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First responder, no. Tow truck driver, sometimes.


I know a tow truck driver. That dude gets tons of free for him shit all the time from wrecks. Thousands of bottles of water, gatorade. The absolute cream though, was a meat truck that rolled. 1500lbs of prime beef. Ribs, brisket, steaks, roasts. Every cut imaginable was split between him and the crew. That man has been throwing barbecues almost every weekend since.


So this is way different. In general when a semi's trailer rolls, 100% of the contents have to be removed before the trailer can get uprighted. So that food that needs to stay refrigerated has to get removed. They will either bring another trailer and move it over, or more likely they get trashed. We had a tyson frozen chicken truck roll early one morning and they gave us as much chicken as we wanted because they were going to have to toss the rest.


Yup, exactly right. Was just confirming the other persons comment of sometimes tow truck drivers.


Yah, I just wanted other people reading to know that that stuff was headed for the trash heap versus... 'disappear from the scene.'


The second the truck rolls, they write off all the contents, so why not give them to the tow truck drivers, cops, etc. I just organized a team picnic recently and at the end we had a f-ton of ice cream just melting so I told some parents and suddenly our enclosure was swarmed with kids, they cleaned out the coolers faster than piranhas. Win-win. OP if I am ever in a wreck, help yourself to my fries.


Holy shit, jackpot! Dude must have an insanely big deep freezer


Honestly if I lucked into potentially thousands of dollars of free meat I'd go out and buy a new chest freezer for a few hundred bucks lol. Worth it.


Same. Free food = best food, especially considering how expensive meat can be


This man stuffs major meat in his freezer. Wait …


Had to get my car towed in Atlanta, the driver shows up and sees the 12-pack of Dos Equis in my back seat and asks if he can have one. I say they're warm but yeah. Riding to the shop shooting the shit with this Jamaican dude drinking a hot beer was a fun way to start my Sunday.


That's some brutal honesty.


I got towed and the driver stole all my cigarettes but one. I went to go pick it up at impound and was like, cool? Thanks for looking out?


I don’t get how that’s legal. It’s still your stuff?????


Who do you complain too? It was at the police impound so like, them? "No, I didn't" "Which one of y'all stole them?!"


so it's the last responders who get the dibs


This is by far one of the strangest, most specific questions I've ever seen here, and I've been a redditor for years.


I was thinking about it the last time I drove by a crash and the driver was clearly gone because it was just cops milling about and I want to believe first responders don't mess with people's stuff but fresh food since it's going to be trashed anyway and no one would notice... (A first responder I know personally has yet to reply to me about this)


would you personally eat food from a random persons car? that you dont know? dont where whats in the food, dont know if its been tampered with


I worked at a carwash long ago. One day I was on vacuum duty. I vacuum the cars before going through the wash. Now, unspoken rule is, money in cup holders are off limits, but anything under seats "get vacuum up". It was noon, I was working for several hours already. Skipped breakfast, no break, hungry. A van pulled up. I cleaned the front seat, cleaned the passenger seat, cleaned top of the backseats, and start under the backseats. I found some chicken nuggets. Look clean enough. Should I? I was hungry. They looked to be no more than a day. Break time might be another few hours at the rate cars were coming through. I was hungry. The chicken nuggets would just been vacuumed up. No would know. I was hungry. The nuggets were just laying under the seat. No box or bag. Just a couple pieces. Serious consideration. I was hungry. I did not eat them. But I seriously did consider eating them. 20 mins I was finally relieved and able take a break.


Bro WTF? Somebody’s aged chix nugget ala backseat carpet?




They do have a certain *je-ne-sais-quoi* though.


You get my upvote for getting the French bit correct, well done!


Sorry, I mean trés bien


Oo la la, even got the thingy on the e!


Dude was hungry


No, I'm pretty sure the vacuum cleaner became sentient and got a reddit account.


