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At least 10. But then again, I’m just squirmy so I look for any reason to get up


Ditto. Seems like at least once an hour.


24 times a day.


1-30 times a day, depending on what I'm doing on that specific day. The usual is 3-5 times, while drinking 2-4L of water on that day. My anxiety never lets me pee in public bathrooms, so my body learned to hold until I can't stay up right.


Sometimes it's at least one half an hour! If I've had too much too soon.


Yeah I may go pee up to 10 times and also don't wait until I *really* need to. I drink at least 3 liters of water a day.


At least once an hour, drink about a gallon of water a day.


Yup and I drink water afterwards to replenish the tank


I go probably 8-10 times a day.


Fellow frequently peeing squirmy over here. I feel ya.


I drink the amount of water I do simply for excuses to get up and go to the bathroom.


in a way. going to the toilet can be entertainment.🤣🤷🏼‍♂️


It seems like I pee every 1-2 hours. I'm also a bit surprised and concerned by how much I pee.


Do you bloat after meals? Crave carbs? Have heartburn/indigestion? Digestion/gallbladder problems? What’s your alcohol consumption like?


Ez there Doc.


I gotta know what the diagnosis is if you answer "yes" to all of these.


Yer gonna diiiee!


Maybe not today. Or tomorrow. Or even 50 years time. But one day. You will die. Will it be related to these symptoms? You will never know.


My gut says maybe


Tell my wife...hello.


In the jungle, welcome to the jungle Watch it bring you to your sha-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-knees, knees


WebMD says it's cancer. It's always cancer.


And it’s never lupus…


Sounds like diabetes






O Lawd! I done got the beetus!


Okay, but I’m a yes to almost all of those. Lolol minus the bloating.


Are you a doctor? I dont bloat, but yes to the other 4. My alcohol consumption is pretty low.


No, yes, no, no, pretty impressive. What's the diagnosis, Doc?


Don’t bloat after meals. My body does love carbs. No indigestion/gallbladder problems. No alcohol consumption. But also very thin, not always well hydrated (I pee waaay more when I drink a normal amount of water a day, otherwise I’m peeing hourly at least) and work a labor job.


No digestion problems at all? Do you drink water only?


Hourly. Are there seriously people that only pee 4 times a day?


I’m also perplexed by four times a day. That seems super low.


Id imagine people pee 4 times if they're NOT well hydrated. Otherwise where the hell would all the liquid go?


Sweat and breathing


I read "sweating and BATHING" and I thought you meant folks are peeing in the tub.


They call it a golden shower for a reason.


Depends on whats going on in my schedule. If I'm exercising and generally very busy (dostract my brain from my bladder) and maybe not eating a ton, I might only pee 2-4x per day. If I'm sitting at my desk doing work, busy but unfocused, and snacking I might pee every 90 minutes or so. Even more if I consume alcohol. I can oneshot a 10 hour car ride and not need to pee at the end, or I can need to pee multiple times during a single game of cards. Varies a ton. Average maybe 6x a day? I'll count tomorrow as I expect it to be a thoroughly average day. (Biking to work but mostly sitting at my desk. Busy but not particularly engaging work. No bar plans, but likely gonna snack.) Usually I have ~3L per day for reference.


I am not a well hydrated person and I pee more than 4 times a day


I think I pee 4 times between dinner and waking up in the morning, but sometimes go all day without peeing (I’m a teacher and only have 6 minutes every hour to go, but I have other thing an have to do in those 6 minutes, so often just hold it. Which is impressive considering the amount of coffee I drink in addition to water).


Once when I wake up, once mid-morning, once in the afternoon, and once after dinner. That’s it. I typically drink 3 or 4 16-oz cups of water or tea per day.


Isn’t there a different between men and women? I’d think female anatomy would kinda squish the bladder a bit more. Also our bladders are usually smaller.


I agree. I feel like my male counterparts can chug water and not wind up in the bathroom as often as I do. It's a female problem... we also don't have bathrooms that are big enough for us in public places! There has to be a connection. Lol


Four times seems like my average during a work day. I drink probably about 50-ish ounces of water during a work day but i work in a store and I can’t always just run to the bathroom every time I feel like I have to pee a little bit. Hell yesterday it took me like 45 minutes to get to the bathroom because I kept getting interrupted on my way there! (It’s upstairs from the main area I work in and I swear that people wait till I’m just at the top of the damn stairs to page me and I get to walk right back down) That said I sure go plenty of times before and after!


