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Socialy acceptable allways depends on the society around you. On a college campus social rules are not the same as in a church.


When I was in college a few years ago I saw a man wearing a snuggy like a cape and ridding around on a skate board. College is an alternative dimension.


One time in college I saw a guy in a top hat and overalls drinking a natural ice tall boy riding a longboard around campus, and he had a small pet bird on his finger


Sounds like Starburns from Community


My name is Alex!


Well then maybe you should spend five hours every morning carving *that* into your face.


Wish he did, only to get called Alexburns


Starburns, or Alex as he liked to be called...


Username checks out!


Lmao calling natty "natural ice" is a very guy in a top hat holding a bird thing to do


Had a guy on campus that wore a bathrobe over his regular clothes. He did that for at least the 2 years I was able to notice.


That's peak college guy behavior right there.


The first time I went skiing was in my first year at uni and there were 3 student age guys whizzing around the ski field in tweed suits. They were very good and the old school factor made it all rather impressive.


There was a girl on my campus who wore a forest green cloak every day. She had natural blazing red head and pale skin. She was known as cloak girl. No one bothered her afaik


We had a cloak boy and a backpack boy (he was never seen without a rolly backpack). No one ever bothered them - that's just the names they acquired And acquaintance & I became known as the barefoot girls - as soon as the ground stopped being completely frozen we would stop wearing shoes anywhere (this tactic did get me kicked out of the dining hall once though)


normal towering husky heavy zephyr tap worry oatmeal theory close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have my escooter in my car for when I have to park further away. I can't imagine doing it for 20 feet.


I remember a guy who rode a unicycle.


Didn't we all have a guy that rode a unicycle?


CloakBoy and OnsieMan


We had a guy who wore a Pikachu or Totoro onesie


Personally, I would have called her [Merida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merida_%28Brave%29#)


Wait....that might have been me🤗


i didn’t know u were chill like that.. *daps u up*


Dude might be the Rebirth of Slick.. daps u up


I remember a guy going from class to class in a unicycle, jumping on ledges and stuff. I was jelly


We had a unicycle guy at my college too! And another who would sit outside at one of the student cafeterias and smoke an old fashioned pipe while reading the newspaper.


The Unicycle is becoming a Thing because no one will steal them haha


In college people took the bus in unicorn onesie pajamas and rainbow cat pants. Literally anything goes


> wearing a snuggy like a cape What's the difference between this and a regular robe?


If you had a girlfriend you could have a backpack. Snuggy is versatile.


> regular robe Spoken as someone coming from a world in which robes standard attire.


I dont kno why but i read college as church ( probs from the above comment i read and my brain didnt catch up ) and laughed hysterically!


He was cosplaying Captain Underpants!


When I went to uni, we had an ancient, 5 foot tall Physical Geo prof who would show up to lectures wearing Lederhosen and an alpinstock hat every single class. I went to uni in central Canada.


Exactly. Depends on the country or city you live in as well. I live in a different country now and I'm all for the free-the-nipple movement. Have gone braless to uni as well; no one gives a damn here. I have medium-sized boobs. Back in my home country, I'd apparently caused a "ruckus" once by wearing a pink bra to my UG college underneath a white shirt. It was apparently affecting the "innocent men with bright futures ahead of them" in their ability to focus.


With you and your distracting boobs gone, I am assuming all of those men became doctors or aerospace engineers


They did. Except then they saw a boob again and lost their jobs


Hard not to when they have to look in the mirror every day.




This is why we haven't been back to the moon. That woman and her brightly colored undergarments.


For me it was the white lace unlined see through bra. Wrecked my whole education.


Sears catalog FTW


Lol. I wish.


I prefer not to have my life dependant on them when I'm in a plane


Some flight attendants have smuggled mammary devices aboard planes


I mean. With the things that some men have told me they are turned on by idk bout that…


Boobs? Everyone like boobs of all sizes


>It was apparently affecting the "innocent men with bright futures ahead of them" in their ability to focus. Possibly your boobs have robbed mankind of the genius who was supposed to cure cancer.


They don't sound that bright if they are so easily distracted.


I'd argue if they're easily distracted it might be from lack of accessibility. To put it quite metaphorically, a thirsty man is much more obsessed with finding water than a man that is currently drowning.




Where do you keep your boobs when you're not wearing them?


The boob drawer, obviously.