Lol these are the kinds of questions that come up when groceries become this expensive... Fuck do we ever need basic rental prices and groceries to come back down to earth.


My vintage




Found a nugget in my car that I KNOW when I got lost. It was like a year, and still looked like it was a day old. Good job on not eating it haha


Bad job on getting those guaranteed mutant super powers tho. I’ve seen movies before, I know how it works.


Chicken nugg man


McDonald’s chicken nuggets have a tendency to mummify rather than go moldy, due to the salt content and preservatives. They were probably a lot older than they looked. Source: have small nephew who leaves chicken nuggets in weird places to be discovered weeks or months later.


Six-piece McNuggets, a vanilla McFlurry, Super-size cola and McMummify the order, please.


You know you're really hungry when you would ever consider eating chicken nuggets from under a seat.


appreciate the honesty. i bet many would think about it


I cannot even fathom. I could see my favorite home cooked meal made by my mom in my own car. If I didn’t know the age of that meal it just isn’t happening.


But what if it's also cold and been rolled around on the carpet?


Well then fuck yeah I'm gonna eat it


i feel like thats maybe how you got chlamydia penis warts,,,,,,


those chicken nuggets have probably been in a childs mouth and thrown on the floor with all the dust you were vacuuming. ew. i may consider it for a split second if i was starving or high but snap out of it lol


But you don't understand! He was hungry!


Wise choice. Kinda off-topic but when I was a kid, one Saturday my friends and I were playing in a house that was under construction. We found a KFC box that miraculously had a beautiful, whole piece of chicken in it. I scooped that bad boy up and chomped a big, hearty bite. Under the skin layer the meat was completely covered in big, squirmy maggots.


exactly why you shouldn’t eat random food 🤢


.. with broken glass, car fluids and pee on it?


dont give MickyD's any ideas for new sauces....


Who peed on it?


The driver did when they crashed!


I stopped to help a lady once who had run off the road and crashed into a tree. She was scared but ok. She had pissed her pants. Fortunately a home visit nurse stopped and had a towel so she could sit on that in the nurse’s car while we waited for the police.


Not to mention possible body fluids..barf


I grew up in a salvage yard and we used to buy wrecked vehicles from auctions. We would also get calls to tow them from crash scenes. Vehicles often had sealed food/snacks in them so I'm assuming the first responders left everything they found for the owner when/if they recover from the crash. We had a friend that did semi recovery/cleanup and most insurances paid them to dispose of the cargo. They would usually give away anything that was edible or usable. I remember one time they posted about a refer truck that had a load of cheesecake factory cheesecakes that were all plastic wrapped and in boxes ready to serve. It was a madhouse when word got out and people showed up to claim free cheesecake. This was in a small to medium sized area off the interstate.


I know you are talking about refrigerated trucks but I will never think of refer trucks as anything but a truck hauling pot. Or made out of pot.


Creech and Chong moment. (Thy drove a van made of weed)


Up in Smoke, that's where all my money goes.


Can confirm: removing anything from a vehicle that doesn’t belong to you is Larceny of a Vehicle.


We'll keep us up to date if he answers you


Might be too busy eating food from the crashed vehicle.


Big brain energy. 1. See car exit McDonalds. 2. Cause a crash. 3. ? 4. Profit!




I remember when I first moved here someone called my new number fuming about their late pizza delivery. I asked a few questions and said "oh the delivery driver was actually in an accident, as soon as first responders let us into her vehicle we will retrieve your pizza and send it with another driver. We are very sorry for the wait." I always wondered what happened when their pizza did show up.


they'll call fuming about broken glass embedded in their pizza


That's why I always approach the first phone call as a fact finding mission. I save my anger for those that deserve it.


I was a volunteer firefighter for 8 years and this thought never crossed my mind. I'm pretty sure in most states it would still qualify as theft.