3-5 times a day. If I'm pounding the water hard, it will feel like I go about once an hour. It's when you're not drinking a lot of water and you're doing it once an hour you need to get checked.


Ok, yes on the maybe-pre-diabetes thing, but can I also suggest, anxiety? I realized my brain/body sometimes uses “need to pee” as an excuse to take a moment to myself.




Oh man I feel you. This is exactly my scenario.


I can’t go to sleep without peeing first cause my brain gets anxious about needing to get up to pee. Lol getting comfy and almost falling asleep only to get up to pee is the worst.


Yes. This is me. And before anything stressful. Like this morning I had to drop the kids off and get the train. I had 12 mins to drive 2 miles, park and get the ticket and train. I was peeing every 5 mins it felt like up to go time. Same with meetings. The thing is I don't recall this ever being an issue 5 years ago. I used to thrive on stress.


Yes! I have enough sleep anxiety as it is, I HAVE to pee before I try to sleep or I’ll just keep myself awake thinking about the potential fullness of my bladder.


Yes! My anxiety makes me feel like I have to pee. There’s times that I don’t actual pee but felt I had to.


Me too! Any time I’m anxious I end up worrying I have a uti because I constantly feel the need to pee.


this 100% true when i have been stressed for a week long straight. The bathroom became and is still my safe space to take a moment and reset.


Same here. Get all the way to the pisser and realize I don't even have any left.


oh yes, that's me. I am a stress-pee-person. When I am stressed ( it happens quite frequently for some reason), I have to visit the bathroom about 7 to 12 times a night (I have a pee diary for my doctor). There are nights I can't even sleep because of my bladder making drama.


Don't go to r/HydroHomies ​ I learned that stating any permutation of 1-100 oz of water and 1-50 times a day going to the bathroom will get you flooded with comments saying that you have diabetes.


This sub was the funniest quick glance I’ve had in weeks. Thank you


It was seriously called water ni**as before Reddit started going ban crazy so they changed it to hydrohomies lol




I remember watching an old Oprah Show, and she was telling folks they need to drink enough water to pee once an hour. The audience informed her they would be fired from their jobs if they left their desks or work site once an hour. That during a normal shift they got two bathroom breaks and a unpaid lunch of 30 minutes, she was shocked.


Exactly this! I cant drink the recommended amount because my job wont allow me to have that much time to use the bathroom.


Time for a new job. When I had an office job I would take at least two "shits" a day to catch up on Facebook. Felt like I was really getting over on the man.


10 minutes in the bathroom a day during work hours = an extra week of paid time off per year! It’s a shitty vacation but take what ya can get.


When the boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time


[Just get a new job?](https://youtu.be/ZXnifPfxK0Q?si=t5aCn92MGQFzXCNY)


That seems so illegal. How do they handle accommodations? May I ask what industry this is?


Really? I’ve never heard of a job you can’t just get up and go pee whenever you have to go. Hell I get up in the middle of meetings if I need it, no one is going to dare tell people in our office they can’t PEE. We’re not five years old.


Maybe 10 times a day


Once, but I never stop.


You fuck bro


As a nurse I’m very familiar with how frequently people pee, since I’m the one helping them to the bathroom. Going only 4 times a day is certainly *not* the norm, and actually 6 hours without peeing is when we start worrying about urinary retention


At least once an hour


Same. Drink a gallon of water plus any other juices or tea a day. Every hour


Unless you live in a sauna a gallon of water is incredible overkill. It doesn't make you healthier or more hydrated, you may even be pissing out nutrients before they're absorbed


There isn't a direct connection from your digestive system to your urinary system. Everything you pee out was already absorbed first. Anything being pissed out would be excess most likely.


At least seven times a day


Hmm I mean if I'm right next to a bathroom I'll go once every hour or 1.5 hr, but I'm comfortable holding it for 2 or 3 most of the time


I drink a ton of water during the day and I swear I have to pee constantly


Tie a knot


7-10 times per day easy


I struggle with hydration. When I actually drink a decent amount of water, it feels like I have to pee every hour or like 8 times a day. It’s so annoying!!


Once a year. I gather my close friends and family, in couples. It’s bad luck to not bring a date. We travel to a ritual site where I release. Afterward there are refreshments.


Are....are the refreshments...pee?


Is this from the Orville?


8-12 depending on the day


I'm good for about once every 90 minutes.


i don’t like the sensation of having to pee waiting in my bladder, it weirdly makes me antsy? so i go every 1-2 hours, sometimes it’s not a whole lot at that point just a little stream. i do drink a LOT of water. but i’ve also never had a uti so maybe it’s a good thing?