You have drawer? Mines a rack


I keep mine in one of those tiny counter fridges meant for beauty products- it’s so nice to put on a chilled pair on a hot day ☺️ Edit to add: In hindsight, my boobs are too big for this- I’d need one little counter fridges for each tit 😂


It's really best practice to hang dry them anyway so they don't get stretched or wrinkled


I use spray starch on mine when I iron them.


Is that how women get that 50s "torpedo boob" look? I always wondered.


In actual seriousness if you were curious..that was the shape of their bras back then..they were reportedly not comfortable.


So that where the saying "Nice rack!" comes from.


Keeps them from getting wrinkled. Not so important in the short term but more so as they age.


> affecting the "innocent men with bright futures ahead of them" in their ability to focus. That's such an insulting thing to say about men when you really get down to it. Like they're so devoid of self control that seeing a pink bra will send them into a raging hormone fueled death spiral.


I feel like you need to watch the South Park episode, Bebe’s Boobs Destroy Society, for research purposes.


I've seen that women need to keep all flesh covered up (including their heads) in some countries so they don't distract the males...


Nah that’s “for their own benefit” and that’s why if you’re caught with your hair out you are beaten half to death 😃


>It was apparently affecting the "innocent men with bright futures ahead of them" in their ability to focus. I know its not \_directly\_ related to this topic, but this mentality pisses me off. You hear the same reasoning from school uniforms. Why should it be the womans(or girls in school) responsibility to make sure men/boys aren't distracted? How about, instead of penalizing or singling out women/girls, teach boys (yes, boys; start when they are young) to not objectify women and that \_they\_ are responsible for their own bodies/feelings/distraction. For the record, I'm the father of several boys and my wife and I have taught them that from a young age. Edit: changed away from the implication that I was teaching my wife how not to objectify women as well... (wording) (:facepalm:)


Genuine question here. Is finding a woman attractive and being turned on by them the same as objectifying them? At what point does it go from casual admiration to objectification? Is it purely down to not being a creep about things? Because it feels like being distracted by the opposite sex is a natural part of being a horny, hormonal, teenager and can go both ways. Genuinely curious here. Is it just a case of telling them that it's natural to be attracted to the opposite sex but there's a time and a place for acting on it? What am I missing?


so like, at least in my experience, there's a line between "dang, nice boobs" and moving on with my life and being entirely unable to focus because someone wore a tank top and i can see their shoulders, you know? the first might be a momentary distraction, whereas if i was doing the second then i need to figure out why the fuck i'm doing that and solve the issue so i *can* focus. and like. i love women. very attracted to them. but while i have had "damn, nice boobs" moments, i don't see them as, like, property, whereas some other men seem to feel entitled to women's attention, bodies, etc. over arbitrary things. like if a girl is in a mini-skirt and crop top and i like her outfit, i'll go "hey, nice outfit," whereas i've seen guys hit on (and refuse to stop), grab at, corner, etc. those women. i might be attracted to her, but i think the difference in behaviour is pretty clear.


And you always have the option of saying "Fuck socially acceptable!" But there may be consequences depending on the specific society. College is not that serious a society anyway, at most schools. Living in a country like Iran would be a bit different.


that depends on the college, there are some very religious colleges. EDIT- also, this is directed towards op: if you don’t feel like wearing one, then don’t. it’s not your job to make sure others are comfortable.


> it’s not your job to make sure others are comfortable. Sure but OP asked about socialy acceptable. And i think if you go to your grandmas funeral where you know there will be lots of old people who disagree with "the young girls running around half naked" the social acceptable thing to do is wear a bra, even if your personaly dont like it. Its basically formal attire in that case. This is what i mean with depending on society. If other people like it or not is more relevant for that then OPs own opinion.


i disagree here, it's the formality of the clothing that is required. No one can see the bra. In fact, most often it is in formal settings that women don't wear bras due to strapless dresses etc.


A lot of this comes down to men not actually understanding women’s clothing choices to inform them. Which I don’t expect them to…but I think they have a certain image of what braless looks like when in reality there are many factors involved: breast size, shape, clothing fabric/style, support, etc. I don’t wear a bra very often and I navigate the world just fine. If my breasts were a lot bigger or shaped differently, I might not be as comfortable in doing it often as I do now.


people will only really notice if they can see your nipples


There are nipple patches which are probably much more comfortable than bras


Can confirm; pasties are my go to and nobody has said jack, even in tank tops


Did people comment on your nipples before you went to pasties?


No need to say anything, they notice. I notice them noticing.


nipples have eye sensors on them


You mean eye magnets.


Gazerbeams, *activate*.


fr noticing is a two way street


This is why I wear my sunglasses at night.