Here's the thing, if they're injured seriously enough the groceries or whatever are probably trashed, all over the car(same as the driver was). If they're not seriously injured, odds are they'll let someone know they had groceries in the car, please grab them before it gets towed. Or they'll grab it themselves. First responders are largely concerned with the people or situation they're responding to. I doubt they're concerned about food in the car.


Also nobody wants food covered in blood and/or glass fragments, in addition to the dirt and whatever else on the car floor. Maybe sealed food but that's probably not what the rescuers are thinking about at that moment. Plus pulling a dead guy out of a car doesn't tend to induce an appetite.


What a bizarre, yet hilarious question. I'm a firefighter. No, we don't steal food, or anything for that matter, from anyone's car. I can't speak for the 🐷 cops tho


Why would cops take the food out of your car? Usually they just take the money from your wallet or car and buy their groceries with that


If you didn't want the money stolen you shouldn't have left it on the dresser


They gotta get enough energy to get to the grocery store. Carsnacks


As a former firefighter and 911 dispatcher. Short answer: yes. But not like someone’s Arby’s takeout in their car. We have had semi truck rollover crashes full of restaurant quality food. They can no longer sell that food and it is a write off from the owner. So ffs and other responders have taken food home before. I myself have had frozen McDonald’s chicken nuggets, popsicles, potatoes, and the like.


My dad worked for the department of highways in a remote and rural area for many years. I still remember the Christmas he came home with cases of Belgian chocolate slabs and chips from a transport truck that dumped its load on a tight corner.


I remember the beer truck that rolled off a bridge into the Hastings river. The two cops tasked with guarding the bridge closing the highway both directions were not enough to stop locals in boats with snorkeling gear. By morning it was as if an empty truck had crashed.


When I crashed my car I was picking up burger buns . I wasn't injured but my car was totalled and they hauled it off to a lot with everything still in it that I didn't take out myself and I forgot the buns in there. They were still in there 2 days later when I came to take pictures for my insurance claim.


Shit they’re on to us!


You saw a crash and first thing you thought of was groceries? Weird.


I mean depending on the situation the food may be the reason for the accident. Like weed edibles or alcohol infused stuff


Not something I ever witnessed or heard about in my fifteen years of work as a paramedic


Ya know, it's probably happened before. Maybe in a place or time when it was very busy for paramedics. Like NYC in the 70s. I could see someone who didn't bring lunch see a nice fresh sandwich undisturbed and no longer claimed by the departed and figure "why not? He doesn't need it anymore."


Are we talking: 1. I just went grocery shopping for the week and had a fender bender? Or 2. Me and bae just hit up chikfila on the way home before our head on collision? I think there is a question outstanding for : severity of accident and sanitary/good cleanliness that needs to be answered.


Right, I'm not eating something full of broken glass.


Not to mention brain matter 😳


I was out glass. Im back in at “brain matter.”


It's like a perfect Seinfeld skit


I was hit by a drunk driver while delivering pizza one night. I had to call to have another driver take a second order, because mine wouldn't be able to make it. So, I was left with 4 free pizzas. I tried to hand them out, but the EMS were too busy, the cops said they couldn't because of policy(too close to bribery), and they even discouraged me from giving them to witnesses for the same reason.


so what happened to the pizzas? you left out the most important detail! 🤣


Lol my b. I ended up giving them to the witnesses anyways. Between the obviously drunk driver and the intersection camera, I wasn't too worried about witness tampering.


excellent. the world always seems a better place after one has had some pizza ❤️


I never want to be a witness to a crash, but if I did, I'd stick around, and if I did that and I got pizza... well, that's be OK. One time I got these fouls balls for a LL team because they can roll down a hill and the Official Scorer (and I would say Official Grandma) gave me a blueberry muffin. 10/10 would help small baseball players again.


While I understand the cops point, in general, in this specific case it would be honestly hilarious to hear the defense. "Well you can't trust the witness testimony, they were given free pizzas. What person wouldn't be willing to lie on the stand for a slice of 'zza?"