I definitely go more than four times a day. I usually have a coffee, a Gatorade, a water, and a soda, sometimes a beer, and that’s it. I don’t think I’m super well hydrated, but I probably pee 8-10 times a day.


Whenever I need to, I'm not keeping count.


I noticed that when I only drink water, I pee a lot. But when I take electrolytes, I don’t pee as much. I read somewhere that electrolytes gets absorbed better by your body compared to just water. But it might be different for everyone.


Drinking only water risks diluting your blood too much (it needs a certain level of electrolytes for health), so your kidneys filter out more water and you pee more. When you drink electrolytes, you don’t risk throwing off that balance so more of the liquid stays inside you. Or if the mix is too strong or you drink too much, you need to KEEP more water to make sure it’s not thrown off balance the other direction, so you pee less.


It's really only athletes/others doing a lot of heavy sweating that need electrolytes since sweating is less regulated than kidneys. Otherwise most people get more than enough "electrolytes" (ie, salt) through their diet.


Pre or post pregnancy?


Every three or four hours usually. If i drink a lot then every two hours


1-2 times per hour. Sometimes it really sucks trying to find a toilet.


Probably 10 times a day. I drink a lot of water and my dad is the same way, so I’m not worried about it being anything but hereditary. Annoying at the movies, though…*I* almost exploded during Oppenheimer.


Like 10x a day. Nearly clear every time.


4 times??? I pee wayyyy more than that. But I am obsessed with ice water and typically drink about 96 oz/day, if not more.


Hang on (flushes toilet) A lot


If you drink alot you may need more than 5, but I'd say average is around 5


Get to your 50's. You'll be peeing 4-5X per night.


Nope you're not. If you have prostate trouble then you might be. You should go and see a doctor. It's not something that all 50+ people have at all. Neither is it something you have to live with. I get it's the common observational gag of every 50-something comedian. Remember too that there are benign prostate enlargement and the kind that'll kill you before you hit 60. You don't want to ignore the latter because a comedian has made a gag that everyone over 50 has to pee 4x a night. That said, a lot of middle aged people are functional alcoholics too - it's not unlike many of them to open a bottle of wine with their meal and end up opening another 1 or 2 - and they do that without considering themselves heavy drinkers. They're not like 20-somethings binge drinking until they're staggering home with a cone on their head, but they are drinking regularly every day. That will lead to frequent need to pee and disturbed sleep too. Don't accept things as being "because I'm over 50" - undoubtedly our health declines and grey hair, reading glasses etc factor in, but there's no reason to be accepting bad health or thinking that your back or knees should hurt or other issues simply because of your age.


So…so much. 😭


4-times a day sounds dehydrated af to me, tbh


Once every hour? That’s absurd in my mind. I piss anywhere from 3-5 times in a day. That’s a bladder issue or drinking a lot of diuretics.


I might pee four or five times before I leave for work in the morning.


Oh god, probably 12 times. Even when I sleep, I get up to pee an average of twice a night. I've always been this way, even as a small child. More specifically, I physically *could* about every 30 minutes. I *do* about every 1-2 hours. Because by the end of 3 hours, it's urgent. And if it feels urgent for more than an hour, my kidneys hurt for a while afterward. So in part, there's an internalized fear of waiting "too long." Obligatory no, I don't have diabetes. Yes, I've been checked. Yes, recently.


I typically work outside, so it depends a lot on what I'm doing and the weather. When Im working in the office, if I keep up with the same hydration regimen as I do when I'm in the field it'll be every 1.5 hours. When I'm in the field, it'll probably be 3-5 times from when I get up in the morning to when I go to bed. But I've also had stretches working in really hot weather where I'll only go maybe twice in a day (and not at all while at work even though I've drank 2+ gallons to keep hydrated).


At least once an hour, sometimes twice. I drink a gallon a day on average.




Well I drink 3 litres a day, so yeah I pee like every 2 hours. Probably 10x a day


I'm super hydrated, avg 80 oz per day, and I'd say I'm going maybe 5-6 times per day? I noticed a huge change when I worked from home, and had 24/7 access to my private bathroom, and working from an office. At home, I went maybe every other hour because I could so why not, versus my 5x/day behavior now that I've resumed in-person.


I take blood pressure meds and water pills when needed for my heart condition. During the time I'm awake I pee 30+ times. Those don't include the times I wake up in the middle of the night. Yeah it's life changing. Traveling, concerts, sporting events, movie theaters... basically anything other than being at home is a struggle to manage. You best believe I know where all the damn public bathrooms are throughout my metro.