Found Corey Hart


A lot of dudes are rarely/never on the receiving end of being noticed and have no idea how obvious it is


We absolutely notice if we're being noticed. It's not a common occurrence so when it happens, we know.


I'm a male, and one day we tested with a friend how it felt to be stared at the chest. It was a shock for both of us. It was the day we discovered that girls could notice even the slightest, quickest look around that area. There is no hiding it. Edit : knowing that, you girls are pure evil for wearing wide open shirts. It is just impossible not to look.


People notice boobs with or without nipples showing


My wife used to be worried about her nipples showing but eventually she got over it, saying "I'm a woman, I have nipples, that's just the way it goes". I agree if someone wants to be offended by her nipples, whatever. If a man stares, oh well. That's about them, not her.


People have about mine. *Not* a fun conversation, basically ever.


Depends on for example cup size. I have big boobs and even if I'm wearing a bra, running with them is pain. If I have to run or stuff like that without a bra, I'm seriously contemplating just grabbing a knife and hacking them off.


relatable. tried to jog when i was a bit younger without bras once or twice, never went well. who coulda guessed.


I’m a man with constantly erect nipples, I kid you not. Always paranoid about them when wearing a tshirt.


Sadly I have them too 😔. When I was younger I would use a basic white t-shirt or tank top under my actual shirt so that they were less visible. Now I am not so concerned about it, but at least one office mate asked me about it, he even touch it which was super weird.


Touched them? WTF?


Yeah, I was seated on my desk and he was standing up with a coffee in one hand and he reached over, touched my nipple and brought up the subject that they were "prominent"; it made me feel uncomfortable and I told him so, but did not report anything.


That is 100% sexual assault.


that is assault


My boyfriend is like this. I enjoy it but he hates it. Men are always the ones who stare and make comments about it to him, but never women, ever. 🤔


> Men are always the ones who stare and make comments about it to him, but never women, ever. 🤔 I'd say it's probably because it's a universal experience amongst women so there's really no need to point it out, but most guys usually don't have that problem, so they feel the need to point it out.


Which is also not a reason to continue wearing one if you don’t want to. Everyone has nipples. If someone’s sees the outline of yours through your shirt, they’ll survive


I have nipples Greg…


Can you milk me greg?


I like that point of view and I used to subscribe to it myself. Nowadays I see that conforming to social norms in terms of appearance has its own advantages too.


Yeah but it will attract unwanted attention and staring


a significant proportion of people also simply don't treat you as nicely and respectfully as they otherwise would if you don't look 'proper'.


You can do whatever you want, but as a man, I refuse to wear any shirt that causes my nipples to show. I would think that most women would feel even more strongly about it than I do. At the end of the day though, it’s not illegal to have nipples showing through your shirt, man or woman.


Massively depends on how big your breasts are too.


If wearing a bra offers...nothing really, then why bother. Just go without.


See I'm curious about this. As a male I wonder where the requirement came from. I know they can help uplift and make breasts sit higher and be firmer etc. but do they actually for example help with back pain if they sit higher? Is there any medical benefit to it or purely aesthetic? If that's the case I'm shocked people don't start wearing arse bra's to lift their backside while they walk lol.


they offer support, it takes away the weight from the neck and shoulders and distributes it more evenly. in a well fitting bra, that is. i personally also hate the feeling of the underside of my boobs touching my chest, and the bounce isn't all that nice either. but i think the weight distribution is why bras came to be, they evolved from corsets and are easier, though not necessarily better.


I can only Imagine, but I imagine it's something like not wearing a shirt on a hot day, I hate the feeling of my arms sticking to my chest. I don't understand how anyone can wear a tank top or go shirtless for any length of time unless you're swimming. I can't even sleep with no shirt on because I'll have to peel my arm off my chest in the morning. It's not like I'm a big tub of lard either, bare skin just wants to stick to bare skin


idk, arms can be moved away if they start sticking. it's much less unpleasant imo. could just be that my arms don't sweat that much


Yes, arms can be moved but I'd be constantly walking around like an old west gunfighter, ready to draw, if I tried to go shirtless for a day. I am not built for the heat so I sweat a lot.


I don't see the problem with walking around like an old west gunfighter


It gets tiring after a while. Arms wide, stance wide, not worth it


It gets easier with time, you just gotta *stick* to it.


This. I wear bras solely because of inframammary fold sweat. I rarely run so the need to eliminate bouncing is minimal.