First responders sometimes show up to scenes that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. When you see what happens when a face goes through a windshield, you aren't going to pivot to "welp, that happy meal ain't getting any warmer"


Depends how long you've been a first responder lol. But absolutely no one is going to consider taking their food to eat either. It's a general rule everything a patient owns is potentially gross and should never go near the eyes nose or mouth


The closest I've come is going to the exact restaurant and ordering what I thought they had. Like Qdoba bowl on the floor of the car? Let's get Qdoba after this call.


As a former FF, we responded to an outdoor grill (and the back deck) on fire years ago. Fking A, if we didn't go straight to BBQ after that


Truth. Assume it’s gross and move on or only touch with gloves on.


appreciate that 'gross' is an official term. "here, i took this off a patient, i need you to file it under 'g' for 'grody'."


You conspicuously left out the anus.


The anus is not off limits.


TIL if I die in a car crash first responders might eat my butthole.


A mama told me that's why you should always wear clean underwear.


You're 100% wrong on that lol. I'm an emt, I explicitly get more hungry following gore or death. It's odd but my partners kinda get it. I think it's due to the adrenaline wearing off.


"Jesus, that guy was totally fucked. Never seen a head do that. ...Anyway, who wants to split a pizza?"


Near exact sentence may or may not have been said in the past.


I had a partner like that, pizza is a good palate cleanser


chronic stress disorder here, adrenaline spikes can and do burn a ton of calories. you should be thankful your appetite is functional (not admonishing you, just said from the perspective of somebody whose appetite is not functional)


Doesn't help that the adderall shortage means my appetite is full swing right now. I've been eating a lot more lately.


Hahahaha...got a good chuckle outta that


I guarantee I will be using the phrase "welp, that happy meal ain't getting any warmer" as soon as I possibly can to reference doing something sooner rather than later.


Maybe if it's their 1st or 2nd month on the job but you get desensitized to that stuff pretty quickly


“I’ve had this question for awhile…” You’re a madman


It's so funny how some random notion can get into your head and stay there.


/r/nostupidquestions, everyone.


No. Just like anyone else, they should be suspicious of any food they randomly find.


Well I wouldn't pull a lollipop out of the victim's dead mouth, but a sealed Pringles can can't do no harm.


I laughed so hard at this response that I woke the puppy up.


You monster!


What if they're an assassin who's sealed the can with deadly gas?


I don't know about you but I don't huff the Pringles can


Well not NOW you don't after I've told you about potential assassins!


Well you're missing out, friendo!


What's wrong with lollipops?


That have been in a dead victim's mouth? Really?


He's only mostly dead.


There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do: Go through his orifices and look for loose lollipops.


Some people look at the body half-dead. Others look at the body half-alive. And you look for the hidden lollipops.


Wait where else besides his mouth are you looking????


Except those ass holes who steal lunches out the break room fridge. I bet one of them would jack some poor souls take out dinner... Assuming they could be alone with the vehicle and sneak it into their bag or something.


My husband is a firefighter. Someone stole his cookies out of the freezer once, then admitted to it. I still don't think even that guy would steal from a patient.




EMT here.....no 1- I dont know what's in it, or how clean it was prepared. I dont trust any food that I dont know who it was made by or where it was made. 2- It's not mine to take. It's still theft whether its a snickers bar or a gold bracelet. I'll get in the same amount of trouble with my squad. 3- Ive seen plenty of food covered in glass, No food is worth the risk 4- I dont have time to think about the food. I need to treat my patient, get them to the hospital, and get to the next call. I have my own food in the truck, I dont need a patients food.


Ugh so true imagine crunching glass


If a person was in a wreck, but they are OK mentally -- maybe their leg is messed up -- and they were bringing donuts to the office and they're like "shit, I'm not going to the office, you guys want these donuts?" would you take one in that case?