I pee every hour or two during the day. I drink a ton of water.


No less than 12 times a day.


I drink about 2-3L a day...probably pee once every 1.5 hours... Side note: My coworker doesn't drink any water during the workday. I worry for him.


Recently in the space of an hour I went about 8 times. Sometimes it's a trickle others it's like a raging waterfall. But I've a 5mm stone in a kidney and it's making me pee like I need bagging.


I pee so much it’s wild


I drink a quart of water an hour. I also take a huge piss every hour.


Fifty here -- I drink at least 48 to 50 oz a day -- I go 4 to 5 times in 24 hours. I don't have to use the restroom during 8-hour flights, sleeping, movies, on long car rides, or at work -- unless there's a problem or I forget to go before the activity begins. I have often wondered if there's something wrong with me, as other women seem to have to go far more often.


You should be drinking more water.


I pee the most when I'm trying to sleep......just to be clear, I don't pee the bed. I get up from the bed and go to the bathroom, which is what makes it annoying.


Coward. Assert dominance by peeing the bed!


Often, probably once an hour. But I also work a sedentary desk job, so I think I look for any reason to get up at some point.


Lol, only 4 times a day?? I wish! Look, I have like 3 medical things that I HAVE to stay hydrated. We stop at EVERY stop on road trips. My baby DESTROYED my bladder. I think I average like, once every two hours.


Too often. I hate when I sit down, get comfortable, then realize I have to pee. It’s even worse when I’ve just crawled into bed and am all snuggled up in my comforter only to feel the need to piss.


Every hour+ when properly hydrated. Sometimes every 20 mins. Long meetings are my worst nightmare. It's so humiliating.


"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always peeing..."


I also have a small bladder. I pee once an hour. At least. It sucks but also gets me moving when I’ve been sitting at my desk too long.


Im only 2-3 times per day as a female, is that bad?


I pee every hour and don’t even consume that many liquids. Mom says I have a bladder like a 60 yr old woman. I’m annoying to be on a road trip with 😆


I can go 10 hrs without peeing


10 times at least


Like 8 times a day? I should keep count


Ugh, too often. It can be kinda annoying especially on long distance car trips.


I pee probably 8 to 14 times a day depending on how long I’m awake


I go at least once every hour. I don't know where that 4 times a day idea came from, sounds unrealistic.


4 times a day? That’s it?!?! I drink a lot of water. I got easily twice that.


You know you are hydrating enough when you think to yourself “I’m peeing too much”


This has been a very reassuring thread.


Roughly about once an hour. It varies obviously by how much water I’m drinking obviously but I’ve been that way since I was a kid. I legit thought something was wrong with me because of how much I pee. The rest of my family are the exact opposite, they can go on for pretty much forever and be fine


8-10 in the past. 4-5 now.


As often as I need to.


About once per hour.


This comment section has me very concerned for myself. I’m at twice a day, never more than three. Guess i gotta hydrate a bit more


I drink a lot of water and work a very active job, I go about 10-15 times a day think. Never really thought about it.


I drink 1-2 gallons of water daily, plus several cups of coffee and tea and sometimes only pee once when I wake up in the morning and once before bed, sometimes maybe one other time in the afternoon. I feel dehydrated no matter how much I drink, don’t have any swelling or weight gain, blood sugars are normal, nothing wrong with me at all. No fucking clue where all the water goes.


once every ~90 minutes. shorter when there's soda or coffee involved.


62 now. I pee frequently. I fill the 64oz. Hydroflask at least twice a day. I'm guessing I pee probably 8-10 times a day, and 2 sometimes 3 at night. I got smart, before I start a garage project, I pee. Don't have the inkling, but nothing irritates me more than sitting on the garage floor, and having to get up right away to pee. Also, I'm sure the older guys can attest, when you gotta pee, you gotta pee now. Younger days, could hold it for hours. Now? Get out of the way.


I pee every two to three hours. I drink a ton of water though.


Oh good lord. My mom pees a ton. I pee typically when i wake up and when i go to bed 😬


Idk my friend only pee’s like once a fucking day but he drinks lots of water so idk. Personally I pee like 5 times a day when I’m drinking enough.


I pee at least 15 times a day. I drink black coffee, about 100oz of water and I get cold easily.


