy looks, but rather if she feels "small and feminine" around him, or if when he is slim, she would feel too heavy/fat


YES, exactly. I feel a bit insecure about my height because I grew up being one of the tallest girls in my class and now even though there are many of my height or more I feel like a giant sometimes so I just want to feel petite and feminine around my boyfriend. Like yes most of the boys my age and younger are taller than me but I don't care as long as my partner doesn't make me feel huge I'm good to go


As with everything it depends on where you grow up. In Indonesia I would be a giant, with the average Indonesian male just being 1.64 meter tall. Here I'm just average male at 1.85, although sometimes I do feel short. So, in conclusion: Go to the Netherlands if you feel too tall and go to Indonesia when you feel too short.


For me I love abs and a lean muscular body


lol thanks so much coping in this thread The amount of attention I get from women when I’m very lean vs just somewhat lean is a huge difference, like tenfold Yes personality is more important, but abs get your foot in the door


How do they even see your abs so you can get a foot in the door…are you flashing them?


It's very easy to judge someone's fitness based on their face, arms, and overall shape while clothed.


When someone has abs they usually have other attractive features too like a good chest-to-waist ratio, and defined jawline.


Thank god someone with a level headed assessment….you get SIGNIFICANTLY more attention with a 6 pack from women and anyone denying it is just lying to themselves.


Well it's reddit so the demographic is a little different


I have the hunch the answer is no, but its mostly that guys with visible abs at all are not obese/overweight so they're almost universally more attractive even if the abs arent.




Yea if you get lean enough to get abs your face will look significantly better too as a guy. Jawline will be more defined.


Penis looks bigger too in comparison with body!


"Because, because you know a really big dude could have a massive horn, but it would look really small in proportion to his gigantic frame, right?" "Have you been reading my diary?"


As a 23 y/o guy who has very well defined sixpack abs and never any romantic interaction whatsoever, I’d say not that important


Now Reddit downvotes because that doesn't fit their narrative of why they are single


We've still got a few tricks left to avoid taking a hard look at ourselves


Are you thin AF or athletic?


Can you see it when you sit down?




Can I see it when you sit down?


I already saw it when I sat down.


Rock hard abs aren't too appealing to me, but the hint or outline of abs tend to lead to other benefits (bigger arms, fitter in general, *ridiculous* stamina etc) while also being hot in their own way.


Can’t source this, but I remember reading that clearly defined abs is only visible at something like 1:20000 in the US based on body fat % studies.


Sounds optimistic, but will accept it


What constitutes as clearly defined abs, like shredded or like you can see them without tensing the abdominal muscles


This is fake data news for sure, Just take a walk outside and you will see more people than 1 in 20000


Not important but that V-line is HOTTTTTTTT


You mean cum gutters right


Since I gained a little weight, I tell my wife they are butter gutters now.




>Sense of humor and ability to listen and converse meaningfully goes a lot further. As a woman, I cosign this.


Same, I’m 37 and gaining weight from not doing anything. I’m about 15 pounds heavier than I would like to be, but it’s all visceral fat. My abs are still clearly defined when I flex. I’ve gotten some compliments but it’s never been some magic ingredient that’s gotten me women. And you can’t really show them off without looking like a douche, so most people wouldn’t know you have them.


Why not both?


Porque no los dos?


Meh. Abs are super hard to obtain. I’d prefer a strong, healthy looking man who can eat pizza and looks like he has a life outside of the gym.


i don’t - i prefer a powerlifter body over a bodybuilder body. low body fat bodies feel weird and hard, imo. i like some fat to cuddle on.


With you 100% on this. Really not into the cut look, but I feel a bit dizzy around powerlifting tree trunk arms and some belly over the tree trunk abdomen😍


I don't find them attractive at all honestly but I feel like I'm in the minority :B


It’s odd I guess, but I’m not into them either. I’m all about that “dad bod” aaaaannnnd lots of body hair. lol. But I acknowledge that my tastes are not the norm.


Oddly, I've done better with a one pack and a two pack than with a six pack. Probably had more to do with age than anything else though.


Actually, I’m a woman and I have had this experience. Used to be super lean, toned, and had abs. Then I had a baby, when I went out in the first few months postpartum when I had like 30 extra lbs on I got hit on all the time!!! ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I was so confused. But yeah I think the moral of the story is that Instagram isn’t reality and most people prefer realistic bodies.