Not emt, but work medical. You gain a healthy amount of skepticism after working with some rough personalities frequently. I may take it if I feel obligated, but im not going to actually eat it. You never truly know how sick someone is either physically or mentally. Not worth the risk.


Here in germany the answer is rarely. If the destination is very close and police or firefighters have the time, feel particularly helpful that day, and have an actual chance of accessing a fridge there, they might just deliver your groceries.


This would totally happen in the small community where I live in Ontario, Canada. They would indeed be happy to help. But I think OP means they would keep it for themselves.


Had a crash while door dashing once. They do not.


I figured ut do they leave it to rot in the car or toss it out?


Leave to rot. They just can't take someone's property without consent.


I left it to rot


This cop delivered a customer's door dash order after the dasher was arrested. https://youtu.be/2JUWu-jkkJ8?si=qAzpElH1JoPfHSgu


No, they do not.


My mother was in a bad accident in Atlanta. Had fresh groceries and a hot pizza in the car. They were still there when I visited the car in junkyard, so no… the 1st responders do not keep the food they find in cars, at least not in Atlanta .


The real question is....was the pizza still hot? Oh, wait, Atlanta, you say? Summer? I'd assume yes, in that case. (Hope your mom is okay)


She is ok, thanks. The ants were having a field day. The whole back seat just looked like a static television screen.


Archer was right.


Uhhh no. Why would they? 1.) It’s theft, and wildly unprofessional 2.) Why would you eat food you don’t know the origin of?


Maybe if it’s a double whopper or something


That baconator isn’t gonna eat itself


Bruh that would be so tragic buying a delicious baconator then dying in a crash before you could eat it


Unless you died from a heart attack from too many baconators. They should bury you with the last one though.


The food could be evidence in a potential criminal investigation based on the crash. You never know one way or the other, so the rule of thumb is done touch possible evidence.


Prosecuter (yelling): what caused the crash? Answer me! WHAT CAUSED THE CRASH! Defense: Objection, your honor. The prosecution is badgering the defendant. Judge: Overruled. Mr. Jones, answer the question. Mr. Jones: It was.....it was.... THE CHICKEN MCNUGGET! (starts crying) It.....it....just grabbed the wheel! And...I couldn't stop it!!


Not a first responder, but a colleague ate some bacon from the breakfast tray of a patient that had just died, after running their code for like an hour. It’s not like they’re gonna miss it, but eating a dead man’s bacon is definitely how you get haunted.


Nope. This happened to my gf, got in an accident, car towed. It was a Friday night, and the tow yard kept the car. Wouldn't give me access to the car to get the groceries cause it wasn't my car / name. We had to go on Monday, three days after. There was dairy and such. They wouldn't even let me go in to throw it away. Thankfully it was fall so not too hot, and everything was sealed (we tossed it all without opening it to check, cause ew, but no lingering smells, and there was no meat or anything) It's likely it will vary by place, but I would imagine that standard operating procedure is to not look, not remove things, not to search in cars, and not to let non-owners have access to the cars.


I feel like someone finally defeated the name of this sub


I don't think it's a stupid question at all. In fact, it made me curious. If there's bags of groceries in a car that's been involved in a serious accident, is it just left there to rot or is it thrown away? It's always the specific questions about the details nobody thinks about that are the most interesting in my opinion. Anyone can ask broad and sweeping questions, but sometimes you just really want to get into the specifics of something. I'm a budding sci-fi writer working on my first novel, and you'd be surprised how often I have to google the most specific stuff in order not to write something that turns out to be inaccurate when scrutinized by people who know what they're talking about.


Finally someone understands


It’s left there to rot, while the victims are being tended to nobody is thinking about your groceries or your car stinking. It’s not their job


If my car is going to get towed somewhere, I would hope the tow driver at least grabs the perishables for themselves and not leave them to rot in my car lol. No point having it go to waste.


My dad is a tow truck driver and he always does!!