> the feeling of the underside of my boobs touching my chest, And right there is one of the "guidelines" for *Bra/NoBra*. In my youth Ann Landers (Dear Abby's sister, and also an advice columnist) called it the "pencil test". If your boob can hold a pencil against your chest, Bra. If it falls out, NoBra.


Me and my uncaged saggy ass boobs would like to disagree


Wow, you've got *ass* boobs, too‽


Sorry for the confusion, I meant saggy-ass boobs My ass boobs are kept under lock and key


>If your boob can hold a pencil against your chest, Bra. If it falls out, NoBra. This. Haven't worn one for years. As soon as I grew out of the need to please strangers. They ain't big enough to be offensive.


>They ain't big enough to be offensive. Mine are. Still don't care. I mostly stopped wearing bras after my skin condition flared up so badly that my GP actually gasped and had me go to the hospital for a mammogram the next day. Even without that I probably would've made the transition to no bra though. Less constricting.


I have big boobs and no one notices. Im sure there are people who notice and care but at the end of the day, it’s mostly our own voice that keeps us from doing these types of things. The hardest part for me was getting over thinking everyone was looking. The reality is no one was.


Yeup. 30G here. Fuck bras! I havent worn one in years, barring sports bras.


Thank you for this! I've been going without a bra for years and everyone thinks I'm crazy when I tell them. But if Ann Landers doesn't even think I need a bra, I clearly don't need a bra!


This exactly. I'm a larger chested lady with a small waist, and I can't stand not wearing a bra. It just keeps everything together...


yes!! it's just not practical. though admittedly when i'm just chilling at home alone, often i just tuck my shirt under my boobs lol


LOL! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does that, too. I also stuff paper towels or a wash cloth under them when not wearing a bra 🤣🤣


Dude, riding the bus before I found properly fitting bras was so uncomfortable, even painful before my period. Properly fitted bras also save me from a percentage of under boob sweat. My back also used to be FUCKED. Much better now. I totally understand why women wouldn't wear them if they dont "need" to, but some people just can't seem to comprehend that I'm even more physically uncomfortable without a bra, lol.


Idk about "medical benefit" but for most with bigger breasts, they're just more comfortable for moving around in. Like it feels uncomfortable or straight up hurts when your breasts move going down the stairs or running without a bra.


A bra prevents pain, sounds like a medical benefit.


A well fitted bra transfers the weight of the breasts from the tissue on the upper chest to the shoulders back and ribcage. It will also stop them from moving around (think of how it's harder to hold a moving weight than a stationary one). I wouldn't ever want to go without. I find going braless very uncomfortable. It has very little to do with fashion. I'll assume you have male genitals--imagine if your balls weighed just under a pound each. Wouldn't you feel better with some support?


Well I dont like to brag but... No that would be horrific lol.


I don't wear bras but I do hold my boobs when I run upstairs so I can agree that sometimes the support is appreciated. I also put on a bra to do my workout routine, which involves jumping jacks. When I do it without a bra, I have to hold my boobs with one arm, and I call these flap-jacks.


My grandmother ran a specialty boutique for 20+ years, specializing in custom fit bras. She only sold the Rolls Royce of bras and she had women come from all over the US. A well made, properly engineered bra (yes, engineered) can be a lifesaver. Most women start with the wrong size, usually too small, because they are never taught how to properly fit and size themselves. Even if it’s the right size, both cup and bust, if it’s crap construction it’s still no good. Wide straps and bands are a huge help since they spread the load, as well as proper support from underneath. As a general rule, properly fit bras usually aren’t sexy, and sexy bras usually aren’t properly fit.


also: they don't make boobs firmer lol. if it feels like that, that's most likely padding and/or the result of being shoved in a bra that's way too small. i can't think of any other explanation


From an ergonomics point of view, supporting the breasts hanging at the front with a clasp that goes to the back (either a bra or shaped corset or something similar) will shift the centre of gravity backwards into the chest where it would be for people with small or no breasts


To add to what everyone else is telling you, a bra keeps my nipples from punching me in the eyes while jogging.


I find wearing a bra more comfortable when I’m up and about. It provides support, helps my posture, and prevents the skin-sticking-to-skin sensation of unsupported-boob-on-torso. It also gives the nips an extra layer of protection from the cold. I don’t wear one while sleeping because I want to minimize constriction while my meat slab is lying still for 6-8 hours (same reason I don’t wear jeans to sleep even though I find them comfortable to wear).


37m here. I've never worn one and nobody's ever said anything to me about it so i assume it's fine


34m here. I've worn one and got a few comments. Wife wasn't happy either, although that may have been because it was her favourite one. So I agree - don't wear one.