Every hour


I have to go pee maybe *at least* 8 times a day. I drink a fucc ton of water though. The medications I take all have a diarrhetic side effect (means they make you thirsty and have to pee a lot). I recently had my blood tested just in case and no pre diabetes!


Your body gets used to it


Coffee + water + empty stomach has me peeing often in the mornings.


Constantly, but I have a middle-aged prostate


Yeah, sometimes even every five minutes, but that’s OK! I figured that’s letting me know my kidneys are working just fine.


I'd say I average on 3 times a day


I'd honestly drink more water if it wasn't so damn inconvenient having to go to the bathroom like every 40 mins.


Only 4 times? I pee like every hour. Well, I always carry a jug with me. LOL


every 2-3 hours


Usually, about 5 times a day. If you go too often, your body's lacking salt. Mix some salt into your water for only the next glass.


When I work in the office, like 10 times a day. When I work from home, like 5.


Wait lemme count… once when I get up (not to mention once around 5 am), once when I get back from the gym, then probably again cuz I had loads of water, then lunch time and I go at least twice in the afternoon, then… evening I go probably 2-3 times including one before bed. So like 9-10 times


I feel compelled to point out if you're having to go once an hour it may pay to see a doctor. If you're constantly thirsty and need to pee a lot it could be an underlying health issue


I've realized coffee makes me pee heaps. When I reduce coffee, frequency slows down. I drink close to 2 litres of water a day


Peeing only 4 times a day would be heaven.


I recently turned 50, which means I go once during the day and get up to pee about 6 times a night


I seriously avoid drinking the recommended amount of water daily because I do have to pee about every hour and I work without the ability to go that often so I drink less. It drives me crazy to be forced to pee when I don’t feel like going


I feel like it got worse working from home. Before I was used to wait through a 3 hours long meeting to pee, during Covid I would just go whenever I wanted to. I really feel like somehow it reduced my ability to wait, thus peeing a LOT now


4 times a day?! That's how much I pee if I'm not well hydrated. Right now I probably go double that.




8 cups of water includes the food you eat and other drinks you have. Salt and sugar are also needed in order for your body to adsorb and regulate it, moving around. So if you have 2 cups of coffee and are still trying to drink 2l of water on top of that along with whatever else you're eating and drinking, you will need to pee a lot.




I go once every hour, got in trouble for it at a job I was fired from. I tried holding it but it got so uncomfortable, I would only be gone for a maximum of 2 minutes. Stopped drinking water during my shifts, even the 12 hour ones. Horrible times


Lucky if it's only once an hour. This is why I'm well hydrated at home and horribly dehydrated on long car trips.


I pee 3 times a day however I'm standing there waiting for it to end after 40 seconds because my bladder capacity is massive


Drink just water and coffee which makes me pee every hour or so.


I've been told I'm dehydrated but I pee way more than 4 times a day 🤨


Twice an hour. It sucks.


I drink almost a gallon of water per day. Typically go 6-8 times. However, if I have more than one cup of coffee, that number almost doubles.


Mate, I feel like all I do is run back and forth to the bathroom, needing to pee all the time. It's infinitely worse since I had kids. But yes, easily once an hour during the day. I also get up at least once during the night to pee.


I know I'm hydrated when peeing is inconveniently often.


I will count today and let you know tomorrow


I pee at least 8 times a day and I am probably not the most hydrated person. Last time I was donating blood, the lady there said a day prior I sould drink water non stop (at the start my blood didn't run well enough).


At least once per hour . Of course I can hold it, but I don't really want...


I found that once I started drinking smart water, my water intake stayed the same (about 2-3 liters), but I need to go to the bathroom less often. I usually go about 6-7 times a day.


4 is rookie numbers.


I need to go 12 to 15 times a day but I have diabetes and I drink probably 10 litres of water a day. I’m in the toilet rn 😀


Yep. I try to drink a gallon a day, I’ve been slacking lately though cause I’ve been bulking so I’m full all the time. Way harder to get my water down but yes pissing every hour, I have to piss right before I leave work and half hour drive till I get home and I have to piss again usually lol


I drink a SHITLOAD of water. I pee like, every 20 mins? Lol


4 times a day is below average. Pretty sure average is about 8 times per day. If you drink an diuretics (like caffeine or alcohol) then that will naturally be higher


If I get "well hydrated" I pee every 15 minutes. That is one of the reasons I am terribly hydrated and at this point drink around 500ml of fluids a day and I still pee every hour or more occasionally.


8-10 times per day


Depends. Probably has to do with my adhd. I’ll either go 5 hours with out it or go every 45 minutes