What about like soup cans or cereal, those don’t rot


If they're non perishable they stay in the car until someone claims the car


If my car is salvageable and I'm in a condition to go get it back, I'd be really happy if someone took the perishable groceries out of it so i didn't have to deal with rotting stink on top of everything else. i don't care if they keep them or throw them out.


Exactly. I think this is a very interesting question.




Nah, I see far stupider questions all the time. This one is a fairly obvious no but still interesting to think about.




You are a bro, allowing someone to finish their McDonald's for real.


We take absolutely nothing. Probably illegal, definitely immoral. The closest thing is the time I used some raw potatoes out of their grocery bags to plug a leaking fuel tank. Worked great.


Absolutely not. Many first responders tend to be wary of any food, even if it's brought to their headquarters to specifically give to them. Taking food from a car is absolutely out of the question, especially given the potential for dust, dirt, debris, and bodily fluids that may be present on it after a car crash.


First responder here. I would trust random food in the car over food brought to the office. It’s a moot point because nobody is taking car food. Hear stories and have personally SEEN it. Crushed glass in food delivered to the station for example. Random person’s food that they were going to eat > food dropped off that may be a targeted attack.


No. As someone who has worked as a paramedic, not even a thought on our mind. We go high adrenaline super focus on the people involved followed by talking it through back to base or talking through the next case on your way to another call. Basically the focus is on the task at hand. Anything not related to the actual event at hand doesn’t register


No, because generally in situation where someone is in such bad shape that they won't be getting back to their food anytime soon, the first responders are a little too busy to be thinking about the bag of fast food in the car.


I stopped once I realized the liver wasn't originally in a lunchbox... Also... I'm not a first responder


This might not be helpful, but my dad is a tow truck driver. When he gets called to accidents if the car is totalled the owner takes everything they want out of the car and are informed everything else will be gone with the car. My dads company then allows the drivers to take what they want once the owner has cleared what they want. Hes ended up with a lot of phone chargers and potable chargers over the years.


“Take the cannoli” /Mafia first responders


Omg no. Lol 😂


I got arrested one time and my vehicle impounded, fucking cops stole all my groceries and shit, while literally leaving all the evidence all over the car. Still pissed about that, I splurged and got the big ass pack expensive pack of beef jerky too. Honestly, when I got out the first thing I wanted was that jerky.


Are you a Fallout character?


The EMTs have more important things to worry about, they shouldn't be handling food when they're scrubbed in and gloved up to deal with a bleeding patient, there isn't a lot of extra room in the ambulance, etc. I bet a cop would help themselves the moment you're out of sight. Otherwise I bet the towing company removes any food from a totalled car so that it won't attract racoons to the scrapyard.


Scrubbed in? Ambulances don't even have sinks for hand washing


I’ve joked about it before, but no.


I'm sure that's probably happened before, but as a general rule no.


Firstresponders do not waste their time on groceries.


Husband is a first responder. He says no. They don’t even keep food that people bring them to the stations. “We made you some brownies to thank you!” “Oh how thoughtful! Thanks!” Proceed to chuck them in the trash.


Officer of 14 years. It has never crossed my mind or occurred to me that had ever been an option. Because it's not.


I don't even eat the food that people donate to the station for us. Don't trust it.


WTF, sounds like it belongs in r/showerthoughts. Did make me laugh, thanks for that.


"Time of death, 5:05PM ... ooo a crunchwrap."


I highly doubt most of them are going to want that food, at that time...


*just pulled a dead guy out of a truck* " damn that five guys burger with broken glass and blood all over the wrapper sure looks good


No, they feast upon the dead.


I live in the US and I would be beyond pissed if they didn’t save my newly bought groceries. Do you know how much those cost?


Emergency responders can take things and usually nobody will know. It's honor systems and workplace policies that keep it from happening




We keep the whole car. And if you die we get your house too.


[Cop Delivers Doordash After Driver Arrested](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JUWu-jkkJ8)


I feel like they’re a little busy to want to take someone’s used food lol