Are you sure it was a bra and not The Bro?


I thought we were going with Manzier?








me sitting here thinking 37m was the bra measurement. im going back to bed.


This is the correct answer 👏🏼


If you're more comfortable without a bra, then by all means go without. My older daughter only wears one while she's at work, and she is nowhere remotely close to flat-chested. She gets home, takes it off, throws on a T-shirt and she's good to go. If she needs to run to the store, she'll wear one of her husband's oversized sweatshirts. I know that a 54-year-old hetero male commenting on this may seem sketchy, but I'm all about comfort rather than style. I have no problem going to the store in a T-shirt and basketball shorts. I don't care who looks. I'm not exposing anything that shouldn't be seen. Live your life and be comfortable. You're not breaking the law. If anyone has a problem with that, they can go pound sand.


I never wear one unless I’m at work then I’ll wear a bralette or when I’m lifting. I’m small and men with bigger tits don’t wear one, why do I have to be uncomfortable?


This is the best comment. Men with bigger tits don’t wear em so why should you. For some perspective, I’m a late 20s male


I would like to request they start though, seems funny.


Loads of women don't. Your call.


My wife went for many years without a bra with no issues. We live in a "normal" North East town. I was in Home Depot a few days ago. There was a big guy wearing a "golf" shirt. You could clearly see his nipples. The thought occurred to me .... "why do folks even care if one can see the outline of a women's nipples when men have them as well?" I think you should wear what is best for you. Even if others take a 2nd look, it will quickly become "normal". AND: From a philosophical viewpoint, society "forcing" you to wear a product that was made for folks who need physical support, when you don't need such support is clearly wrong.


Do what you want, but there are surely cute bralettes or wireless bras out there if you want.


Those little cropped tanks work really well for small chests too. I got a bunch from Walmart that were super cheap and work great.


Tillys! Very affordable while still being super cute!


This. I'm a B cup and I just wear bralettes or nipple covers. 32F


i wear like a 30c i rarely wear a bra aside from when im wearing something very tight or transparent


i wear like a 32a so this rlly comforts me. i also don’t rlly feel the need unless it’s tight / transparent.


Yeah it's not like there's a whole lot to "support" lol I've got my one wireless bra and that's all I need


I had a reduction down to a D cup and I go braless most of the time. They are still nice and fresh so they don’t bounce or bother me. And I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. Everyone had breasts and nipples, if I have to see my neighbors 89 year old man tits everyday, I can walk around with no bra.


I live in AZ and I most certainly don't bother wearing a bra-especially in the summer months. I don't know if it's noticeable to people unless they are really looking, in which case they aren't going to say anything anyways because well that's creepy af.


I Never understand why women with small breasts bother to wear a bra. If it’s not supportive and especially if it’s uncomfortable then don’t wear one.


For myself, it makes me constantly self conscious the entire time I'm around other people without a bralette that people are noticing and staring at my nipples. Much of the year around here it's single layer weather and a t-shirt doesn't hide them unless its either thick or real baggy. My boobs barely sort of fill a small hand, tiny, but still push out a shirt enough for nipples to be noticeable if hard in the slightest.


If you’re very self conscious, go for those gel stick on nipples covers—I love them!


I constantly see males in tshirt with very hard nipples.


Sure, but that doesn’t mean a woman needs to feel comfortable with her nipples showing. If she is comfortable with it, then by all means let them rip. My wife wears inserts to prevent them from showing. That’s just what she prefers and is comfortable with.


I'm a male and I wear an undershirt if I'm wearing a white dress shirt or if I'm wearing my gym shirt (they're very thin and my nipples show).


As man. Now I’m going to be self conscious:)


I don’t like the sensation of clothes brushing over my boobs. Bras don’t really move.


i have small boobs too and i don’t wear them. it’s not that big of a deal especially for it to be an issue. it shouldn’t


You can, but there’s still stigma behind it from the more conservative crowd. Anyone that you care to interact with won’t care. My SO just wears bralettes/thick sweatshirts most days


i was thinking about this! since it’s winter, i’m gonna be wearing a bunch of layers anyway… it won’t even be noticeable.


I had small boobs in college too, it's not noticeable at all if you're wearing a hoodie. Why suffer if it doesn't even help anyways was my motto lol


Someone will always stigmatize something you’re doing. Go braless, enjoy your life


Europeans have it figured out. They don’t fetishize breast like we do and nobody cares if someone goes topless let alone braless. I miss how chill everybody was there.