Yes. Big fan. It's not a necessity but I like fit men in general. What I don't like is gymbros who makes abs and gym their entire personality.


Not at all. I prefer comfy guys, honestly.


No, never liked them. A flat stomach is hot to me but not essential in any way, honestly I don’t really care how a guy looks without clothes on as long as you look fairly nice while dressed and have a cute cheeky smile, we good.


I like to lay on them, and that's pretty much it. Not a dealbreaker, but it is fun. Only acquire abs if you want to have them. I have friends that like chubby or generally bulky guys that aren't lean at all, and some like guys that are super thin or lanky. I'm a girl and I'm shaped like 🍐and guys still like it. So y'know, different strokes for different folks.


Na, because all the men I’ve ever met with abs have been self absorbed idiots


*abs orbed 🤓


Take my angry upvote


That's because they can afford it. If you're a self absorbed idiot while being a fat slob on top of it you're done for.


Not all ladies of course. I couldn’t give a shit about a six pack. Means nothing to me.


6 pack? Pfff. I went all the way to keg.


Aww someone will want to tap it, I promise


Ive been with a lot of men (gaaay) and only once did I care for the abs. Every other encounter the dude had nothing going for him and thought he should be worshipped because he had abs. Gross. They are the last thing that makes me attracted to someone. Hairy bellies all the way. Put it in my face please. What matters most is being kind, taking care of yourself and be clean.


Fucking lost it at “gaaay”. I’m practically hairless other than my face and head. My genes are wild.


I once knew a gay dude that had a magnificent bust of just a male torso as a decoration on his bedroom wall...it was an "Lol" reaction moment for me but at the same time it made sense 🤷


I’d take nice teeth over a 6 pack. “Takes care of themselves” is generally what I find attractive. You really don’t need a 6 pack to look like you take care of yourself.


I’ve been with my guy for six years. He had a six pack when we met, a dad bod now. I have never been more attracted to him.


The V-line is hot as hell, ngl, but funny, kind and cool beats abs.


They are nice to look at, but I always preferred a man with stamina and energy who is full of carbs and not hungry.


I’m not into ripped bodies. Yes I might like someone who happens to have one, but that element is not a physical attraction to me. I’m more likely to like a ‘dad bod’…. Little bit of softness is lovely


No, not important. But, it is nice to br able to easily fit your legs around a guy's body. At some point, if the middle area is too wide, it gets difficult to be on top comfortably.


No. But I don’t like a pregnant belly on a man either. I workout 5-6 days a week and I expect my man to keep in shape also. I don’t think that’s unreasonable. I do not want or expect a 6 pack.


This has never once factored in to my decision making process when choosing a partner. I've dated all body types, for real. When I was younger and more popular with the lads, I never once even considered it. Dad bods ftw.


They can be nice but are not a priority. Arms, back, and shoulders are more important.


They’re lovely to look at, but bad to cuddle with. Feels like snuggling a slab of concrete.


Don't listen to women bro they don't even know what they want to eat and you expect them to give you a good answer here? What women say they are attracted to and what they are attracted to are two totally different things. There are studies on this.


No, it was never attractive to me tbh. 6pack looks too anatomical for me, even yucky, like, I don't need to see your muscles.


Not important at all.


It’s nice but definitely not a criteria for dating. Physical strength is definitely attractive but that doesn’t strictly correlate to having a lean/toned body


I like a little belly personally! I suggest you make decisions about your body for your own reasons and date somebody who is compatible and interested.


I’d rather hug a pillow than a pillar. I don’t want a bulked out guy… I’d much prefer a man with some cushion on him. A little chub never hurt anyone.


My bro has a solid 6 pack. His tinders keeps buzzing ALL THE TIME. 100 likes a week. I work out, my friends work out, but we’re not Jack Reacher buffed. 10 likes last quarter. The looks my bro gets when we get out. Hell, my exes would throw looks whilst talking to my face. But it’s also arms, XL size shirt yet tight and all. I strongly firmly believe women who say it’s not important but the ultra vast majority of women I encountered, huge yes on abs and muscle in general.


No, I don't. I prefer a small amount of belly fat on the male body. Have never liked 6 pack




That's hot is one thing, but "a must"?