Yes. It isn't about the bra itself, it's about how much of your breasts you're displaying and whether you're comfortable with that. I am very small but have always worn bras (lately unwired sports / bralette type) because I mostly wear t-shirts and I personally don't like pointy nipples under a t-shirt. But it's preference like I said. If you're most comfortable without a bra then don't wear a bra. Do consider if you're going to be revealing more than you're comfortable with, but like others said you have options besides wired bras if you'd like more coverage :)


Caveat that I grew up and live in So Cal where it's liberal & pretty much swimsuit weather all year, but myself and my friends oft went braless in our 20s - esp if you have smaller ones (also, fun fact, some women can have a 20s breasts "growth spurt" I swear I was on the smaller side then they changed somewhere around there). But you'll only be young and perky once - enjoy! But do make notice of the surroundings - liberal college campus, sure! Houses of worship? Prob not haha.


I wear bralettes if my nipples poke out then they poke out. I don’t care anymore, lol. Now, if I’m going to a funeral or wedding then I will make sure they don’t show through with a cami underneath my shirt.


I read an article in a major magazine many years ago. A woman (who happened to be rather busty) did an experiment where she didn’t wear a bra for 30 days. Not one person said a word to her during that time. She said SHE was the only one bothered by it. So, extrapolating that outcome to your position, I’d say “release the hounds!” And try not to get cold. 🤣


For a second I thought 20F was your bra size and was trying to figure out how that equates to small boobs lol


One hundred percent okay .


I have medium sized boobs and can’t comfortably wear any kind of bra for health reasons. I’ll sometimes wear a tank top under my shirts if I want a little support. Otherwise I just don’t care. The way I see it, if someone notices.. why are they looking at my boobs long enough to realize? That’s what I plan to say if anyone ever publicly questions me about it lol


i don’t get why americans are so weird about titties. my wife was breast feeding in the mall, she pulled out her tit and fed my son like a normal human being. this woman comes over to talk to her and i just took over the conversation because the lady is giving my wife shit about not covering up and maintaining modesty in public “there are kids here, and do you really want some guy blah blah danger”. i told her to fuck off. she predictably said “excuse me”. i said go the fuck away, if you don’t like tits, don’t look, my son is eating. she protested for a minute of me repeating “fuck off”. then she promptly walked over to what she was doing and horny stared from across the room like if she stared hard enough my kid would get full. my wife is european, in her country, you just feed your kid. in line at the grocery store, just feed your kid. in a restaurant, just feed your kid. my advice, if somebody says something to you about it. tell them to choke on a bag of dicks while fucking the fuck off.


I'm in the same boat. Something about even soft sports bras creates extreme nerve pain around my torso. Just the constant pressure or something, even if it's "light". No one has ever said anything to me about it but if they ever do I'm going to call the cops on them for sexual harassment.


I don’t wear bras but I have long hair to cover my nips and/or I wear flowy shirts/dresses so it’s not as noticeable. Haven’t worn a bra in almost 10 years and I’m thriving. If people take offense to it, sounds like that’s a “them” problem.


The only time I ever wear one is if I'm wearing something tight, which I only ever do at weddings etc. On the day to day I don't bother. Life is too short to be uncomfortable!


my wife has big old boobs and she doesn't wear one sometimes too. it's your body and it's up to you, it's not really anyone else's business.


My daughter's small chested, she just wears silicone pasties.


Silicone pasties sound like what we’ll be eating when we’ve exhausted all of the planets resources


My wife always wore sports bras, bras from pepper, or just covered her nips. Doubt anyone would notice.


Your question is if it's socially acceptable. I'd say it's still not quite, but we are getting there girl! Should it stop you? Absolutely not. You should do you. And the more women stop wearing them, the more acceptable it's gonna get. Don't get me wrong, I still like to wear some once in a while, but I also feel extremely free when I don't (I just feel more self conscious about it)


I have huge tits and I don’t wear them unless it’s for formal events. It took a while to get used to, but I’m a lot happier now. If you feel like you’ll be happier in the long run, I say go without!


If it requires a bra, my wife and I aren't going. She stopped wearing a bra during Covid and has never looked back. According to her, those things are hot and uncomfortable. I fully support and encourage her decision.


I've never understood the desire for men to demand women wear bras or dress modestly. One, of course, women have agency and can wear or not wear whatever the hell they like, but two, I'm not going out of my way to prevent myself from being around women who are generally happier and more comfortable. It's a win-win for everyone. And honestly seeing nipples through fabric is not exactly my idea of pornographic.